Esempio n. 1
        // Build a for loop statement.
        public static void BuildForLoop(IronyParser parser, Root root, Expression parentExpression, ParseTreeNode currentNode)
            var loop = new ForLoop(parentExpression, currentNode.Token.Convert());

            // Build the initializer expression for the loop.
            parser.ConsumeParseTree(root, loop.Initialization, currentNode.ChildNodes[1]);

            // Build the conditional expression for the loop.
                case "for_range":
                    parser.ConsumeParseTree(root, loop.Condition, currentNode.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0]);
                    parser.ConsumeParseTree(root, loop.Condition, currentNode.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[2]);
                    parser.ConsumeParseTree(root, loop.Condition, currentNode.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[0]);

            // Build the increment/decrement step expression for the loop.
            if(currentNode.ChildNodes[4].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                parser.ConsumeParseTree(root, loop.Step, currentNode.ChildNodes[4]);
                var literal = new Literal(loop, null);
                literal.Value = 1;

            // Form the body of the loop.
            if(currentNode.ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                parser.ConsumeParseTree(root, loop, currentNode.ChildNodes[5]);
Esempio n. 2
        // Emit a codedome expression representing a for loop.
        public static CodeStatement Emit(ForLoop loop)
            // The expression describing how the for loop starts.
            CodeExpression startEx = null;
            // The expression describing how the for loop ends.
            CodeExpression endEx = null;

            // The for loop has both a start and end defined. For example: for int i in 0 to 10
            if (loop.Condition.ChildExpressions.Count > 1)
                startEx = CodeDomEmitter.EmitCodeExpression(loop.Condition.ChildExpressions[0]);
                endEx = CodeDomEmitter.EmitCodeExpression(loop.Condition.ChildExpressions[1]);
            else // The for loop has only the end defined. For examle: for int i in 10
                startEx = new CodePrimitiveExpression(0);
                endEx = CodeDomEmitter.EmitCodeExpression(loop.Condition.ChildExpressions[0]);

            // The statement that initializes the for loop (int i, i, etc).
            CodeStatement varInit = null;
            // The variable reference from the initialization: we need this when the initialization is "int i".
            // The variable reference is "i".
            CodeExpression varRef = null;

            // An intializer that is an explicit variable declaration must be handled differently.
            if(loop.Initialization.ChildExpressions[0] is ExplicitVariableDeclaration)
                // Get the explicit variable declaration
                var explicitVariable = loop.Initialization.ChildExpressions[0] as ExplicitVariableDeclaration;
                varInit = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(explicitVariable.TypeName, explicitVariable.Name, // The declaration
                    startEx);                                                                   // The assignment
                varRef = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression((loop.Initialization.ChildExpressions[0] as ExplicitVariableDeclaration).Name);
            else // It's a variable reference
                // Get the variable reference.
                var variable = loop.Initialization.ChildExpressions[0] as VariableReference;
                varRef = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression((loop.Initialization.ChildExpressions[0] as VariableReference).Name);
                varInit = new CodeAssignStatement(varRef, // Left operand

            // Pie's for loop is limited to less than or equal conditional.
            var op = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression(varRef,

            // The step: the amount incremented or decremented.
            CodeStatement stepSt = null;
            if(loop.Step.ChildExpressions[0] is Literal)
                var literal = loop.Step.ChildExpressions[0] as Literal;
                stepSt = new CodeAssignStatement(varRef, new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression(
                    varRef, CodeBinaryOperatorType.Add, new CodePrimitiveExpression(literal.Value) ));
            var i = new CodeIterationStatement(varInit,

            // Emit the statements found in the body of the while loop.
            foreach (var e in loop.ChildExpressions)

            return i;