public void GetKeyboard_FromInputLanguage_ExistingKeyboardReturnsKeyboard()
			var keyboard = Keyboard.Controller.CreateKeyboardDefinition("foo", "en-US");

			var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
			Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.GetKeyboard(inputLanguage), Is.EqualTo(keyboard));
        public void DefaultForWritingSystem_OldFwKeymanKeyboard()
            var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
            var expectedKeyboard = new KeyboardDescription("IPA Unicode 1.1.1 - English (US)", "IPA Unicode 1.1.1", "en-US", inputLanguage,

            // FieldWorks sets the keyboard property for Keyman keyboards to <layoutname> and WindowsLcid to <lcid>
            var ws = new MockWritingSystemDefinition { Keyboard = "IPA Unicode 1.1.1", WindowsLcid = 0x409.ToString() };
            Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.DefaultForWritingSystem(ws), Is.EqualTo(expectedKeyboard));
 public void CreateKeyboardDefinition_ExistingKeyboard_ReturnsReference()
     var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
     var expectedKeyboard = new KeyboardDescription("foo - English (US)", "foo", "en-US", inputLanguage,
     var keyboard = Keyboard.Controller.CreateKeyboardDefinition("foo", "en-US");
     Assert.That(keyboard, Is.SameAs(expectedKeyboard));
     Assert.That(keyboard, Is.TypeOf<KeyboardDescription>());
     Assert.That((keyboard as KeyboardDescription).InputLanguage, Is.EqualTo(inputLanguage));
 public WinKeyboardDescription(string locale, string layout, IKeyboardAdaptor engine)
     : base(engine, KeyboardType.System)
     InputLanguageWrapper inputLanguage = null;
         inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo(locale), IntPtr.Zero, layout);
     catch (CultureNotFoundException)
         // ignore if we can't find a culture (this can happen e.g. when a language gets
         // removed that was previously assigned to a WS) - see LT-15333
     Initialize(locale, new WinKeyboardAdaptor.LayoutName(layout), locale, inputLanguage);
        public void DefaultForWritingSystem_OldFwSystemKeyboard()
            // 0x001C is Albanian (see
            // Make sure it's not installed on current system.
            if (InputLanguage.InstalledInputLanguages.Cast<InputLanguage>().Any(lang => lang.Culture.LCID == 0x041C))
                Assert.Ignore("Input language 'Albanian (Albania)' is installed on current system. Can't run this test.");

            var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper("sq-AL", IntPtr.Zero, "US");
            var expectedKeyboard = new KeyboardDescription("US - Albanian (Albania)", "US", "sq-AL", inputLanguage,

            // FieldWorks sets the WindowsLcid property for System keyboards to <lcid>
            var ws = new MockWritingSystemDefinition { WindowsLcid = 0x041C.ToString() };
            Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.DefaultForWritingSystem(ws), Is.EqualTo(expectedKeyboard));
		internal void AddKeyboardForLayout(XklConfigRegistry.LayoutDescription layout, uint iGroup,
			IKeyboardSwitchingAdaptor engine)
			var description = GetDescription(layout);
			CultureInfo culture = null;
				culture = new CultureInfo(layout.LocaleId);
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// This can happen if the locale is not supported.
				// TODO: fix mono's list of supported locales. Doesn't support e.g. de-BE.
				// See mono/tools/locale-builder.
			var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(culture, IntPtr.Zero, layout.Language);
			var keyboard = new XkbKeyboardDescription(description, layout.LayoutId, layout.LocaleId,
				inputLanguage, engine, (int)iGroup);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and returns a keyboard definition object based on the layout and locale.
 /// </summary>
 public override IKeyboardDefinition CreateKeyboardDefinition(string layout, string locale)
     var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo(locale), IntPtr.Zero, layout);
     return new KeyboardDescription(layout, layout, locale, inputLanguage,  KeyboardController.Adaptors[0]);
		public void WrapperAndOriginalAreEqual()
			var wrapper = new InputLanguageWrapper(InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage);
 public void GetKeyboard_FromInputLanguage_NonExistingKeyboard()
     var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
     Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.GetKeyboard(inputLanguage), Is.EqualTo(KeyboardDescription.Zero));
        public void DefaultForWritingSystem_OldPalasoWinIMEKeyboard()
            var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
            var expectedKeyboard = new KeyboardDescription("foo - English (US)", "foo", "en-US", inputLanguage,

            // Palaso sets the keyboard property for Windows system keyboards to <layoutname>-<locale>
            var ws = new MockWritingSystemDefinition { Keyboard = "foo-en-US" };
            Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.DefaultForWritingSystem(ws), Is.EqualTo(expectedKeyboard));
        public void DefaultForWritingSystem_OldPalasoKeymanKeyboard()
            var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
            KeyboardDescription expectedKeyboard;
            if (Keyboard.Controller.AllAvailableKeyboards.Any(kbd => kbd.Layout == "IPA Unicode 1.1.1"))
                expectedKeyboard =
                    Keyboard.Controller.AllAvailableKeyboards.First(kbd => kbd.Layout == "IPA Unicode 1.1.1")
                        as KeyboardDescription;
                expectedKeyboard = new KeyboardDescription("IPA Unicode 1.1.1 - English (US)", "IPA Unicode 1.1.1",
                    "en-US", inputLanguage, KeyboardController.Adaptors[0]);

            // Palaso sets the keyboard property for Keyman keyboards to <layoutname>
            var ws = new MockWritingSystemDefinition { Keyboard = "IPA Unicode 1.1.1" };
            Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.DefaultForWritingSystem(ws), Is.EqualTo(expectedKeyboard));
        public void DefaultForWritingSystem_OldPalasoIbusKeyboard()
            #if __MonoCS__
            // For this test on Linux we only use the XkbKeyboardAdaptor and simulate an available
            // IBus keyboard. This is necessary because otherwise the test might return an
            // installed Danish IBus keyboard (m17n:da:post) instead of our expected dummy one.
            KeyboardController.Manager.SetKeyboardAdaptors(new[] { new Palaso.UI.WindowsForms.Keyboarding.Linux.XkbKeyboardAdaptor() });
            var inputLanguage = new InputLanguageWrapper(new CultureInfo("en-US"), IntPtr.Zero, "foo");
            var expectedKeyboard = new KeyboardDescription("m17n:da:post - English (US)", "m17n:da:post", "en-US", inputLanguage,

            // Palaso sets the keyboard property for Ibus keyboards to <ibus longname>
            var ws = new MockWritingSystemDefinition { Keyboard = "m17n:da:post" };
            Assert.That(Keyboard.Controller.DefaultForWritingSystem(ws), Is.EqualTo(expectedKeyboard));