public FrmNewCaseHis(bool isAdd, Int64 base_id, Int64 reg_id)

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            _reg_id = reg_id;
            _isAdd = isAdd;
            _baseID = base_id;

            //ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            //ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            //ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            //dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(MEMOMemoEdit, ruleNoEmpty);
            //dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(DOSE_MEMOMemoEdit, ruleNoEmpty);

            caseHis.REG_ID = _reg_id;
            caseHis.BASE_INFO_ID = _baseID;
            caseHis.OPERATOR = ClsFrmMng.WorkerID;
            cASEHISTORYBindingSource.DataSource = caseHis;

            lookUpEdit1.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 11 });
            lookUpEdit1.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            lookUpEdit1.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 181 });
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="base_id"></param>
        /// <param name="reg_id"></param>
        /// <param name="isTemp">0:长期, 1:临时</param>
        public FrmNewDav(Int64 base_id, Int64 reg_id, int isTemp)
            if (isTemp == 0)
                this.Text = "新建长期医嘱";
                this.Text = "新建临时医嘱";

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            _regID = reg_id;
            _baseID = base_id;
            _isTemp = isTemp;

            docAdv.REG_ID = _regID;
            docAdv.BASE_INFO_ID = _baseID;
            docAdv.OPERATOR = ClsFrmMng.WorkerID;
            docAdv.ADVICE_TYPE = _isTemp;
            docAdv.IS_DEL = 0;
            dOCADVICEBindingSource.DataSource = docAdv;

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("");

            M_UNITLookUpEdit.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 14 });
            M_UNITLookUpEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            M_UNITLookUpEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";

            M_ACTIONLookUpEdit.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 13 });
            M_ACTIONLookUpEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            M_ACTIONLookUpEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";
        public FrmNewRegist()
            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            lstOutpatientCategory = db.Fetch<OUTPATIENT_CATEGORY>("");
            OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit.Properties.TextEditStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor;
            OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit.Properties.Columns.Add(new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("CATEGORY_ID"));
            OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit.Properties.Columns.Add(new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("CATEGORY_NAME"));
            OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit.Properties.DataSource = lstOutpatientCategory;

            OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "CATEGORY_ID";         // 对应ID
            OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "CATEGORY_NAME";     // 显示内容

            patientReg.STATUS = 0;
            patientReg.OPERATOR = ClsFrmMng.WorkerID;

            pATIENTREGISTBindingSource.DataSource = patientReg;

            ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(NAMETextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(OUTPATIENT_CATEGORYTextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);

            pATIENTBASEINFOBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<PATIENT_BASEINFO>("");
            NAMETextEdit.Properties.EditValueChanged += Properties_EditValueChanged;
Esempio n. 4
 private void GetItem(string SuppBatchGuid)
     List<V_ERP_SuppOrder> items = null;
     using (var db = new Database(SQLCONN.Conn))
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && UserName != "admin")
             items = db.Fetch<V_ERP_SuppOrder>("select * from V_ERP_SuppOrder where SuppBatchGuid=@0  and SuppName =@1", SuppBatchGuid, UserName);
             items = db.Fetch<V_ERP_SuppOrder>("select * from V_ERP_SuppOrder where SuppBatchGuid=@0", SuppBatchGuid);
         items.ForEach(j =>
             j.Reserved2 = KyGYS.Controls.CommonUtil.GetItemImgFileName(j.Reserved2);
             j.CusSavedFileName = j.CusSavedFileName!=null?KyGYS.Controls.CommonUtil.GetItemImgFileName(j.CusSavedFileName):null;
             j.CtmSavedFileName = j.CtmSavedFileName != null ? KyGYS.Controls.CommonUtil.GetItemImgFileName(j.CtmSavedFileName) : null;
         var grd = new EasyGridData<V_ERP_SuppOrder>(); = items.Count().ToString();
         grd.rows = items;
         string data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(grd);
Esempio n. 5
        public IList <Contato> PesquisaAll(string query)
            Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("PRWDEV");

            if (query == null)
                return(db.Fetch <Contato>("Select * FROM contatosbandre"));
                return(db.Fetch <Contato>("Select * FROM contatosbandre WHERE nome like '%' + @query + '%' or cpf like '%' + @query + '%' or estadoid = @query", new { query }));
        List<CONSUMABLES_LOG1> _lst; // 日志表

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public FrmConsumOut_Comfirm(List<CONSUMABLES_LOG1> lst, List<CONSUMABLES_LOG>  lst1)

            ////string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            _lst = lst;
            _consumLst = lst1;
            cONSUMABLESLOG1BindingSource.DataSource = lst;
            aCCOUNTBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<ACCOUNT>("");
            vALUECODEBindingSource3.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", new object[] { 20 });     // 操作类型
        public FrmEdtPath(Int64 id)
            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");
            _id = id;

            pathHis = db.Single<VASCULARPATH_HISTORY>("where ID = @0", _id);
            vASCULARPATHHISTORYBindingSource.DataSource = pathHis;

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 193");
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 194");
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="base_id"></param>
        /// <param name="reg_id"></param>
        public FrmNewBC_Consumable(Int64 base_id, Int64 reg_id)

            db = new Database("XE");

            _regID = reg_id;
            _baseID = base_id;

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("");
            vALUEGROUPBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_GROUP>("");
 private static List<Comment> GetAllComments()
     using (var db = new Database("umbracoDbDSN"))
         return db.Fetch<Comment>("SELECT * FROM forumComments WHERE isSpam = 1 ORDER BY id DESC");
Esempio n. 10
        dynamic IStudent.GetStudent(int id)
            var     entity     = _db.Single <entity.StudentEntity>(id);
            var     entityEx   = _db.Fetch <Student.entity.StudentEx>("select * from StudentExInfo where studentId=@0", entity.Id);
            dynamic retStudent = new ExpandoObject();

            retStudent.Id     = entity.Id;
            retStudent.IsHide = entity.IsHide;
            retStudent.Name   = entity.Name;
            foreach (var extItem in entityEx)
                (retStudent as ICollection <KeyValuePair <string, object> >).Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(extItem.KeyName, extItem.KeyValue));

Esempio n. 11
        List <CheckIn.Model.Class> IClass.GetClassList(string name)
            var retList = new List <CheckIn.Model.Class>();

            string where = " 1=1 ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                where += "and name like '%" + name + "%'";
            var entityList = _db.Fetch <Entity.ClassEntity>("select * from classInfo " + where);

            foreach (var item in entityList)
                var newModel = new CheckIn.Model.Class();
                newModel.ClassTime   = item.ClassTime;
                newModel.Description = item.Description;
                newModel.EndTime     = item.EndTime;
                newModel.Id          = item.Id;
                newModel.InputTime   = item.InputTime;
                //newModel.InputUser = new user
                newModel.Level     = item.ClassLevel;
                newModel.Name      = item.Name;
                newModel.StartTime = item.StartTime;
                newModel.Teacher   = item.Teacher;
                newModel.Type      = item.Type;
        public FrmNewLayout()
            db = new Database("XE");

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", 21);
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", 22);      // 区域

            mACHINELAYOUTBindingSource.DataSource = mach;

            ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(FLOORIDTextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);                  // 楼层
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(AREAIDTextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);                   // 区域
Esempio n. 13
 void barBtnRefresh_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
     using (var db = new Database()) {
         this.gridControlEx1.DataSource = db.Fetch<t_role>("select * from t_role where IsUsing=1");
Esempio n. 14
 public ActionResult Index(int page = 1)
     var db = new PetaPoco.Database("MonoCMS");
     var categories = db.Fetch<Category>("SELECT category_name FROM category");
     return View(categories);
     //return View();
        public ActionResult GetLeases()
            var db = new PetaPoco.Database("umbracoDbDSN");
            var listOfLeases = db.Fetch<Lease>(new Sql().Select("*").From("_sg_Lease"));

            return Json(listOfLeases);
 private static List<Topic> GetAllTopics()
     using (var db = new Database("umbracoDbDSN"))
         return db.Fetch<Topic>("SELECT * FROM forumTopics WHERE isSpam = 1 ORDER BY id DESC");
Esempio n. 17
     public static List<Route> getRoutes()
         using (Database db = new PetaPoco.Database(ModelConfig.connectionStringName("bikes")))
             return db.Fetch<Route>("WHERE deleted = FALSE");
Esempio n. 18
        ////utility function to build the sql statement to perform the join
        //private static Sql sql()
        //    return Sql
        //        .Builder
        //        .Append("SELECT, a.bike_id, a.rider_id, a.route_id, a.ride_date, a.notes,")
        //        .Append("a.reward, a.distance, a.paid, a.payment_id,")
        //        .Append(" AS route, AS rider, AS bike")
        //        .Append("FROM ride a, route b, rider c, bike d")
        //        .Append("WHERE a.route_id = AND a.rider_id = AND a.bike_id =");

        public static List<Ride> getRides()
            using (Database db = new PetaPoco.Database(ModelConfig.connectionStringName("bikes")))
                return db.Fetch<Ride>("");
        public FrmEdtCaseHis( Int64 id)

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");
            _id = id;

            caseHis = db.Single<CASE_HISTORY>("select * from CASE_HISTORY where ID = @0", _id);
            cASEHISTORYBindingSource.DataSource = caseHis;

            lookUpEdit1.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[]{11});
            lookUpEdit1.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            lookUpEdit1.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 181 });
        public FrmEdtPatient_Course(Int64 id)
            db = new Database("XE");
            _id = id;

            //ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            //ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            //ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            //dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(INFECTIOUS_DISEASETextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 193);                  // 通路类型
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 44);                  // 透析器型号

            v = db.Single<PATIENT_COURSE>("where ID = @0", _id);
            pATIENTCOURSEBindingSource.DataSource = v;
Esempio n. 21
 private void EditView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (var db = new Database())
         LstMac =db.Fetch<t_mac>("select * from t_mac");
         memedt.Lines = LstMac.Select(k => k.Mac).ToArray();
        public FrmNewPatientBaseInfo()

            ////string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");
            ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(NAMETextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(ID_CODETextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);

            pATIENTBASEINFOBindingSource.DataSource = patientBase;

            MEDICARE_TYPETextEdit.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("select DSP_MEMBER, VALUE_MEMBER from VALUE_CODE where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 10 });
            MEDICARE_TYPETextEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            MEDICARE_TYPETextEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";

            EDUCATIONAL_LEVELTextEdit.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 8 });
            EDUCATIONAL_LEVELTextEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            EDUCATIONAL_LEVELTextEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";

            MARITAL_STATUSTextEdit.Properties.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = @0", new object[] { 9 });
            MARITAL_STATUSTextEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "DSP_MEMBER";
            MARITAL_STATUSTextEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "VALUE_MEMBER";

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupname = 42");
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupname = 41");
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupname = 62");
            vALUECODEBindingSource3.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupname = 63");
        public FrmConsumIn(Int64 consumLstID)
            gridView2.InvalidValueException += gridView2_InvalidValueException;

            id = consumLstID;
            ////string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            cONSUMABLESWAREHOUSEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<CONSUMABLES_WAREHOUSE>("where ID = @0", new object[]{consumLstID});
            cONSUMABLESLOGBindingSource.DataSource = lstConsumIn;

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_GROUP>("where FATHERID = @0", new object[] { 16 });      // 耗材分类
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", new object[] { 17 });     // 耗材供应商
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("");

            vALUECODEBindingSource3.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", new object[] { 20 });     // 操作类型
Esempio n. 24
        public static List <PersonalProject> GetOrgProjects(string projectId, OrganizationType organizationType)
            var db  = new PetaPoco.Database("DefaultConnection");
            var sql = new Sql(@"select op.*,o.OrganizationName,op.StudysiteNo, o.SubDomain  from sms_orgProject  op
            left join cts_organization o on
            where op.projectid=@0 and o.OrganizationType=@1 and isnull(op.isdeleted,0)<>1 and isnull(o.isdeleted,0)<>1", projectId, organizationType);

            return(db.Fetch <PersonalProject>(sql));
        public FrmNewConsum()

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            cONSUMABLESWAREHOUSEBindingSource.DataSource = consumWh;

            vALUEGROUPBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_GROUP>("where FATHERID = @0", new object[] { 16 });     // 耗材分类
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", new object[] { 17 });     // 耗材供应商

            ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(CONSUMABLES_CODETextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(NAMETextEdit, ruleNoEmpty);
        public FrmEdtDrugsAllergy(Int64 id)
            _id = id;

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");
            _id = id;

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = 185");
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = 186");
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = 187");
            vALUECODEBindingSource3.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = 183");
            vALUECODEBindingSource4.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where GROUPNAME = 184");

            drugAllergyHis = db.Single<DRUG_ALLERGY_HISTORY>("select * from DRUG_ALLERGY_HISTORY where ID = @0", _id);
            dRUGALLERGYHISTORYBindingSource.DataSource = drugAllergyHis;
Esempio n. 27
 public static List<Rider> getRiders(bool includeDeleted = false)
     String whereClause = includeDeleted ? "" : "WHERE deleted = FALSE";
     using (Database db = new PetaPoco.Database(ModelConfig.connectionStringName("bikes")))
         List<Rider> riders = db.Fetch<Rider>(whereClause);
         return riders;
Esempio n. 28
        public FrmNewPath(Int64 base_id, Int64 reg_id)

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            _regID = reg_id;
            _baseID = base_id;

            path.REG_ID = _regID;
            path.BASE_INFO_ID = _baseID;
            path.OPERATOR = ClsFrmMng.WorkerID;
            vASCULARPATHHISTORYBindingSource.DataSource = path;

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 193");
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 194");
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 246");
        public FrmPatientBaseInfo()

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("");
            //vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupname = 41");
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the complete set of elements and returns this set as an IEnumerable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the set fetched</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <SalesOrderHeader> FetchSet()
            var headers   = new List <SalesOrderHeader>();
            var dbFactory = new PetaPoco.Database(ConnectionStringToUse, "System.Data.SqlClient");

            headers = dbFactory.Fetch <SalesOrderHeader>(CommandText);
Esempio n. 31
        public FrmMain(XtraForm frmUserLogin, string userID, string userName, int iGroupID)
            //navBarControl1.AllowSelectedLink = true;
            //xtraTabbedMdiManager1.ClosePageButtonShowMode = DevExpress.XtraTab.ClosePageButtonShowMode.InActiveTabPageHeaderAndOnMouseHover;

            _frmUserLogin = frmUserLogin;
            _userID = userID;
            _userName = userName;
            ClsFrmMng.GroupID = iGroupID;
            ClsFrmMng.WorkerID = _userID;
            ClsFrmMng.WorkerName = _userName;


            // 获取值集代码
            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            PetaPoco.Database db = new Database("XE");
            ClsFrmMng.lstRegStatus = db.Fetch<REG_STATUS>("");
            ClsFrmMng.lstIndecumentCode = db.Fetch<INDUCEMENT_CODE>("");
            ClsFrmMng.lstDigesCode = db.Fetch<DIGESTIVESYS_CODE>("");
            ClsFrmMng.lstHaveOrNull = new List<HaveOrNull>();
            ClsFrmMng.lstHaveOrNull.Add(new HaveOrNull(0, "无"));
            ClsFrmMng.lstHaveOrNull.Add(new HaveOrNull(1, "有"));

            ClsFrmMng.lstDocDavType = new List<DocAdvType>();
            ClsFrmMng.lstDocDavType.Add(new DocAdvType(0, "长期医嘱"));
            ClsFrmMng.lstDocDavType.Add(new DocAdvType(1, "临时医嘱"));
            ClsFrmMng.lstDocDavType.Add(new DocAdvType(9, "默认医嘱"));

            ClsFrmMng.lstSexType = new List<SexType>();
            ClsFrmMng.lstSexType.Add(new SexType("1", "男"));
            ClsFrmMng.lstSexType.Add(new SexType("2", "女"));

            if (iGroupID != 1)
                mitAuthrz.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraBars.BarItemVisibility.Never;
                this.Shown += FrmMain_Shown;

            ClientFormStateClass formStat = new ClientFormStateClass();
Esempio n. 32
    public string getAllMarkers()
        using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database("linkSTEM"))
            var SQL = Sql.Builder.Append("SELECT *")
                      .Append("FROM [dbo].[Markers]");

            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(db.Fetch <Marker>(SQL)));
Esempio n. 33
        private void btnCtl3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileBrowser1.Text)) {
            var dt = XlsCommon.Read(fileBrowser1.Text);
            dt.Columns.Add("错误信息", typeof(System.String));
            gridControlEx1.DataSource = dt;
            var cnt = 0;
            List<T_ERP_Item> items = null;
            using (var db = new Database(this.ConnString))
                items = db.Fetch<UltraDbEntity.T_ERP_Item>(" select * from T_ERP_Item ");
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                if (!ChkData(dr, items))
            if (cnt > 0)

            var query = from t in dt.AsEnumerable()
                        group t by new { t1 = t.Field<string>("商品编码"), t2 = t.Field<string>("规格编码") } into m
                        select new
                            OuterIid = m.Key.t1,
                            OuterSkuId = m.Key.t2,
                            Cnt = m.Count()
            if (query.ToList().Count > 0)
                query.ToList().ForEach(q =>
                    if (q.Cnt > 1) {

                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            if (dr["商品编码"].ToString().Equals(q.OuterIid) && dr["规格编码"].ToString().Equals(q.OuterSkuId))
                                dr["错误信息"] = ("存在重复的商品编码与规格编码");

            btnImp.Enabled = cnt < 1;
        public FrmEdtDiagonsis_Pathological(Int64 id)
            db = new Database("XE");
            _id = id;

            ConditionValidationRule ruleNoEmpty = new ConditionValidationRule();
            ruleNoEmpty.ConditionOperator = ConditionOperator.IsNotBlank;
            ruleNoEmpty.ErrorText = "该项不能为空。";
            dxValidationProvider1.SetValidationRule(PATHOLOGICAL_DIAGNOSIS_TYPELookUpEdit, ruleNoEmpty);

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 129);
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 123);
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 124);
            vALUECODEBindingSource3.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 126);
            vALUECODEBindingSource4.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = @0", 125);

            diag = db.Single<DIAGNOSIS_PATHOLOGICAL>("where ID = @0", _id);
            dIAGNOSISPATHOLOGICALBindingSource.DataSource = diag;
Esempio n. 35
    public string getProviderMarkers(int providerID)
        using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database("linkSTEM"))
            var SQL = Sql.Builder.Append("SELECT *")
                      .Append("FROM [dbo].[Markers]")
                      .Append("WHERE [provider_ID] = @0", providerID);

            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(db.Fetch <Marker>(SQL)));
        private IEnumerable<SalesSummaryReportLine> GetReportLines()
            // Icky, ugly, crap - never put data access code in a controller (unless you're doing a demo)
            var database = new Database(ConnectionStrings.Main,
            var reportLines = database
            // var reportLines = database.Fetch<SalesSummaryReportLine>(EmbeddedSql.PetaPocoQueryText);

            return reportLines;
        public FrmEdtUremic(Int64 id)

            //string sPwd = Des.Decrypt(ClsFrmMng.KEY, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPwd"]);
            db = new Database("XE");
            _id = id;

            uremicHis = db.Single<UREMIC_SYMPTOMS_HI>("select * from UREMIC_SYMPTOMS_HIS where ID = @0", _id);
            uREMICSYMPTOMSHIBindingSource.DataSource = uremicHis;

            DIGESTIVETextEdit.Properties.TextEditStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.Standard;
            DIGESTIVETextEdit.Properties.DataSource = ClsFrmMng.lstIndecumentCode;
            DIGESTIVETextEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "INDUCEMENT_MEMO";
            DIGESTIVETextEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "INDUCEMENT_MEMO";

            vALUECODEBindingSource.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 192");
            vALUECODEBindingSource1.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 189");
            vALUECODEBindingSource2.DataSource = db.Fetch<VALUE_CODE>("where groupName = 190");
Esempio n. 38
        public ActionResult Index()
            var db = new PetaPoco.Database("DefaultConnection");
            //var  sql1 = new Sql("CREATE TABLE #tb1(Id   varchar(50)     not null)");


            var sql2 = new Sql(@"select op.*,o.OrganizationName,op.StudysiteNo, o.SubDomain  from sms_orgProject  op
            left join cts_organization o on
            where op.projectid =@0 and o.OrganizationType=@1 and isnull(op.isdeleted,0)<>1 and isnull(o.isdeleted,0)<>1", "593169721116912623", 2);
            var kk   = db.Fetch <PersonalProject>(sql2);
            var ssj  = db.LastArgs;
            var ks   = db.LastCommand;
            var s    = db.LastSQL;

            var k12 = GetOrgProjects("593079586929400170", OrganizationType.StudySite);
            var k2  = GetOrgProjectsString("593079586929400170", OrganizationType.StudySite);

            //(!input.isSiteDataCollection && input.SubjectVisitIds != null&& input.SubjectVisitIdsString == null ? " and #subjectVisit.Id in " + string.Format("('{0}')", string.Join("','", input.SubjectVisitIds)) : (!input.isSiteDataCollection && input.SubjectVisitIds != null ? " and #subjectVisit.Id in " + string.Format("({0})", string.Join("','", input.SubjectVisitIds)) : ""))
            //(!input.isSiteDataCollection && input.SubjectVisitIds != null ? " and #subjectVisit.Id in " + string.Format("('{0}')", string.Join("','", input.SubjectVisitIds)) : "")
            //    // Create the article
            //    var a = new test();

            // = "我的标题";
            //    a.type = 4;

            //    db.Insert("test", "id", a);

            //    var result = db.Page<test>(1, 2, // <-- page number and items per page
            //"SELECT * FROM test WHERE type=@0 ORDER BY id DESC", 3);

            //    var ssd = db.Query<test>("SELECT * FROM test");
            //    // 查询所有数据
            //    foreach (var aaa in db.Query<test>("SELECT * FROM test"))
            //    {
            //        //var ss = aa;
            //        Response.Write(;
            //        //Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", a.article_id, a.title);
            //    }
            //    //查询标量
            //    long count = db.ExecuteScalar<long>("SELECT Count(*) FROM test");
            //    Response.Write(count);
            //    //查询单条数据
            //    var aa = db.SingleOrDefault<test>("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id=@0", 1);
            //    Response.Write(;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the complete set of elements and returns this set as an IEnumerable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the set fetched</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <SalesOrderHeader> FetchSet()
            var headers   = new List <SalesOrderHeader>();
            var dbFactory = new PetaPoco.Database(ConnectionStringToUse, "System.Data.SqlClient");

            dbFactory.EnableAutoSelect    = false;
            dbFactory.EnableNamedParams   = false;
            dbFactory.ForceDateTimesToUtc = false;
            headers = dbFactory.Fetch <SalesOrderHeader>(CommandText);
Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取员工信息集合(简要信息)
        /// 区别:这是简要的员工信息,用来做任务分配
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LoginGuid">登入者GUID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <MEmployee> GetEmployeeList(string LoginGuid)
            List <MEmployee> employees;

            using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(SystemSqlConn))
                using (Database db = new PetaPoco.Database(sqlConnection))
                    employees = db.Fetch <MEmployee>(@"SELECT EmployeeGuid,EmployeeCode,EmployeeNickName,EmployeeSex,EmployeeTel,TelOperator FROM Tb_Employee WHERE BelongToUser = @0 AND EmployeeIsLocked = 0", LoginGuid);
Esempio n. 41
        protected void rfrCache_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            pixProviders p = Models.SettingsCache.GetProvider(Convert.ToInt16(txtIP.Text));

            var    db     = new PetaPoco.Database("myConnectionString");
            string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM LandingPagesByGEO";

            var result = db.Fetch <object>(sQuery);

            if (p == null)
                label1.Text = "NULL";
                label1.Text =;
Esempio n. 42
        private void ProcessProductGroups(
            PetaPoco.Database pDb,
            Connector connector,
            List <Content> content,
            List <ProductGroupMapping> productGroupMappings,
            FilterInfo filter,
            ProductGroupMapping parent,
            List <ContentProductGroup> contentProductGroups,
            List <ContentProductGroup> newContentProductGroupsToInsertInDb
            if (filter.Flatten)
                if (parent == null)
                    log.WarnFormat("FlattenHierarchy is not supported on root mappings");
                //combine all child groups into this one
                List <int> childIDList = productGroupMappings.Select(x => x.ProductGroupID).ToList(); //recursive?

                var groupProducts = content.AsQueryable();

                if (parent.FilterByParentGroup)
                    if (filter.ProductGroupFilter.Count > 0)
                        foreach (int id in filter.ProductGroupFilter)
                            groupProducts = groupProducts.Where(x => x.ProductGroupVendors.Contains(id));

                //filter all
                groupProducts = groupProducts.Where(x => x.ProductGroupVendors.Any(y => childIDList.Contains(y)));

                foreach (var mapping in productGroupMappings)
                    if (mapping.FilterByParentGroup)
                        if (filter.ProductGroupFilter.Count > 0)
                            foreach (int id in filter.ProductGroupFilter)
                                groupProducts = groupProducts.Where(x => x.ProductGroupVendors.Contains(id));

                foreach (var product in groupProducts)
                    var currentRecord =
                            x => x.ConnectorID == connector.ConnectorID && x.ProductID == product.ProductID &&
                            x.ProductGroupMappingID == parent.ProductGroupMappingID).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (currentRecord == null)
                        var newRecord =

                            new ContentProductGroup()
                            ConnectorID           = connector.ConnectorID,
                            ProductID             = product.ProductID,
                            ProductGroupMappingID = parent.ProductGroupMappingID,
                            Exists       = true,
                            CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                            CreatedBy    = Concentrator.Objects.Web.Client.User.UserID

                        currentRecord.Exists = true;

                foreach (var mapping in productGroupMappings)
                    var  childMappings = pDb.Fetch <ProductGroupMapping>("SELECT * FROM ProductGroupMapping WHERE ParentProductGroupMappingID = @0", mapping.ProductGroupMappingID);
                    bool hasChildren   = childMappings.Count > 0;
                    if (hasChildren)
                        var childFilter = new FilterInfo();

                        // do child groups
                        if (mapping.FilterByParentGroup)


                        childFilter.Flatten = mapping.FlattenHierarchy;

                        ProcessProductGroups(pDb, connector, content, childMappings, childFilter, mapping, contentProductGroups, newContentProductGroupsToInsertInDb);
                        var groupProducts =
                            content.Where(c => c.ProductGroupVendors.Contains(mapping.ProductGroupID)).ToList();

                        if (mapping.FilterByParentGroup)
                            if (filter.ProductGroupFilter.Count > 0)
                                foreach (int id in filter.ProductGroupFilter)
                                    groupProducts = groupProducts.Where(x => x.ProductGroupVendors.Contains(id)).ToList();

                        foreach (var product in groupProducts)
                            var currentRecord =
                                    x => x.ConnectorID == connector.ConnectorID && x.ProductID == product.ProductID &&
                                    x.ProductGroupMappingID == mapping.ProductGroupMappingID).SingleOrDefault();

                            if (currentRecord == null)
                                var newRecord =
                                    new ContentProductGroup()
                                    ConnectorID           = connector.ConnectorID,
                                    ProductID             = product.ProductID,
                                    ProductGroupMappingID = mapping.ProductGroupMappingID,
                                    Exists       = true,
                                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                                    CreatedBy    = Concentrator.Objects.Web.Client.User.UserID

                                currentRecord.Exists = true;
        public static List <T> FetchManyToOne <T, T1, T2, T3>(this Database db, Func <T, object> key, Sql Sql)
            var relator = new Relator();

            return(db.Fetch <T, T1, T2, T3, T>((a, b, c, d) => relator.ManyToOne(a, b, c, d, key), Sql));
Esempio n. 44
        protected override void Process()
            using (var unit = GetUnitOfWork())
                    var _assortmentRepo = unit.Scope.Repository <VendorAssortment>();

                    var connectors = (from c in this.Connectors
                                      (((ConnectorType)c.ConnectorType).Has(ConnectorType.WebAssortment) ||
#if !DEBUG
                                      && c.IsActive
                                      select c).ToList();

                    foreach (Connector conn in connectors)
                        bool excludeProducts = conn.ConnectorSettings.GetValueByKey <bool>("ExcludeProducts", false);

                        using (var pDb = new PetaPoco.Database(Connection, "System.Data.SqlClient"))
                            pDb.CommandTimeout = 15 * 60;

                            var productMatches = pDb.Query <ProductMatch>("SELECT * FROM ProductMatch WHERE isMatched = 1").ToList();

                            List <string>            vendorItemNumbersToExclude = new List <string>();
                            Dictionary <int, string> vendorItemNumbers          = new Dictionary <int, string>();

                            Dictionary <int, Content> contentList = new Dictionary <int, Content>();

                            log.DebugFormat("Start Generating Assortment for {0}", conn.Name);

                            log.DebugFormat("Connector {0}({1}) has {2} rules for assortment generation", conn.Name, conn.ConnectorID, conn.ContentProducts.Count);

                            bool assortmentLoaded = false;

                            var publicationRules = pDb.Fetch <ConnectorPublication>("SELECT * FROM ConnectorPublication WHERE ConnectorID = @0", conn.ConnectorID);

                            if (excludeProducts)
                                vendorItemNumbersToExclude = pDb.Fetch <string>("Select value from ExcludeProduct where ConnectorID = @0", conn.ConnectorID).ToList();
                                vendorItemNumbers          = pDb.Fetch <Product>("select productID, VendorItemNumber from product").ToDictionary(x => x.ProductID, y => y.VendorItemNumber);

                            foreach (ContentProduct rule in conn.ContentProducts.OrderBy(x => x.ProductContentIndex))
                                var connectorPublicationRules = publicationRules.Where(x => x.VendorID == rule.VendorID && (!x.FromDate.HasValue || (x.FromDate.HasValue && x.FromDate <= DateTime.Now)) && (!x.ToDate.HasValue || (x.ToDate.HasValue && x.ToDate >= DateTime.Now))).ToList();

                                if (!assortmentLoaded)
                                    assortmentLoaded = rule.IsAssortment;

                                #region content logic

                                log.DebugFormat("Processing Rule {0} for connectorid {1}", rule.ProductContentID, conn.ConnectorID);

                                if (rule.ProductID.HasValue)
                                    #region Single Product

                                    if (assortmentLoaded && !rule.IsAssortment)
                                        // exclude product
                                        if (rule.ProductID.HasValue)
                                        var vass = _assortmentRepo.GetSingle(a => a.VendorID == rule.VendorID &&
                                                                             a.ProductID == rule.ProductID.Value &&

                                        if (vass != null)
                                            var groups = (from va in _assortmentRepo.GetAllAsQueryable()
                                                          from pa in va.ProductGroupVendors
                                                          select new

                                            var vendoradd = (from va in _assortmentRepo.GetAllAsQueryable()
                                                             where va.VendorAssortmentID == vass.VendorAssortmentID
                                                             select new VendorAdds
                                                VendorAssortmentID = va.VendorAssortmentID,
                                                ConcentratorStatusID = va.VendorPrices.FirstOrDefault().ConcentratorStatusID,
                                                QuantityOnHand = unit.Scope.Repository <VendorStock>().GetAllAsQueryable(c => c.ProductID == va.ProductID && c.VendorID == va.VendorID).Sum(c => c.QuantityOnHand),
                                                ProductID = va.ProductID,
                                                BrandID = va.Product.BrandID

                                            Content content = null;
                                            if (!contentList.ContainsKey(vass.ProductID))
                                                if (vass.ProductGroupVendors == null)
                                                    vass.ProductGroupVendors = new List <ProductGroupVendor>();
                                                content = new Content
                                                    ConnectorID         = conn.ConnectorID,
                                                    ProductID           = rule.ProductID.Value,
                                                    ShortDescription    = vass.ShortDescription,
                                                    LongDescription     = vass.LongDescription,
                                                    ProductContentID    = rule.ProductContentID,
                                                    ProductGroupVendors = vass.ProductGroupVendors.Select(c => c.ProductGroupID).ToList(),
                                                    Product             = unit.Scope.Repository <Product>().GetSingle(c => c.ProductID == rule.ProductID.Value)

                                                contentList.Add(rule.ProductID.Value, content);

                                                CheckConnectorPublication(content, connectorPublicationRules, vendoradd.FirstOrDefault(x => x.VendorAssortmentID == vass.VendorAssortmentID), unit, contentList);
                                                "Could not add product {0} to content, does not exists in vender assortment (VendorID {1})",
                                                rule.ProductID.Value, rule.VendorID);

                                    #region Non Product
                                    //include scenario

                                    string additionalFilters = String.Empty;

                                    if (rule.BrandID.HasValue)
                                        additionalFilters += String.Format(" AND P.BrandID = {0}", rule.BrandID);

                                    //if (rule.ProductGroupID.HasValue)
                                    //  vendorAssortment = vendorAssortment.Where(c => c.ProductGroupVendors.Any(l => l.ProductGroupID == rule.ProductGroupID.Value && l.VendorID == rule.VendorID));

                                    string query = String.Format(@"SELECT  VA.VendorAssortmentID, VP.ConcentratorStatusID, P.BrandID, VA.ProductID, ISNULL(SUM(VS.QuantityOnHand),0) AS QuantityOnHand
 FROM VendorAssortment VA
	INNER JOIN Product P ON (VA.ProductID = P.ProductID)
	INNER JOIN VendorStock VS ON (VA.VendorID = VS.VendorID AND VA.ProductID = VS.ProductID)
	INNER JOIN VendorPrice VP ON (VA.VendorAssortmentID = VP.VendorAssortmentID)
	WHERE VA.VendorID = {0} {1}
GROUP BY VA.VendorAssortmentID, VP.ConcentratorStatusID, P.BrandID, VA.ProductID
", rule.VendorID, additionalFilters);

                                    var vendoradd = pDb.Query <VendorAdds>(query).ToDictionary(x => x.VendorAssortmentID, y => y);

                                    // base collection
                                    //var vendorAssortment = pDb.Fetch<VendorAssortment>("SELECT * FROM VendorAssortment WHERE VendorID = @0 AND IsActive = 1", rule.VendorID);
                                    var vendorAssortmentQuery = string.Format("SELECT va.*, pavSentToWehkamp.Value as 'SentToWehkamp', pavSentAsDummy.Value as 'SentToWehkampAsDummy' FROM VendorAssortment va LEFT OUTER JOIN  ProductAttributeValue pavSentToWehkamp  ON va.ProductID = pavSentToWehkamp.ProductID AND pavSentToWehkamp.AttributeID = (SELECT AttributeID FROM  ProductAttributeMetaData pamd  WHERE pamd.AttributeCode = 'SentToWehkamp') LEFT OUTER JOIN  ProductAttributeValue pavSentAsDummy  ON va.ProductID = pavSentAsDummy.ProductID AND pavSentAsDummy.AttributeID = (SELECT AttributeID FROM  ProductAttributeMetaData pamd  WHERE pamd.AttributeCode = 'SentToWehkampAsDummy') WHERE va.VendorID = {0} AND  va.IsActive = 1", rule.VendorID);
                                    var vendorAssortment      = pDb.Fetch <VendorAssortmentWehkampSent>(vendorAssortmentQuery);

                                    var productGroupVendors = pDb.Fetch <ProductGroupVendor>("SELECT * FROM ProductGroupVendor WHERE VendorID = @0 OR VendorID = @1", rule.VendorID, rule.Vendor.ParentVendorID ?? rule.VendorID);

                                    string groupsQuery = string.Format(@"SELECT DISTINCT VA.VendorAssortmentID,     PGV.ProductGroupID
                                                     FROM VendorAssortment VA
                                                     INNER JOIN VendorProductGroupAssortment VPGA ON (VPGA.VendorAssortmentID = VA.VendorAssortmentID)
                                                     INNER JOIN  ProductGroupVendor PGV ON (PGV.ProductGroupVendorID = VPGA.ProductGroupVendorID)
                                                     WHERE VA.VendorID = {0} AND VA.IsActive=1", rule.VendorID);

                                    var groupSource = pDb.Fetch <VaGroupInfo>(groupsQuery);
                                    var groups      = (from g in groupSource
                                                       group g by g.VendorAssortmentID into grouped
                                                       select grouped).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => (from pg in y select pg.ProductGroupID).ToList());
                                    groupSource = null;

                                    var productRepo = pDb.Fetch <Product>("SELECT * FROM Product").ToDictionary(x => x.ProductID, y => y);

                                    List <ProductAttributeValue> values = pDb.Query <ProductAttributeValue>(string.Format(@"select pav.* from productattributevalue pav
                                                                                          inner join connectorpublication cp on pav.attributeid = cp.attributeid
                                                                                          where cp.connectorid = {0}", rule.ConnectorID)).ToList();

                                    foreach (var va in vendorAssortment)
                                        if (!groups.ContainsKey(va.VendorAssortmentID))

                                        if (assortmentLoaded && !rule.IsAssortment)
                                            if (excludeProducts &&
                                                (string.IsNullOrEmpty(va.SentToWehkamp) || va.SentToWehkamp.ToLowerInvariant() == "false") &&
                                                (string.IsNullOrEmpty(va.SentToWehkampAsDummy) || va.SentToWehkampAsDummy.ToLowerInvariant() == "false"))
                                                string vendorItemNumber = vendorItemNumbers[va.ProductID];

                                                if (ExcludeProduct(vendorItemNumber, vendorItemNumbersToExclude))

                                            Content content = null;
                                            if (!contentList.ContainsKey(va.ProductID))
                                                content = new Content
                                                    ConnectorID         = conn.ConnectorID,
                                                    ProductID           = va.ProductID,
                                                    ShortDescription    = va.ShortDescription,
                                                    LongDescription     = va.LongDescription,
                                                    LineType            = va.LineType,
                                                    ProductContentID    = rule.ProductContentID,
                                                    ProductGroupVendors = groups[va.VendorAssortmentID],
                                                    Product             = productRepo[va.ProductID]

                                                //content.Product.RelatedProductsSource = relatedProducts.Where(c => c.ProductID == content.ProductID).ToList();
                                                content.Product.ProductAttributeValues = values.Where(c => c.ProductID == content.ProductID).ToList();

                                                contentList.Add(va.ProductID, content);

                                            VendorAdds vad = null;
                                            vendoradd.TryGetValue(va.VendorAssortmentID, out vad);

                                            CheckConnectorPublication(content, connectorPublicationRules, vad, unit, contentList);

                                log.DebugFormat("Finished Processing Rule {0} for Connector {1}", rule.ProductContentID, conn.Name);


                            ///put logic here

                                var vendorsettings = pDb.Query <ContentProduct>("SELECT * FROM ContentProduct WHERE ConnectorID = @0", conn.ConnectorID)
                                                     .Select(v => new
                                }).Distinct().ToDictionary(x => x.ProductContentID, x => x.ProductContentIndex);

                                var copyContentList = (from c in contentList.Values
                                                       join pm in productMatches on c.ProductID equals pm.ProductID
                                                       select c).ToList();

                                foreach (var c in copyContentList)
                                    var match = productMatches.Where(x => x.ProductID == c.ProductID).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (match != null)
                                        var matches = productMatches.Where(x => x.ProductMatchID == match.ProductMatchID && x.ProductID != c.ProductID).ToList();

                                        if (matches.Count > 0)
                                            foreach (var product in matches)
                                                if (!c.ProductContentID.HasValue)

                                                int contentVendorIndex = vendorsettings[c.ProductContentID.Value];

                                                Content matchContent = null;
                                                if (contentList.TryGetValue(product.ProductID, out matchContent))
                                                    if (!matchContent.ProductContentID.HasValue)

                                                    int matchContentIndex = vendorsettings[matchContent.ProductContentID.Value];

                                                    if (contentVendorIndex > matchContentIndex)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                log.AuditError("Cleaning Matches failed for {0}", conn.Name);

                            var curContent = pDb.Fetch <Content>("SELECT * FROM Content WHERE ConnectorID = @0", conn.ConnectorID).ToDictionary(x => x.ProductID, y => y);

                                log.DebugFormat("Cleaning up assortment for {0}", conn.Name);

                                var delcontent = (from c in curContent
                                                  where !contentList.ContainsKey(c.Key)
                                                  select c.Value).ToList();

                                foreach (var rec in delcontent)
                                    pDb.Delete("Content", "ProductID, ConnectorID", rec);

                                log.DebugFormat("Finished cleaning up for {0}", conn.Name);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                log.FatalFormat("Assorment cleanup failed for {0} error {1}", conn.ConnectorID, ex.StackTrace);

                            #region Existing Content


                            //log.Debug("Processing Existing Content");

                            //foreach (var curCon in contentList.Values)
                            //  Content exCon = null;
                            //  curContent.TryGetValue(curCon.ProductID, out exCon);

                            //  if (exCon != null)
                            //  {
                            //    exCon.ExtendedCatalog = curCon.ExtendedCatalog;
                            //    exCon.LedgerClass = curCon.LedgerClass;
                            //    exCon.LineType = curCon.LineType;
                            //    exCon.LongDescription = curCon.LongDescription;
                            //    exCon.ProductDesk = curCon.ProductDesk;
                            //    exCon.ShortDescription = curCon.ShortDescription;
                            //    exCon.ProductContentID = curCon.ProductContentID;

                            //    pDb.Update("Content", "ProductID, ConnectorID", exCon, new List<String>() { "ShortDescription", "LongDescription", "LineType", "LedgerClass", "ProductDesk", "ExtendedCatalog", "ProductContentID" });
                            //  }
                            //log.Debug("Finished processing existing content");


                            var newContent = (from c in contentList
                                              where !curContent.ContainsKey(c.Key)
                                              select c.Value).ToList();

                            log.DebugFormat("Inserting {0} rows for connector {1}", newContent.Count(), conn.ConnectorID);
                            foreach (var c in newContent)
                                pDb.Insert("Content", "ProductID, ConnectorID", false, new { ProductID = c.ProductID, ConnectorID = c.ConnectorID, c.ProductContentID, c.ShortDescription, c.LongDescription, c.ExtendedCatalog, c.LedgerClass, c.LineType, c.ProductDesk, CreatedBy = c.CreatedBy });

                            #region contentproductgroups
                                var contentProductGroups = pDb.Fetch <ContentProductGroup>("SELECT * FROM ContentProductGroup WHERE IsCustom = 0 AND ConnectorID = @0", conn.ConnectorID);

                                //List<ProductGroupMapping> productGroupMappings = pDb.Fetch<ProductGroupMapping>("SELECT * FROM ProductGroupMapping WHERE Depth = 0 AND (ConnectorID = @0 OR ConnectorID = @1)",
                                //    conn.ConnectorID, conn.ParentConnectorID ?? conn.ConnectorID);

                                List <ProductGroupMapping> productGroupMappings = pDb.Fetch <ProductGroupMapping>("SELECT * FROM ProductGroupMapping WHERE (ConnectorID = @0 OR ConnectorID = @1)",
                                                                                                                  conn.ConnectorID, conn.ParentConnectorID ?? conn.ConnectorID);

                                Dictionary <int, List <int> > MappingProductGroup = (
                                    from c in productGroupMappings
                                    group c by c.ProductGroupID into gr
                                    select new { gr.Key, Value = gr.Select(c => c.ProductGroupMappingID) })
                                                                                    .ToDictionary(c => c.Key, c => c.Value.ToList());

                                //Start assortment tree processes
                                var tree = BuildTree(productGroupMappings);

                                var products = GetContentsPerMapping(contentList.Values.ToList(), productGroupMappings, MappingProductGroup);

                                //add products to tree
                                AddProductsToTree(tree, products, contentList.Values.ToList(), MappingProductGroup);
                                //end assortment tree processes

                                var toSync = tree.FlattenTreeToList(conn.ConnectorID, 1);
                                SyncNewContentProductGroups(toSync, pDb, conn.ConnectorID);

                                log.DebugFormat("Finish Remove unused contentproductgroups");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                log.Fatal("Error processing contentproductgroups for connectorID" + conn.ConnectorID.ToString(), ex);

                            log.DebugFormat("Finish insert assortment for connector {0}: {1}", conn.ConnectorID, conn.Name);

                            if (conn.ConnectorSettings.GetValueByKey <bool>("SyncContentProductGroupsWithParentConnector", false))
                                SyncCustomContentProducts(conn, pDb);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Fatal("Processs assortment error", ex);
Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets any indexes with a null LastProcessed
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal IEnumerable <RetreaveIndex> GetUnprocessedIndexes()
            var results = _database.Fetch <RetreaveIndex>("WHERE LastProcessed IS NULL AND Active = 1");

        public static List <T> FetchOneToMany <T, T1>(this Database db, Func <T, object> key, Sql Sql)
            var relator = new Relator();

            return(db.Fetch <T, T1, T>((a, b) => relator.OneToMany(a, b, key), Sql));