Esempio n. 1
        public CSkeletalMesh(USkeletalMesh mesh)
            OriginalMesh = mesh;

            // convert bounds
            BoundingSphere = new FSphere
                R = mesh.Bounds.sphere_radius / 2
            BoundingBox = new FBox
                Min = mesh.Bounds.origin - mesh.Bounds.box_extend,
                Max = mesh.Bounds.origin + mesh.Bounds.box_extend

            // MeshScale, MeshOrigin, RotOrigin are removed in UE4
            //!! NOTE: MeshScale is integrated into RefSkeleton.RefBonePose[0].Scale3D.
            //!! Perhaps rotation/translation are integrated too!
            MeshOrigin = new CVec3 {
                v = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }
            RotOrigin = new FRotator {
                pitch = 0, roll = 0, yaw = 0
            MeshScale = new CVec3 {
                v = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }

            // convert LODs
            Lods = new CSkelMeshLod[mesh.LODModels.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < Lods.Length; i++)
                var SrcLod = mesh.LODModels[i];
                if (SrcLod.Indices.Indices16.Length == 0 && SrcLod.Indices.Indices32.Length == 0)
                    // No indicies in this lod

                int NumTexCoords = SrcLod.NumTexCoords;
                if (NumTexCoords > 8)
                    throw new FileLoadException($"SkeletalMesh has too many ({NumTexCoords}) UV sets");

                CSkelMeshLod Lod = new CSkelMeshLod
                    NumTexCoords = NumTexCoords,
                    HasNormals   = true,
                    HasTangents  = true,

                // get vertex count and determine vertex source
                int VertexCount = SrcLod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.GetVertexCount();

                bool bUseVerticesFromSections = false;
                // if (VertexCount == 0 && SrcLod.Sections.Length > 0 && SrcLod.Sections[0].SoftVertices.Count > 0)
                // above is used for editor assets, but there are no chunks for soft vertices


                int chunkIndex       = -1;
                int lastChunkVertex  = -1;
                int chunkVertexIndex = 0;

                ushort[] BoneMap = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < VertexCount; j++)
                    while (j >= lastChunkVertex) // this will fix any issues with empty chunks or sections
                        // UE4.13+ code: chunk information migrated to sections
                        FSkelMeshSection S = SrcLod.Sections[++chunkIndex];
                        lastChunkVertex  = (int)(S.base_vertex_index + S.num_vertices);
                        BoneMap          = S.bone_map;
                        chunkVertexIndex = 0;

                    // get vertex from GPU skin
                    FSkelMeshVertexBase V;

                    if (!SrcLod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.bUseFullPrecisionUVs)
                        FGPUVert4Half V0    = SrcLod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertsHalf[j];
                        FMeshUVHalf[] SrcUV = V0.UV;
                        V = new FSkelMeshVertexBase
                            Infs   = V0.Infs,
                            Normal = V0.Normal,
                            Pos    = V0.Pos
                        // UV: convert half -> float
                        Lod.Verts[j].UV = (FMeshUVFloat)SrcUV[0];
                        for (int TexCoordIndex = 1; TexCoordIndex < NumTexCoords; TexCoordIndex++)
                            Lod.ExtraUV[TexCoordIndex - 1][j] = (FMeshUVFloat)SrcUV[TexCoordIndex];
                        FGPUVert4Float V0    = SrcLod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertsFloat[j];
                        FMeshUVFloat[] SrcUV = V0.UV;
                        V = new FSkelMeshVertexBase
                            Infs   = V0.Infs,
                            Normal = V0.Normal,
                            Pos    = V0.Pos
                        // UV: convert half -> float
                        Lod.Verts[j].UV = SrcUV[0];
                        for (int TexCoordIndex = 1; TexCoordIndex < NumTexCoords; TexCoordIndex++)
                            Lod.ExtraUV[TexCoordIndex - 1][j] = SrcUV[TexCoordIndex];
                    Lod.Verts[j].Position = V.Pos;

                    // convert influences
                    Lod.Verts[j].Bone = new short[4];
                    int  k2            = 0;
                    uint PackedWeights = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                        int  BoneIndex  = V.Infs.bone_index[k];
                        byte BoneWeight = V.Infs.bone_weight[k];
                        if (BoneWeight == 0)
                            continue;                  // skip this influence (but do not stop the loop!)
                        PackedWeights        |= (uint)(BoneWeight << (k2 * 8));
                        Lod.Verts[j].Bone[k2] = (short)BoneMap[BoneIndex];
                    Lod.Verts[j].PackedWeights = PackedWeights;
                    if (k2 < 4)
                        Lod.Verts[j].Bone[k2] = -1;         // mark end of list

                // indices
                Lod.Indices.Initialize(SrcLod.Indices.Indices16, SrcLod.Indices.Indices32);

                // sections
                Lod.Sections = new CMeshSection[SrcLod.Sections.Length];

                FSkeletalMeshLODInfo Info = mesh.LODInfo[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < SrcLod.Sections.Length; j++)
                    FSkelMeshSection S   = SrcLod.Sections[j];
                    CMeshSection     Dst = new CMeshSection();

                    // remap material for LOD
                    int MaterialIndex = S.material_index;
                    if (MaterialIndex >= 0 && MaterialIndex < Info.LODMaterialMap.Length)
                        MaterialIndex = Info.LODMaterialMap[MaterialIndex];

                    if (S.material_index < mesh.Materials.Length)
                        Dst.Material = new UUnrealMaterial();// mesh.Materials[MaterialIndex].Material;
                    // -> TODO: actually get the object from the pak

                    Dst.FirstIndex  = (int)S.base_index;
                    Dst.NumFaces    = (int)S.num_triangles;
                    Lod.Sections[j] = Dst;

                Lods[i] = Lod;

            // copy skeleton
            int NumBones = mesh.RefSkeleton.ref_bone_info.Length;

            RefSkeleton = new CSkelMeshBone[NumBones];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumBones; i++)
                FMeshBoneInfo B   = mesh.RefSkeleton.ref_bone_info[i];
                FTransform    T   = mesh.RefSkeleton.ref_bone_pose[i];
                CSkelMeshBone Dst = new CSkelMeshBone
                    Name        =,
                    ParentIndex = B.parent_index,
                    Position    = T.translation,
                    Orientation = T.rotation
                // fix skeleton; all bones but 0
                if (i >= 1)
                RefSkeleton[i] = Dst;

            Sockets = null; // dunno where this is set

Esempio n. 2
        static void ExportCommonMeshData(BinaryWriter writer, CMeshSection[] Sections, CSkelMeshVertex[] Verts, CIndexBuffer Indices, CVertexShare Share)
            VChunkHeader MainHdr = new VChunkHeader(), PtsHdr, WedgHdr, FacesHdr, MatrHdr;
            int          i;

            // main psk header
            SAVE_CHUNK(writer, MainHdr, "ACTRHEAD");

            PtsHdr = new VChunkHeader
                DataCount = Share.Points.Count,
                DataSize  = 12
            SAVE_CHUNK(writer, PtsHdr, "PNTS0000");
            for (i = 0; i < Share.Points.Count; i++)
                FVector V = Share.Points[i];
                V.Y = -V.Y;

            // get number of faces (some Gears3 meshes may have index buffer larger than needed)
            // get wedge-material mapping
            int numFaces = 0;

            int[] WedgeMat = new int[Verts.Length];
            for (i = 0; i < Sections.Length; i++)
                CMeshSection Sec = Sections[i];
                numFaces += Sec.NumFaces;
                for (int j = 0; j < Sec.NumFaces * 3; j++)
                    WedgeMat[Indices[j + Sec.FirstIndex]] = i;

            WedgHdr = new VChunkHeader
                DataCount = Verts.Length,
                DataSize  = 16
            SAVE_CHUNK(writer, WedgHdr, "VTXW0000");
            for (i = 0; i < Verts.Length; i++)
                CSkelMeshVertex S = Verts[i];
                VVertex         W = new VVertex
                    PointIndex = Share.WedgeToVert[i],
                    U          = S.UV.U,
                    V          = S.UV.V,
                    MatIndex   = (byte)WedgeMat[i],
                    Reserved   = 0,
                    Pad        = 0

            if (Verts.Length <= 65536)
                FacesHdr = new VChunkHeader
                    DataCount = numFaces,
                    DataSize  = 12
                SAVE_CHUNK(writer, FacesHdr, "FACE0000");
                for (i = 0; i < Sections.Length; i++)
                    CMeshSection Sec = Sections[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < Sec.NumFaces; j++)
                        VTriangle16 T = new VTriangle16 {
                            WedgeIndex = new ushort[3]
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            int idx = (int)Indices[Sec.FirstIndex + j * 3 + k];
                            if (idx < 0 || idx >= 65536)
                                throw new FileLoadException("Invalid section index");
                            T.WedgeIndex[k] = (ushort)idx;
                        T.MatIndex        = (byte)i;
                        T.AuxMatIndex     = 0;
                        T.SmoothingGroups = 1;
                        ushort tmp = T.WedgeIndex[0];
                        T.WedgeIndex[0] = T.WedgeIndex[1];
                        T.WedgeIndex[1] = tmp;
                // pskx extension
                FacesHdr = new VChunkHeader
                    DataCount = numFaces,
                    DataSize  = 18
                SAVE_CHUNK(writer, FacesHdr, "FACE3200");
                for (i = 0; i < Sections.Length; i++)
                    CMeshSection Sec = Sections[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < Sec.NumFaces; j++)
                        VTriangle32 T = new VTriangle32 {
                            WedgeIndex = new int[3]
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            int idx = (int)Indices[Sec.FirstIndex + j * 3 + k];
                            T.WedgeIndex[k] = idx;
                        T.MatIndex        = (byte)i;
                        T.AuxMatIndex     = 0;
                        T.SmoothingGroups = 1;
                        int tmp = T.WedgeIndex[0];
                        T.WedgeIndex[0] = T.WedgeIndex[1];
                        T.WedgeIndex[1] = tmp;

            MatrHdr = new VChunkHeader
                DataCount = Sections.Length,
                DataSize  = 88
            SAVE_CHUNK(writer, MatrHdr, "MATT0000");
            for (i = 0; i < Sections.Length; i++)
                VMaterial M = new VMaterial {
                    MaterialName = new byte[64]
                UUnrealMaterial Tex = Sections[i].Material;
                M.TextureIndex = i; // could be required for UT99
                //!! this will not handle (UMaterialWithPolyFlags->Material==NULL) correctly - will make MaterialName=="None"
                //!! (the same valid for md5mesh export)
                Tex = null;
                if (Tex != null)
                    //Extensions.StrCpy(M.MaterialName, Tex.Name);
                    Extensions.StrCpy(M.MaterialName, $"material_{i}");