Esempio n. 1
        public bool IsApplicable(LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLine aLine)
            bool transferinsidewarehouse = false;

            if (aLine.ReceiptType == POReceiptType.TransferReceipt)
                INTran ortran = PXSelectReadonly <INTran, Where <INTran.tranType, Equal <Required <INTran.origTranType> >,
                                                                 And <INTran.refNbr, Equal <Required <INTran.origRefNbr> > > > >
                                .SelectWindowed(_graph, 0, 1, aLine.OrigTranType, aLine.OrigRefNbr, aLine.OrigLineNbr);

                transferinsidewarehouse = (ortran == null || ortran.SiteID == aLine.SiteID);
            if (transferinsidewarehouse == false)
                HasApplicableTransfers = true;
            //Memo - in this release, non-stock Items are not applicable for the landed cost. Review later.
            return(!transferinsidewarehouse &&
                   (aCode.AllocationMethod != LandedCostAllocationMethod.None && (aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForInventory ||
                                                                                  aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForReplenishment ||
                                                                                  aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForSalesOrder ||
                                                                                  aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForDropShip ||
                                                                                  aLine.LineType == POLineType.NonStock ||
                                                                                  aLine.LineType == POLineType.NonStockForDropShip ||
                                                                                  aLine.LineType == POLineType.NonStockForSalesOrder)));
 public static bool IsApplicable(LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLine aLine)
     //Memo - in this release, non-stock Items are not applicable for the landed cost. Review later.
     return((aCode.AllocationMethod != LandedCostAllocationMethod.None) && aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForInventory ||
            aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForReplenishment ||
            aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForSalesOrder ||
            aLine.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForDropShip);
        public static Decimal CalcAllocationValue(LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLine aLine, Decimal aBaseTotal, Decimal aAllocationTotal)
            Decimal value = Decimal.Zero;

            if (IsApplicable(aCode, aLine))
                Decimal baseShare = GetBaseValue(aCode, aLine);
                value = (baseShare * aAllocationTotal) / aBaseTotal;
Esempio n. 4
        protected virtual void CreateCostAjustment(INAdjustmentEntry inGraph, LandedCostCode aLCCode, LandedCostTran aTran, List <LandedCostHelper.POReceiptLineAdjustment> aAllocatedLines)

            inGraph.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <INTran.inventoryID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; });
            inGraph.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <INTran.origRefNbr>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; });

            inGraph.insetup.Current.RequireControlTotal = false;
            inGraph.insetup.Current.HoldEntry           = false;

            INRegister newdoc = new INRegister();

            newdoc.DocType    = INDocType.Adjustment;
            newdoc.OrigModule = BatchModule.PO;
            newdoc.SiteID     = null;
            newdoc.TranDate   = aTran.InvoiceDate;

            CreateAdjustmentTran(inGraph, aAllocatedLines, aLCCode, aTran, aLCCode.ReasonCode);
Esempio n. 5
        public static Decimal GetBaseValue(LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLine aLine)
            Decimal value = Decimal.Zero;

            switch (aCode.AllocationMethod)
            case LandedCostAllocationMethod.ByCost: value = aLine.CuryExtCost ?? Decimal.Zero; break;

            case LandedCostAllocationMethod.ByQuantity: value = aLine.BaseQty ?? Decimal.Zero; break;

            case LandedCostAllocationMethod.ByWeight: value = aLine.ExtWeight ?? Decimal.Zero; break;

            case LandedCostAllocationMethod.ByVolume: value = aLine.ExtVolume ?? Decimal.Zero; break;

            case LandedCostAllocationMethod.None: value = Decimal.One; break;                     //Line Count

                throw new PXException(Messages.UnknownLCAllocationMethod, aCode.LandedCostCodeID);
Esempio n. 6
        public List <LandedCostHelper.POReceiptLineAdjustment> AllocateLCOverRCTLines(IEnumerable <POReceiptLine> aLines, LandedCostCode aLCCode, LandedCostTran aTran, IEnumerable <LandedCostTranSplit> aSplits)
            Decimal toDistribute = aTran.LCAmount.Value;
            Decimal baseTotal    = decimal.Zero;

            foreach (POReceiptLine iDet in aLines)
                if (IsApplicable(aTran, aSplits, aLCCode, iDet))
                    baseTotal += GetBaseValue(aLCCode, iDet);

            List <POReceiptLineAdjustment> result = new List <POReceiptLineAdjustment>();
            Decimal leftToDistribute = toDistribute;

            foreach (POReceiptLine iDet in aLines)
                var poreceipt = (POReceipt)PXSelect <POReceipt, Where <POReceipt.receiptType, Equal <Current <POReceiptLine.receiptType> >, And <POReceipt.receiptNbr, Equal <Current <POReceiptLine.receiptNbr> > > > > .SelectSingleBound(this._graph, new object[] { iDet });

                if (!IsApplicable(aTran, aSplits, aLCCode, iDet))
                leftToDistribute -= AllocateOverRCTLine(result, iDet, CalcAllocationValue(aLCCode, iDet, baseTotal, toDistribute), poreceipt.BranchID);
            AllocateRestOverRCTLines(result, leftToDistribute);

Esempio n. 7
        public decimal AllocateOverRCTLine(List <POReceiptLineAdjustment> result, POReceiptLine aLine, decimal toDistribute, Int32?branchID)
            var aLCCode = new LandedCostCode();

            aLCCode.AllocationMethod = LandedCostAllocationMethod.ByQuantity;
            decimal baseTotal = GetBaseValue(aLCCode, aLine);

            decimal shareAmt      = Decimal.Zero;
            decimal allocatedAmt  = Decimal.Zero;
            decimal allocatedBase = Decimal.Zero;

            List <Type> bql = new List <Type>
                typeof(Select4 <, ,>),
                typeof(Where <POReceiptLineSplit.receiptNbr, Equal <Required <POReceiptLine.receiptNbr> >, And <POReceiptLineSplit.lineNbr, Equal <Required <POReceiptLine.lineNbr> > > >),
                typeof(Aggregate <>),
                typeof(GroupBy <,>),
                typeof(GroupBy <,>),
                typeof(Sum <,>),
                typeof(GroupBy <>),

            InventoryItem ii = (InventoryItem)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <POReceiptLine.inventoryID>(_graph.Caches[typeof(POReceiptLine)], aLine);
            bool          requierelotserial = ii.ValMethod == INValMethod.Specific;

            if (!requierelotserial)
                bql.RemoveAt(bql.Count - 1);
                bql.RemoveAt(bql.Count - 1);
                bql[bql.Count - 2] = typeof(Sum <>);

            PXView splitsView = new PXView(_graph, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(bql.ToArray()));

            bool hasSplits = false;

            foreach (POReceiptLineSplit split in splitsView.SelectMulti(aLine.ReceiptNbr, aLine.LineNbr))
                hasSplits = true;
                decimal allocatingBase = split.BaseQty ?? 0m;
                shareAmt = CalcAllocationValue(aLCCode, split, aLine, baseTotal, toDistribute);
                shareAmt = PXDBCurrencyAttribute.BaseRound(_graph, shareAmt);

                //accu rounding
                shareAmt += PXCurrencyAttribute.BaseRound(_graph, (allocatedBase + allocatingBase) * toDistribute / baseTotal - shareAmt - allocatedAmt);

                if (shareAmt != Decimal.Zero)
                    POReceiptLine newPOReceiptLine = (POReceiptLine)_graph.Caches[typeof(POReceiptLine)].CreateCopy(aLine);
                    newPOReceiptLine.LocationID   = split.LocationID;
                    newPOReceiptLine.SiteID       = split.SiteID;
                    newPOReceiptLine.SubItemID    = split.SubItemID;
                    newPOReceiptLine.LotSerialNbr = requierelotserial ? split.LotSerialNbr : null;
                    result.Add(new POReceiptLineAdjustment(newPOReceiptLine, shareAmt, branchID));
                    allocatedAmt  += shareAmt;
                    allocatedBase += allocatingBase;
            if (!hasSplits)
                shareAmt = toDistribute;
                shareAmt = PXDBCurrencyAttribute.BaseRound(_graph, shareAmt);
                if (shareAmt != Decimal.Zero)
                    result.Add(new POReceiptLineAdjustment(aLine, shareAmt, branchID));

                allocatedAmt = shareAmt;
Esempio n. 8
        public Decimal CalcAllocationValue(LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLineSplit aSplit, POReceiptLine aLine, Decimal aBaseTotal, Decimal aAllocationTotal)
            var res = CalcAllocationValue(aCode, aLine, aBaseTotal, aAllocationTotal);

            return(res * ((aSplit.BaseQty / (aLine.BaseQty == 0 ? (decimal?)null : aLine.BaseQty)) ?? 1));
Esempio n. 9
 public static bool NeedsApplicabilityChecking(LandedCostCode aCode)
     return(aCode.AllocationMethod != LandedCostAllocationMethod.None);
Esempio n. 10
        public bool IsApplicable(LandedCostTran aTran, IEnumerable <LandedCostTranSplit> aSplits, LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLine aLine)
            if (!IsApplicable(aCode, aLine))
            bool passes = false;

            if (aSplits != null)
                foreach (LandedCostTranSplit it in aSplits)
                    if (it.POReceiptNbr == aLine.ReceiptNbr)
                        passes = true;
                        if (passes && it.POReceiptLineNbr.HasValue)
                            if (it.POReceiptLineNbr != aLine.LineNbr)
                                passes = false;
                        if (passes && it.InventoryID.HasValue)
                            if (it.InventoryID != aLine.InventoryID)
                                passes = false;
                    if (passes)

            if (!passes)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aTran.POReceiptNbr) ||
                    (aTran.POReceiptNbr != aLine.ReceiptNbr))
                if (aTran.POReceiptLineNbr.HasValue)
                    if (aTran.POReceiptLineNbr != aLine.LineNbr)
                if (aTran.InventoryID.HasValue)
                    if (aTran.InventoryID != aLine.InventoryID)
                passes = true;
            if (passes)
                if (aTran.SiteID.HasValue)
                    if (aTran.SiteID != aLine.SiteID)
                if (aTran.LocationID.HasValue)
                    if (aTran.LocationID != aLine.LocationID)
Esempio n. 11
 public bool IsApplicable(LandedCostTran aTran, LandedCostCode aCode, POReceiptLine aLine)
     return(IsApplicable(aTran, null, aCode, aLine));
Esempio n. 12
        public virtual void CreateAdjustmentTran(INAdjustmentEntry inGraph, List <LandedCostHelper.POReceiptLineAdjustment> pOLinesToProcess, LandedCostCode aLCCode, LandedCostTran aTran, string ReasonCode)
            foreach (LandedCostHelper.POReceiptLineAdjustment poreceiptline in pOLinesToProcess)
                INTran intran   = new INTran();
                bool   isLCTran = aTran != null;

                INTran origtran   = LandedCostHelper.GetOriginalInTran(inGraph, poreceiptline.Item1.ReceiptNbr, poreceiptline.Item1.LineNbr);
                bool   isDropShip = (poreceiptline.Item1.LineType == POLineType.GoodsForDropShip || poreceiptline.Item1.LineType == POLineType.NonStockForDropShip);

                if (!isDropShip && origtran == null)
                    throw new PXException(AP.Messages.CannotFindINReceipt, poreceiptline.Item1.ReceiptNbr);

                //Drop-Ships are considered non-stocks
                if (poreceiptline.Item1.IsStockItem())
                    intran.TranType = INTranType.ReceiptCostAdjustment;
                    //Landed cost and PPV for non-stock items are handled in special way in the inventory.
                    //They should create a GL Batch, but for convinience and unforminty this functionality is placed into IN module
                    //Review this part when the functionality is implemented in IN module
                    intran.IsCostUnmanaged = true;
                    intran.TranType        = INTranType.Adjustment;
                    intran.InvtMult        = 0;
                intran.InventoryID = poreceiptline.Item1.InventoryID;
                intran.SubItemID   = poreceiptline.Item1.SubItemID;
                intran.SiteID      = poreceiptline.Item1.SiteID;
                intran.BAccountID  = isLCTran ? aTran.VendorID : poreceiptline.Item1.VendorID;
                intran.BranchID    = poreceiptline.BranchID;

                if (isDropShip && intran.SiteID != null)
                    INSite invSite = PXSelect <INSite, Where <INSite.siteID, Equal <Required <POReceiptLine.siteID> > > > .Select(inGraph, intran.SiteID);

                    if (invSite.DropShipLocationID == null)
                        throw new PXException(SO.Messages.NoDropShipLocation, invSite.SiteCD);

                    intran.LocationID = invSite.DropShipLocationID;
                    intran.LocationID = poreceiptline.Item1.LocationID ?? origtran.LocationID;

                intran.LotSerialNbr     = poreceiptline.Item1.LotSerialNbr;
                intran.POReceiptType    = poreceiptline.Item1.ReceiptType;
                intran.POReceiptNbr     = poreceiptline.Item1.ReceiptNbr;
                intran.POReceiptLineNbr = poreceiptline.Item1.LineNbr;

                //tran.Qty = poreceiptline.ReceiptQty;
                intran.TranDesc = isLCTran ? aTran.Descr : poreceiptline.Item1.TranDesc;
                //tran.UnitCost = PXDBPriceCostAttribute.Round(inGraph.transactions.Cache, (decimal)(poreceiptline.ExtCost / poreceiptline.ReceiptQty));
                intran.TranCost   = poreceiptline.Item2;
                intran.ReasonCode = ReasonCode;
                if (origtran != null && origtran.DocType == INDocType.Issue)
                    intran.ARDocType = origtran.ARDocType;
                    intran.ARRefNbr  = origtran.ARRefNbr;
                    intran.ARLineNbr = origtran.ARLineNbr;
                if (!isDropShip)
                    intran.OrigTranType = origtran.DocType;
                    intran.OrigRefNbr   = origtran.RefNbr;

                int?acctID = null;
                int?subID  = null;
                if (isLCTran)
                    intran.AcctID = aLCCode.LCAccrualAcct;
                    intran.SubID  = aLCCode.LCAccrualSub;
                    GetLCVarianceAccountSub(ref acctID, ref subID, inGraph, poreceiptline.Item1);
                    //Set AcctID and SubID = POAccrual Acct/Sub from orig. INTran
                    if (origtran != null)
                        intran.AcctID = origtran.AcctID;
                        intran.SubID  = origtran.SubID;
                    else if (isDropShip)
                        intran.AcctID = poreceiptline.Item1.POAccrualAcctID;
                        intran.SubID  = poreceiptline.Item1.POAccrualSubID;
                    ReasonCode reasonCode = PXSelect <ReasonCode, Where <ReasonCode.reasonCodeID, Equal <Required <ReasonCode.reasonCodeID> > > > .Select(inGraph, ReasonCode);

                    if (reasonCode == null)
                        throw new PXException(AP.Messages.ReasonCodeCannotNotFound, ReasonCode);
                    AP.APReleaseProcess.GetPPVAccountSub(ref acctID, ref subID, inGraph, poreceiptline.Item1, reasonCode);
                intran.COGSAcctID = acctID;
                intran.COGSSubID  = subID;

                intran = inGraph.transactions.Insert(intran);
Esempio n. 13
        public virtual void ReleaseLCTrans(IEnumerable <LandedCostTran> aTranSet, DocumentList <INRegister> aINCreated, DocumentList <APInvoice> aAPCreated)
            Dictionary <int, APInvoiceEntry>    apGraphs = new Dictionary <int, APInvoiceEntry>();
            Dictionary <int, INAdjustmentEntry> inGraphs = new Dictionary <int, INAdjustmentEntry>();
            Dictionary <int, int>    combinations        = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            List <APRegister>        forReleaseAP        = new List <APRegister>();
            List <INRegister>        forReleaseIN        = new List <INRegister>();
            DocumentList <APInvoice> apDocuments         = new DocumentList <APInvoice>(this);
            POSetup poSetupR              = this.poSetup.Select();
            bool    autoReleaseIN         = poSetupR.AutoReleaseLCIN.Value;
            bool    autoReleaseAP         = poSetupR.AutoReleaseAP.Value;
            bool    noApplicableItems     = false;
            bool    noApplicableTransfers = false;

            foreach (LandedCostTran iTran in aTranSet)
                LandedCostCode lcCode = PXSelect <LandedCostCode, Where <LandedCostCode.landedCostCodeID, Equal <Required <LandedCostCode.landedCostCodeID> > > > .Select(this, iTran.LandedCostCodeID);

                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(iTran.APDocType) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(iTran.APRefNbr)) && iTran.PostponeAP == false)
                    APInvoiceEntry apGraph = null;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, APInvoiceEntry> iGraph in apGraphs)
                        APInvoice apDoc = iGraph.Value.Document.Current;
                        string    terms = String.IsNullOrEmpty(iTran.TermsID) ? lcCode.TermsID : iTran.TermsID;

                        if (apDoc.VendorID == iTran.VendorID &&
                            apDoc.VendorLocationID == iTran.VendorLocationID &&
                            apDoc.InvoiceNbr == iTran.InvoiceNbr &&
                            apDoc.CuryID == iTran.CuryID &&
                            apDoc.DocDate == iTran.InvoiceDate &&
                            apDoc.TermsID == terms &&
                            (apDoc.DocType == AP.APDocType.Invoice && iTran.CuryLCAmount > Decimal.Zero))
                            combinations.Add(iTran.LCTranID.Value, iGraph.Key);
                            apGraph = iGraph.Value;
                    if (apGraph == null)
                        apGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APInvoiceEntry>();
                        if (autoReleaseAP)
                            apGraph.APSetup.Current.RequireControlTotal    = false;
                            apGraph.APSetup.Current.RequireControlTaxTotal = false;
                            apGraph.APSetup.Current.HoldEntry = false;
                        apGraphs[iTran.LCTranID.Value] = apGraph;
                    apGraph.InvoiceLandedCost(iTran, null, false);

                if (lcCode.AllocationMethod != LandedCostAllocationMethod.None)
                    List <POReceiptLine>       receiptLines = new List <POReceiptLine>();
                    List <LandedCostTranSplit> lcTranSplits = new List <LandedCostTranSplit>();
                    GetReceiptLinesToAllocate(receiptLines, lcTranSplits, iTran);
                    var lch = new LandedCostHelper(this, false);
                    List <LandedCostHelper.POReceiptLineAdjustment> result = lch.AllocateLCOverRCTLines(receiptLines, lcCode, iTran, lcTranSplits);
                    if (result.Count > 0)
                        if (result.Count == 1 && !result[0].Item1.InventoryID.HasValue)
                            noApplicableTransfers = !lch.HasApplicableTransfers;
                            noApplicableItems     = true;                          //Skip Cost adjustment creation;
                            INAdjustmentEntry inGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <INAdjustmentEntry>();
                            if (autoReleaseIN)
                                inGraph.insetup.Current.RequireControlTotal = false;
                                inGraph.insetup.Current.HoldEntry           = false;
                            CreateCostAjustment(inGraph, lcCode, iTran, result);
                            inGraphs[iTran.LCTranID.Value] = inGraph;

            using (PXConnectionScope cs = new PXConnectionScope())
                using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope())
                    foreach (LandedCostTran iTran in aTranSet)
                        bool           needUpdate = false;
                        LandedCostTran tran       = this.landedCostTrans.Select(iTran.LCTranID);

                        if (apGraphs.ContainsKey(tran.LCTranID.Value))
                            APInvoiceEntry apGraph = apGraphs[iTran.LCTranID.Value];
                            tran.APDocType = apGraph.Document.Current.DocType;
                            tran.APRefNbr  = apGraph.Document.Current.RefNbr;
                            if (!tran.APCuryInfoID.HasValue)
                                tran.APCuryInfoID = apGraph.Document.Current.CuryInfoID;
                            tran.Processed = true;
                            if (apGraph.Document.Current.Hold != true)
                            if (aAPCreated != null)
                            needUpdate = true;
                        else if (combinations.ContainsKey(tran.LCTranID.Value))
                            //Its already saved at this point
                            APInvoiceEntry apGraph = apGraphs[combinations[tran.LCTranID.Value]];
                            tran.APDocType = apGraph.Document.Current.DocType;
                            tran.APRefNbr  = apGraph.Document.Current.RefNbr;
                            if (!tran.APCuryInfoID.HasValue)
                                tran.APCuryInfoID = apGraph.Document.Current.CuryInfoID;
                            tran.Processed = true;
                            needUpdate     = true;

                        if (inGraphs.ContainsKey(tran.LCTranID.Value))
                            INAdjustmentEntry inGraph = inGraphs[iTran.LCTranID.Value];
                            tran.INDocType = inGraph.adjustment.Current.DocType;
                            tran.INRefNbr  = inGraph.adjustment.Current.RefNbr;
                            tran.Processed = true;
                            if (aINCreated != null)
                            needUpdate = true;
                        if (!needUpdate && tran.PostponeAP == true)
                            LandedCostCode lcCode = PXSelect <LandedCostCode, Where <LandedCostCode.landedCostCodeID, Equal <Required <LandedCostCode.landedCostCodeID> > > > .Select(this, iTran.LandedCostCodeID);

                            if (lcCode.AllocationMethod == LandedCostAllocationMethod.None)
                                tran.Processed = true;
                                needUpdate     = true;                             //This combination needs no processing here but must be updated
                        if (needUpdate)
                            LandedCostTran copy = (LandedCostTran)this.landedCostTrans.Cache.CreateCopy(tran);
                            tran = this.landedCostTrans.Update(copy);
            if (noApplicableTransfers == true)
                throw new NoApplicableSourceException(Messages.LandedCostCannotBeDistributed);
            if (noApplicableItems == true)
                throw new NoApplicableSourceException(Messages.LandedCostAmountRemainderCannotBeDistributedMultyLines);

            if (autoReleaseAP)
                if (forReleaseAP.Count > 0)
                    APDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc(forReleaseAP, true);

            if (autoReleaseIN)
                if (forReleaseIN.Count > 0)
                    INDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc(forReleaseIN, false);
Esempio n. 14
        public static List <INCostAdjustmentInfo> AllocateOverRCTLines(IEnumerable <POReceiptLine> aLines, PXCache aCache, LandedCostCode aLCCode, LandedCostTran aTran, IEnumerable <LandedCostTranSplit> aSplits)
            List <INCostAdjustmentInfo> result = new List <INCostAdjustmentInfo>();
            Decimal toDistribute    = aTran.LCAmount.Value;
            Decimal baseTotal       = decimal.Zero;
            int     distributeCount = 0;

            foreach (POReceiptLine iDet in aLines)
                if (LandedCostUtils.IsApplicable(aTran, aSplits, aLCCode, iDet))
                    baseTotal += LandedCostUtils.GetBaseValue(aLCCode, iDet);
            Decimal leftToDistribute  = toDistribute;
            INCostAdjustmentInfo last = null;

            foreach (POReceiptLine iDet in aLines)
                if (LandedCostUtils.IsApplicable(aTran, aSplits, aLCCode, iDet))
                    decimal shareAmt = Decimal.Zero;
                    if (distributeCount > 1)
                        shareAmt = LandedCostUtils.CalcAllocationValue(aLCCode, iDet, baseTotal, toDistribute);
                        shareAmt = PXDBCurrencyAttribute.BaseRound(aCache.Graph, shareAmt);
                        shareAmt = toDistribute;
                    if (shareAmt != Decimal.Zero)
                        leftToDistribute -= shareAmt;
                        INCostAdjustmentInfo newLine = new INCostAdjustmentInfo(iDet);
                        //POReceiptLine newLine = (POReceiptLine)aCache.CreateCopy(iDet);
                        //newLine.CuryExtCost = shareAmt;
                        //newLine.ExtCost = shareAmt;
                        newLine.AdjustmentAmount = shareAmt;
                        if (last == null || Math.Abs(last.AdjustmentAmount) < Math.Abs(newLine.AdjustmentAmount))
                            last = newLine;
            if (leftToDistribute != Decimal.Zero)
                if (last == null)
                    last = new INCostAdjustmentInfo();
                    last.AdjustmentAmount = leftToDistribute;
                    last.AdjustmentAmount += leftToDistribute;
Esempio n. 15
        protected static void CreateCostAjustment(INAdjustmentEntry inGraph, LandedCostCode aLCCode, LandedCostTran aTran, List <LandedCostUtils.INCostAdjustmentInfo> aAllocatedLines)
            inGraph.insetup.Current.RequireControlTotal = false;
            inGraph.insetup.Current.HoldEntry           = false;

            INRegister newdoc = new INRegister();

            newdoc.DocType    = INDocType.Adjustment;
            newdoc.OrigModule = BatchModule.PO;
            newdoc.SiteID     = null;
            newdoc.TranDate   = aTran.InvoiceDate;
            //Find IN Receipt (released??) for the LCTran's  POReceipt
            foreach (LandedCostUtils.INCostAdjustmentInfo it in aAllocatedLines)
                PXResult <INRegister, INTran> res = (PXResult <INRegister, INTran>) PXSelectJoin <INRegister, InnerJoin <INTran, On <INTran.docType, Equal <INRegister.docType>,
                                                                                                                                     And <INTran.refNbr, Equal <INRegister.refNbr> > > >,
                                                                                                  Where <INRegister.docType, NotEqual <INDocType.adjustment>, And <INTran.pOReceiptNbr, Equal <Required <INTran.pOReceiptNbr> > > > > .SelectWindowed(inGraph, 0, 1, it.POReceiptNbr);

                INRegister inReceipt = new INRegister();
                if (res == null || (inReceipt = res).Released != true)
                    throw new PXException(Messages.INReceiptMustBeReleasedBeforeLCProcessing, inReceipt.RefNbr, aTran.POReceiptNbr);

                INTran origtran = res;

                INTran tran = new INTran();
                if (it.IsStockItem)
                    tran.TranType = INTranType.ReceiptCostAdjustment;
                    //Landed cost for non-stock items are handled in special way in the inventory.
                    //They should create a GL Batch, but for convinience and unforminty this functionality is placed into IN module
                    //Review this part when the functionality is implemented in IN module
                    tran.TranType = INTranType.Adjustment;
                    tran.InvtMult = 0;
                tran.InventoryID      = it.InventoryID;
                tran.SubItemID        = it.SubItemID;
                tran.SiteID           = it.SiteID;
                tran.BAccountID       = aTran.VendorID;
                tran.LocationID       = it.LocationID ?? origtran.LocationID;
                tran.LotSerialNbr     = it.LotSerialNbr;
                tran.POReceiptNbr     = it.POReceiptNbr;
                tran.POReceiptLineNbr = it.POReceiptLineNbr;

                tran.ARDocType = (origtran.DocType == INDocType.Issue) ? origtran.ARDocType : null;
                tran.ARRefNbr  = (origtran.DocType == INDocType.Issue) ? origtran.ARRefNbr : null;
                tran.ARLineNbr = (origtran.DocType == INDocType.Issue) ? origtran.ARLineNbr : null;

                //tran.Qty = it.ReceiptQty;
                tran.TranDesc = aTran.Descr;
                //tran.UnitCost = PXDBPriceCostAttribute.Round(inGraph.transactions.Cache, (decimal)(it.ExtCost / it.ReceiptQty));
                tran.TranCost     = it.AdjustmentAmount;
                tran.ReasonCode   = aLCCode.ReasonCode;
                tran.OrigTranType = inReceipt.DocType;
                tran.OrigRefNbr   = inReceipt.RefNbr;
                tran.AcctID       = aLCCode.LCAccrualAcct;
                tran.SubID        = aLCCode.LCAccrualSub;
                int?acctID = null;
                int?subID  = null;
                GetLCVarianceAccountSub(ref acctID, ref subID, inGraph, it);
                tran.COGSAcctID = acctID;
                tran.COGSSubID  = subID;
                tran            = inGraph.transactions.Insert(tran);