private void Destruct() { Batch batch = new Batch(PicaVoxelVolume); Vector3 posZero = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.position + (transform.rotation * (-PicaVoxelVolume.Pivot + ( * (PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize * 0.5f)))); Vector3 oneX = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.rotation * (new Vector3(PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize, 0, 0)); Vector3 oneY = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0f, PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize, 0)); Vector3 oneZ = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0, 0, PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize)); Vector3 constructorPosition = transform.position; Frame frame = PicaVoxelVolume.GetCurrentFrame(); //int numVox = 0; Vector3 checkPos = posZero; for (int x = 0; x < PicaVoxelVolume.XSize; x++) { Vector3 xmult = oneX * x; for (int y = 0; y < PicaVoxelVolume.YSize; y++) { Vector3 ymult = oneY * y; for (int z = 0; z < PicaVoxelVolume.ZSize; z++) { Vector3 zmult = oneZ * z; checkPos.x = posZero.x + xmult.x + ymult.x + zmult.x; checkPos.y = posZero.y + xmult.y + ymult.y + zmult.y; checkPos.z = posZero.z + xmult.z + ymult.z + zmult.z; if (frame.Voxels[x + PicaVoxelVolume.XSize * (y + PicaVoxelVolume.YSize * z)].Active && Vector3.Distance(constructorPosition, checkPos) <= radius) { //numVox++; Voxel v = frame.Voxels[x + PicaVoxelVolume.XSize * (y + PicaVoxelVolume.YSize * z)]; v.Color *= PicaVoxelVolume.Material.GetColor("_Tint"); batch.Add(v, x, y, z, checkPos); frame.SetVoxelStateAtArrayPosition(x, y, z, VoxelState.Hidden); //frame.SetChunkAtVoxelPositionDirty(x, y, z); } } } } frame.UpdateChunks(false); if (CreateParticles && batch.Voxels.Count > 0 && VoxelParticleSystem.Instance != null) { VoxelParticleSystem.Instance.SpawnBatch(batch, pos => ((transform.position - (pos + Random.insideUnitSphere)) * 1f)); } batch.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds particles to the PicaVoxel Particle System (if available) representing the shape of this volume /// Use it before destroying/deactivating the volume to leave particles behind /// </summary> /// <param name="particleVelocity">Initial velocity of the created particles (outward from center of volume)</param> /// <param name="actuallyDestroyVoxels">If true, will set all the voxels to inactive</param> public void Destruct(float particleVelocity, bool actuallyDestroyVoxels) { Batch batch = new Batch(this); Vector3 posZero = transform.position + (transform.rotation * (-Pivot + ( * (VoxelSize * 0.5f)))); Vector3 oneX = transform.rotation * (new Vector3(VoxelSize, 0, 0)); Vector3 oneY = transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0f, VoxelSize, 0)); Vector3 oneZ = transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0, 0, VoxelSize)); Vector3 partPos = posZero; for (int x = 0; x < XSize; x++) { Vector3 xmult = oneX * x; for (int y = 0; y < YSize; y++) { Vector3 ymult = oneY * y; for (int z = 0; z < ZSize; z++) { Vector3 zmult = oneZ * z; partPos.x = posZero.x + xmult.x + ymult.x + zmult.x; partPos.y = posZero.y + xmult.y + ymult.y + zmult.y; partPos.z = posZero.z + xmult.z + ymult.z + zmult.z; if (Frames[CurrentFrame].Voxels[x + XSize * (y + YSize * z)].Active) { Voxel v = Frames[CurrentFrame].Voxels[x + XSize * (y + YSize * z)]; v.Color *= Material.GetColor("_Tint"); batch.Add(v, x, y, z, partPos); if (actuallyDestroyVoxels) { SetVoxelAtArrayPosition(x, y, z, new Voxel() { State = VoxelState.Hidden }); } } } } } if (batch.Voxels.Count > 0 && VoxelParticleSystem.Instance != null) { VoxelParticleSystem.Instance.SpawnBatch(batch, pos => (pos - transform.position).normalized * Random.Range(0f, particleVelocity * 2f)); } batch.Dispose(); }
public void Explode(Vector3 additionalVelocity) { foreach (Volume pvo in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Volume>()) { if (ExplodeTarget == ExplodeTargets.AllButSelf && pvo.transform.root == transform.root) { continue; } if (ExplodeTarget == ExplodeTargets.SelfOnly && pvo.transform.root != transform.root) { continue; } //Volume pvo = o.GetComponent<Volume>(); if (pvo == null) { continue; } Vector3 cpob = pvo.Hitbox.ClosestPointOnBounds(transform.position); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, cpob) <= ExplosionRadius || pvo.GetVoxelAtWorldPosition(transform.position) != null) { Batch batch = pvo.Explode(transform.position, ExplosionRadius, ValueFilter, ValueFilterOperation); if (batch.Voxels.Count > 0 && VoxelParticleSystem.Instance != null) { VoxelParticleSystem.Instance.SpawnBatch(batch, pos => (((pos + Random.insideUnitSphere) - transform.position) * ((Random.Range(ParticleVelocity - 1f, ParticleVelocity + 1f)))) + additionalVelocity); } batch.Dispose(); } } }
private void Destruct() { Batch batch = new Batch(PicaVoxelVolume); Vector3 posZero = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.position + (transform.rotation* (-PicaVoxelVolume.Pivot + (*(PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize*0.5f)))); Vector3 oneX = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.rotation*(new Vector3(PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize, 0, 0)); Vector3 oneY = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.rotation*(new Vector3(0f, PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize, 0)); Vector3 oneZ = PicaVoxelVolume.transform.rotation*(new Vector3(0, 0, PicaVoxelVolume.VoxelSize)); Vector3 constructorPosition = transform.position; Frame frame = PicaVoxelVolume.GetCurrentFrame(); //int numVox = 0; Vector3 checkPos = posZero; for (int x = 0; x < PicaVoxelVolume.XSize; x++) { Vector3 xmult = oneX*x; for (int y = 0; y < PicaVoxelVolume.YSize; y++) { Vector3 ymult = oneY*y; for (int z = 0; z < PicaVoxelVolume.ZSize; z++) { Vector3 zmult = oneZ*z; checkPos.x = posZero.x + xmult.x + ymult.x + zmult.x; checkPos.y = posZero.y + xmult.y + ymult.y + zmult.y; checkPos.z = posZero.z + xmult.z + ymult.z + zmult.z; if (frame.Voxels[x + PicaVoxelVolume.XSize*(y + PicaVoxelVolume.YSize*z)].Active && Vector3.Distance(constructorPosition, checkPos) <= radius) { //numVox++; Voxel v = frame.Voxels[x + PicaVoxelVolume.XSize*(y + PicaVoxelVolume.YSize*z)]; v.Color *= PicaVoxelVolume.Material.GetColor("_Tint"); batch.Add(v, x, y, z, checkPos); frame.Voxels[x + PicaVoxelVolume.XSize*(y + PicaVoxelVolume.YSize*z)].State = VoxelState.Hidden; frame.SetChunkAtVoxelPositionDirty(x, y, z); } } } } if (CreateParticles && batch.Voxels.Count > 0 && VoxelParticleSystem.Instance != null) VoxelParticleSystem.Instance.SpawnBatch(batch, pos => ((transform.position - (pos + Random.insideUnitSphere))* 1f)); batch.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds particles to the PicaVoxel Particle System (if available) representing the shape of this volume /// Use it before destroying/deactivating the volume to leave particles behind /// </summary> /// <param name="particleVelocity">Initial velocity of the created particles (outward from center of volume)</param> /// <param name="actuallyDestroyVoxels">If true, will set all the voxels to inactive</param> public void Destruct(float particleVelocity, bool actuallyDestroyVoxels) { Batch batch = new Batch(this); Vector3 posZero = transform.position + (transform.rotation * (-Pivot + ( * (VoxelSize * 0.5f)))); Vector3 oneX = transform.rotation * (new Vector3(VoxelSize, 0, 0)); Vector3 oneY = transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0f, VoxelSize, 0)); Vector3 oneZ = transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0, 0, VoxelSize)); Vector3 partPos = posZero; for (int x = 0; x < XSize; x++) { Vector3 xmult = oneX * x; for (int y = 0; y < YSize; y++) { Vector3 ymult = oneY * y; for (int z = 0; z < ZSize; z++) { Vector3 zmult = oneZ * z; partPos.x = posZero.x + xmult.x + ymult.x + zmult.x; partPos.y = posZero.y + xmult.y + ymult.y + zmult.y; partPos.z = posZero.z + xmult.z + ymult.z + zmult.z; if (Frames[CurrentFrame].Voxels[x + XSize * (y + YSize * z)].Active) { Voxel v = Frames[CurrentFrame].Voxels[x + XSize * (y + YSize * z)]; v.Color *= Material.GetColor("_Tint"); batch.Add(v, x, y, z, partPos); if(actuallyDestroyVoxels) SetVoxelAtArrayPosition(x, y, z, new Voxel() { State = VoxelState.Hidden }); } } } } if (batch.Voxels.Count > 0 && VoxelParticleSystem.Instance != null) VoxelParticleSystem.Instance.SpawnBatch(batch, pos => (pos - transform.position).normalized * Random.Range(0f, particleVelocity * 2f)); batch.Dispose(); }