Esempio n. 1
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute Roaming(Rigidbody rb, Map.MapNode[,] Map, PathInfo.PathRoute path, List <Vector3> validpath, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList, bool seenEnemy, GameObject Enemy)
        //this behaviour scouts around the areas until they find an enemy. Once they have they will continue to attack them until the enemy is dead or themselves are dead

        if (!seenEnemy)
            if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
                var           seed = (int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                System.Random rnd  = new System.Random(seed);

                int ran = rnd.Next(1, validpath.Count - 1);

                path = AStarSearch.Search(Map, rb.transform.position, validpath[ran], path, openList, closedList);

        else if (seenEnemy)
            if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
                if (Enemy == null)
                    seenEnemy = false;
                    path = AStarSearch.Search(Map, rb.transform.position, Enemy.transform.position, path, openList, closedList);
Esempio n. 2
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute needAmmo(Map.MapNode[,] grid, PathInfo.PathRoute path, Vector3 playerPos, Vector3 ourFlag, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList)
        if (path.Index == path.PathSize) //we need to calculate which ammo box is the 'safest'
            List <Vector3> ammoBox         = new List <Vector3>();
            var            detectedObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("AmmoBox");

            foreach (var detectedObject in detectedObjects)
                if (detectedObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled)

            int   bestAmmoBox          = 0;
            float DistFromFlag         = 300.0f;
            float DistToNearestBox     = 300.0f;
            float tempDistFromFlag     = 0.0f;
            float tempDistToNearestBox = 0.0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < ammoBox.Count; i++)
                tempDistFromFlag     = Vector3.Distance(playerPos, ourFlag);
                tempDistToNearestBox = Vector3.Distance(playerPos, ammoBox[i]);
                if ((tempDistFromFlag + tempDistToNearestBox) < (DistFromFlag + DistToNearestBox))
                    DistFromFlag     = tempDistFromFlag;
                    DistToNearestBox = tempDistToNearestBox;
                    bestAmmoBox      = i;
            path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, playerPos, ammoBox[bestAmmoBox], path, openList, closedList);
Esempio n. 3
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute Escort(Map.MapNode[,] grid, PathInfo.PathRoute path, Vector3 playerPos, GameObject personToEscort, Blackboard board, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList, Rigidbody rb)
        //we will need to get the agents path and calculate where they might be by the time we can get to their position.

        if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
            var       temp        = personToEscort.GetComponent <AI>().Path;
            Vector3[] EscortsPath = temp.PathList;
            int       pathSize    = temp.PathSize;

            Vector3 playerEscortPos = personToEscort.transform.position;
            float   dist            = Vector2.Distance(playerPos, playerEscortPos);
            float   halfDist        = dist / 2;

            int   bestIndex = 0;
            float tempDif   = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(playerPos, EscortsPath[0]) - halfDist);

            for (int i = 1; i < pathSize; i++)
                float pathDist = Vector2.Distance(playerPos, EscortsPath[i]);
                float dif      = Mathf.Abs(pathDist - halfDist);
                if (dif < tempDif)
                    bestIndex = i;
                    tempDif   = dif;

            if (dist < 3.0f)
                var b = board.getBoard();
       = false;
                b.stop = true;
                var b = board.getBoard();
       = true;
                b.stop = false;
                path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, playerPos, EscortsPath[bestIndex], path, openList, closedList);
Esempio n. 4
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute NeedHealth(Map.MapNode[,] grid, PathInfo.PathRoute path, Vector3 playerPos, Vector3 ourFlag, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList)
        if (path.Index == path.PathSize) //we need to calculate which healthpack 'safest'
            List <Vector3> healthPack      = new List <Vector3>();
            var            detectedObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("HealthPack");

            foreach (var detectedObject in detectedObjects)
                if (detectedObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled == true) // need to make sure it's active

            if (healthPack.Count == 0) //if one isnt avaiable. Go to one anyway once we have got there we'll recalculate to actually collect one
                return(path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, playerPos, GameObject.Find("HealthPack").transform.position, path, openList, closedList));

            int   bestHealthPack       = 0;
            float DistFromFlag         = 300.0f;
            float DistToNearestBox     = 300.0f;
            float tempDistFromFlag     = 0.0f;
            float tempDistToNearestBox = 0.0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < healthPack.Count; i++)
                tempDistFromFlag     = Vector2.Distance(playerPos, ourFlag);
                tempDistToNearestBox = Vector2.Distance(playerPos, healthPack[i]);
                if ((tempDistFromFlag + tempDistToNearestBox) < (DistFromFlag + DistToNearestBox))
                    DistFromFlag     = tempDistFromFlag;
                    DistToNearestBox = tempDistToNearestBox;
                    bestHealthPack   = i;
            path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, playerPos, healthPack[bestHealthPack], path, openList, closedList);
Esempio n. 5
    void Start()
        DrawRoute = false;
        Path = new PathInfo.PathRoute
            PathList = new Vector3[200]
        OpenList     = new List <Map.MapNode>(SetupScript.width * SetupScript.height);
        ClosedList   = new List <Map.MapNode>(SetupScript.width * SetupScript.height);
        rb           = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        Board        = new Blackboard();
        Mess         = GetComponent <Messager>();
        StateMachine = new StateMachine <AI>(this);

        MaxAmmo           = 20;
        Ammo              = MaxAmmo;
        MaxHealth         = 100;
        Health            = MaxHealth;
        MaxSpeed          = 4.0f;
        MaxBulletVelocity = 4.0f;
        MaxFireRate       = 0.5f;
        MaxDamage         = 25;

        Time          = 0;
        RespawnTimer  = 20;
        Respawn       = 20;
        GameTimer     = UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime;
        TimesDied     = 0;
        PlayersKilled = 0;

        NodeChangeDistance = 0.04f * MaxSpeed;

        HaveFlag   = false;
        AtSafeSpot = false;
        SeenEnemy  = false;
Esempio n. 6
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute defending(Vector3 pos, PathInfo.PathRoute path, StateMachine <AI> owner, string TeamColour, Map.MapNode[,] grid, Vector3 obj, Vector3 ourFlag, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList, Rigidbody rb, bool inSafeSpot, GameObject player)
        //this behaviour is for the tank, it will go around the flag to protect it. If it's taken will change state and go and try and get it back.

        if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
            float distToOurFlag = Vector2.Distance(pos, ourFlag);

            if (distToOurFlag > 3.0f)
                path = returnToFlag(grid, pos, ourFlag, path, openList, closedList);
            else if (distToOurFlag <= 3.0f)
                float dist = Vector2.Distance(GameObject.Find(TeamColour + "Flag").transform.position, ourFlag);
                if (dist > 3.0f)
                    path = CaptureFlag(grid, pos, obj, ourFlag, path, false, openList, closedList, TeamColour, rb, inSafeSpot, player);

                if (dist <= 3.0f) //we still have our flag so defend it
                    path.PathList[0] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x, ourFlag.y + 1));
                    path.PathList[1] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x + 1, ourFlag.y + 1));
                    path.PathList[2] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x + 1, ourFlag.y));
                    path.PathList[3] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x + 1, ourFlag.y - 1));
                    path.PathList[4] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x, ourFlag.y - 1));
                    path.PathList[5] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x - 1, ourFlag.y - 1));
                    path.PathList[6] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x - 1, ourFlag.y));
                    path.PathList[7] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x - 1, ourFlag.y + 1));
                    path.PathList[8] = (new Vector3(ourFlag.x, ourFlag.y + 1));
                    path.Index       = 0;
                    path.PathSize    = 8;
Esempio n. 7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        CurrentState = StateMachine.currentState.ToString();
        DefaultState = StateMachine.defaultState.ToString();

        Position = rb.transform.position;

        if (SeenEnemy)
            if (Enemy != null)
                if (Enemy.tag != "Turret")
                    if (Enemy.GetComponent <AI>().StateMachine.currentState == RespawningState.Instance) //if our enemy die if so we need another enemy
                        SeenEnemy = false;
                        Enemy     = null;
                SeenEnemy = false;
        if (Board.getBoard().stop)

        if (Board.getBoard().respawning)
            if (Path.Index != 0)
            SeenEnemy  = false;
            AtSafeSpot = false;

            transform.position = MySpawnLocation;
            Health             = MaxHealth;
            Ammo = MaxAmmo;

            if (UnityEngine.Time.time > GameTimer + 1)
                GameTimer = UnityEngine.Time.time;
            if (RespawnTimer <= 0)
                RespawnTimer = Respawn + TimesDied * 2; //penality for dieing

        if (Board.getBoard().goToEnemyFlag)
            Path = behaviours.CaptureFlag(Map, Position, Objective, OurFlagLocation, Path, HaveFlag, OpenList, ClosedList, TeamColour, rb, AtSafeSpot, gameObject);

        if (Board.getBoard().returnToFlag)
            Path = behaviours.returnToFlag(Map, Position, OurFlagLocation, Path, OpenList, ClosedList);
        if (Board.getBoard().roaming)
            Path = behaviours.Roaming(rb, Map, Path, ValidScoutMoves, OpenList, ClosedList, SeenEnemy, Enemy);

        if (Board.getBoard().defending)
            Path = behaviours.defending(Position, Path, StateMachine, TeamColour, Map, Objective, OurFlagLocation, OpenList, ClosedList, rb, AtSafeSpot, gameObject);

        if (Board.getBoard().needAmmo)
            Path = behaviours.needAmmo(Map, Path, Position, OurFlagLocation, OpenList, ClosedList);

        if (Board.getBoard().needHealth)
            Path = behaviours.NeedHealth(Map, Path, Position, OurFlagLocation, OpenList, ClosedList);

        if (Board.getBoard().seek)
            if (Path.Index != -1)
                if (DrawRoute)
                    for (int i = 1; i < Path.PathSize; i++)
                        if (TeamColour == "Blue")
                            Debug.DrawLine(Path.PathList[i], Path.PathList[i - 1],, 1.0f);
                            Debug.DrawLine(Path.PathList[i], Path.PathList[i - 1],, 1.0f);
                rb.AddForce(behaviours.Seek(rb, Path.PathList[Path.Index]) * MaxSpeed, ForceMode.Impulse);

                Vector2 lookPos = Position - Path.PathList[Path.Index];
                float   angle   = Mathf.Atan2(lookPos.y, lookPos.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                GetComponent <AttackingScript>().setLookAngle(lookPos);
                rb.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward);

                float DistToNextIndex = Vector2.Distance(rb.transform.position, Path.PathList[Path.Index]);
                if (DistToNextIndex < NodeChangeDistance)

        if (Board.getBoard().escort)
            Path = behaviours.Escort(Map, Path, Position, PlayerToEscort, Board, OpenList, ClosedList, rb);
Esempio n. 8
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute CaptureFlag(Map.MapNode[,] grid, Vector3 position, Vector3 objPos, Vector3 ourFlag, PathInfo.PathRoute path, bool hasFlag, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList, string Team, Rigidbody rb, bool goingToSafeSpot, GameObject player)
        if (hasFlag == false)
            if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
                float dist = Vector3.Distance(position, objPos); //has the flag already been taken, if so go back to base
                if (dist > 1.0f)
                    path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, position, objPos, path, openList, closedList);
                    path = returnToFlag(grid, position, ourFlag, path, openList, closedList);

        else if (hasFlag == true) //if we have the flag we need to check if we are back at the flag and if we are then we need to find a nice position near where our flag and wait for it to be returned
            if (goingToSafeSpot == false)
                if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
                    float distance = Vector2.Distance(position, ourFlag);
                    if (distance > 1.0f)
                        path = returnToFlag(grid, position, ourFlag, path, openList, closedList);

                    else // we are near our flag, is it there?
                        distance = Vector2.Distance(ourFlag, GameObject.Find(Team + "Flag").transform.position);
                        if (distance > 1.0f) //someone has our flag, so find a nice spot
                            if (goingToSafeSpot == false)
                                findSafePosition(path, grid, position, ourFlag, openList, closedList, rb, goingToSafeSpot, player, Team);
            else if (goingToSafeSpot)
                float DistAgentAndSafePos;
                if (path.PathSize > 0)
                    DistAgentAndSafePos = Vector3.Distance(position, path.PathList[path.PathSize - 1]); //dist agent and safe spot

                    DistAgentAndSafePos = 0.001f;
                }                                      //temp fix so we dont get an index error
                if (DistAgentAndSafePos < 0.1f)
                    DistAgentAndSafePos = Vector3.Distance(ourFlag, GameObject.Find(Team + "Flag").transform.position); //if we are in a safe location is our flag back
                    if (DistAgentAndSafePos < 0.1f)
                        player.GetComponent <AI>().AtSafeSpot = false;
                        var temp = player.GetComponent <AI>().Board.getBoard();
               = true;
                        player.GetComponent <AI>().Board.setBoard(temp);
                        player.GetComponent <AI>().resetPath();
                        var temp = player.GetComponent <AI>().Board.getBoard();
               = false;
                        player.GetComponent <AI>().Board.setBoard(temp);
                else if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
                    player.GetComponent <AI>().AtSafeSpot = false;
                    var temp = player.GetComponent <AI>().Board.getBoard();
           = true;
                    player.GetComponent <AI>().Board.setBoard(temp);
                    path = returnToFlag(grid, position, ourFlag, path, openList, closedList);
Esempio n. 9
 static public PathInfo.PathRoute shooting(PathInfo.PathRoute path)
Esempio n. 10
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute returnToFlag(Map.MapNode[,] grid, Vector3 playerPos, Vector3 ourFlag, PathInfo.PathRoute path, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList)
        if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
            float distToOurFlag = Vector2.Distance(playerPos, ourFlag);
            if (distToOurFlag > 1.0f)
                path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, playerPos, ourFlag, path, openList, closedList);

Esempio n. 11
    static public PathInfo.PathRoute findSafePosition(PathInfo.PathRoute path, Map.MapNode[,] grid, Vector3 position, Vector3 ourflag, List <Map.MapNode> openList, List <Map.MapNode> closedList, Rigidbody rb, bool goingToSafeSpot, GameObject Player, string TeamColour)
        //for this behaviour we need to find a good position to hold

        //we need to do a raycast to each direction and see what is the furthest

        //float rayDistance = 0.0f;
        if (goingToSafeSpot == false)
            if (path.Index == path.PathSize)
                if (TeamColour == "Red")
                    Vector3 safe = new Vector3(4.75f, -17.75f, -1.0f);
                    path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, Player.transform.position, safe, path, openList, closedList);
                else if (TeamColour == "Blue")
                    Vector3 safe = new Vector3(25.75f, -12.75f, -1.0f);
                    path = AStarSearch.Search(grid, Player.transform.position, safe, path, openList, closedList);
                Player.GetComponent <AI>().AtSafeSpot = true;

                // Was going to try and raycast to the next safe location, but for a easy cheap fix just hardcoded the locations for now

                //Ray[] rays = new Ray[4];
                //rays[0] = new Ray(ourflag, Vector3.up * 30);
                //rays[1] = new Ray(ourflag, Vector3.left * 30);
                //rays[2] = new Ray(ourflag, Vector3.right * 30);
                //rays[3] = new Ray(ourflag, Vector3.down * 30);

                //Vector3[] direction = new Vector3[4];
                //direction[0] = (Vector3.up);
                //direction[1] = (Vector3.left);
                //direction[2] = (Vector3.right);
                //direction[3] = (Vector3.down);

                //RaycastHit hit;
                //Vector3 bestReyPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                //Vector3 bestDirection = new Vector3(0,0,0);
                //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                //    if (Physics.Raycast(rays[i], out hit))
                //    {
                //        if (hit.distance > rayDistance)
                //        {
                //            rayDistance = hit.distance;
                //            bestReyPos = hit.point;
                //            bestDirection = direction[i];
                //        }
                //    }

                ////once we have found the furthest away. Then we will check for the closest wall. This should be a nice corner to sit until the flag is back.

                //Debug.DrawLine(ourflag, bestReyPos - bestDirection,, 10.0f);

                //Vector3 flagToBestRay = bestReyPos;
                //float shortestDist = 1000.0f;

                //rays[0] = new Ray(bestReyPos, Vector3.up * 30);
                //rays[1] = new Ray(bestReyPos, Vector3.left * 30);
                //rays[2] = new Ray(bestReyPos, Vector3.right * 30);
                //rays[3] = new Ray(bestReyPos, Vector3.down * 30);
                //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                //    if (Physics.Raycast(rays[i], out hit))
                //    {
                //        if (hit.distance > 0.50f)
                //        {
                //            if (hit.distance < shortestDist)
                //            {
                //                shortestDist = hit.distance;
                //                bestReyPos = hit.point;
                //                bestDirection = direction[i];
                //               // Debug.DrawLine(flagToBestRay, bestReyPos,, 10.0f);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                //Debug.DrawLine(flagToBestRay, bestReyPos,, 10.0f);

                //Vector3 dest = bestReyPos - bestDirection;
                //float dist = Vector3.Distance(position, bestReyPos);
                //if (dist >= 3.0f)
                //    path =, position, dest, path, openList, closedList);
                //    Player.GetComponent<AI>().goingToSafeSpot = true;