public static void QubicleImport(QubicleImport existingImport) { using (BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(existingImport.ImportedFile, FileMode.Open))) { FromQubicle(stream, existingImport, existingImport.ImportedVoxelSize); } }
public static void QubicleImport(QubicleImport existingImport) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(existingImport.ImportedFile); using (BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(existingImport.ImportedFile, FileMode.Open))) { if (extension.ToLower() == ".qb") { FromQubicleQB(stream, existingImport.gameObject, existingImport.ImportedVoxelSize); } if (extension.ToLower() == ".qbt") { FromQubicleQBT(stream, existingImport.gameObject, existingImport.ImportedVoxelSize); } } }
private static void FromQubicle(BinaryReader stream, QubicleImport root, float voxelSize) { //const int MAX_VOLUME_DIMENSION = 64; uint sizex = 0; uint sizey = 0; uint sizez = 0; // uint version; uint colorFormat; uint zAxisOrientation; uint compressed; // uint visibilityMaskEncoded; uint numMatrices; uint i; uint j; uint x; uint y; uint z; int posX; int posY; int posZ; uint[,,] matrix; List <uint[, , ]> matrixList = new List <uint[, , ]>(); uint index; uint data; uint count; const uint CODEFLAG = 2; const uint NEXTSLICEFLAG = 6; //version = stream.ReadUInt32(); stream.ReadUInt32(); colorFormat = stream.ReadUInt32(); zAxisOrientation = stream.ReadUInt32(); compressed = stream.ReadUInt32(); //visibilityMaskEncoded = stream.ReadUInt32(); stream.ReadUInt32(); numMatrices = stream.ReadUInt32(); string volumeName =; string path = Helper.GetMeshStorePath(); for (int d = root.transform.childCount - 1; d >= 0; d--) { Volume vol = root.transform.GetChild(d).GetComponent <Volume>(); if (vol != null) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = di.GetDirectories(); for (int dir = 0; dir < dirs.Length; dir++) { if (dirs[dir].Name.ToLower() == vol.AssetGuid.ToLower()) { dirs[dir].Delete(true); break; } } } GameObject.DestroyImmediate(root.transform.GetChild(d).gameObject); } } for (i = 0; i < numMatrices; i++) // for each matrix stored in file { // read matrix name byte nameLength = stream.ReadByte(); string name = new string(stream.ReadChars(nameLength)); // read matrix size sizex = stream.ReadUInt32(); sizey = stream.ReadUInt32(); sizez = stream.ReadUInt32(); // read matrix position (in this example the position is irrelevant) posX = stream.ReadInt32(); posY = stream.ReadInt32(); posZ = stream.ReadInt32(); // create matrix and add to matrix list matrix = new uint[sizex, sizey, sizez]; matrixList.Add(matrix); if (compressed == 0) // if uncompressd { for (z = 0; z < sizez; z++) { for (y = 0; y < sizey; y++) { for (x = 0; x < sizex; x++) { matrix[x, y, z] = stream.ReadUInt32(); } } } } else // if compressed { z = 0; while (z < sizez) { index = 0; while (true) { data = stream.ReadUInt32(); if (data == NEXTSLICEFLAG) { break; } else if (data == CODEFLAG) { count = stream.ReadUInt32(); data = stream.ReadUInt32(); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { x = index % sizex; // mod = modulo e.g. 12 mod 8 = 4 y = index / sizex; // div = integer division e.g. 12 div 8 = 1 index++; matrix[x, y, z] = data; } } else { x = index % sizex; y = index / sizex; index++; matrix[x, y, z] = data; } } z++; } } var newObject = Editor.Instantiate(EditorUtility.VoxelVolumePrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; if (newObject != null) { = name != ""?name:volumeName; newObject.GetComponent <Volume>().Material = EditorUtility.PicaVoxelDiffuseMaterial; newObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GenerateBasic(FillMode.None); Volume voxelVolume = newObject.GetComponent <Volume>(); voxelVolume.XSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizex); voxelVolume.YSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizey); voxelVolume.ZSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizez); voxelVolume.Frames[0].XSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizex); voxelVolume.Frames[0].YSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizey); voxelVolume.Frames[0].ZSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizez); voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels = new Voxel[sizex * sizey * sizez]; for (int v = 0; v < voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels.Length; v++) { voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels[v].Value = 128; } voxelVolume.VoxelSize = voxelSize; if (zAxisOrientation == 0) { voxelVolume.Pivot = new Vector3(sizex, 0, 0) * voxelSize; voxelVolume.UpdatePivot(); } for (z = 0; z < sizez; z++) { for (y = 0; y < sizey; y++) { for (x = 0; x < sizex; x++) { Color col = UIntToColor(matrix[x, y, z], colorFormat); if (matrix[x, y, z] != 0) { voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels[(zAxisOrientation == 0 ? sizex - 1 - x : x) + sizex * (y + sizey * z)] = new Voxel() { State = VoxelState.Active, Color = col, Value = 128 } } ; } } } voxelVolume.CreateChunks(); voxelVolume.SaveForSerialize(); newObject.transform.position = (new Vector3((zAxisOrientation == 0 ? -posX : posX), posY, posZ) * voxelSize); newObject.transform.parent = root.transform; } // } } }
private void OnEnable() { qubicleImport = (QubicleImport)target; }
private void OnEnable() { qubicleImport = (QubicleImport) target; }
private static void FromQubicle(BinaryReader stream, QubicleImport root, float voxelSize) { //const int MAX_VOLUME_DIMENSION = 64; uint sizex=0; uint sizey=0; uint sizez=0; // uint version; uint colorFormat; uint zAxisOrientation; uint compressed; // uint visibilityMaskEncoded; uint numMatrices; uint i; uint j; uint x; uint y; uint z; int posX; int posY; int posZ; uint[,,] matrix; List<uint[,,]> matrixList = new List<uint[,,]>(); uint index; uint data; uint count; const uint CODEFLAG = 2; const uint NEXTSLICEFLAG = 6; //version = stream.ReadUInt32(); stream.ReadUInt32(); colorFormat = stream.ReadUInt32(); zAxisOrientation = stream.ReadUInt32(); compressed = stream.ReadUInt32(); //visibilityMaskEncoded = stream.ReadUInt32(); stream.ReadUInt32(); numMatrices = stream.ReadUInt32(); string volumeName =; string path = Helper.GetMeshStorePath(); for (int d = root.transform.childCount - 1; d >= 0; d--) { Volume vol = root.transform.GetChild(d).GetComponent<Volume>(); if (vol != null) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = di.GetDirectories(); for (int dir=0;dir<dirs.Length;dir++) { if (dirs[dir].Name.ToLower() == vol.AssetGuid.ToLower()) { dirs[dir].Delete(true); break; } } } GameObject.DestroyImmediate(root.transform.GetChild(d).gameObject); } } for (i = 0; i < numMatrices; i++) // for each matrix stored in file { // read matrix name byte nameLength = stream.ReadByte(); string name = new string(stream.ReadChars(nameLength)); // read matrix size sizex = stream.ReadUInt32(); sizey = stream.ReadUInt32(); sizez = stream.ReadUInt32(); // read matrix position (in this example the position is irrelevant) posX = stream.ReadInt32(); posY = stream.ReadInt32(); posZ = stream.ReadInt32(); // create matrix and add to matrix list matrix = new uint[sizex,sizey,sizez]; matrixList.Add(matrix); if (compressed == 0) // if uncompressd { for(z = 0; z < sizez; z++) for(y = 0; y < sizey; y++) for (x = 0; x < sizex; x++) matrix[x, y, z] = stream.ReadUInt32(); } else // if compressed { z = 0; while (z < sizez) { index = 0; while (true) { data = stream.ReadUInt32(); if (data == NEXTSLICEFLAG) break; else if (data == CODEFLAG) { count = stream.ReadUInt32(); data = stream.ReadUInt32(); for(j = 0; j < count; j++) { x = index % sizex ; // mod = modulo e.g. 12 mod 8 = 4 y = index / sizex ; // div = integer division e.g. 12 div 8 = 1 index++; matrix[x ,y ,z] = data; } } else { x = index % sizex; y = index / sizex ; index++; matrix[x,y ,z] = data; } } z++; } } var newObject = Editor.Instantiate(EditorUtility.VoxelVolumePrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; if (newObject != null) { = name!=""?name:volumeName; newObject.GetComponent<Volume>().Material = EditorUtility.PicaVoxelDiffuseMaterial; newObject.GetComponent<Volume>().GenerateBasic(FillMode.None); Volume voxelVolume = newObject.GetComponent<Volume>(); voxelVolume.XSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizex); voxelVolume.YSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizey); voxelVolume.ZSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizez); voxelVolume.Frames[0].XSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizex); voxelVolume.Frames[0].YSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizey); voxelVolume.Frames[0].ZSize = Convert.ToInt32(sizez); voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels = new Voxel[sizex * sizey * sizez]; for (int v = 0; v < voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels.Length; v++) voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels[v].Value = 128; voxelVolume.VoxelSize = voxelSize; if (zAxisOrientation == 0) { voxelVolume.Pivot = new Vector3(sizex, 0, 0)*voxelSize; voxelVolume.UpdatePivot(); } for (z = 0; z < sizez; z++) for (y = 0; y < sizey; y++) for (x = 0; x < sizex; x++) { Color col = UIntToColor(matrix[x, y, z], colorFormat); if (matrix[x, y, z] != 0) voxelVolume.Frames[0].Voxels[(zAxisOrientation == 0 ? sizex - 1 - x : x) + sizex * (y + sizey * z)] = new Voxel() { State = VoxelState.Active, Color = col, Value = 128 }; } voxelVolume.CreateChunks(); voxelVolume.SaveForSerialize(); newObject.transform.position = (new Vector3((zAxisOrientation == 0 ? -posX : posX), posY, posZ) * voxelSize); newObject.transform.parent = root.transform; } // } } }