/// <summary> /// Load with spectralData /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> public Settings(SpectralData data) { InitializeComponent(); propertyGrid.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; propertyGrid.SelectedObject = data; SetupWindowForCalGraph(); data.CalibrationParamtersRefreshed += Data_CalibrationParamtersRefreshed; }
/// <summary> /// Handle the propertyu value changed for cal model /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void PropertyGrid_PropertyValueChanged(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.ChangedItem.PropertyDescriptor.Name == "CalModel" || e.ChangedItem.PropertyDescriptor.Name == "Order") { SpectralData data = (SpectralData)((PropertyGrid)s).SelectedObject; try { data.RefreshCalibrationParameters(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } }
private void DrawGraph() { if (!(propertyGrid.SelectedObject is SpectralData)) { return; } SpectralData data = (SpectralData)propertyGrid.SelectedObject; EfficiencyMeasurement[] effpts = data.EfficiencyPoints.ToArray(); int numPoints = 500; int ticks = 10; canvas.BackColor = Color.LightGray; //get the max an min of the efficieny points double maxOrd = effpts.Max(e => e.Efficiency); double minOrd = effpts.Min(e => e.Efficiency); //get ordinate graph bounds that look nice double ordTickRange = GetTickRange(maxOrd - minOrd, ticks); double ordTickMag = Math.Log10(ordTickRange) > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(ordTickRange)): Math.Floor(Math.Log10(ordTickRange)); maxOrd = ordTickRange * Math.Round(1 + maxOrd / ordTickRange); minOrd = ordTickRange * (Math.Round(minOrd / ordTickRange - 1)); double minAbsc = 0;// Properties.Settings.Default.LOWERELIMT * 0.75; double maxAbsc = Properties.Settings.Default.UPPERELIMIT; //get abscissa graph bounds that look nice double abscTickRange = GetTickRange(maxAbsc - minAbsc, ticks); double abscTickMag = Math.Log10(abscTickRange) > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(abscTickRange)) : Math.Floor(Math.Log10(abscTickRange)); maxAbsc = abscTickRange * Math.Round(maxAbsc / abscTickRange); minAbsc = abscTickRange * (Math.Round(minAbsc / abscTickRange)); Graphics graph = canvas.CreateGraphics(); graph.Clear(canvas.BackColor); Pen pen = new Pen(Color.DarkSlateGray); int seperation = (canvas.Location.Y - (propertyGrid.Location.Y + propertyGrid.Height)) * 2; Rectangle chart = new Rectangle(7 * seperation, seperation, (int)(0.8F * canvas.Width), (int)(0.8F * canvas.Height)); //graph.DrawRectangle(pen, chart); //get the energy limit double lowE = minAbsc;// Properties.Settings.Default.LOWERELIMT * 0.75; double highE = maxAbsc; //get the position converstion factors. double xconv = (chart.Left - chart.Right) / (lowE - highE); double xoff = chart.Right - (xconv * highE); double yconv = (chart.Bottom - chart.Top) / (minOrd - maxOrd); double yoff = chart.Bottom - (yconv * minOrd); //build a formatting string StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder("0"); format.Append(ordTickMag >= 0 ? "" : "."); for (int j = 0; j < Math.Abs(ordTickMag); j++) { format.Append(0); } //loop throuhg and add lables int tickLength = seperation; double ord = minOrd, absc = minAbsc; while (Math.Round(ord, (int)Math.Abs(ordTickMag)) <= maxOrd) { //draw the y-axis int y = (int)(yconv * (ord) + yoff); graph.DrawLine(pen, chart.Left - tickLength, y, chart.Right, y); string label = (ord).ToString(format.ToString()); SizeF labelSize = graph.MeasureString(label, propertyGrid.Font); graph.DrawString(label, propertyGrid.Font, pen.Brush, new PointF(chart.Left - tickLength - labelSize.Width, y - labelSize.Height / 2)); ord += ordTickRange; } while (Math.Round(absc, (int)Math.Abs(abscTickMag)) <= maxAbsc) { //draw the x-axis int x = (int)(xconv * (absc) + xoff); graph.DrawLine(pen, x, chart.Bottom + tickLength, x, chart.Top); string label = (absc).ToString(); SizeF labelSize = graph.MeasureString(label, propertyGrid.Font); graph.DrawString(label, propertyGrid.Font, pen.Brush, new PointF(x - labelSize.Width / 2, chart.Bottom + labelSize.Height)); absc += abscTickRange; } //fill the an array of points that represents the curve double eJump = (highE - lowE) / numPoints; Point[] curvePoints = new Point[numPoints]; double ene = lowE; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { ene += eJump; double eff = data.GetEfficiency(ene); int x = Convert.ToInt32(ene * xconv + xoff); double y = yoff + eff * yconv; if (y > chart.Bottom || double.IsNaN(y)) { y = chart.Bottom; } else if (y < chart.Top || double.IsInfinity(y)) { y = chart.Top; } curvePoints[i] = new Point(x, (int)y); } //make the graph thick Pen graphPen = pen; graphPen.Width *= 3; graph.DrawCurve(graphPen, curvePoints); //put the efficiency points on the chart for (int i = 0; i < effpts.Length; i++) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(effpts[i].Energy * xconv + xoff); int y = Convert.ToInt32(yoff + effpts[i].Efficiency * yconv); int ptSize = Convert.ToInt32(graphPen.Width); graph.DrawRectangle(graphPen, new Rectangle(x - ptSize, y - ptSize, 2 * ptSize, 2 * ptSize)); } }