private void Expand() { int num = BinaryHeap.RoundUpToNextMultipleMod1(Math.Max(this.heap.Length + 4, (int)Math.Round((double)((float)this.heap.Length * this.growthFactor)))); if (num > 262144) { throw new Exception("Binary Heap Size really large (2^18). A heap size this large is probably the cause of pathfinding running in an infinite loop. \nRemove this check (in BinaryHeap.cs) if you are sure that it is not caused by a bug"); } BinaryHeap.Tuple[] array = new BinaryHeap.Tuple[num]; for (int i = 0; i < this.heap.Length; i++) { array[i] = this.heap[i]; } this.heap = array; }
/** Initializes the path. Sets up the open list and adds the first node to it */ public virtual void Initialize() { System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.Now; //Resets the binary heap, don't clear it because that takes an awful lot of time, instead we can just change the numberOfItems in it (which is just an int) //Binary heaps are just like a standard array but are always sorted so the node with the lowest F value can be retrieved faster open =; open.numberOfItems = 1; if (hasEndPoint && startNode == endNode) { endNode.parent = null; endNode.h = 0; endNode.g = 0; Trace(endNode); foundEnd = true; return; } //Adjust the costs for the end node if (hasEndPoint && recalcStartEndCosts) { endNodeCosts = endNode.InitialOpen(open, hTarget, (Int3)endPoint, this, false); callback += ResetCosts; /** \todo Might interfere with other paths since other paths might be calculated before #callback is called */ } Node.activePath = this; startNode.pathID = pathID; startNode.parent = null; startNode.cost = 0; startNode.g = startNode.penalty; startNode.UpdateH(hTarget, heuristic, heuristicScale); if (recalcStartEndCosts) { startNode.InitialOpen(open, hTarget, startIntPoint, this, true); } else { startNode.Open(open, hTarget, this); } searchedNodes++; //any nodes left to search? if (open.numberOfItems <= 1) { LogError("No open points, the start node didn't open any nodes"); duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F; return; } current = open.Remove(); duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F; }
public BinaryHeap(int capacity) { capacity = BinaryHeap.RoundUpToNextMultipleMod1(capacity); this.heap = new BinaryHeap.Tuple[capacity]; this.numberOfItems = 0; }
/** Updates G score for this node and nodes which have this node set as #parent */ public virtual void UpdateAllG(BinaryHeap open) { BaseUpdateAllG (open); }
/** Opens the nodes connected to this node */ public virtual void Open(BinaryHeap open, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) { BaseOpen (open,targetPosition,path); }
public virtual int[] InitialOpen(BinaryHeap open, Int3 targetPosition, Int3 position, Path path, bool doOpen) { return BaseInitialOpen (open,targetPosition,position,path,doOpen); }
/** Updates G score for this node and nodes which have this node set as #parent. This is to allow inheritance in higher levels than one, you can't call base.base in virtual functions */ public void BaseUpdateAllG(BinaryHeap open) { g = parent.g+cost+penalty; open.Add (this); if (connections == null) { return; } //Loop through the connections of this node and call UpdateALlG on nodes which have this node set as #parent and has been searched by the pathfinder for this path */ for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) { if (connections[i].parent == this && connections[i].pathID == pathID) { connections[i].UpdateAllG (open); } } }
/** Opens the nodes connected to this node. This is a base call and can be called by node classes overriding the Open function to open all connections in the #connections array. * \see #connections * \see Open */ public void BaseOpen(BinaryHeap open, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) { if (connections == null) { return; } for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) { Node node = connections[i]; if (!path.CanTraverse (node)) { continue; } if (node.pathID != pathID) { node.parent = this; node.pathID = pathID; node.cost = connectionCosts[i]; node.UpdateH (targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale); node.UpdateG (); open.Add (node); //Debug.DrawLine (position,node.position,Color.cyan); //Debug.Log ("Opening Node "+node.position.ToString ()+" "+g+" "+node.cost+" "+node.g+" "+node.f); } else { //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used int tmpCost = connectionCosts[i];//(current.costs == null || current.costs.Length == 0 ? costs[current.neighboursKeys[i]] : current.costs[current.neighboursKeys[i]]); //Debug.Log ("Trying Node "+node.position.ToString ()+" "+(g+tmpCost+node.penalty)+" "+node.g+" "+node.f); //Debug.DrawLine (position,node.position,Color.yellow); if (g+tmpCost+node.penalty < node.g) { node.cost = tmpCost; //node.extraCost = extraCost2; node.parent = this; node.UpdateAllG (open); open.Add (node); //Debug.DrawLine (current.vectorPos,current.neighbours[i].vectorPos,Color.cyan); //Uncomment for @Debug } else if (node.g+tmpCost+penalty < g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better bool contains = false; //Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node. if (node.connections != null) { for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) { if (node.connections[y] == this) { contains = true; break; } } } if (!contains) { continue; } parent = node; cost = tmpCost; //extraCost = extraCost2; UpdateAllG (open); //open.Add (this); //Debug.DrawLine (current.vectorPos,current.neighbours[i].vectorPos,; //Uncomment for @Debug open.Add (this); } } } }
public int[] BaseInitialOpen(BinaryHeap open, Int3 targetPosition, Int3 position, Path path, bool doOpen) { if (connectionCosts == null) { return null; } int[] costs = connectionCosts; connectionCosts = new int[connectionCosts.Length]; for (int i=0;i<connectionCosts.Length;i++) { connectionCosts[i] = (connections[i].position-position).costMagnitude; } if (!doOpen) { for (int i=0;i<connectionCosts.Length;i++) { Node other = connections[i]; for (int q = 0;q < other.connections.Length;q++) { if (other.connections[q] == this) { other.connectionCosts[q] = connectionCosts[i]; break; } } } } //int[] tmp = connectionCosts; //Should we open the node and reset the distances after that or only calculate the distances and don't reset them if (doOpen) { Open (open,targetPosition,path); connectionCosts = costs; /*for (int i=0;i<connectionCosts.Length;i++) { for (int q = 0;q < connections[i].connections.Length;q++) { if (connections[i].connections[q] == this) { connections[i].connectionCosts[q] = connectionCosts[i]; break; } } }*/ } return costs; }
void UpdateAllG (BinaryHeap open) { BaseUpdateAllG (open); }
void Open (BinaryHeap open, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) { base.Open (open, targetPosition, path); GridGraph graph = gridGraphs[indices >> 24]; int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets; int[] neighbourCosts = graph.neighbourCosts; GridNode[] nodes = graph.graphNodes; int index = indices & 0xFFFFFF; for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { if (((flags >> i) & 1) == 1) { Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i]]; if (!path.CanTraverse (node)) continue; if (node.pathID != pathID) { node.parent = this; node.pathID = pathID; node.cost = neighbourCosts[i]; node.UpdateH (targetPosition,path.heuristic,path.heuristicScale); node.UpdateG (); open.Add (node); } else { //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used int tmpCost = neighbourCosts[i];//(current.costs == null || current.costs.Length == 0 ? costs[current.neighboursKeys[i]] : current.costs[current.neighboursKeys[i]]); if (g+tmpCost+node.penalty < node.g) { node.cost = tmpCost; //node.extraCost = extraCost2; node.parent = this;; node.UpdateAllG (open); //open.Add (node); //Debug.DrawLine (current.vectorPos,current.neighbours[i].vectorPos,Color.cyan); //Uncomment for @Debug } else if (node.g+tmpCost+penalty < g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better /*bool contains = false; //[Edit, no one-way links between nodes in a single grid] Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be accesed from the Node. /*for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) { if (node.connections[y].endNode == this) { contains = true; break; } } if (!contains) { continue; }*/ parent = node; cost = tmpCost; //extraCost = extraCost2; UpdateAllG (open); //open.Add (this); //Debug.DrawLine (current.vectorPos,current.neighbours[i].vectorPos,; //Uncomment for @Debug //open.Add (this); } } } } }
public override int[] InitialOpen (BinaryHeap open, Int3 targetPosition, Int3 position, Path path, bool doOpen) { if (doOpen) { Open (open,targetPosition,path); } return base.InitialOpen (open,targetPosition,position,path,doOpen); }
void UpdateAllG (BinaryHeap open) { //g = parent.g+cost+penalty; //f = g+h; base.UpdateAllG (open); //Called in the base function //open.Add (this); int index = indices & 0xFFFFFF; int[] neighbourOffsets = gridGraphs[indices >> 24].neighbourOffsets; GridNode[] nodes = gridGraphs[indices >> 24].graphNodes; for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { if (((flags >> i) & 1) == 1) { Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i]]; if (node.parent == this && node.pathID == pathID) { node.UpdateAllG (open); } } } }
public Stack <int[]> GetPath(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, NodeMap nodeMap) { //Initalize start and end position using Vector2 var startPosition = new Vector2(startX, startY); var endPosition = new Vector2(endX, endY); //Initalize MinHeap PriorityQueue IPriorityQueue <Node, float> openQueue = new BinaryHeap <Node, float>(PriorityQueueType.Minimum); //Initalize MinHeap PriorityQueue which tracks which Nodes are modified in finding path IPriorityQueue <Node, float> modifiedQueue = new BinaryHeap <Node, float>(PriorityQueueType.Minimum); //Initalize list which holds Nodes adjacent to currentNode var adjacentNodes = new List <Node>(); //Initialize stack which contains path var path = new Stack <int[]>(); //Set startNode and endNode and begin pathfinding var startNode = nodeMap.GetNode(startPosition); var endNode = nodeMap.GetNode(endPosition); startNode.Reset(); endNode.Reset(); startNode.h = calculateH(startPosition, endPosition); startNode.f = startNode.h; startNode.opened = true; modifiedQueue.Enqueue(startNode, startNode.f); openQueue.Enqueue(startNode, startNode.f); //Check if either startNode or endNode have a weight of infinity //if (float.IsInfinity(startNode.w) || float.IsInfinity(endNode.w)) //If so, a path cannot exist so terminate pathfinding //return path; while (openQueue.Count != 0) { //Set currentNode to Node with the lowest F value var currentNode = openQueue.Dequeue(); //Mark it as closed since it has been checked currentNode.closed = true; //Check if this Node is the end position if (currentNode.position.X == endPosition.X && currentNode.position.Y == endPosition.Y) { //If so, construct final path endNode = currentNode; path = Traceback(endNode); break; } //Get all Nodes adjacent to the current position adjacentNodes = nodeMap.GetAdjacentNodes(currentNode.position); foreach (var adjacentNode in adjacentNodes) { if (adjacentNode != endNode) { adjacentNode.w = CalculateWeight(adjacentNode.position); } //Check if Node has been closed or the Node has a weight of infinity if (adjacentNode.closed || float.IsInfinity(adjacentNode.w)) { //If so, skip Node continue; } //Calculate the total greed valuie from currentNode and adjacent Node var gtotal = currentNode.g + adjacentNode.g + adjacentNode.w; //Check if this Node has not yet been observed yet if (adjacentNode.opened == false) { //If not, initialize Node adjacentNode.g = gtotal; adjacentNode.h = CalculateHeuristic(adjacentNode.position, endPosition); adjacentNode.f = adjacentNode.g + adjacentNode.h; adjacentNode.parent = currentNode; adjacentNode.opened = true; //Add it to the openQueue openQueue.Enqueue(adjacentNode, adjacentNode.f); //Every Node that is opened is modified so add Node to modifiedQueue modifiedQueue.Enqueue(adjacentNode, adjacentNode.f); } else { //Otherwise check if this Node is a better connection if (gtotal + adjacentNode.h < adjacentNode.f) { //If so, update Node's greed value and parent adjacentNode.g = gtotal; adjacentNode.f = adjacentNode.g + adjacentNode.h; adjacentNode.parent = currentNode; } } } } //Check if no valid path is found if (path.Count == 0) { //If so, find best possible path to Node closest to goal path = Traceback(modifiedQueue.Peek); } //Reset every modifiedNode for future pathfinding while (modifiedQueue.Count != 0) { modifiedQueue.Dequeue().Reset(); } return(path); }