Esempio n. 1
        public static Pharmacy FillPharmacy(string csvLine)
            string[] values = csvLine.Split(',');

            Pharmacy pharmacy = new Pharmacy();

            if (values[4] == "\"zip\"")

            pharmacy.Name      = values[0];
            pharmacy.Address   = values[1];
            pharmacy.City      = values[2];
            pharmacy.State     = values[3];
            pharmacy.Zipcode   = Convert.ToInt32(values[4]);
            pharmacy.Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(values[5]);
            pharmacy.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(values[6]);
            pharmacy.Location  = new GeoCoordinate(pharmacy.Latitude, pharmacy.Longitude);

Esempio n. 2
        public Pharmacy GetNearestPharmacy(double lat, double lon)
            //Import CSV - This can be stored in Database as well
            List <Pharmacy> pharmacies = new List <Pharmacy>();
            string          path       = @"C:\Users\harshul\source\repos\PharmacyLocator\PharmacyLocator\pharmacies.csv";

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    var      line     = reader.ReadLine();
                    Pharmacy pharmacy = Pharmacy.FillPharmacy(line);
                    if (pharmacy != null)
            //Import CSV COMPLETE

            var MaxLat = lat + 0.5;             //Each degree of Latitude is approximately 69 miles
            var MinLat = lat - 0.5;             //Each degree of Longitude = cosine (latitude in decimal degrees) * length of degree (miles) at equator
            var MaxLon = lon + 0.5;             //Latitude can be obtained from above, Length of degree at equator - 69.172 miles
            var MinLon = lon - 0.5;             //Degree of Longitude at 39 Degrees Latitude is around 53.43 miles
            //Since Min and Max Latitude in give dataset is 38.88323 & 39.24578, I added only 0.5 to form radius
            //Same for longitude as well, Min and Max longitude is -95.77866 & -94.25503

            //Checking for pharmacies within radius of given lat + 0.5, lon + 0.5, which is basically (lat+0.5)^2 + (lon+0.5)^2)
            List <Pharmacy> pharmaciesNearUser = pharmacies.FindAll(u => u.Latitude <MaxLat && u.Latitude> MinLat && u.Longitude <MaxLon && u.Longitude> MinLon);

            List <Pharmacy> pharmaciesToCheck = pharmacies;

            //if there are pharmacies in our radius then check the distance between user and only those pharmacies, else check distance with all the pharmacies
            if (pharmaciesNearUser.Count > 0)
                pharmaciesToCheck = pharmaciesNearUser;

            //Initiate variables for checking
            double        distance;
            int           count           = 0;
            Pharmacy      nearestPharmacy = new Pharmacy();
            GeoCoordinate userLocation    = new GeoCoordinate(lat, lon);

            //Start the checking process
            foreach (var pharmacy in pharmaciesToCheck)
                //GetDistanceTo is a C# Method that is available to check the distance between two co-ordinates
                //GetDistanceTo provides the value in meters, so we are multiplying with the below number to convert into miles
                distance = (userLocation.GetDistanceTo(pharmacy.Location)) * 0.000621371192;
                if (count == 0)
                    nearestPharmacy.Name     = pharmacy.Name;
                    nearestPharmacy.Address  = pharmacy.Address;
                    nearestPharmacy.City     = pharmacy.City;
                    nearestPharmacy.State    = pharmacy.State;
                    nearestPharmacy.Zipcode  = pharmacy.Zipcode;
                    nearestPharmacy.Distance = distance;
                //if distance is less then Nearest Pharmacy, then Update the nearestPharmacy
                if (nearestPharmacy.Distance > distance)
                    nearestPharmacy.Name     = pharmacy.Name;
                    nearestPharmacy.Address  = pharmacy.Address;
                    nearestPharmacy.City     = pharmacy.City;
                    nearestPharmacy.State    = pharmacy.State;
                    nearestPharmacy.Zipcode  = pharmacy.Zipcode;
                    nearestPharmacy.Distance = distance;

                //The counter can be incremented or set to any number other then 0, Since we only require it for 1st
                //I have set it to increment because, if in future we try to expand the function then It might be useful (Left it more open-ended)

            //Return the nearestPharmacyDetails