Esempio n. 1
        //Loop through all paths and find the shortest one (if one can be found)
        private static float FindShortestPathLength(RSCar carEndMod, out PathSegmentLengths bestPathLengths, out PathWords bestWord)
            //How many paths are we going to check
            int numPathWords = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PathWords)).Length;

            //Better than using float.MaxValue because we can use float.IsPositiveInfinity(bestPathLength) to test if its infinity
            float shortestPathLength = float.PositiveInfinity;

            bestWord = 0;

            //Will keep track of the length of the best path
            //Some Reeds-Shepp segments have 5 lengths, but 2 of those are known, so we only need 3 to find the shortest path
            bestPathLengths = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            //Loop through all paths that are enums to find the shortest
            for (int w = 0; w < numPathWords; w++)
                PathWords word = (PathWords)w;

                PathSegmentLengths pathSegmentLengths;

                float pathLength = PathLengthMath.GetLength(carEndMod, word, out pathSegmentLengths);

                if (pathLength < shortestPathLength)
                    shortestPathLength = pathLength;
                    bestWord           = word;
                    bestPathLengths    = pathSegmentLengths;

Esempio n. 2
        //The formulas assume we move from(0, 0, 0) to (x, y, theta), and that the turning radius is 1
        //This means we have to move and rotate the goal's position and heading as if the start's position and heading had been at (0,0,0)
        //But we are using Unity, so the rotation of the start car has to be along the x-axis and not z-axis which is Unity's zero-rotation
        public static RSCar NormalizeGoalCar(RSCar carStart, RSCar carEnd, float turningRadius)
            //Change the position and rotation of the goal car
            Vector3 posDiff = carEnd.pos - carStart.pos;

            //Turning radius is 1
            posDiff /= turningRadius;

            //Unitys coordinate is not the same as the one used in the pdf so we have to make som strange translations
            float headingDiff = PathLengthMath.WrapAngleInRadians((2f * Mathf.PI) - (carEnd.HeadingInRad - carStart.HeadingInRad));

            //Rotate the vector between the cars
            //Add 90 degrees because of unitys coordinate system
            Vector3 newEndPos = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -carStart.HeadingInDegrees + 90f, 0f) * posDiff;

            RSCar carEndMod = new RSCar(newEndPos, headingDiff);
