IntersectionFactor() public static method

public static IntersectionFactor ( Int3 start1, Int3 end1, Int3 start2, Int3 end2, float &factor1, float &factor2 ) : bool
start1 Int3
end1 Int3
start2 Int3
end2 Int3
factor1 float
factor2 float
return bool
Esempio n. 1
        public static bool Linecast(INavmesh graph, Vector3 tmp_origin, Vector3 tmp_end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List <GraphNode> trace)
            Int3 @int = (Int3)tmp_end;
            Int3 int2 = (Int3)tmp_origin;

            hit = default(GraphHitInfo);
            if (float.IsNaN(tmp_origin.x + tmp_origin.y + tmp_origin.z))
                throw new ArgumentException("origin is NaN");
            if (float.IsNaN(tmp_end.x + tmp_end.y + tmp_end.z))
                throw new ArgumentException("end is NaN");
            TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = hint as TriangleMeshNode;

            if (triangleMeshNode == null)
                triangleMeshNode = ((graph as NavGraph).GetNearest(tmp_origin, NNConstraint.None).node as TriangleMeshNode);
                if (triangleMeshNode == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find a valid node to start from");
                    hit.point = tmp_origin;
            if (int2 == @int)
                hit.node = triangleMeshNode;
            int2       = (Int3)triangleMeshNode.ClosestPointOnNode((Vector3)int2);
            hit.origin = (Vector3)int2;
            if (!triangleMeshNode.Walkable)
                hit.point         = (Vector3)int2;
                hit.tangentOrigin = (Vector3)int2;
            List <Vector3> list = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            List <Vector3> list2 = ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();

            int num = 0;

            while (true)
                if (num > 2000)
                TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = null;
                if (trace != null)
                if (triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(@int))
                    goto Block_9;
                for (int i = 0; i < triangleMeshNode.connections.Length; i++)
                    if (triangleMeshNode.connections[i].GraphIndex == triangleMeshNode.GraphIndex)
                        if (triangleMeshNode.GetPortal(triangleMeshNode.connections[i], list, list2, false))
                            Vector3 vector  = list[0];
                            Vector3 vector2 = list2[0];
                            if (Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vector, vector2, hit.origin) || !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vector, vector2, tmp_end))
                                float num2;
                                float num3;
                                if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vector, vector2, hit.origin, tmp_end, out num2, out num3))
                                    if (num3 >= 0f)
                                        if (num2 >= 0f && num2 <= 1f)
                                            triangleMeshNode2 = (triangleMeshNode.connections[i] as TriangleMeshNode);
                if (triangleMeshNode2 == null)
                    goto Block_18;
                triangleMeshNode = triangleMeshNode2;
            Debug.LogError("Linecast was stuck in infinite loop. Breaking.");
            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list2);


            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list2);


            int vertexCount = triangleMeshNode.GetVertexCount();

            for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++)
                Vector3 vector3 = (Vector3)triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(j);
                Vector3 vector4 = (Vector3)triangleMeshNode.GetVertex((j + 1) % vertexCount);
                if (Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vector3, vector4, hit.origin) || !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vector3, vector4, tmp_end))
                    float num4;
                    float num5;
                    if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vector3, vector4, hit.origin, tmp_end, out num4, out num5))
                        if (num5 >= 0f)
                            if (num4 >= 0f && num4 <= 1f)
                                Vector3 point = vector3 + (vector4 - vector3) * num4;
                                hit.point         = point;
                                hit.node          = triangleMeshNode;
                                hit.tangent       = vector4 - vector3;
                                hit.tangentOrigin = vector3;
                                ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list);

                                ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list2);

            Debug.LogWarning("Linecast failing because point not inside node, and line does not hit any edges of it");
            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list);

            ListPool <Vector3> .Release(list2);

Esempio n. 2
        /** Returns if there is an obstacle between \a origin and \a end on the graph.
         * \param [in] graph The graph to perform the search on
         * \param [in] tmp_origin Point to start from
         * \param [in] tmp_end Point to linecast to
         * \param [out] hit Contains info on what was hit, see GraphHitInfo
         * \param [in] hint You need to pass the node closest to the start point, if null, a search for the closest node will be done
         * \param trace If a list is passed, then it will be filled with all nodes the linecast traverses
         * This is not the same as Physics.Linecast, this function traverses the \b graph and looks for collisions instead of checking for collider intersection.
         * \astarpro */
        public static bool Linecast(INavmesh graph, Vector3 tmp_origin, Vector3 tmp_end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List <GraphNode> trace)
            var end    = (Int3)tmp_end;
            var origin = (Int3)tmp_origin;

            hit = new GraphHitInfo();

            if (float.IsNaN(tmp_origin.x + tmp_origin.y + tmp_origin.z))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("origin is NaN");
            if (float.IsNaN(tmp_end.x + tmp_end.y + tmp_end.z))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("end is NaN");

            var node = hint as TriangleMeshNode;

            if (node == null)
                node = (graph as NavGraph).GetNearest(tmp_origin, NNConstraint.None).node as TriangleMeshNode;

                if (node == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find a valid node to start from");
                    hit.point = tmp_origin;

            if (origin == end)
                hit.node = node;

            origin     = (Int3)node.ClosestPointOnNode((Vector3)origin);
            hit.origin = (Vector3)origin;

            if (!node.Walkable)
                hit.point         = (Vector3)origin;
                hit.tangentOrigin = (Vector3)origin;

            List <Vector3> left = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();         //new List<Vector3>(1);

            List <Vector3> right = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Claim();        //new List<Vector3>(1);

            int counter = 0;

            while (true)
                if (counter > 2000)
                    Debug.LogError("Linecast was stuck in infinite loop. Breaking.");
                    Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(left);

                    Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(right);


                TriangleMeshNode newNode = null;

                if (trace != null)

                if (node.ContainsPoint(end))
                    Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(left);

                    Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(right);


                for (int i = 0; i < node.connections.Length; i++)
                    //Nodes on other graphs should not be considered
                    //They might even be of other types (not MeshNode)
                    if (node.connections[i].GraphIndex != node.GraphIndex)


                    if (!node.GetPortal(node.connections[i], left, right, false))

                    Vector3 a = left[0];
                    Vector3 b = right[0];

                    //i.e Right or colinear
                    if (!Polygon.LeftNotColinear(a, b, hit.origin))
                        if (Polygon.LeftNotColinear(a, b, tmp_end))
                            //Since polygons are laid out in clockwise order, the ray would intersect (if intersecting) this edge going in to the node, not going out from it

                    float factor1, factor2;

                    if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(a, b, hit.origin, tmp_end, out factor1, out factor2))
                        //Intersection behind the start
                        if (factor2 < 0)

                        if (factor1 >= 0 && factor1 <= 1)
                            newNode = node.connections[i] as TriangleMeshNode;

                if (newNode == null)
                    //Possible edge hit
                    int vs = node.GetVertexCount();

                    for (int i = 0; i < vs; i++)
                        var a = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(i);
                        var b = (Vector3)node.GetVertex((i + 1) % vs);

                        //i.e right or colinear
                        if (!Polygon.LeftNotColinear(a, b, hit.origin))
                            //Since polygons are laid out in clockwise order, the ray would intersect (if intersecting) this edge going in to the node, not going out from it
                            if (Polygon.LeftNotColinear(a, b, tmp_end))
                                //Since polygons are laid out in clockwise order, the ray would intersect (if intersecting) this edge going in to the node, not going out from it

                        float factor1, factor2;
                        if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(a, b, hit.origin, tmp_end, out factor1, out factor2))
                            if (factor2 < 0)

                            if (factor1 >= 0 && factor1 <= 1)
                                Vector3 intersectionPoint = a + (b - a) * factor1;
                                hit.point         = intersectionPoint;
                                hit.node          = node;
                                hit.tangent       = b - a;
                                hit.tangentOrigin = a;

                                Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(left);

                                Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(right);


                    //Ok, this is wrong...
                    Debug.LogWarning("Linecast failing because point not inside node, and line does not hit any edges of it");

                    Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(left);

                    Pathfinding.Util.ListPool <Vector3> .Release(right);


                node = newNode;
Esempio n. 3
        public Vector3 ClampMovement(Vector3 direction)
            Vector3 targetDir     = direction * delta;
            Vector3 targetPoint   = transform.position + direction;
            Vector3 bestPoint     = targetPoint;
            float   bestPointDist = 0;

            //float lowestVO = float.PositiveInfinity;
            int lowestVOCounter = 0;

            //List<VO> vos = new List<VO> ();

            float velocityMagn = velocity.magnitude;

            foreach (LocalAvoidance agent in agents)
                if (agent == this || agent == null)

                Vector3 rCenter   = agent.transform.position - transform.position;
                float   dist      = rCenter.magnitude;
                float   doubleRad = (radius + agent.radius);

                if (dist > targetDir.magnitude * delta + doubleRad + velocityMagn + agent.GetVelocity().magnitude)

                if (lowestVOCounter > maxVOCounter)

                VO vo = new VO();

                vo.origin    = transform.position + Vector3.Lerp(velocity * delta, agent.GetVelocity() * delta, responability);
                vo.direction = rCenter.normalized;

                if (doubleRad > rCenter.magnitude)
                    vo.angle = Mathf.PI * 0.5F;

                    /*vo.limit = dist-doubleRad;
                     * if (vo.limit < 0) {
                     *      vo.limit = 0.001F;
                     * }
                     * vos.Add (vo);
                     * continue;*/
                    //doubleRad = rCenter.magnitude*0.99F;
                    vo.angle = (float)Math.Asin(doubleRad / dist);

                //float n = (float)Math.Tan (Math.Asin ((doubleRad)/rCenter.magnitude))*(rCenter.magnitude-doubleRad);
                //Vector3 m = (rCenter.magnitude - doubleRad)*rCenter.normalized;//+(agent.velocity+velocity)/2F;

                /*if (drawGizmos) {
                 *      Debug.DrawLine (transform.position,m,;
                 *      Debug.Log (n);
                 * }*/
                vo.limit = dist - doubleRad;                //m.magnitude;

                if (vo.limit < 0)
                    vo.origin += vo.direction * (vo.limit);
                    vo.limit   = 0.000F;

                float ax = Mathf.Atan2(vo.direction.z, vo.direction.x);
                vo.pRight = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax + vo.angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax + vo.angle));
                vo.pLeft  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax - vo.angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax - vo.angle));

                vo.nLeft  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax + vo.angle - Mathf.PI * 0.5F), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax + vo.angle - Mathf.PI * 0.5F));
                vo.nRight = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(ax - vo.angle + Mathf.PI * 0.5F), 0, Mathf.Sin(ax - vo.angle + Mathf.PI * 0.5F));

                //Debug.DrawRay (vo.origin,vo.nLeft,;
                //Debug.DrawRay (vo.origin,vo.nRight,Color.magenta);

                //vo.limit = Mathf.Min (rCenter.magnitude - doubleRad, rCenter.magnitude/2F);
                //doubleRad /= delta;
                //doubleRad /= 2;

                //vo.limit = doubleRad/Mathf.Tan (vo.angle);


            if (resType == ResolutionType.Geometric)
                //Is there any need to run more calculations
                for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)
                    if (vos[i].Contains(bestPoint))
                        bestPointDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        if (drawGizmos)
                            Debug.DrawRay(bestPoint, Vector3.down,;
                        bestPoint = transform.position;

                if (drawGizmos)
                    for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)

                        /*if (vos[i].Contains	(testPoint)) {
                         *      Debug.DrawLine (vos[i].origin,testPoint,;
                         * } else {
                         *      Debug.DrawLine (vos[i].origin,testPoint,;
                         * }*/

                if (bestPointDist == 0)

                List <VOLine> lines = new List <VOLine> ();
                //List<VOIntersection> ints = new List<VOIntersection>();

                for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)
                    VO vo = vos[i];

                    float a = (float)Math.Atan2(vo.direction.z, vo.direction.x);

                    //Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross (vo.direction,Vector3.up);
                    //Vector3 p1 = cross*(float)Math.Tan (vo.angle)*vo.limit;

                    Vector3 pLeft  = vo.origin + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a + vo.angle)) * vo.limit;
                    Vector3 pRight = vo.origin + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a - vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a - vo.angle)) * vo.limit;

                    //Vector3 pLeft = vo.origin+vo.direction*vo.limit+p1;
                    //Vector3 pRight = vo.origin+vo.direction*vo.limit-p1;

                    Vector3 pLeft2  = pLeft + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a + vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a + vo.angle)) * 100;
                    Vector3 pRight2 = pRight + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(a - vo.angle), 0, (float)Math.Sin(a - vo.angle)) * 100;

                    int IgnoreDirection = Polygon.Left(vo.origin, vo.origin + vo.direction, transform.position + velocity) ? 1 : 2;               //Vector3.Dot (transform.position+velocity-vo.origin,cross) > 0 ? 2 : 1;//(pRight-(transform.position+velocity)).sqrMagnitude < (pLeft-(transform.position+velocity)).sqrMagnitude ? 2 : 1;//Vector3.Dot (pRight-pLeft,transform.position+velocity-pLeft) > 0 ? 1 : 2;

                    lines.Add(new VOLine(vo, pLeft, pLeft2, true, 1, IgnoreDirection == 1));
                    lines.Add(new VOLine(vo, pRight, pRight2, true, 2, IgnoreDirection == 2));
                    lines.Add(new VOLine(vo, pLeft, pRight, false, 3, false));

                    bool pLeftInside  = false;                   // || IgnoreDirection == 1;
                    bool pRightInside = false;                   // || IgnoreDirection == 2;

                    if (!pLeftInside)
                        for (int q = 0; q < vos.Count; q++)
                            if (q != i)
                                if (vos[q].Contains(pLeft))
                                    pLeftInside = true;
                    if (!pRightInside)
                        for (int q = 0; q < vos.Count; q++)
                            if (q != i)
                                if (vos[q].Contains(pRight))
                                    pRightInside = true;

                    vo.AddInt(0, pLeftInside, 1);                   //pLeftInside	|| IgnoreDirection == 1,1);
                    vo.AddInt(0, pRightInside, 2);                  //pRightInside  || IgnoreDirection == 2,2);
                    vo.AddInt(0, pLeftInside, 3);                   //pLeftInside	,3);//@ Ignore shouldn't really be there, but it works better with it of some reason
                    vo.AddInt(1, pRightInside, 3);                  //pRightInside	,3);//@ Ignore shouldn't really be there, but it works better with it of some reason

                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < lines.Count; j++)
                        //if (i==j) continue;

                        VOLine line  = lines[i];
                        VOLine line2 = lines[j];

                        if (line.vo == line2.vo)

                        float factor1;
                        float factor2;
                        if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(line.start, line.end, line2.start, line2.end, out factor1, out factor2))
                            if (factor1 < 0 || factor2 < 0 || (!line.inf && factor1 > 1) || (!line2.inf && factor2 > 1))

                            Vector3 p      = line.start + (line.end - line.start) * factor1;
                            bool    inside = line.wrongSide || line2.wrongSide;
                            if (!inside)
                                for (int q = 0; q < vos.Count; q++)
                                    if (vos[q] != line.vo && vos[q] != line2.vo)
                                        if (vos[q].Contains(p))
                                            inside = true;

                            line.vo.AddInt(factor1, inside,;
                            line2.vo.AddInt(factor2, inside,;

                            //ints.Add (new VOIntersection (line.vo,line2.vo, factor1, factor2,inside));
                            if (drawGizmos)
                                Debug.DrawRay(line.start + (line.end - line.start) * factor1, Vector3.up, inside ? Color.magenta :;

                for (int i = 0; i < vos.Count; i++)
                    Vector3 segmClosest;
                    if (vos[i].FinalInts(targetPoint, transform.position + velocity, drawGizmos, out segmClosest))
                        float dist = (segmClosest - targetPoint).sqrMagnitude;
                        if (dist < bestPointDist)
                            bestPoint     = segmClosest;
                            bestPointDist = dist;
                            if (drawGizmos)
                                Debug.DrawLine(targetPoint + Vector3.up, bestPoint + Vector3.up,;

                if (drawGizmos)
                    Debug.DrawLine(targetPoint + Vector3.up, bestPoint + Vector3.up,;

                return(Vector3.ClampMagnitude(bestPoint - transform.position, targetDir.magnitude * maxSpeedScale));
            else if (resType == ResolutionType.Sampled)
                /*Sampling Solution
                 * ================= */
                Vector3 forward     = targetDir;
                Vector3 normForward = forward.normalized;
                Vector3 right       = Vector3.Cross(normForward, Vector3.up);

                int circleSamples = 10;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, circleSamples += 2)
                    float radPerSamples = (float)(Math.PI * circlePoint / circleSamples);
                    float offset        = (float)(Math.PI - circlePoint * Math.PI) * 0.5F;

                    for (int j = 0; j < circleSamples; j++)
                        float   a      = radPerSamples * j;
                        Vector3 sample = transform.position + targetDir - (forward * (float)Math.Sin(a + offset) * i * circleScale + right * (float)Math.Cos(a + offset) * i * circleScale);

                        if (CheckSample(sample, vos))
                            return(sample - transform.position);

                for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 sample = transform.position + samples[i].x * right + samples[i].z * normForward + samples[i].y * forward;

                    if (CheckSample(sample, vos))
                        return(sample - transform.position);


                /* End of Sampling Solution
                 * ========================


            //if (drawGizmos) {

            /*HalfPlane[] hps = new HalfPlane[vos.Count];
             * for (int i=0;i<vos.Count;i++) {
             *      HalfPlane hp = (HalfPlane)vos[i];
             *      hps[i] = hp;
             * }
             * /*HalfPlane hp_top = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_top.point = transform.position+Vector3.forward*speed;
             * hp_top.normal = -new Vector3 (0.001F,0,1F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+0] = hp_top;
             * HalfPlane hp_bot = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_bot.point = transform.position-Vector3.forward*speed;
             * hp_bot.normal = new Vector3 (0.001F,0,1F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+1] = hp_bot;
             * HalfPlane hp_left = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_left.point = transform.position-Vector3.right*speed;
             * hp_left.normal = new Vector3 (1F,0,0.001F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+2] = hp_left;
             * HalfPlane hp_right = new HalfPlane ();
             * hp_right.point = transform.position+Vector3.right*speed;
             * hp_right.normal = -new Vector3 (1F,0,0.001F).normalized;
             * hps[vos.Count+3] = hp_right;*
             * for (int i=0;i<hps.Length;i++) {
             *      if (drawGizmos) { hps[i].Draw (); }
             * }
             * for (int i=0;i<hps.Length;i++) {
             *      HalfPlane hp = hps[i];
             *      if (hp.Contains	(bestPoint)) {
             *              if (drawGizmos) {
             *                      Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,hp.point,;
             *              }
             *              continue;
             *      }
             *      Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Cross (hp.normal,Vector3.up);
             *      float leftBound = -100;
             *      float rightBound = 100;
             *      if (tangent.x < 0) {
             *              tangent = -tangent;
             *      }
             *      for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
             *              HalfPlane hp2 = hps[j];
             *              Vector3 intersection = hp.Intersection (hp2);
             *              float dot = Vector3.Dot (tangent,hp2.normal);
             *              if (dot > 0) {
             *                      leftBound = Mathf.Max (leftBound,intersection.x);
             *              } else if (dot < 0) {
             *                      rightBound = Mathf.Min (rightBound,intersection.x);
             *              } else {
             *                      //Parallel
             *                      if (Vector3.Dot (hp.normal,hp2.normal) < 0) {
             *                              if (drawGizmos) {
             *                                      Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,hp.point,;
             *                              }
             *                              return;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              /*if (hp.normal.x > hp2.normal.x) {
             *                      if (hp2.normal.x < 0) {
             *                              rightBound = Mathf.Min (intersection.x, rightBound);
             *                      } else {
             *                              leftBound = Mathf.Max (leftBound,intersection.x);
             *                      }
             *              } else if (hp.normal.x < hp2.normal.x) {
             *                      if (hp2.normal.x < 0) {
             *                              leftBound = Mathf.Max (leftBound,intersection.x);
             *                      } else {
             *                              rightBound = Mathf.Min (rightBound,intersection.x);
             *                      }
             *              }*
             *      }
             *      if (drawGizmos) {
             *              hp.DrawBounds (leftBound,rightBound);
             *      }
             *      if (leftBound > rightBound) {
             *              if (drawGizmos) {
             *                      Debug.DrawRay (bestPoint,Vector3.up,;
             *                      Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,hp.point,;
             *              }
             *              return;
             *      }
             *      Vector3 closest = hp.ClosestPoint (targetPoint,leftBound,rightBound);
             *      if (drawGizmos) {
             *              Debug.DrawLine (bestPoint,closest,;
             *      }
             *      bestPoint = closest;
             * }
             * return bestPoint-transform.position;*/
Esempio n. 4
 public static bool Linecast(INavmesh graph, VInt3 tmp_origin, VInt3 tmp_end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List<GraphNode> trace)
     VInt3 vInt = tmp_end;
     VInt3 vInt2 = tmp_origin;
     hit = default(GraphHitInfo);
     if (float.IsNaN((float)(tmp_origin.x + tmp_origin.y + tmp_origin.z)))
         throw new ArgumentException("origin is NaN");
     if (float.IsNaN((float)(tmp_end.x + tmp_end.y + tmp_end.z)))
         throw new ArgumentException("end is NaN");
     TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = hint as TriangleMeshNode;
     if (triangleMeshNode == null)
         triangleMeshNode = ((graph as NavGraph).GetNearest(tmp_origin, NNConstraint.None).node as TriangleMeshNode);
         if (triangleMeshNode == null)
             Debug.LogError("Could not find a valid node to start from");
             hit.point = tmp_origin;
             return true;
     if (vInt2 == vInt)
         hit.node = triangleMeshNode;
         return false;
     vInt2 = (VInt3)triangleMeshNode.ClosestPointOnNode((Vector3)vInt2);
     hit.origin = vInt2;
     if (!triangleMeshNode.Walkable)
         hit.point = vInt2;
         hit.tangentOrigin = vInt2;
         return true;
     List<VInt3> list = ListPool<VInt3>.Claim();
     List<VInt3> list2 = ListPool<VInt3>.Claim();
     int num = 0;
     while (true)
         if (num > 2000)
         TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = null;
         if (trace != null)
         if (triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(vInt))
             goto Block_9;
         for (int i = 0; i < triangleMeshNode.connections.Length; i++)
             if (triangleMeshNode.connections[i].GraphIndex == triangleMeshNode.GraphIndex)
                 if (triangleMeshNode.GetPortal(triangleMeshNode.connections[i], list, list2, false))
                     VInt3 vInt3 = list.get_Item(0);
                     VInt3 vInt4 = list2.get_Item(0);
                     if (Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vInt3, vInt4, hit.origin) || !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vInt3, vInt4, tmp_end))
                         float num2;
                         float num3;
                         if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vInt3, vInt4, hit.origin, tmp_end, out num2, out num3))
                             if (num3 >= 0f)
                                 if (num2 >= 0f && num2 <= 1f)
                                     triangleMeshNode2 = (triangleMeshNode.connections[i] as TriangleMeshNode);
         if (triangleMeshNode2 == null)
             goto Block_18;
         triangleMeshNode = triangleMeshNode2;
     Debug.LogError("Linecast was stuck in infinite loop. Breaking.");
     return true;
     return false;
     int vertexCount = triangleMeshNode.GetVertexCount();
     for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++)
         VInt3 vertex = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(j);
         VInt3 vertex2 = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex((j + 1) % vertexCount);
         if (Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vertex, vertex2, hit.origin) || !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vertex, vertex2, tmp_end))
             VFactor vFactor;
             VFactor vFactor2;
             if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vertex, vertex2, hit.origin, tmp_end, out vFactor, out vFactor2))
                 if (!vFactor2.IsNegative)
                     if (!vFactor.IsNegative && vFactor.nom / vFactor.den <= 1L)
                         VInt3 vInt5 = (vertex2 - vertex) * (float)vFactor.nom;
                         vInt5 = IntMath.Divide(vInt5, vFactor.den);
                         vInt5 += vertex;
                         hit.point = vInt5;
                         hit.node = triangleMeshNode;
                         hit.tangent = vertex2 - vertex;
                         hit.tangentOrigin = vertex;
                         return true;
     Debug.LogWarning("Linecast failing because point not inside node, and line does not hit any edges of it");
     return false;
        public Vector3 ClampMovement(Vector3 direction)
            Vector3 vector  = direction *;
            Vector3 vector2 = base.transform.position + direction;
            Vector3 vector3 = vector2;
            float   num     = 0f;
            int     num2    = 0;

            float magnitude = this.velocity.magnitude;

            LocalAvoidance[] array = this.agents;
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                LocalAvoidance localAvoidance = array[i];
                if (!(localAvoidance == this) && !(localAvoidance == null))
                    Vector3 vector4    = localAvoidance.transform.position - base.transform.position;
                    float   magnitude2 = vector4.magnitude;
                    float   num3       = this.radius + localAvoidance.radius;
                    if (magnitude2 <= vector.magnitude * + num3 + magnitude + localAvoidance.GetVelocity().magnitude)
                        if (num2 <= 50)
                            LocalAvoidance.VO vO = new LocalAvoidance.VO();
                            vO.origin    = base.transform.position + Vector3.Lerp(this.velocity *, localAvoidance.GetVelocity() *, this.responability);
                            vO.direction = vector4.normalized;
                            if (num3 > vector4.magnitude)
                                vO.angle = 1.57079637f;
                                vO.angle = (float)Math.Asin((double)(num3 / magnitude2));
                            vO.limit = magnitude2 - num3;
                            if (vO.limit < 0f)
                                vO.origin += vO.direction * vO.limit;
                                vO.limit   = 0f;
                            float num4 = Mathf.Atan2(vO.direction.z, vO.direction.x);
                            vO.pRight = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(num4 + vO.angle), 0f, Mathf.Sin(num4 + vO.angle));
                            vO.pLeft  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(num4 - vO.angle), 0f, Mathf.Sin(num4 - vO.angle));
                            vO.nLeft  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(num4 + vO.angle - 1.57079637f), 0f, Mathf.Sin(num4 + vO.angle - 1.57079637f));
                            vO.nRight = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(num4 - vO.angle + 1.57079637f), 0f, Mathf.Sin(num4 - vO.angle + 1.57079637f));
            if (this.resType == LocalAvoidance.ResolutionType.Geometric)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.vos.Count; j++)
                    if (this.vos[j].Contains(vector3))
                        num = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        if (this.drawGizmos)
                            Debug.DrawRay(vector3, Vector3.down,;
                        vector3 = base.transform.position;
                if (this.drawGizmos)
                    for (int k = 0; k < this.vos.Count; k++)
                if (num == 0f)
                List <LocalAvoidance.VOLine> list = new List <LocalAvoidance.VOLine>();
                for (int l = 0; l < this.vos.Count; l++)
                    LocalAvoidance.VO vO2     = this.vos[l];
                    float             num5    = (float)Math.Atan2((double)vO2.direction.z, (double)vO2.direction.x);
                    Vector3           vector5 = vO2.origin + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos((double)(num5 + vO2.angle)), 0f, (float)Math.Sin((double)(num5 + vO2.angle))) * vO2.limit;
                    Vector3           vector6 = vO2.origin + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos((double)(num5 - vO2.angle)), 0f, (float)Math.Sin((double)(num5 - vO2.angle))) * vO2.limit;
                    Vector3           end     = vector5 + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos((double)(num5 + vO2.angle)), 0f, (float)Math.Sin((double)(num5 + vO2.angle))) * 100f;
                    Vector3           end2    = vector6 + new Vector3((float)Math.Cos((double)(num5 - vO2.angle)), 0f, (float)Math.Sin((double)(num5 - vO2.angle))) * 100f;
                    int num6 = (!Polygon.Left(vO2.origin, vO2.origin + vO2.direction, base.transform.position + this.velocity)) ? 2 : 1;
                    list.Add(new LocalAvoidance.VOLine(vO2, vector5, end, true, 1, num6 == 1));
                    list.Add(new LocalAvoidance.VOLine(vO2, vector6, end2, true, 2, num6 == 2));
                    list.Add(new LocalAvoidance.VOLine(vO2, vector5, vector6, false, 3, false));
                    bool flag  = false;
                    bool flag2 = false;
                    if (!flag)
                        for (int m = 0; m < this.vos.Count; m++)
                            if (m != l && this.vos[m].Contains(vector5))
                                flag = true;
                    if (!flag2)
                        for (int n = 0; n < this.vos.Count; n++)
                            if (n != l && this.vos[n].Contains(vector6))
                                flag2 = true;
                    vO2.AddInt(0f, flag, 1);
                    vO2.AddInt(0f, flag2, 2);
                    vO2.AddInt(0f, flag, 3);
                    vO2.AddInt(1f, flag2, 3);
                for (int num7 = 0; num7 < list.Count; num7++)
                    for (int num8 = num7 + 1; num8 < list.Count; num8++)
                        LocalAvoidance.VOLine vOLine  = list[num7];
                        LocalAvoidance.VOLine vOLine2 = list[num8];
                        if (vOLine.vo != vOLine2.vo)
                            float num9;
                            float num10;
                            if (Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vOLine.start, vOLine.end, vOLine2.start, vOLine2.end, out num9, out num10))
                                if (num9 >= 0f && num10 >= 0f && (vOLine.inf || num9 <= 1f) && (vOLine2.inf || num10 <= 1f))
                                    Vector3 p     = vOLine.start + (vOLine.end - vOLine.start) * num9;
                                    bool    flag3 = vOLine.wrongSide || vOLine2.wrongSide;
                                    if (!flag3)
                                        for (int num11 = 0; num11 < this.vos.Count; num11++)
                                            if (this.vos[num11] != vOLine.vo && this.vos[num11] != vOLine2.vo && this.vos[num11].Contains(p))
                                                flag3 = true;
                                    vOLine.vo.AddInt(num9, flag3,;
                                    vOLine2.vo.AddInt(num10, flag3,;
                                    if (this.drawGizmos)
                                        Debug.DrawRay(vOLine.start + (vOLine.end - vOLine.start) * num9, Vector3.up, (!flag3) ? : Color.magenta);
                for (int num12 = 0; num12 < this.vos.Count; num12++)
                    Vector3 vector7;
                    if (this.vos[num12].FinalInts(vector2, base.transform.position + this.velocity, this.drawGizmos, out vector7))
                        float sqrMagnitude = (vector7 - vector2).sqrMagnitude;
                        if (sqrMagnitude < num)
                            vector3 = vector7;
                            num     = sqrMagnitude;
                            if (this.drawGizmos)
                                Debug.DrawLine(vector2 + Vector3.up, vector3 + Vector3.up,;
                if (this.drawGizmos)
                    Debug.DrawLine(vector2 + Vector3.up, vector3 + Vector3.up,;
                return(Vector3.ClampMagnitude(vector3 - base.transform.position, vector.magnitude * this.maxSpeedScale));
                if (this.resType == LocalAvoidance.ResolutionType.Sampled)
                    Vector3 a          = vector;
                    Vector3 normalized = a.normalized;
                    Vector3 a2         = Vector3.Cross(normalized, Vector3.up);
                    int     num13      = 10;
                    int     num14      = 0;
                    while (num14 < 10)
                        float num15 = (float)(3.1415926535897931 * (double)this.circlePoint / (double)num13);
                        float num16 = (float)(3.1415926535897931 - (double)this.circlePoint * 3.1415926535897931) * 0.5f;
                        for (int num17 = 0; num17 < num13; num17++)
                            float   num18   = num15 * (float)num17;
                            Vector3 vector8 = base.transform.position + vector - (a * (float)Math.Sin((double)(num18 + num16)) * (float)num14 * this.circleScale + a2 * (float)Math.Cos((double)(num18 + num16)) * (float)num14 * this.circleScale);
                            if (this.CheckSample(vector8, this.vos))
                                return(vector8 - base.transform.position);
                        num13 += 2;
                    for (int num19 = 0; num19 < this.samples.Length; num19++)
                        Vector3 vector9 = base.transform.position + this.samples[num19].x * a2 + this.samples[num19].z * normalized + this.samples[num19].y * a;
                        if (this.CheckSample(vector9, this.vos))
                            return(vector9 - base.transform.position);