public ActionResult Create(CreateStudentViewModel studentModel, string selectedUser, string lastName,
                                   string firstMidName, string email)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var student = new Student();

                    //Establish the student data
                    student.UserName = selectedUser;
                    student.LastName = lastName;
                    student.FirstMidName = firstMidName;
                    student.Email = email;
                    student.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now;

                    db.Students.Add(student); //inputs student data into database (is not saved yet)
                    db.SaveChanges(); //saves the student to database

                    MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(student.UserName); //gets the actual user
                    Roles.AddUserToRole(user.UserName, "Student"); //takes the user and sets role to student

                    // assigns Student data to the profile of the user (so the user is associated with this specified Student data)
                    CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetUserProfile(student.UserName);
                    profile.FilledStudentInfo = "yes";

                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
            catch (DataException)
                //Log the error (add a variable name after DataException)
                                         "Saving failed for some reason.  You may have left some information blank.  Please try again (several times in several different ways if possible (i.e. try using a different computer) - if the problem persists see your system administrator.");

            // This code block is here to allow the page to render in case we get a DataException and have to re-display the screen.
            MembershipUserCollection users = Membership.GetAllUsers();
            var model = new CreateStudentViewModel
                                Users = users.OfType<MembershipUser>().Select(x => new SelectListItem
                                                                                           Value = x.UserName,
                                                                                           Text = x.UserName,
            return View(model);
 public string IsPresent(Student student, int attendanceDay)
     return Attendances.Single(a => a.StudentID == student.StudentID && a.AttendanceDay == attendanceDay).Present
                ? PaulSchoolResource.Present_Text
                : PaulSchoolResource.Absent_Text;
 public ActionResult Edit(Student student)
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             db.Entry(student).State = EntityState.Modified;
             return RedirectToAction("Index");
     catch (DataException)
         //Log the error (add a variable name after DataException)
                                  "Saving failed for some reason. Please try again (several times in several different ways if possible (i.e. try using a different computer) - if the problem persists see your system administrator.");
     return View(student);
 private void CreateEnrollmentAttendanceAndNotificationData(Course course, Student thisStudent)
     course.SeatsTaken = course.SeatsTaken + 1;
     BuildEnrollmentData(course, thisStudent);
     BuildAttendanceData(course, thisStudent);
     BuildNotificationData(course, thisStudent);
 private void CreatesInstructorDataAndAssignsRole(Student currentUser)
     var newInstructor = new Instructor
             UserName = User.Identity.Name,
             EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now,
             LastName = currentUser.LastName,
             FirstMidName = currentUser.FirstMidName,
             Email = currentUser.Email
     if (!User.IsInRole("Instructor"))
         Roles.AddUserToRole(User.Identity.Name, "Instructor");
 private void BuildEnrollmentData(Course course, Student thisStudent)
     bool hasPaid = course.Cost == 0;
     var newEnrollment = new Enrollment
             CourseID = course.CourseID,
             StudentID = thisStudent.StudentID,
             Grade = "incomplete",
             Paid = hasPaid
 private void BuildNotificationData(Course course, Student thisStudent)
     var newNotification = new Notification
             Time = DateTime.Now,
             Details =
                 "A Student by the name of " + thisStudent.FirstMidName + " " + thisStudent.LastName
                 + " has signed up for " + course.Title,
             Link = Url.Action("Details", "Student", new { id = thisStudent.StudentID }),
             ViewableBy = "Admin",
             Complete = false
        /// <summary>
        /// The update students table with updated profile data from register model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile">
        /// The model.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isStudent">
        /// The is student.
        /// </param>
        private void UpdateStudentsTableWithUpdatedProfileDataFromRegisterModel(CustomProfile profile, Student isStudent)
            isStudent.LastName = profile.LastName;
            isStudent.FirstMidName = profile.FirstMidName;
            isStudent.StreetAddress = profile.StreetAddress;
            isStudent.City = profile.City;
            isStudent.State = profile.State;
            isStudent.ZipCode = profile.ZipCode;
            isStudent.Phone = profile.Phone;
            isStudent.DateOfBirth = profile.DateOfBirth;
            isStudent.ParishAffiliation = profile.ParishAffiliation;
            isStudent.MinistryInvolvement = profile.MinistryInvolvement;
            MembershipUser u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);

            // needed to get email for isStudent.Email = u.Email;
            if (u != null)
                isStudent.Email = u.Email;

 private void BuildAttendanceData(Course course, Student thisStudent)
     for (int i = 0; i < course.AttendingDays; i++)
         // Adds attendance rows for every day needed in the attendance table
         var newAttendance = new Attendance
                 CourseID = course.CourseID,
                 StudentID = thisStudent.StudentID,
                 AttendanceDay = i + 1,
                 Present = true
 /// <summary>
 /// The create student table data with new profile data and assign student role.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="profile">
 /// The model.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="user">
 /// The user.
 ///  </param>
 private void CreateStudentTableDataWithNewProfileDataAndAssignStudentRole(CustomProfile profile,
                                                                           MembershipUser user)
     var newStudent = new Student
             LastName = profile.LastName,
             FirstMidName = profile.FirstMidName,
             Email = user.Email,
             UserName = profile.UserName,
             EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now,
             StreetAddress = profile.StreetAddress,
             City = profile.City,
             State = profile.State,
             ZipCode = profile.ZipCode,
             Phone = profile.Phone,
             DateOfBirth = profile.DateOfBirth,
             ParishAffiliation = profile.ParishAffiliation,
             MinistryInvolvement = profile.MinistryInvolvement
     if (!User.IsInRole("Student"))
         Roles.AddUserToRole(profile.UserName, "Student");
        /// <summary>
        /// The update students table with updated profile data from profile view model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">
        /// The model.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isStudent">
        /// The is student.
        /// </param>
        private void UpdateStudentsTableWithUpdatedProfileDataFromProfileViewModel(
            ProfileViewModel model, Student isStudent, string state)
            isStudent.LastName = model.LastName;
            isStudent.FirstMidName = model.FirstMidName;
            isStudent.StreetAddress = model.StreetAddress;
            isStudent.City = model.City;
            isStudent.State = state;
            isStudent.ZipCode = model.ZipCode;
            isStudent.Phone = model.Phone;
            isStudent.DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth;
            isStudent.ParishAffiliation = model.ParishAffiliation;
            isStudent.MinistryInvolvement = model.MinistryInvolvement;
            MembershipUser u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);

            // needed to get email for isStudent.Email = u.Email;
            if (u != null)
                isStudent.Email = u.Email;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Student in Student table from ProfileViewModel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">
        /// The model.
        /// </param>
        private void CreateStudentInStudentTableFromProfileViewModel(ProfileViewModel model, string state)
            MembershipUser u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name); // needed to get email for Email = u.Email;
            if (u == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");

            var newStudent = new Student
                    LastName = model.LastName,
                    FirstMidName = model.FirstMidName,
                    Email = u.Email,
                    UserName = User.Identity.Name,
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now,
                    StreetAddress = model.StreetAddress,
                    City = model.City,
                    State = state,
                    ZipCode = model.ZipCode,
                    Phone = model.Phone,
                    DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth,
                    ParishAffiliation = model.ParishAffiliation,
                    MinistryInvolvement = model.MinistryInvolvement
            if (!User.IsInRole("Student"))
                Roles.AddUserToRole(User.Identity.Name, "Student");
 private void BuildNewNotificationAndAddToDb(InstructorApplication instructorApplication, Student thisUser)
     Notification newNotification = BuildNewNotification(instructorApplication, thisUser);
 private Notification BuildNewNotification(InstructorApplication instructorApplication, Student thisUser)
     var newNotification = new Notification
                                   Time = DateTime.Now,
                                   Details =
                                       "A user by the name of " + thisUser.FirstMidName + " " + thisUser.LastName
                                       + " has applied to become an Instructor",
                                   Link =
                                           new {id = instructorApplication.InstructorApplicationID}),
                                   ViewableBy = "Admin",
                                   Complete = false
     return newNotification;
 private InstructorApplication BuildNewInstructorApplicationAndAddToDb(
     InstructorApplicationViewModel applicationFromView, Student thisUser)
     InstructorApplication instructorApplication = BuildNewInstructorApplication(applicationFromView, thisUser);
     return instructorApplication;
 private static InstructorApplication BuildNewInstructorApplication(
     InstructorApplicationViewModel applicationFromView, Student thisUser)
     var educationList = new List<EducationalBackground>();
     foreach (EducationalBackGround educate in applicationFromView.EducationalBackgrounds)
         var education = new EducationalBackground
                                 YearReceived = educate.YearReceived,
                                 Degree = educate.Degree,
                                 AreaOfStudy = educate.AreaOfStudy,
                                 UniversityOrCollege = educate.UniversityOrCollege
     var instructorApplication = new InstructorApplication
                                         StudentID = thisUser.StudentID,
                                         EducationalBackground = new List<EducationalBackground>(),
                                         Experience = applicationFromView.Experience,
                                         WillingToTravel = applicationFromView.WillingToTravel,
                                         Approved = false
     return instructorApplication;