public static double AngleBetween(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
            double y = vector1._x * vector2._y - vector2._x * vector1._y;
            double x = vector1._x * vector2._x + vector1._y * vector2._y;

            return(Math.Atan2(y, x) * 57.295779513082323);
 public static bool Equals(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
     if (vector1.X.Equals(vector2.X))
        public static XVector Parse(string source)
            TokenizerHelper helper = new TokenizerHelper(source, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            string          str    = helper.NextTokenRequired();
            XVector         vector = new XVector(Convert.ToDouble(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Convert.ToDouble(helper.NextTokenRequired(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves a rectangle by the specified amount.
 /// </summary>
 public void Offset(XVector offsetVector)
     if (IsEmpty)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotCallMethod"); //SR.Get(SRID.Rect_CannotCallMethod, new object[0]));
     _x += offsetVector.X;
     _y += offsetVector.Y;
 public static XVector Add(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
     return(new XVector(vector1._x + vector2._x, vector1._y + vector2._y));
 public static double Determinant(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
     return(vector1._x * vector2._y - vector1._y * vector2._x);
 public static double Multiply(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
     return(vector1._x * vector2._x + vector1._y * vector2._y);
 public static XVector Multiply(XVector vector, XMatrix matrix)
 public static XVector Divide(XVector vector, double scalar)
     return(vector * (1.0 / scalar));
Esempio n. 10
 public static XVector Multiply(double scalar, XVector vector)
     return(new XVector(vector._x * scalar, vector._y * scalar));
Esempio n. 11
 public static XPoint Add(XVector vector, XPoint point)
     return(new XPoint(point.X + vector._x, point.Y + vector._y));
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a point and a vector.
 /// </summary>
 public static XPoint Add(XPoint point, XVector vector)
     return(new XPoint(point._x + vector.X, point._y + vector.Y));
Esempio n. 13
 public bool Equals(XVector value)
     return(Equals(this, value));
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Subtracts a vector from a point.
 /// </summary>
 public static XPoint Subtract(XPoint point, XVector vector)
     return(new XPoint(point._x - vector.X, point._y - vector.Y));
Esempio n. 15
 public static double CrossProduct(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
     return(vector1._x * vector2._y - vector1._y * vector2._x);
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the XRect class.
 /// </summary>
 public XRect(XPoint point, XVector vector)
     : this(point, point + vector)
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a rectangle that is offset from the specified rectangle by using the specified vector.
 /// </summary>
 public static XRect Offset(XRect rect, XVector offsetVector)
     rect.Offset(offsetVector.X, offsetVector.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates between 1 and 5 Béziers curves from parameters specified like in WPF.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <XPoint> BezierCurveFromArc(XPoint point1, XPoint point2, XSize size,
                                                       double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, bool clockwise, PathStart pathStart)
            // See also from January 2, 2008:
            double δx = size.Width;
            double δy = size.Height;

            Debug.Assert(δx * δy > 0);
            double factor             = δy / δx;
            bool   isCounterclockwise = !clockwise;

            // Adjust for different radii and rotation angle.
            XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix();

            matrix.ScaleAppend(δy / δx, 1);
            XPoint pt1 = matrix.Transform(point1);
            XPoint pt2 = matrix.Transform(point2);

            // Get info about chord that connects both points.
            XPoint  midPoint  = new XPoint((pt1.X + pt2.X) / 2, (pt1.Y + pt2.Y) / 2);
            XVector vect      = pt2 - pt1;
            double  halfChord = vect.Length / 2;

            // Get vector from chord to center.
            XVector vectRotated;

            // (comparing two Booleans here!)
            if (isLargeArc == isCounterclockwise)
                vectRotated = new XVector(-vect.Y, vect.X);
                vectRotated = new XVector(vect.Y, -vect.X);


            // Distance from chord to center.
            double centerDistance = Math.Sqrt(δy * δy - halfChord * halfChord);

            if (double.IsNaN(centerDistance))
                centerDistance = 0;

            // Calculate center point.
            XPoint center = midPoint + centerDistance * vectRotated;

            // Get angles from center to the two points.
            double α = Math.Atan2(pt1.Y - center.Y, pt1.X - center.X);
            double β = Math.Atan2(pt2.Y - center.Y, pt2.X - center.X);

            // (another comparison of two Booleans!)
            if (isLargeArc == (Math.Abs(β - α) < Math.PI))
                if (α < β)
                    α += 2 * Math.PI;
                    β += 2 * Math.PI;

            // Invert matrix for final point calculation.
            double sweepAngle = β - α;

            // Let the algorithm of GDI+ DrawArc to Bézier curves do the rest of the job
            return(BezierCurveFromArc(center.X - δx * factor, center.Y - δy, 2 * δx * factor, 2 * δy,
                                      α / Calc.Deg2Rad, sweepAngle / Calc.Deg2Rad, pathStart, ref matrix));
Esempio n. 19
 public static XVector Subtract(XVector vector1, XVector vector2)
     return(new XVector(vector1._x - vector2._x, vector1._y - vector2._y));
Esempio n. 20
        //  Function: ArcToBezier
        //  Synopsis: Compute the Bezier approximation of an arc
        //  Notes:    This utilitycomputes the Bezier approximation for an elliptical arc as it is defined
        //            in the SVG arc spec. The ellipse from which the arc is carved is axis-aligned in its
        //            own coordinates, and defined there by its x and y radii. The rotation angle defines
        //            how the ellipse's axes are rotated relative to our x axis. The start and end points
        //            define one of 4 possible arcs; the sweep and large-arc flags determine which one of
        //            these arcs will be chosen. See SVG spec for details.
        //            Returning pieces = 0 indicates a line instead of an arc
        //                      pieces = -1 indicates that the arc degenerates to a point
        public static PointCollection ArcToBezier(double xStart, double yStart, double xRadius, double yRadius, double rotationAngle,
                                                  bool isLargeArc, bool isClockwise, double xEnd, double yEnd, out int pieces)
            double  cosArcAngle, sinArcAngle, xCenter, yCenter, r, bezDist;
            XVector vecToBez1, vecToBez2;
            XMatrix matToEllipse;

            double fuzz2        = FUZZ * FUZZ;
            bool   isZeroCenter = false;

            pieces = -1;

            // In the following, the line segment between between the arc's start and
            // end points is referred to as "the chord".

            // Transform 1: Shift the origin to the chord's midpoint
            double x = (xEnd - xStart) / 2;
            double y = (yEnd - yStart) / 2;

            double halfChord2 = x * x + y * y;     // (half chord length)^2

            // Degenerate case: single point
            if (halfChord2 < fuzz2)
                // The chord degeneartes to a point, the arc will be ignored

            // Degenerate case: straight line
            if (!AcceptRadius(halfChord2, fuzz2, ref xRadius) || !AcceptRadius(halfChord2, fuzz2, ref yRadius))
                // We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc
                pieces = 0;

            if (xRadius == 0 || yRadius == 0)
                // We have a zero radius, add a straight line segment instead of an arc
                pieces = 0;

            // Transform 2: Rotate to the ellipse's coordinate system
            rotationAngle = -rotationAngle * Calc.Deg2Rad;

            double cos = Math.Cos(rotationAngle);
            double sin = Math.Sin(rotationAngle);

            r = x * cos - y * sin;
            y = x * sin + y * cos;
            x = r;

            // Transform 3: Scale so that the ellipse will become a unit circle
            x /= xRadius;
            y /= yRadius;

            // We get to the center of that circle along a verctor perpendicular to the chord
            // from the origin, which is the chord's midpoint. By Pythagoras, the length of that
            // vector is sqrt(1 - (half chord)^2).

            halfChord2 = x * x + y * y;   // now in the circle coordinates

            if (halfChord2 > 1)
                // The chord is longer than the circle's diameter; we scale the radii uniformly so
                // that the chord will be a diameter. The center will then be the chord's midpoint,
                // which is now the origin.
                r            = Math.Sqrt(halfChord2);
                xRadius     *= r;
                yRadius     *= r;
                xCenter      = yCenter = 0;
                isZeroCenter = true;

                // Adjust the unit-circle coordinates x and y
                x /= r;
                y /= r;
                // The length of (-y,x) or (x,-y) is sqrt(rHalfChord2), and we want a vector
                // of length sqrt(1 - rHalfChord2), so we'll multiply it by:
                r = Math.Sqrt((1 - halfChord2) / halfChord2);
                //if (isLargeArc != (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise))
                if (isLargeArc != isClockwise)
                // Going to the center from the origin=chord-midpoint
                    // in the direction of (-y, x)
                    xCenter = -r * y;
                    yCenter = r * x;
                    // in the direction of (y, -x)
                    xCenter = r * y;
                    yCenter = -r * x;

            // Transformation 4: shift the origin to the center of the circle, which then becomes
            // the unit circle. Since the chord's midpoint is the origin, the start point is (-x, -y)
            // and the endpoint is (x, y).
            XPoint ptStart = new XPoint(-x - xCenter, -y - yCenter);
            XPoint ptEnd   = new XPoint(x - xCenter, y - yCenter);

            // Set up the matrix that will take us back to our coordinate system.  This matrix is
            // the inverse of the combination of transformation 1 thru 4.
            matToEllipse = new XMatrix(cos * xRadius, -sin * xRadius,
                                       sin * yRadius, cos * yRadius,
                                       (xEnd + xStart) / 2, (yEnd + yStart) / 2);

            if (!isZeroCenter)
                // Prepend the translation that will take the origin to the circle's center
                matToEllipse.OffsetX += (matToEllipse.M11 * xCenter + matToEllipse.M21 * yCenter);
                matToEllipse.OffsetY += (matToEllipse.M12 * xCenter + matToEllipse.M22 * yCenter);

            // Get the sine & cosine of the angle that will generate the arc pieces
            GetArcAngle(ptStart, ptEnd, isLargeArc, isClockwise, out cosArcAngle, out sinArcAngle, out pieces);

            // Get the vector to the first Bezier control point
            bezDist = GetBezierDistance(cosArcAngle, 1);

            //if (eSweepDirection == SweepDirection.Counterclockwise)
            if (!isClockwise)
                bezDist = -bezDist;

            vecToBez1 = new XVector(-bezDist * ptStart.Y, bezDist * ptStart.X);

            PointCollection result = new PointCollection();

            // Add the arc pieces, except for the last
            for (int idx = 1; idx < pieces; idx++)
                // Get the arc piece's endpoint
                XPoint ptPieceEnd = new XPoint(ptStart.X * cosArcAngle - ptStart.Y * sinArcAngle, ptStart.X * sinArcAngle + ptStart.Y * cosArcAngle);
                vecToBez2 = new XVector(-bezDist * ptPieceEnd.Y, bezDist * ptPieceEnd.X);

                result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptStart + vecToBez1));
                result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptPieceEnd - vecToBez2));

                // Move on to the next arc
                ptStart   = ptPieceEnd;
                vecToBez1 = vecToBez2;

            // Last arc - we know the endpoint
            vecToBez2 = new XVector(-bezDist * ptEnd.Y, bezDist * ptEnd.X);

            result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptStart + vecToBez1));
            result.Add(matToEllipse.Transform(ptEnd - vecToBez2));
            result.Add(new XPoint(xEnd, yEnd));
