public CodeCoverageConfiguration() : base("CodeCoverage configuration.") { Enabled = new BoolOption("Enable CodeCoverage.", false); OutputFormat = new StringOption("Format to use for code coverage report. Possible values: JaCoCo, CoverageGutters", "JaCoCo"); OutputPath = new StringOption("Path relative to the current directory where code coverage report is saved.", "coverage.xml"); OutputEncoding = new StringOption("Encoding of the output file.", "UTF8"); Path = new StringArrayOption("Directories or files to be used for codecoverage, by default the Path(s) from general settings are used, unless overridden here.", new string[0]); ExcludeTests = new BoolOption("Exclude tests from code coverage. This uses the TestFilter from general configuration.", true); RecursePaths = new BoolOption("Will recurse through directories in the Path option.", true); UseBreakpoints = new BoolOption("EXPERIMENTAL: When false, use Profiler based tracer to do CodeCoverage instead of using breakpoints.", true); CoveragePercentTarget = new DecimalOption("Target percent of code coverage that you want to achieve, default 75%.", 75m); SingleHitBreakpoints = new BoolOption("Remove breakpoint when it is hit.", true); }
public DecimalOption(DecimalOption option, decimal value) : base(option, value) { }