public override PShape3D CreateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64 r = CalculateRadius(); if (r > { Fix64Vec3 center =; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; } _shape = Parallel3D.CreateSphere(r, center); if (createUnityPhysicsCollider) { var collider = gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); collider.radius = (float)radius; } return(_shape); } else { Debug.LogError("Invalid Size"); return(null); } }
void CalculatePoints(Fix64 h, Fix64 r, ref Fix64Vec3 point1, ref Fix64Vec3 point2) { point1 =; point2 =; Fix64 pointDistance = h - Fix64.FromDivision(2, 1) * r; if (pointDistance <= { Debug.LogError("Invalid size"); return; } if (Direction == ParallelCapsuleDirection3D.XAxis) { point1 = new Fix64Vec3(,,; point2 = new Fix64Vec3(,,; } else if (Direction == ParallelCapsuleDirection3D.YAxis) { point1 = new Fix64Vec3(,,; point2 = new Fix64Vec3(,,; } else { point1 = new Fix64Vec3(,,; point2 = new Fix64Vec3(,,; } point1 = point1 * (pointDistance / Fix64.FromDivision(2, 1)); point2 = point2 * (pointDistance / Fix64.FromDivision(2, 1)); }
public override PShape3D CreateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64Vec3 s = CalculateSize(); if (s != { _currentSize = s; Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } _shape = Parallel3D.CreatePolyhedron(convexData, s, center, rotation); if (createUnityPhysicsCollider) { var collider = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); collider.convex = true; } return(_shape); } else { return(null); } }
void BuildConvexData() { //stan hull Vector3[] vIn1 = new Vector3[vertsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < vertsCount; i++) { vIn1[i] = verts[i]; } ParallelQHullData2 qhullData2 = Parallel3D.ConvextHull3D2(vIn1, (UInt32)vertsCount, (int)_limit); convexData2 = qhullData2; ParallelIntTriangle[] t = new ParallelIntTriangle[convexData2.triCount]; Array.Copy(convexData2.tris, 0, t, 0, convexData2.triCount); convexData2.tris = t; //new convex hull Fix64Vec3[] vIn = new Fix64Vec3[_limit]; for (int i = 0; i < _limit; i++) { vIn[i] = (Fix64Vec3)convexData2.vertices[i]; } float rad = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; ParallelQHullData qhullData = Parallel3D.ConvextHull3D(vIn, (UInt32)_limit, _simplified, (Fix64)rad); convexData = qhullData; Fix64Vec3[] v = new Fix64Vec3[convexData.vertexCount]; Array.Copy(convexData.vertices, 0, v, 0, convexData.vertexCount); convexData.vertices = v; string output = ""; output += $"b3Vec3 verts[{convexData.vertexCount}] = {{}};\n"; //Debug.Log($"b3Vec3 verts[{convexData.vertexCount}] = {{}};"); for (int i = 0; i < convexData.vertexCount; i++) { Vector3 vec3 = (Vector3)convexData.vertices[i]; output += $"b3Vec3({vec3.x}, {vec3.y}, {vec3.z}),\n"; //Debug.Log($"verts[{i}] = b3Vec3({vec3.x}, {vec3.y}, {vec3.z});"); } //Debug.Log(output); ParallelEdge[] e = new ParallelEdge[convexData.edgeCount]; Array.Copy(convexData.edges, 0, e, 0, convexData.edgeCount); convexData.edges = e; ParallelFace[] f = new ParallelFace[convexData.faceCount]; Array.Copy(convexData.faces, 0, f, 0, convexData.faceCount); convexData.faces = f; ParallelPlane[] p = new ParallelPlane[convexData.faceCount]; Array.Copy(convexData.planes, 0, p, 0, convexData.faceCount); convexData.planes = p; return; }
public bool LoadSavedExport(UInt32 step) { if (step > _maxStep) { return(false); } if (step < _minStep) { return(false); } int index = CalculateExportIndex(step); PBodyExport3D export = bodyExports[index]; linearVelocity = export.linearVelocity; angularVelocity = export.angularVelocity; position = export.position; orientation = export.orientation; orientation0 = export.orientation0; awake = export.awake; sleepTime = export.sleepTime; Parallel3D.UpdateBodyTransformForRollback(this, position, orientation, orientation0); Parallel3D.UpdateBodyVelocity(this, linearVelocity, angularVelocity); Parallel3D.SetAwakeForRollback(this, awake, sleepTime); return(true); }
// public static Fix64Mat4x4 FromTRS(Fix64Vec3 translation, Fix64Quat rotation, Fix64Vec3 scale) { Fix64 x1 = translation.x; Fix64 y1 = translation.y; Fix64 z1 = translation.z; Fix64 x2 = scale.x; Fix64 y2 = scale.y; Fix64 z2 = scale.z; Fix64Mat3x3 rot = new Fix64Mat3x3(rotation); Fix64 a11 = rot.x.x; Fix64 a21 = rot.x.y; Fix64 a31 = rot.x.z; Fix64 a12 = rot.y.x; Fix64 a22 = rot.y.y; Fix64 a32 = rot.y.z; Fix64 a13 = rot.z.x; Fix64 a23 = rot.z.y; Fix64 a33 = rot.z.z; Fix64Vec4 _x = new Fix64Vec4(x2 * a11, x2 * a21, x2 * a31,; Fix64Vec4 _y = new Fix64Vec4(y2 * a12, y2 * a22, y2 * a32,; Fix64Vec4 _z = new Fix64Vec4(z2 * a13, z2 * a23, z2 * a33,; Fix64Vec4 _w = new Fix64Vec4(x1, y1, z1,; return(new Fix64Mat4x4(_x, _y, _z, _w)); }
public Fix64Vec3 TransformDirectionUnscaled(Fix64Vec3 direction) { Fix64Mat4x4 m = localToWorldMatrixUnscaled; Fix64Vec3 p = m.MultiplyVector(direction); return(p); }
//Transforms position from world space to local space. public Fix64Vec3 InverseTransformPoint(Fix64Vec3 position) { Fix64Mat4x4 m = worldToLocalMatrix; Fix64Vec3 p = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(position); return(p); }
public static ParallelQHullData ConvextHull3D(Fix64Vec3[] verts, UInt32 count, bool simplify, Fix64 rad) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } UInt32 outCount = 1024 * 10; Fix64Vec3[] vertsOut = new Fix64Vec3[outCount]; ParallelEdge[] edgesOut = new ParallelEdge[outCount]; ParallelFace[] facesOut = new ParallelFace[outCount]; ParallelPlane[] planesOut = new ParallelPlane[outCount]; UInt32 vertsOutCount = outCount; UInt32 edgesOutCount = outCount; UInt32 facesOutCount = outCount; NativeParallel3D.ConvexHull3D(verts, count, vertsOut, ref vertsOutCount, edgesOut, ref edgesOutCount, facesOut, ref facesOutCount, planesOut, simplify, rad); ParallelQHullData parallelQHullData = new ParallelQHullData(); parallelQHullData.vertexCount = vertsOutCount; parallelQHullData.edgeCount = edgesOutCount; parallelQHullData.faceCount = facesOutCount; parallelQHullData.vertices = vertsOut; parallelQHullData.edges = edgesOut; parallelQHullData.faces = facesOut; parallelQHullData.planes = planesOut; return(parallelQHullData); }
public Fix64Vec3 TransformPointUnscaled(Fix64Vec3 position) { Fix64Mat4x4 m = localToWorldMatrixUnscaled; Fix64Vec3 p = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(position); return(p); }
public static Fix64Quat FromTwoVectors(Fix64Vec3 a, Fix64Vec3 b) { // From: Fix64 epsilon = Fix64.FromDivision(1, 1000000); Fix64 ab = Fix64Vec3.LengthSqr(a) * Fix64Vec3.LengthSqr(b); Fix64 norm_a_norm_b = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Sqrt64(ab.Raw)); Fix64 real_part = norm_a_norm_b + Fix64Vec3.Dot(a, b); Fix64Vec3 v; if (real_part < (epsilon * norm_a_norm_b)) { /* If u and v are exactly opposite, rotate 180 degrees * around an arbitrary orthogonal axis. Axis normalization * can happen later, when we normalize the quaternion. */ real_part =; bool cond = NativeFixedMath.Abs64(a.x.Raw) > NativeFixedMath.Abs64(a.z.Raw); v = cond ? new Fix64Vec3(-a.y, a.x, : new Fix64Vec3(, -a.z, a.y); } else { /* Otherwise, build quaternion the standard way. */ v = Fix64Vec3.Cross(a, b); } return(Normalize(new Fix64Quat(v.x, v.y, v.z, real_part))); }
//Transforms direction from world space to local space. public Fix64Vec3 InverseTransfromDirction(Fix64Vec3 direction) { Fix64Mat4x4 m = worldToLocalMatrix; Fix64Vec3 p = m.MultiplyVector(direction); return(p); }
public override PShape3D CreateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64Vec3 s = CalculateSize(); if (s != { Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } _shape = Parallel3D.CreateCube(s.x, s.y, s.z, center, rotation); if (createUnityPhysicsCollider) { var collider = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); collider.size = (Vector3)size; } return(_shape); } else { return(null); } }
public static Fix64Vec3 MulT(Fix64Vec3 pos, Fix64Quat rot, Fix64Vec3 point) { Fix64Vec3 output =; NativeParallel3D.MulT(pos, rot, point, ref output); return(output); }
protected override void UpdateShape(GameObject root) { Fix64 h = CalculateHeight(); Fix64 r = CalculateRadius(); Fix64Vec3 p1 =; Fix64Vec3 p2 =; CalculatePoints(h, r, ref p1, ref p2); if (p1 == || p2 == { Debug.LogError("Invalid Size"); return; } Fix64Vec3 center =; Fix64Quat rotation = Fix64Quat.identity; if (gameObject != root) { center = _pTransform.localPosition; rotation = _pTransform.localRotation; } point1 = p1; point2 = p2; radius = r; height = h; Parallel3D.UpdateCapsule(_shape, _fixture, p1, p2, radius, center, rotation); }
void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Fix64 h = CalculateHeight(); Fix64 r = CalculateRadius(); Fix64Vec3 p1 =; Fix64Vec3 p2 =; CalculatePoints(h, r, ref p1, ref p2); if (p1 == || p2 == { Debug.LogError("Invalid Size"); return; } Gizmos.color = DebugSettings.ColliderOutlineColor; Vector3 point1 = PMath.TransformPointUnscaled(transform, (Vector3)p1); Vector3 point2 = PMath.TransformPointUnscaled(transform, (Vector3)p2); Vector3 origin = (point1 - point2) / 2 + point1; Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(origin, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3((float)r, (float)r, (float)r)); DebugDraw.DrawHemispheresOfCapsule(point1, point2, (float)r); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; DebugDraw.DrawLineConnectingHS(point1, point2, (float)r); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; }
public static bool OverlapCube(Fix64Vec3 center, Fix64Quat rotation, Fix64 x, Fix64 y, Fix64 z, int mask, PShapeOverlapResult3D shapeOverlapResult) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } int count = 0; bool hit = NativeParallel3D.CubeOverlap(internalWorld.IntPointer, mask, center, rotation, x, y, z, _queryBodyIDs, ref count); shapeOverlapResult.count = count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UInt16 bodyID = _queryBodyIDs[i]; if (bodyDictionary.ContainsKey(bodyID)) { shapeOverlapResult.rigidbodies[i] = bodyDictionary[bodyID].RigidBody; } else { Debug.LogError($"Rigibody not found: {bodyID}"); } } return(hit); }
public static Fix64Quat FromEulerAngles(Fix64Vec3 value) { Fix64 yaw_y = Fix64.DegToRad(value.y); Fix64 pitch_x = Fix64.DegToRad(value.x); Fix64 roll_z = Fix64.DegToRad(value.z); return(Fix64Quat.FromYawPitchRoll(yaw_y, pitch_x, roll_z)); }
/// <summary> /// Imports the floating point values from the Unity Transform Component /// NOT deterministic /// </summary> public void ImportFromUnity() { //Debug.LogWarning("ImportFromUnity"); _localPosition = (Fix64Vec3)transform.localPosition; _localRotation = (Fix64Quat)transform.localRotation; _localEularAngles = (Fix64Vec3)transform.localEulerAngles; _localScale = (Fix64Vec3)transform.localScale; }
internal static extern void UpdateBodyProperties(IntPtr bodyHandle, int bodyType, Fix64Vec3 linearDamping, Fix64Vec3 angularDamping, Fix64Vec3 gravityScale, bool fixedRotationX, bool fixedRotationY, bool fixedRotationZ);
//Angle in degrees between two normalized vectors public static Fix64 Anlge(Fix64Vec3 a, Fix64Vec3 b) { Fix64 dot = Fix64Vec3.Dot(a.normalized, b.normalized); Fix64 clamped = Fix64Math.Clamp(dot,,; Fix64 rad = Fix64.FromRaw(NativeFixedMath.Acos64(clamped.Raw)); return(rad * Fix64.RadToDegree); }
public void ReadNative() { _body3D.ReadNative(); _tempAngularVelocity = _body3D.angularVelocity; _tempLinearVelocity = _body3D.linearVelocity; _awake = _body3D.IsAwake; pTransform._internal_WriteTranform(_body3D.position, _body3D.orientation); }
//Cross product of two vectors public static Fix64Vec3 Cross(Fix64Vec3 a, Fix64Vec3 b) { Fix64 x = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y; Fix64 y = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z; Fix64 z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; return(new Fix64Vec3(x, y, z)); }
public static void UpdateBodyVelocity(PBody3D body, Fix64Vec3 linearVelocity, Fix64Vec3 angularVelocity) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } NativeParallel3D.UpdateBodyVelocity(body.IntPointer, linearVelocity, angularVelocity); }
internal static extern bool RayCast( Fix64Vec3 point1, Fix64Vec3 point2, int mask, ref Fix64Vec3 point, ref Fix64Vec3 normal, ref Fix64 fraction, ref UInt16 bodyID, IntPtr worldHandle);
public static void UpdateMassData(PBody3D body, Fix64 mass, Fix64Vec3 centerOfMass) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } NativeParallel3D.UpdateMassData(body.IntPointer, mass, centerOfMass); }
public static void ApplyForceToCenter(PBody3D body, Fix64Vec3 force) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } NativeParallel3D.ApplyForceToCenter(body.IntPointer, force); }
public static void ApplyTorque(PBody3D body, Fix64Vec3 torque) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } NativeParallel3D.ApplyTorque(body.IntPointer, torque); }
public static void ApplyAngularImpulse(PBody3D body, Fix64Vec3 impulse) { if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } NativeParallel3D.ApplyAngularImpulse(body.IntPointer, impulse); }
void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Fix64Vec3 s = CalculateSize(); Gizmos.color = DebugSettings.ColliderOutlineColor; Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation,; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, (Vector3)s); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; }