Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string IP   = "";
            int    port = 2525;

            HighBidTurn ST1 = new HighBidTurn();

            Coordinate TestC;
            //coordinateSIT TestC;

            int    DemandValue               = 100;
            double StartingDistance          = 500;
            double InfiltrationRate          = 1.0;
            double SpeedStandardDeviation    = 1.0;
            double DistanceStandardDeviation = 0.0;

            for (double Speed = SpeedStandardDeviation; Speed <= 4.0; Speed++)
                //for (double Distance = DistanceStandardDeviation; Distance <= 0.0; Distance += Distance)
                for (double Distance = DistanceStandardDeviation; Distance <= 0.0; Distance++)
                    for (double k = InfiltrationRate; k >= 1.0; k -= 0.1)
                        for (double j = StartingDistance; j < 501; j += 50)
                            //This is to create a directory which records the MySQL results in a time and date folder
                            String Todaysdate       = DateTime.Now.ToString("");
                            string ResultsDirectory = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Siemens\Desktop\Andrew's Work\Paramics Models\Poole Junction\Paramics 2010.1 Version\Cabot Lane Poole V3\Results\" + Todaysdate;

                            if (!Directory.Exists(ResultsDirectory))

                            string ResultsDir = ResultsDirectory;
                            ResultsDir = ResultsDirectory.Replace("'", "''");        //This is because MySQL uses an apostrophe (') as it's delimiter
                            ResultsDir = ResultsDir.Replace("\\", "//");

                            for (int i = DemandValue; i < 101; i += 20)
                                //How many times would you like the program to run
                                int NumberOfRuns = 10;
                                int Counter      = 0;

                                FixedVariables.DistanceFromJunction      = j;
                                FixedVariables.InfiltrationRate          = k;
                                FixedVariables.DistanceStandardDeviation = Distance;
                                FixedVariables.SpeedStandardDeviation    = Speed;

                                while (Counter < NumberOfRuns)
                                    if (args.Length == 0)
                                        //string[] fnames = new string[] { "TrainedTriJ1H7.csv", "TrainedTriJ2H7.csv", "TrainedTriJ3H7.csv" };
                                        //string[] sigNs = new string[] { "1", "0", "2" };

                                        //TestC = new coordinateSIT("JunctionDesignTriC.XML", ST1, IP, port); // <--- Simon used this one 05/11/12
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignMillbrook.XML", ST1, IP, port); //<--- Simon used this one 20/11/12
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignSimpleCrossroads.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Andrew's attempt on Simple Crossroads 20/11/12

                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignSimpleCrossroads3Lane.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Andrew's Simple Crossroads - 3 lane 02/09/13
                                        TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignPooleJunction.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Stages are same as existing stages - 4 stage solution
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignPooleJunction - WithTurningIntention.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Stages are adapted to 8 stage solution
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignPooleJunction - AdaptedJunctionLayout.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Stages are for the modified road layout - 7 stage - 10/07/14
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignSopersLane.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Stages are adapted to 8 stage solution

                                        //TestC = new coordinateSIT("JunctionDesignSimpleCrossroads3Lane.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Andrew's Simple Crossroads - 3 lane 04/12/13
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignSimpleCrossroads2LaneStraightBoth.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Andrew's Simple Crossroads - 2 lane - Both Straight Ahead 04/12/13
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignSimpleCrossroads2LaneStraightLeft.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Andrew's Simple Crossroads - 2 lane - Straight and Left Lane Together, Dedicated Right 04/12/13
                                        //TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignSimpleCrossroads2LaneStraightRight.XML", ST1, IP, port); //Andrew's Simple Crossroads - 2 lane - Straight and Right Lane Together, Dedicated Left 04/12/13

                                        ParamicsPuppetMaster.EditConfig ECG = new ParamicsPuppetMaster.EditConfig(TestC.ParamicsPath);

                                        //ParamicsPuppetMaster.EditDemands EDM = new ParamicsPuppetMaster.EditDemands(TestC.ParamicsPath, A.Demands);
                                        TestC = new Coordinate("JunctionDesignOrigV2flat.xml", ST1, IP, port);

                                        //ParaESVstarter StartParamicsModel = new ParaESVstarter(TestC.ParamicsPath);
                                        ParaBSMstarter StartParamicsModel = new ParaBSMstarter(TestC.ParamicsPath);

                                        Runner Run = new Runner(TestC);


                                        //AH added this function to save the biddata and linkturningmovements tables after a run

                                        TestC.SaveTables(Counter, ResultsDir);
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        StreamWriter SW;
                                        SW = File.AppendText(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Siemens\Desktop\Andrew's Work\C# Code\ParamicsSNMPcontrolV3\BigRunLog.txt");
                                        SW.WriteLine("G = {0:G}", DateTime.Now);
                                        foreach (string s in args)

        public void StartRunningBSM()
            ParaBSMstarter StartParamicsModel = new ParaBSMstarter(TestC.ParamicsPath);
