Esempio n. 1
        public override void SetDesiredPosOrVelocity(FP deltaTime, IsPosWalkable w = null, bool bSkipBoids = false)
            if (flowField != null)
                TSVector desiredDirection = flowField.steeringBehaviourFlowField(_behaviour);
                TSVector vec                  = _behaviour.position;// flowField._gridMap.GetGridFloatCoord(_behaviour.position);
                FP       fDtSecond            = deltaTime;
                List <IAgentBehaviour> agents = _behaviour.neighbours;
                int  preBoidsType             = _activeBoids;
                bool bUsePreBoidsForce        = bSkipBoids && _preBoidsForce !=;
                _activeBoids = !bUsePreBoidsForce ? _activeBoids : (byte)EBoidsActiveType.none;
                // bool bStatic = false;
                TSVector a = ApplyForce(deltaTime, desiredDirection, _behaviour.velocity, vec,
                                        agents, bUsePreBoidsForce, false); //;//
                TSVector deltaV      = a * fDtSecond;
                FP       maxSpeedSqr = _behaviour.maxSpeed * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                //if (deltaV.sqrMagnitude> maxSpeedSqr)
                //    deltaV = deltaV.normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                _behaviour.preVelocity = (_behaviour.velocity + deltaV);                             //.normalized*_behaviour.maxSpeed;
                if (_behaviour.preVelocity.sqrMagnitude > _behaviour.maxSpeed * _behaviour.maxSpeed) //|| TSVector.Dot(_behaviour.velocity, a) > 0
                    _behaviour.preVelocity = CustomMath.Normalize(_behaviour.preVelocity) * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                    if (FP.Abs(_behaviour.preVelocity.x) > _behaviour.maxSpeed * 2 || FP.Abs(_behaviour.preVelocity.z) > _behaviour.maxSpeed * 2)
                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("velocity error!");
                if (agents.Count > 0)
                    //IAgentBehaviour nearestNeighbour = agents[0];
                    //FP r = nearestNeighbour.colliderRadius + _behaviour.colliderRadius;
                    //TSVector dir = nearestNeighbour.position - _behaviour.position;
                    //if (nearestNeighbour.agent == null)//the ally neighbour has a target,
                    //                                   //cause this agent change type to atar type targeted to the same target
                    //    PathFindingAgentBehaviour agent = _behaviour as PathFindingAgentBehaviour;
                    //    TSVector target = (nearestNeighbour as PathFindingAgentBehaviour)._targetPos;
                    //    if(target!=TSVector.MaxValue)
                    //    {
                    //        agent.SetNewTargetPos(target);
                    //    }
                    //   // agent.ChangeAgentType(EAgentType.astar);
                    //    return;
                    //if (dir.sqrMagnitude<r*r )
                    //    FP dot = TSVector.Dot(dir, _behaviour.preVelocity);
                    //    if(dot>0)//60 degree,CustomMath.FPHalf
                    //    {

                    //        {
                    //            TSVector v = _behaviour.preVelocity;
                    //            v.x = -dir.z;
                    //            v.z = dir.x;
                    //            _behaviour.preVelocity = v.normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;//10;// _behaviour.preVelocity.magnitude;
                    //        }

                    //        //TSVector v = _behaviour.preVelocity;
                    //        //v.x = 0;
                    //        //dot = dir.z *v.z;
                    //        //if(dot<= CustomMath.FPHalf)
                    //        //{
                    //        //    _behaviour.preVelocity = v.normalized*_behaviour.maxSpeed;
                    //        //}
                    //        //else
                    //        //{
                    //        //    v = _behaviour.preVelocity;
                    //        //    v.z = 0;
                    //        //    dot = dir.x * v.x;
                    //        //    if(dot<= CustomMath.FPHalf)
                    //        //    {
                    //        //        _behaviour.preVelocity = v.normalized * _behaviour.maxSpeed;
                    //        //    }
                    //        //    else
                    //        //    {
                    //        //        _behaviour.preVelocity =;
                    //        //    }

                    //        //}
                    //    }
                _activeBoids = preBoidsType;