public void ExitApplication() { if (GUI_IO.YesNoPrompt("Do you want to quit the application?", "Application will not quit.")) { Console.WriteLine("Parking lot application is now closed."); Environment.Exit(0); } }
public void ShowParkLotStatusCommands(int command) { int parkSpotIx; ParkSpot parkSpot; string parkSpotInfo = ""; switch (command) { case -1: break; case 0: parkSpotIx = GUI_IO.NumPrompt("Enter parking slot number"); if (parkSpotIx < 0) { return; } if (parkSpotIx >= parkLot.ParkSpots.Length) { Console.WriteLine("The parking spot {0} doesn't exist.", parkSpotIx + 1); return; } parkSpot = parkLot.ParkSpots[parkSpotIx]; if (0 == parkSpot.Vehicles.Count) { Console.WriteLine("The parking spot is empty."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < parkSpot.Vehicles.Count; ++i) { parkSpotInfo += parkSpot.Vehicles[i].VehicleType + " " + parkSpot.Vehicles[i].RegNum + ", "; } Console.WriteLine(parkSpotInfo.Substring(0, parkSpotInfo.Length - 2)); break; case 1: for (int i = 0; i < parkLot.ParkSpots.Length; ++i) { parkSpot = parkLot.ParkSpots[i]; if (0 < parkSpot.Vehicles.Count) { parkSpotInfo = (i + 1) + ": "; for (int j = 0; j < parkSpot.Vehicles.Count; ++j) { parkSpotInfo += parkSpot.Vehicles[j].VehicleType + " " + parkSpot.Vehicles[j].RegNum + ", "; } Console.WriteLine(parkSpotInfo.Substring(0, parkSpotInfo.Length - 2)); } } break; default: break; } }
public int MainMenu() { int command; while (true) { command = GUI_IO.CommandMenu("Main menu", commands, "to quit the application") - 1; return(command); } }
public int AddMenu() { int command; command = GUI_IO.CommandMenu("Add a vehicle menu", commandsAdd, "to cancel") - 1; if (command == -1) { return(-1); } menuCommands.AddMenuCommands(command); return(command); }
public void MoveMenuCommands(int command) { string regNum; int toParkSpotIx; Vehicle vehicle; switch (command) { case -1: break; case 1: if (RegNumPrompt(out regNum)) { if (!parkLot.GetVehicle(regNum, out vehicle)) { Console.Write("The vehicle doesn't exists in the parking lot.\n"); return; } parkLot.GetVehicle(regNum, out vehicle); toParkSpotIx = GUI_IO.NumPrompt("To which parking spot do you want to move the " + vehicle.VehicleType.ToLower() + " " + vehicle.RegNum); if (-1 == toParkSpotIx) { return; } // TODO: check park spot exists // Console.Write("To which parking lot do you want to move the {0} {1}: ", vehicle.VehicleType.ToLower(), vehicle.RegNum); // toParkSpotIx = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (parkLot.Move(vehicle, toParkSpotIx)) { Console.WriteLine("Move {0} {1} parked at {2} to parking lot {3}.", vehicle.VehicleType.ToLower(), vehicle.RegNum, vehicle.ParkingSpot + 1, toParkSpotIx + 1); } else { Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} cannot fit on parking spot: {2}", vehicle.VehicleType.ToLower(), vehicle.RegNum, toParkSpotIx + 1); } } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no vehicle in the parking lot with that registration number!"); } break; default: break; } }
public void StartAppp() { menu = new Menu(); menuCommands = new MenuCommands(menu); int command; GUI_IO.WriteHeadLine("Parking lot application"); Console.WriteLine(""); while (true) { command = menu.MainMenu(); menuCommands.MainMenuCommands(command); } }
public int ShowParkLotStatus() { int command; while (true) { command = GUI_IO.CommandMenu("Show parking lot status menu", commandsShowParkLotStatus, "to go back") - 1; if (command != -1) { GUI_IO.WriteHeadLine(commandsShowParkLotStatus[command]); } else { GUI_IO.WriteHeadLine(""); } menuCommands.ShowParkLotStatusCommands(command); return(command); } }