Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a particular enemy sprite sheet and sounds.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void LoadContent()
            // Load sounds.
            killedSound = Level.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/Dying");
            // Temporary hurt sound. We probably want to use something different in the future.
            hurtSound = Level.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/MaleHurt");

            // Calculate bounds within texture size.
            // TODO It needs to be more clear what this is doing, and why it is done here. It is for collision detection.
            int width  = (int)(idleAnimation.FrameWidth * 0.4);
            int left   = (idleAnimation.FrameWidth - width) / 2;
            int height = (int)(idleAnimation.FrameWidth * 0.8);
            int top    = idleAnimation.FrameHeight - height;

            localBounds = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);

            // Load enemy default weapon
            weapon = new EnemyGun(this);

            stateMachine = new EnemyStateMachine(this);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Load animations.
            runAnimation  = new Animation(Level.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/MonsterB/Run"), 0.1f, true);
            idleAnimation = new Animation(Level.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/MonsterB/Idle"), 0.15f, true);
            dieAnimation  = new Animation(Level.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/MonsterB/Die"), 0.07f, false);
            jumpAnimation = new Animation(Level.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/MonsterB/Idle"), 0.15f, true); //placeholder
            killedSound   = Level.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/WomanFall");
            hurtSound     = Level.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/WomanDying");
            jumpSound     = Level.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/WomanJump");

            // Calculate bounds within texture size.
            // TODO It needs to be more clear what this is doing, and why it is done here. It is for collision detection.
            int width  = (int)(idleAnimation.FrameWidth * 0.4);
            int left   = (idleAnimation.FrameWidth - width) / 2;
            int height = (int)(idleAnimation.FrameWidth * 0.8);
            int top    = idleAnimation.FrameHeight - height;

            localBounds = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);

            // Load enemy default weapon
            weapon       = new EnemyGun(this);
            stateMachine = new EnemyStateMachine(this);