protected virtual void _(Events.RowSelected <PMBudget> e) { if (e.Row != null) { PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Required <PMProject.contractID> > > > .Select(this, e.Row.ProjectID); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMCostBudget.curyUnitRate>(e.Cache, null, project?.BudgetFinalized != true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMCostBudget.qty>(e.Cache, null, project?.BudgetFinalized != true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMCostBudget.curyAmount>(e.Cache, null, project?.BudgetFinalized != true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMCostBudget.revisedQty>(e.Cache, null, project?.ChangeOrderWorkflow != true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMCostBudget.curyRevisedAmount> (e.Cache, null, project?.ChangeOrderWorkflow != true); } }
protected virtual void PMTask_RowInserted(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e) { PMTask row = e.Row as PMTask; PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Current <PMTask.projectID> > > > .Select(this); if (row != null && project != null) { row.CustomerID = project.CustomerID; row.BillingID = project.BillingID; row.AllocationID = project.AllocationID; row.DefaultAccountID = project.DefaultAccountID; row.DefaultSubID = project.DefaultSubID; } }
public override List <PMTask> SelectBillableTasks(PMProject project) { List <PMTask> tasks = new List <PMTask>(); PXSelectBase <PMTask> selectTasks = new PXSelect <PMTask, Where <PMTask.projectID, Equal <Required <PMTask.projectID> >, And <PMTask.billingID, IsNotNull> > >(this); foreach (PMTask task in selectTasks.Select(project.ContractID)) { tasks.Add(task); } return(tasks); }
protected virtual void PMProject_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { PMProject project = e.Row as PMProject; PX.SM.RelationGroup group = Group.Current; if (project != null && project.GroupMask != null && group != null && group.GroupMask != null && sender.GetStatus(project) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { for (int i = 0; i < project.GroupMask.Length && i < group.GroupMask.Length; i++) { if (group.GroupMask[i] != 0x00 && (project.GroupMask[i] & group.GroupMask[i]) == group.GroupMask[i]) { project.Included = true; } } } }
protected virtual void PMTask_CustomerID_FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) { PMTask row = e.Row as PMTask; if (row == null) { return; } PMProject prj = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Current <PMTask.projectID> > > > .SelectSingleBound(this, new object[] { row }); if (prj != null && prj.NonProject == true) { e.Cancel = true; } }
protected virtual void PMTask_IsActive_FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) { PMTask row = e.Row as PMTask; if (row != null && e.NewValue != null && ((bool)e.NewValue) == true) { PMProject project = Project.Select(); if (project != null) { if (project.IsActive == false) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMTask.status>(e.Row, e.NewValue, new PXSetPropertyException(Warnings.ProjectIsNotActive, PXErrorLevel.Warning)); } } } }
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldDefaulting <PMBudget, PMBudget.costCodeID> e) { if (e.Row == null) { return; } PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Required <PMProject.contractID> > > > .Select(this, e.Row.ProjectID); if (project != null) { if (project.BudgetLevel != BudgetLevels.CostCode) { e.NewValue = CostCodeAttribute.GetDefaultCostCode(); } } }
protected virtual void PMTask_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { PMTask row = e.Row as PMTask; if (row == null) { return; } PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInGL>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInGL == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInAP>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInAP == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInAR>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInAR == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInSO>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInSO == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInPO>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInPO == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInTA>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInTA == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInEA>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInEA == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInIN>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInIN == true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.visibleInCA>(sender, row, Setup.Current.VisibleInCA == true); PMProject project = Project.Select(); if (project == null) { return; } string status = GetStatusFromFlags(row); bool projectEditable = !(project.Status == ProjectStatus.Completed || project.Status == ProjectStatus.Cancelled); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.status>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.description>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.rateTableID>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.allocationID>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.billingID>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.billingOption>(sender, row, status == ProjectTaskStatus.Planned); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.completedPercent>(sender, row, row.CompletedPctMethod == PMCompletedPctMethod.Manual && status != ProjectTaskStatus.Planned && projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.taxCategoryID>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.approverID>(sender, row, projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.startDate>(sender, row, (status == ProjectTaskStatus.Planned || status == ProjectTaskStatus.Active) && projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.endDate>(sender, row, status != ProjectTaskStatus.Completed && projectEditable); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.plannedStartDate>(sender, row, status == ProjectTaskStatus.Planned); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.plannedEndDate>(sender, row, status == ProjectTaskStatus.Planned); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTask.isDefault>(sender, row, projectEditable); }
protected virtual ProjectsList CreateListItem(PXResult item) { PMProject project = PXResult.Unwrap <PMProject>(item); ContractBillingSchedule schedule = PXResult.Unwrap <ContractBillingSchedule>(item); Customer customer = PXResult.Unwrap <Customer>(item); ProjectsList result = new ProjectsList(); result.ProjectID = project.ContractID; result.ProjectCD = project.ContractCD; result.Description = project.Description; result.CustomerID = project.CustomerID; result.LastDate = schedule.LastDate; DateTime?fromDate = null; if (schedule.NextDate != null) { switch (schedule.Type) { case BillingType.Annual: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddYears(-1); break; case BillingType.Monthly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddMonths(-1); break; case BillingType.Weekly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddDays(-7); break; case BillingType.Quarterly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddMonths(-3); break; } } result.FromDate = fromDate; result.NextDate = schedule.NextDate; return(result); }
public virtual void PMSetup_RowInserted(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e) { PMSetup row = (PMSetup)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } PMProject rec = DefaultProject.SelectWindowed(0, 1); if (rec == null) { InsertDefaultProject(row); } else { rec.ContractCD = row.NonProjectCode; rec.IsActive = true; rec.Status = ProjectStatus.Active; rec.VisibleInAP = true; rec.VisibleInAR = true; rec.VisibleInCA = true; rec.VisibleInCR = true; rec.VisibleInEA = true; rec.VisibleInGL = true; rec.VisibleInIN = true; rec.VisibleInPO = true; rec.VisibleInSO = true; rec.VisibleInTA = true; rec.RestrictToEmployeeList = false; rec.RestrictToResourceList = false; if (DefaultProject.Cache.GetStatus(rec) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { DefaultProject.Cache.SetStatus(rec, PXEntryStatus.Updated); } } EnsureDefaultCostCode(row); EnsureEmptyItem(row); }
public virtual void RebuildAllocationTotals(PMProject project) { PXSelectBase <PMTran> select2 = new PXSelect <PMTran, Where <PMTran.origProjectID, Equal <Required <PMTran.origProjectID> >, And <PMTran.origTaskID, IsNotNull, And <PMTran.origAccountGroupID, IsNotNull> > > >(this); foreach (PMTran tran in select2.Select(project.ContractID)) { PMTaskAllocTotalAccum tat = new PMTaskAllocTotalAccum(); tat.ProjectID = tran.OrigProjectID; tat.TaskID = tran.OrigTaskID; tat.AccountGroupID = tran.OrigAccountGroupID; tat.InventoryID = tran.InventoryID.GetValueOrDefault(PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID); tat = AllocationTotals.Insert(tat); tat.Amount += tran.Amount.GetValueOrDefault(); tat.Quantity += tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault(); } }
public virtual void PMSetup_RowUpdated(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e) { PMProject rec = DefaultProject.SelectWindowed(0, 1); PMSetup row = (PMSetup)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } if (rec == null) { InsertDefaultProject(row); } else if (!sender.ObjectsEqual <PMSetup.nonProjectCode>(e.Row, e.OldRow)) { rec.ContractCD = row.NonProjectCode; if (DefaultProject.Cache.GetStatus(rec) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { DefaultProject.Cache.SetStatus(rec, PXEntryStatus.Updated); } } InventoryItem item = EmptyItem.SelectWindowed(0, 1); if (item == null) { InsertEmptyItem(row); } else if (!sender.ObjectsEqual <PMSetup.emptyItemCode>(e.Row, e.OldRow)) { item.InventoryCD = row.EmptyItemCode; if (EmptyItem.Cache.GetStatus(rec) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { EmptyItem.Cache.SetStatus(rec, PXEntryStatus.Updated); } } }
public virtual PMTran ExpenseTransactionFromBudget(PMBudget budget, PMProject project, PMTask task, PMAccountGroup accountGroup, InventoryItem item, PMCostCode costcode) { PMTran tran = new PMTran(); tran.AccountGroupID = budget.AccountGroupID; tran.ProjectID = budget.ProjectID; tran.TaskID = budget.ProjectTaskID; tran.InventoryID = budget.InventoryID; tran.AccountID = item.InventoryID != null ? item.COGSAcctID : accountGroup.AccountID; tran.SubID = item.InventoryID != null ? item.COGSSubID : accountGroup.AccountID; tran.Amount = budget.RevisedAmount; tran.Qty = budget.RevisedQty; tran.UOM = budget.UOM; tran.BAccountID = task.CustomerID; tran.LocationID = task.LocationID; tran.Billable = true; tran.UseBillableQty = true; tran.BillableQty = budget.RevisedQty; tran.Released = true; return(tran); }
public ProjectTaskEntry() { if (Setup.Current == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.SetupNotConfigured); } Activities.GetNewEmailAddress = () => { PMProject current = Project.Select(); if (current != null) { Contact customerContact = PXSelectJoin <Contact, InnerJoin <BAccount, On <BAccount.defContactID, Equal <Contact.contactID> > >, Where <BAccount.bAccountID, Equal <Required <BAccount.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, current.CustomerID); if (customerContact != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customerContact.EMail)) { return(PXDBEmailAttribute.FormatAddressesWithSingleDisplayName(customerContact.EMail, customerContact.DisplayName)); } } return(String.Empty); }; }
public virtual void AddToInvoiced(ARTran line, int?revenueAccountGroup, int mult = 1) { if (line.TaskID == null) { return; } if (revenueAccountGroup == null) { return; } if (CostCodeAttribute.UseCostCode() && line.CostCodeID == null) { return; } PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Required <PMProject.contractID> > > > .Select(Base, line.ProjectID); if (project != null && project.NonProject != true) { PMBudgetAccum invoiced = GetTargetBudget(revenueAccountGroup, line); invoiced = Base.Budget.Insert(invoiced); if (project.CuryID == project.BillingCuryID) { invoiced.CuryInvoicedAmount += mult * (line.CuryTranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() + line.CuryRetainageAmt.GetValueOrDefault()); invoiced.InvoicedAmount += mult * (line.TranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() + line.RetainageAmt.GetValueOrDefault()); } else { invoiced.CuryInvoicedAmount += mult * (line.TranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() + line.RetainageAmt.GetValueOrDefault()); invoiced.InvoicedAmount += mult * (line.TranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() + line.RetainageAmt.GetValueOrDefault()); } } }
public virtual void PMSetup_RowInserted(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e) { PMSetup row = (PMSetup)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } PMProject rec = DefaultProject.SelectWindowed(0, 1); if (rec == null) { InsertDefaultProject(row); } else { rec.ContractCD = row.NonProjectCode; if (DefaultProject.Cache.GetStatus(rec) == PXEntryStatus.Notchanged) { DefaultProject.Cache.SetStatus(rec, PXEntryStatus.Updated); } } }
public virtual void ProcessPOCommitments(PMProject project) { foreach (PXResult <POLine, POOrder> res in polines.Select(project.ContractID)) { POLine poline = (POLine)res; POOrder order = (POOrder)res; PXParentAttribute.SetParent(polines.Cache, poline, typeof(POOrder), order); PMCommitmentAttribute.Sync(polines.Cache, poline); } foreach (APTran tran in aptran.Select(project.ContractID)) { POLine poline = new POLine(); poline.OrderType = tran.POOrderType; poline.OrderNbr = tran.PONbr; poline.LineNbr = tran.POLineNbr; poline = polines.Locate(poline); if (poline != null && poline.CommitmentID != null) { decimal sign = (tran.DrCr == DrCr.Debit) ? Decimal.One : Decimal.MinusOne; PMCommitment container = new PMCommitment(); container.CommitmentID = poline.CommitmentID; container.UOM = tran.UOM; container.InventoryID = tran.InventoryID; container.CostCodeID = tran.CostCodeID.GetValueOrDefault(CostCodeAttribute.GetDefaultCostCode()); container.InvoicedAmount = sign * tran.LineAmt.GetValueOrDefault(); container.InvoicedQty = sign * tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault(); PMCommitmentAttribute.AddToInvoiced(polines.Cache, container); } } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowSelected <PMTimeActivity> e) { if (e.Row == null) { return; } if (e.Row.Released == true) { PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled(e.Cache, e.Row, false); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.noteID>(e.Cache, e.Row, true); } else if (e.Row.ApprovalStatus == CR.ActivityStatusListAttribute.Open) { PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled(e.Cache, e.Row, true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.timeBillable>(e.Cache, e.Row); PMProject project = (PMProject)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <PMTimeActivity.projectID>(e.Cache, e.Row); if (project != null) { PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.projectTaskID>(e.Cache, e.Row, project.BaseType == PMProject.ProjectBaseType.Project); } PXDBDateAndTimeAttribute.SetTimeEnabled <>(e.Cache, e.Row, true); PXDBDateAndTimeAttribute.SetDateEnabled <>(e.Cache, e.Row, true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.approverID>(e.Cache, e.Row, false); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.timeCardCD>(e.Cache, e.Row, false); } else { PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled(e.Cache, e.Row, false); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.noteID>(e.Cache, e.Row, true); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.approvalStatus>(e.Cache, e.Row, true); } PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMTimeActivity.employeeRate>(e.Cache, e.Row, false); }
public virtual void ProcessSOCommitments(PMProject project) { foreach (PXResult <SOLine, SOOrder> res in solines.Select(project.ContractID)) { SOLine soline = (SOLine)res; SOOrder order = (SOOrder)res; PXParentAttribute.SetParent(solines.Cache, soline, typeof(SOOrder), order); PMCommitmentAttribute.Sync(solines.Cache, soline); } foreach (ARTran tran in artran.Select(project.ContractID)) { SOLine soline = new SOLine(); soline.OrderType = tran.SOOrderType; soline.OrderNbr = tran.SOOrderNbr; soline.LineNbr = tran.SOOrderLineNbr; soline = solines.Locate(soline); if (soline != null && soline.CommitmentID != null) { decimal sign = (tran.DrCr == DrCr.Credit) ? Decimal.One : Decimal.MinusOne; PMCommitment container = new PMCommitment(); container.CommitmentID = soline.CommitmentID; container.UOM = tran.UOM; container.InventoryID = tran.InventoryID; container.CostCodeID = tran.CostCodeID.GetValueOrDefault(CostCodeAttribute.GetDefaultCostCode()); container.InvoicedAmount = sign * tran.TranAmt.GetValueOrDefault(); container.InvoicedQty = sign * tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault(); PMCommitmentAttribute.AddToInvoiced(solines.Cache, container); } } }
private static void Validate(ProjectBalanceValidationProcess graph, PMProject item) { graph.Clear(); graph.RunProjectBalanceVerification(item); graph.Actions.PressSave(); }
public virtual void RecalculateDraftInvoicesAmount(PMProject project, ProjectBalance pb) { var selectProforma = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMProformaLine, InnerJoin <Account, On <PMProformaLine.accountID, Equal <Account.accountID> > >, Where <PMProformaLine.projectID, Equal <Required <PMProformaLine.projectID> >, And <PMProformaLine.released, Equal <False> > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMProformaLine.projectID, GroupBy <PMProformaLine.taskID, GroupBy <PMProformaLine.accountID, GroupBy <PMProformaLine.inventoryID, GroupBy <PMProformaLine.costCodeID, Sum <PMProformaLine.lineTotal> > > > > > > >(this); var selectInvoice = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <ARTran, InnerJoin <Account, On <ARTran.accountID, Equal <Account.accountID> > >, Where <ARTran.projectID, Equal <Required <ARTran.projectID> >, And <ARTran.released, Equal <False> > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <ARTran.tranType, GroupBy <ARTran.projectID, GroupBy <ARTran.taskID, GroupBy <ARTran.accountID, GroupBy <ARTran.inventoryID, GroupBy <ARTran.costCodeID, Sum <ARTran.tranAmt> > > > > > > > >(this); var selectRevenueBudget = new PXSelect <PMRevenueBudget, Where <PMRevenueBudget.projectID, Equal <Required <PMRevenueBudget.projectID> >, And <PMRevenueBudget.type, Equal <GL.AccountType.income> > > >(this); var revenueBudget = selectRevenueBudget.Select(project.ContractID); foreach (PXResult <PMProformaLine, Account> res in selectProforma.Select(project.ContractID)) { PMProformaLine line = (PMProformaLine)res; Account account = (Account)res; int?inventoryID = PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID; foreach (PMRevenueBudget rev in revenueBudget) { foreach (PMRevenueBudget budget in revenueBudget) { if (budget.TaskID == line.TaskID && line.InventoryID == budget.InventoryID) { inventoryID = line.InventoryID; } } } PMBudgetAccum invoiced = new PMBudgetAccum(); invoiced.Type = GL.AccountType.Income; invoiced.ProjectID = line.ProjectID; invoiced.ProjectTaskID = line.TaskID; invoiced.AccountGroupID = account.AccountGroupID; invoiced.InventoryID = inventoryID; invoiced.CostCodeID = line.CostCodeID.GetValueOrDefault(CostCodeAttribute.GetDefaultCostCode()); invoiced = Budget.Insert(invoiced); invoiced.InvoicedAmount += line.LineTotal.GetValueOrDefault(); if (line.IsPrepayment == true) { invoiced.PrepaymentInvoiced += line.LineTotal.GetValueOrDefault(); } } foreach (PXResult <ARTran, Account> res in selectInvoice.Select(project.ContractID)) { ARTran line = (ARTran)res; Account account = (Account)res; int?inventoryID = PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID; foreach (PMRevenueBudget rev in revenueBudget) { foreach (PMRevenueBudget budget in revenueBudget) { if (budget.TaskID == line.TaskID && line.InventoryID == budget.InventoryID) { inventoryID = line.InventoryID; } } } PMBudgetAccum invoiced = new PMBudgetAccum(); invoiced.Type = GL.AccountType.Income; invoiced.ProjectID = line.ProjectID; invoiced.ProjectTaskID = line.TaskID; invoiced.AccountGroupID = account.AccountGroupID; invoiced.InventoryID = inventoryID; invoiced.CostCodeID = line.CostCodeID.GetValueOrDefault(CostCodeAttribute.GetDefaultCostCode()); invoiced = Budget.Insert(invoiced); invoiced.InvoicedAmount += line.TranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() * ARDocType.SignAmount(line.TranType); } }
public virtual bool IsInvalid(PMProject nonProject) { if (nonProject.IsActive == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.Status != ProjectStatus.Active) { return(true); } if (nonProject.RestrictToEmployeeList == true) { return(true); } if (nonProject.RestrictToResourceList == true) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInAP == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInAR == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInCA == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInCR == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInEA == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInGL == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInIN == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInPO == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInSO == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.VisibleInTA == false) { return(true); } if (nonProject.CustomerID != null) { return(true); } return(false); }
protected virtual IEnumerable items() { BillingFilter filter = Filter.Current; if (filter == null) { yield break; } bool found = false; foreach (ProjectsList item in Items.Cache.Inserted) { found = true; yield return(item); } if (found) { yield break; } PXSelectBase <PMProject> selectUnbilled = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMProject, InnerJoin <PMUnbilledDailySummary, On <PMUnbilledDailySummary.projectID, Equal <PMProject.contractID> >, InnerJoin <ContractBillingSchedule, On <PMProject.contractID, Equal <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID> >, InnerJoin <Customer, On <PMProject.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> >, InnerJoin <PMTask, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMUnbilledDailySummary.projectID>, And <PMTask.isActive, Equal <True>, And <PMTask.taskID, Equal <PMUnbilledDailySummary.taskID>, And <Where <PMTask.billingOption, Equal <PMBillingOption.onBilling>, Or2 <Where <PMTask.billingOption, Equal <PMBillingOption.onTaskCompletion>, And <PMTask.isCompleted, Equal <True> > >, Or <Where <PMTask.billingOption, Equal <PMBillingOption.onProjectCompetion>, And <PMProject.isCompleted, Equal <True> > > > > > > > > >, InnerJoin <PMBillingRule, On <PMBillingRule.billingID, Equal <PMTask.billingID>, And <PMBillingRule.accountGroupID, Equal <PMUnbilledDailySummary.accountGroupID> > > > > > > >, Where2 <Where <ContractBillingSchedule.nextDate, LessEqual <Current <BillingFilter.invoiceDate> >, Or <ContractBillingSchedule.type, Equal <BillingType.BillingOnDemand> > >, And2 <Where <PMBillingRule.includeNonBillable, Equal <False>, And <PMUnbilledDailySummary.billable, Greater <int0>, Or <Where <PMBillingRule.includeNonBillable, Equal <True>, And <Where <PMUnbilledDailySummary.nonBillable, Greater <int0>, Or <PMUnbilledDailySummary.billable, Greater <int0> > > > > > > >, And2 <Where <, LessEqual <Current <BillingFilter.invoiceDate> > >, And <Match <Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > > > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMProject.contractID> > >(this); if (Setup.Current.CutoffDate == PMCutOffDate.Excluded) { selectUnbilled = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMProject, InnerJoin <PMUnbilledDailySummary, On <PMUnbilledDailySummary.projectID, Equal <PMProject.contractID> >, InnerJoin <ContractBillingSchedule, On <PMProject.contractID, Equal <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID> >, InnerJoin <Customer, On <PMProject.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> >, InnerJoin <PMTask, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMUnbilledDailySummary.projectID>, And <PMTask.isActive, Equal <True>, And <PMTask.taskID, Equal <PMUnbilledDailySummary.taskID>, And <Where <PMTask.billingOption, Equal <PMBillingOption.onBilling>, Or2 <Where <PMTask.billingOption, Equal <PMBillingOption.onTaskCompletion>, And <PMTask.isCompleted, Equal <True> > >, Or <Where <PMTask.billingOption, Equal <PMBillingOption.onProjectCompetion>, And <PMProject.isCompleted, Equal <True> > > > > > > > > >, InnerJoin <PMBillingRule, On <PMBillingRule.billingID, Equal <PMTask.billingID>, And <PMBillingRule.accountGroupID, Equal <PMUnbilledDailySummary.accountGroupID> > > > > > > >, Where2 <Where <ContractBillingSchedule.nextDate, LessEqual <Current <BillingFilter.invoiceDate> >, Or <ContractBillingSchedule.type, Equal <BillingType.BillingOnDemand> > >, And2 <Where <PMBillingRule.includeNonBillable, Equal <False>, And <PMUnbilledDailySummary.billable, Greater <int0>, Or <Where <PMBillingRule.includeNonBillable, Equal <True>, And <Where <PMUnbilledDailySummary.nonBillable, Greater <int0>, Or <PMUnbilledDailySummary.billable, Greater <int0> > > > > > > >, And2 <Where <, Less <Current <BillingFilter.invoiceDate> > >, And <Match <Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > > > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMProject.contractID> > >(this); } PXSelectBase <PMProject> selectRecurring = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMProject, InnerJoin <ContractBillingSchedule, On <PMProject.contractID, Equal <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID> >, InnerJoin <Customer, On <PMProject.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> >, InnerJoin <PMTask, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMProject.contractID> >, InnerJoin <PMBillingRule, On <PMBillingRule.billingID, Equal <PMTask.billingID> >, InnerJoin <PMRecurringItem, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMRecurringItem.projectID>, And <PMTask.taskID, Equal <PMRecurringItem.taskID>, And <PMTask.isCompleted, Equal <False> > > > > > > > >, Where2 <Where <ContractBillingSchedule.nextDate, LessEqual <Current <BillingFilter.invoiceDate> >, Or <ContractBillingSchedule.type, Equal <BillingType.BillingOnDemand> > >, And <Match <Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMProject.contractID> > >(this); PXSelectBase <PMProject> selectProgressive = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMProject, InnerJoin <ContractBillingSchedule, On <PMProject.contractID, Equal <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID> >, InnerJoin <Customer, On <PMProject.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> >, InnerJoin <PMTask, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMProject.contractID> >, InnerJoin <PMBillingRule, On <PMBillingRule.billingID, Equal <PMTask.billingID> >, InnerJoin <PMBudget, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMBudget.projectID>, And <PMTask.taskID, Equal <PMBudget.projectTaskID>, And <PMBudget.type, Equal <GL.AccountType.income>, And <PMBudget.amountToInvoice, NotEqual <decimal0> > > > > > > > > >, Where <Match <Current <AccessInfo.userName> > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMProject.contractID> > >(this); if (filter.StatementCycleId != null) { selectUnbilled.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.statementCycleId, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.statementCycleId> > > >(); selectRecurring.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.statementCycleId, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.statementCycleId> > > >(); selectProgressive.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.statementCycleId, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.statementCycleId> > > >(); } if (filter.CustomerClassID != null) { selectUnbilled.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.customerClassID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerClassID> > > >(); selectRecurring.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.customerClassID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerClassID> > > >(); selectProgressive.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.customerClassID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerClassID> > > >(); } if (filter.CustomerID != null) { selectUnbilled.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerID> > > >(); selectRecurring.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerID> > > >(); selectProgressive.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerID> > > >(); } if (filter.TemplateID != null) { selectUnbilled.WhereAnd <Where <PMProject.templateID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.templateID> > > >(); selectRecurring.WhereAnd <Where <PMProject.templateID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.templateID> > > >(); selectProgressive.WhereAnd <Where <PMProject.templateID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.templateID> > > >(); } foreach (PXResult item in selectUnbilled.Select().Union(selectRecurring.Select()).Union(selectProgressive.Select())) { PMProject project = PXResult.Unwrap <PMProject>(item); ContractBillingSchedule schedule = PXResult.Unwrap <ContractBillingSchedule>(item); Customer customer = PXResult.Unwrap <Customer>(item); ProjectsList result = new ProjectsList(); result.ProjectID = project.ContractID; result.ProjectCD = project.ContractCD; result.Description = project.Description; result.CustomerID = project.CustomerID; result.CustomerName = customer.AcctName; result.LastDate = schedule.LastDate; DateTime?fromDate = null; if (schedule.NextDate != null) { switch (schedule.Type) { case BillingType.Annual: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddYears(-1); break; case BillingType.Monthly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddMonths(-1); break; case BillingType.Weekly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddDays(-7); break; case BillingType.Quarterly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddMonths(-3); break; } } result.FromDate = fromDate; result.NextDate = schedule.NextDate; if (Items.Locate(result) == null) { yield return(Items.Insert(result)); } } Items.Cache.IsDirty = false; }
public virtual void RunProjectBalanceVerification(PMProject project) { PXDatabase.Delete <PMTaskTotal>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMTaskTotal.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); PXDatabase.Delete <PMTaskAllocTotal>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMTaskAllocTotal.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); PXDatabase.Delete <PMHistory>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMHistory.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); foreach (PMProjectStatusEx status in PXSelect <PMProjectStatusEx, Where <PMProjectStatusEx.projectID, Equal <Required <PMProjectStatusEx.projectID> > > > .Select(this, project.ContractID)) { PXDatabase.Update <PMProjectStatus>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMProjectStatus.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ), new PXDataFieldAssign(typeof(PMProjectStatus.actualAmount).Name, PXDbType.Decimal, 0m), new PXDataFieldAssign(typeof(PMProjectStatus.actualQty).Name, PXDbType.Decimal, 0m)); PMHistory2Accum hist2 = new PMHistory2Accum(); hist2.ProjectID = status.ProjectID; hist2.ProjectTaskID = status.ProjectTaskID; hist2.AccountGroupID = status.AccountGroupID; hist2.InventoryID = status.InventoryID ?? PMProjectStatus.EmptyInventoryID; hist2.PeriodID = status.PeriodID; hist2 = History2.Insert(hist2); hist2.PTDBudgetAmount += status.Amount; hist2.PTDBudgetQty += status.Qty; hist2.BudgetAmount += status.Amount; hist2.BudgetQty += status.Qty; hist2.PTDRevisedAmount += status.RevisedAmount; hist2.PTDRevisedQty += status.RevisedQty; hist2.RevisedAmount += status.RevisedAmount; hist2.RevisedQty += status.RevisedQty; } PXSelectBase <PMTran> select = new PXSelectJoin <PMTran, LeftJoin <Account, On <PMTran.accountID, Equal <Account.accountID> >, InnerJoin <PMProject, On <PMProject.contractID, Equal <PMTran.projectID> >, LeftJoin <PMTask, On <PMTask.projectID, Equal <PMTran.projectID>, And <PMTask.taskID, Equal <PMTran.taskID> > >, LeftJoin <OffsetAccount, On <PMTran.offsetAccountID, Equal <OffsetAccount.accountID> >, LeftJoin <PMAccountGroup, On <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Account.accountGroupID> >, LeftJoin <OffsetPMAccountGroup, On <OffsetPMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <OffsetAccount.accountGroupID> > > > > > > >, Where <PMTran.projectID, Equal <Required <PMTran.projectID> >, And <PMTran.released, Equal <True> > > >(this); foreach (PXResult <PMTran, Account, PMProject, PMTask, OffsetAccount, PMAccountGroup, OffsetPMAccountGroup> res in select.Select(project.ContractID)) { PMTran tran = (PMTran)res; Account acc = (Account)res; PMAccountGroup ag = (PMAccountGroup)res; OffsetAccount offsetAcc = (OffsetAccount)res; OffsetPMAccountGroup offsetAg = (OffsetPMAccountGroup)res; PMTask task = (PMTask)res; IList <PMHistory> list = RegisterReleaseProcess.UpdateProjectBalance(this, task, tran, acc, ag, offsetAcc, offsetAg); #region History Update foreach (PMHistory item in list) { PMHistoryAccum hist = new PMHistoryAccum(); hist.ProjectID = item.ProjectID; hist.ProjectTaskID = item.ProjectTaskID; hist.AccountGroupID = item.AccountGroupID; hist.InventoryID = item.InventoryID; hist.PeriodID = item.PeriodID; hist = History.Insert(hist); hist.FinPTDAmount += item.FinPTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.FinYTDAmount += item.FinYTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.FinPTDQty += item.FinPTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.FinYTDQty += item.FinYTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranPTDAmount += item.TranPTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranYTDAmount += item.TranYTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranPTDQty += item.TranPTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranYTDQty += item.TranYTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); } #endregion } PXSelectBase <PMTran> select2 = new PXSelect <PMTran, Where <PMTran.origProjectID, Equal <Required <PMTran.origProjectID> >, And <PMTran.origTaskID, IsNotNull, And <PMTran.origAccountGroupID, IsNotNull> > > >(this); foreach (PMTran tran in select2.Select(project.ContractID)) { PMTaskAllocTotalAccum tat = new PMTaskAllocTotalAccum(); tat.ProjectID = tran.OrigProjectID; tat.TaskID = tran.OrigTaskID; tat.AccountGroupID = tran.OrigAccountGroupID; tat.InventoryID = tran.InventoryID; tat = AllocationTotals.Insert(tat); tat.Amount += tran.Amount; tat.Quantity += tran.Qty; } foreach (PMProjectStatusAccum item in this.Caches[typeof(PMProjectStatusAccum)].Inserted) { Debug.Print("Task={0} AG={1} Qty={2} Amt={3}", item.ProjectTaskID, item.AccountGroupID, item.ActualQty, item.ActualAmount); } }
public virtual bool Bill(int?projectID, DateTime?invoiceDate) { PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Required <PMProject.contractID> > > > .Select(this, projectID); ContractBillingSchedule schedule = PXSelect <ContractBillingSchedule> .Search <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID>(this, project.ContractID); DateTime billingDate; if (invoiceDate == null) { if (schedule.Type == BillingType.OnDemand) { billingDate = Accessinfo.BusinessDate ?? DateTime.Now; } else { billingDate = schedule.NextDate.Value; } } else { billingDate = invoiceDate.Value; } Customer customer = null; if (project.CustomerID != null) { customer = PXSelect <Customer, Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Customer.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, project.CustomerID); } if (customer == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.NoCustomer); } List <BillingData> list = new List <BillingData>(); List <PMTran> reversalTrans = new List <PMTran>(); PXSelectBase <PMTask> selectTasks = new PXSelect <PMTask, Where <PMTask.projectID, Equal <Required <PMTask.projectID> >, And <PMTask.billingID, IsNotNull, And <PMTask.isActive, Equal <True> > > > >(this); foreach (PMTask task in selectTasks.Select(project.ContractID)) { if ((task.BillingOption == PMBillingOption.OnTaskCompletion && task.IsCompleted == true) || (task.BillingOption == PMBillingOption.OnProjectCompetion && project.IsCompleted == true) || task.BillingOption == PMBillingOption.OnBilling) { list.AddRange(BillTask(task, billingDate)); reversalTrans.AddRange(ReverseWipTask(task, billingDate)); } } //Regroup by Invoices: Dictionary <string, List <BillingData> > invoices = new Dictionary <string, List <BillingData> >(); string emptyInvoiceDescriptionKey = "!@#$%^&"; foreach (BillingData data in list) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Rule.InvoiceDescription)) { if (invoices.ContainsKey(emptyInvoiceDescriptionKey)) { invoices[emptyInvoiceDescriptionKey].Add(data); } else { invoices.Add(emptyInvoiceDescriptionKey, new List <BillingData>(new BillingData[] { data })); } } else { if (invoices.ContainsKey(data.Rule.InvoiceDescription)) { invoices[data.Rule.InvoiceDescription].Add(data); } else { invoices.Add(data.Rule.InvoiceDescription, new List <BillingData>(new BillingData[] { data })); } } //Reverse On Billing: if (data.PMTran != null) { bool reverseOnBilling = false; if (data.PMTran.Reverse == PMReverse.OnBilling) { reverseOnBilling = true; } else if (data.PMTran.Reverse != PMReverse.Never && IsNonGL(data.PMTran)) { reverseOnBilling = true; } if (reverseOnBilling) { reversalTrans.AddRange(ReverseTran(data.PMTran)); } } } //Schedule update: schedule.NextDate = GetNextBillingDate(this, schedule, schedule.NextDate); schedule.LastDate = this.Accessinfo.BusinessDate; BillingSchedule.Update(schedule); //ContractDetail update: PXSelectBase <ContractDetailExt> cis = new PXSelect <ContractDetailExt, Where <ContractDetailExt.contractID, Equal <Required <ContractDetailExt.contractID> >, And <ContractDetailExt.resetUsage, Equal <ResetUsageOption.onBilling> > > >(this); foreach (ContractDetailExt ci in cis.Select(project.ContractID)) { ci.Used = 0; ContractDetail.Update(ci); } List <ARRegister> doclist = new List <ARRegister>(); PMRegister reversalDoc = null; if (invoices.Count > 0) { using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope()) { ARInvoiceEntry invoiceEntry = PXGraph.CreateInstance <ARInvoiceEntry>(); invoiceEntry.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <ARInvoice.projectID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }); invoiceEntry.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <ARTran.projectID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }); invoiceEntry.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <ARTran.taskID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <BillingData> > kv in invoices) { invoiceEntry.Clear(PXClearOption.ClearAll); string description = kv.Key == emptyInvoiceDescriptionKey ? null : kv.Key; string docDesc = description ?? string.Format(PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(CT.Messages.BillingFor), project.ContractCD, project.Description); ARInvoice invoice = (ARInvoice)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].CreateInstance(); invoice.DocType = GetDocType(kv.Value); int mult = 1; if (invoice.DocType == ARDocType.CreditMemo) { mult = -1; } invoice = (ARInvoice)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].Insert(invoice); invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValueExt <ARInvoice.customerID>(invoice, customer.AcctCD); invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValue <ARInvoice.customerLocationID>(invoice, project.LocationID); invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValueExt <ARInvoice.docDate>(invoice, billingDate); invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValue <ARInvoice.docDesc>(invoice, docDesc); invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValue <ARInvoice.projectID>(invoice, project.ContractID); CurrencyInfo curyinfo = (CurrencyInfo)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)].Current; foreach (BillingData data in kv.Value) { data.Tran.ExtPrice = data.Tran.ExtPrice.GetValueOrDefault() * mult; data.Tran.Qty = data.Tran.Qty.GetValueOrDefault() * mult; data.Tran.TranAmt = data.Tran.TranAmt.GetValueOrDefault() * mult; decimal curyamount; PXDBCurrencyAttribute.CuryConvCury(invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)], curyinfo, data.Tran.UnitPrice.GetValueOrDefault(), out curyamount); data.Tran.CuryUnitPrice = curyamount; PXDBCurrencyAttribute.CuryConvCury(invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(CurrencyInfo)], curyinfo, data.Tran.ExtPrice.GetValueOrDefault(), out curyamount); data.Tran.CuryExtPrice = curyamount; data.Tran.CuryTranAmt = data.Tran.CuryExtPrice; data.Tran.FreezeManualDisc = true; data.Tran.CuryInfoID = curyinfo.CuryInfoID; ARTran newTran = (ARTran)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARTran)].Insert(data.Tran); if (data.Tran.TranAmt > newTran.TranAmt) { newTran.PMDeltaOption = ARTran.pMDeltaOption.CompleteLine; //autocomplete when currency descrepency exists. } if (data.Tran.AccountID != null) { ARTran copy = (ARTran)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARTran)].CreateCopy(newTran); copy.AccountID = data.Tran.AccountID; copy = (ARTran)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARTran)].Update(copy); if (data.SubCD != null) { invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARTran)].SetValueExt <ARTran.subID>(copy, data.SubCD); } } if (data.Note != null) { PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARTran)], newTran, data.Note); } if (data.Files != null && data.Files.Length > 0) { PXNoteAttribute.SetFileNotes(invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARTran)], newTran, data.Files); } //item.RefLineNbr = newTran.LineNbr; } ARInvoice oldInvoice = (ARInvoice)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].CreateCopy(invoice); invoice.CuryOrigDocAmt = invoice.CuryDocBal; invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].RaiseRowUpdated(invoice, oldInvoice); invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValue <ARInvoice.curyOrigDocAmt>(invoice, invoice.CuryDocBal); if (project.AutomaticReleaseAR == true) { invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].SetValueExt <ARInvoice.hold>(invoice, false); } doclist.Add((ARInvoice)invoiceEntry.Caches[typeof(ARInvoice)].Current); invoiceEntry.Save.Press(); } Actions.PressSave(); if (reversalTrans.Count > 0) { RegisterEntry pmEntry = PXGraph.CreateInstance <RegisterEntry>(); pmEntry.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <PMTran.projectID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }); //Project can be completed. pmEntry.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <PMTran.taskID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }); //Task can be completed. pmEntry.FieldVerifying.AddHandler <PMTran.inventoryID>((PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e) => { e.Cancel = true; }); reversalDoc = (PMRegister)pmEntry.Document.Cache.Insert(); reversalDoc.OrigDocType = PMOrigDocType.AllocationReversal; reversalDoc.Description = "Allocation Reversal on Billing"; pmEntry.Document.Current = reversalDoc; foreach (PMTran tran in reversalTrans) { pmEntry.Transactions.Insert(tran); } pmEntry.Save.Press(); } ts.Complete(); } } else { this.Persist(typeof(ContractBillingSchedule), PXDBOperation.Update); this.Persist(typeof(Contract), PXDBOperation.Update); } if (project.AutomaticReleaseAR == true) { try { ARDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc(doclist, false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PXException(Messages.AutoReleaseARFailed, ex); } if (reversalDoc != null) { try { RegisterRelease.Release(reversalDoc); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PXException(Messages.AutoReleaseOfReversalFailed, ex); } } } return(doclist.Count > 0); }
protected virtual List <BillingData> BillTask(PMTask task, PMBillingRule rule, DateTime billingDate) { PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Required <PMProject.contractID> > > > .Select(this, task.ProjectID); Customer customer = PXSelect <Customer, Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Customer.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, project.CustomerID); List <BillingData> list = new List <BillingData>(); Dictionary <int, decimal> availableQty = new Dictionary <int, decimal>(); Dictionary <int, ContractDetail> billingItems = new Dictionary <int, ContractDetail>(); //recurent Billing: PXSelectBase <ContractDetail> selectBilling = new PXSelect <ContractDetail, Where <ContractDetail.contractID, Equal <Required <ContractDetail.contractID> >, And <ContractDetail.taskID, Equal <Required <ContractDetail.taskID> > > > >(this); foreach (ContractDetail billing in selectBilling.Select(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID)) { billingItems.Add(billing.InventoryID.Value, billing); if (billing.Included > 0) { if (billing.ResetUsage == ResetUsageOption.OnBilling) { availableQty.Add(billing.InventoryID.Value, billing.Included.Value); } else { decimal qtyLeft = billing.Included.Value - billing.LastBilledQty ?? 0; if (qtyLeft > 0) { availableQty.Add(billing.InventoryID.Value, qtyLeft); } } } bool bill = false; if (billing.ResetUsage == ResetUsageOption.OnBilling) { bill = true; } else { if (billing.LastBilledDate == null) { bill = true; } } if (bill) { ARTran arTran = new ARTran(); arTran.InventoryID = billing.InventoryID; arTran.TranDesc = billing.Description; arTran.Qty = billing.Included; arTran.UOM = billing.UOM; arTran.ExtPrice = billing.ItemFee; arTran.TranAmt = arTran.ExtPrice; arTran.ProjectID = task.ProjectID; arTran.TaskID = task.TaskID; arTran.Commissionable = false; //todo string subCD = null; #region Set Account and Subaccount if (billing.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None) { if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.RecurringBillingItem) { if (billing.AccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = billing.AccountID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.BillingRuleAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD); } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Project) { if (project.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = project.DefaultAccountID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.ProjectAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD, project.ContractCD); } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Task) { if (task.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = task.DefaultAccountID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.TaskAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD, project.ContractCD, task.TaskCD); } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.InventoryItem) { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); if (item != null) { if (item.SalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = item.SalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.InventoryAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD); } } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Customer && customer != null) { CR.Location customerLoc = PXSelect <CR.Location, Where <CR.Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.bAccountID> >, And <CR.Location.locationID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.locationID> > > > > .Select(this, customer.BAccountID, customer.DefLocationID); if (customerLoc != null) { if (customerLoc.CSalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = customerLoc.CSalesAcctID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.CustomerAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD, customer.AcctCD); } } } if (arTran.AccountID == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(billing.SubMask)) { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.SubAccountCannotBeComposed, item.InventoryCD); } else if (arTran.AccountID != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(billing.SubMask)) { subCD = PMRecurentBillSubAccountMaskAttribute.MakeSub <PMBillingRule.subMask>(this, billing.SubMask, new object[] { billing.SubID, project.DefaultSubID, task.DefaultSubID }, new Type[] { typeof(PMBillingRule.subID), typeof(PMProject.defaultSubID), typeof(PMTask.defaultSubID) }); } } #endregion list.Add(new BillingData(arTran, rule, null, subCD, null, null)); billing.LastBilledDate = billingDate; ContractDetail.Update(billing); } } int mult = 1; PMAccountGroup ag = PXSelect <PMAccountGroup, Where <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Required <PMAccountGroup.groupID> > > > .Select(this, rule.AccountGroupID); if (ag == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.AccountGroupInBillingRuleNotFound, rule.BillingID, rule.AccountGroupID); } if (ag.Type == GL.AccountType.Liability || ag.Type == GL.AccountType.Income) { mult = -1; } DateTime cuttofDate = billingDate; //all transactions excluding the current day. ContractBillingSchedule schedule = PXSelect <ContractBillingSchedule> .Search <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID>(this, task.ProjectID); if (schedule != null && schedule.Type == BillingType.OnDemand) { cuttofDate = billingDate.AddDays(1); //all transactions including the current day. } else { if (IncludeTodaysTransactions) { cuttofDate = billingDate.AddDays(1); } } List <PMTran> billingBase = SelectBillingBase(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID, rule.AccountGroupID, cuttofDate, rule.IncludeNonBillable == true); foreach (PMTran tran in billingBase) { ARTran arTran = new ARTran(); arTran.BranchID = tran.BranchID; if (tran.InventoryID != PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID) { arTran.InventoryID = tran.InventoryID; } arTran.TranDesc = tran.Description; arTran.UOM = tran.UOM; arTran.Qty = tran.BillableQty * mult; arTran.ExtPrice = tran.Amount * mult; if (arTran.Qty != 0) { arTran.UnitPrice = arTran.ExtPrice / arTran.Qty; } else { arTran.UnitPrice = 0; } arTran.TranAmt = arTran.ExtPrice; arTran.ProjectID = task.ProjectID; arTran.TaskID = task.TaskID; arTran.PMTranID = tran.TranID; arTran.Commissionable = false; //todo arTran.Date = tran.Date; string subCD = null; #region Set Account and Subaccount int?employeeSubID = null; if (tran.ResourceID != null) { EP.EPEmployee emp = PXSelect <EP.EPEmployee, Where <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, tran.ResourceID); if (emp != null) { employeeSubID = emp.SalesSubID; } } if (rule.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None) { if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.BillingRule) { if (rule.AccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = rule.AccountID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.BillingRuleAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID); } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Project) { if (project.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = project.DefaultAccountID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.ProjectAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, project.ContractCD); } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Task) { if (task.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = task.DefaultAccountID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.TaskAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, project.ContractCD, task.TaskCD); } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.InventoryItem) { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, tran.InventoryID); if (item != null) { if (item.SalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = item.SalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.InventoryAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, item.InventoryCD); } } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Customer && customer != null) { CR.Location customerLoc = PXSelect <CR.Location, Where <CR.Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.bAccountID> >, And <CR.Location.locationID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.locationID> > > > > .Select(this, customer.BAccountID, customer.DefLocationID); if (customerLoc != null) { if (customerLoc.CSalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = customerLoc.CSalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.CustomerAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, customer.AcctCD); } } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Resource) { EP.EPEmployee emp = PXSelect <EP.EPEmployee, Where <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, tran.ResourceID); if (emp != null) { if (emp.SalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = emp.SalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.EmployeeAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, emp.AcctCD); } } } if (arTran.AccountID == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.SubMask)) { throw new PXException(Messages.SubAccountCannotBeComposed, rule.BillingID); } else if (arTran.AccountID != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.SubMask)) { subCD = PMBillSubAccountMaskAttribute.MakeSub <PMBillingRule.subMask>(this, rule.SubMask, new object[] { tran.SubID, rule.SubID, project.DefaultSubID, task.DefaultSubID, employeeSubID }, new Type[] { typeof(PMTran.subID), typeof(PMBillingRule.subID), typeof(PMProject.defaultSubID), typeof(PMTask.defaultSubID), typeof(EP.EPEmployee.salesSubID) }); } } #endregion string note = PXNoteAttribute.GetNote(Transactions.Cache, tran); Guid[] files = PXNoteAttribute.GetFileNotes(Transactions.Cache, tran); list.Add(new BillingData(arTran, rule, tran, subCD, note, files)); if (billingItems.ContainsKey(tran.InventoryID.Value)) { if (availableQty.ContainsKey(tran.InventoryID.Value)) { decimal available = availableQty[tran.InventoryID.Value]; if (tran.BillableQty <= available) { //Transaction is already payed for as a post payment included. Thus it should be free. arTran.TranDesc = PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(CT.Messages.PrefixIncludedUsage) + " " + tran.Description; availableQty[tran.InventoryID.Value] -= arTran.Qty.Value; //decrease available qty arTran.UnitPrice = 0; arTran.ExtPrice = 0; arTran.TranAmt = 0; } else { arTran.TranDesc = PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(CT.Messages.PrefixOverused) + " " + tran.Description; arTran.Qty = arTran.Qty - available; availableQty[tran.InventoryID.Value] = 0; //all available qty was used. } } } tran.Billed = true; tran.BilledDate = billingDate; Transactions.Update(tran); } return(list); }
public virtual PMBudgetLite SelectProjectBalance(IProjectFilter filter, PMAccountGroup ag, PMProject project, out bool isExisting) { return(SelectProjectBalance(ag, project, filter.TaskID, filter.InventoryID, filter.CostCodeID, out isExisting)); }
protected virtual IEnumerable items() { BillingFilter filter = Filter.Current; if (filter == null) { yield break; } bool found = false; foreach (ProjectsList item in Items.Cache.Inserted) { found = true; yield return(item); } if (found) { yield break; } PXSelectBase <PMProject> select = new PXSelectJoin <PMProject, InnerJoin <ContractBillingSchedule, On <PMProject.contractID, Equal <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID> >, InnerJoin <Customer, On <PMProject.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> > > >, Where2 <Where <ContractBillingSchedule.nextDate, LessEqual <Current <BillingFilter.invoiceDate> >, Or <ContractBillingSchedule.type, Equal <BillingType.BillingOnDemand> > >, And <PMProject.baseType, Equal <PMProject.ProjectBaseType>, And <PMProject.nonProject, Equal <False>, And <PMProject.isTemplate, Equal <False> > > > > >(this); if (filter.StatementCycleId != null) { select.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.statementCycleId, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.statementCycleId> > > >(); } if (filter.CustomerClassID != null) { select.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.customerClassID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerClassID> > > >(); } if (filter.CustomerID != null) { select.WhereAnd <Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.customerID> > > >(); } if (filter.TemplateID != null) { select.WhereAnd <Where <PMProject.templateID, Equal <Current <BillingFilter.templateID> > > >(); } foreach (PXResult <PMProject, ContractBillingSchedule, Customer> item in select.Select()) { PMProject project = (PMProject)item; ContractBillingSchedule schedule = (ContractBillingSchedule)item; Customer customer = (Customer)item; ProjectsList result = new ProjectsList(); result.ProjectID = project.ContractID; result.ProjectCD = project.ContractCD; result.Description = project.Description; result.CustomerID = project.CustomerID; result.CustomerName = customer.AcctName; result.LastDate = schedule.LastDate; DateTime?fromDate = null; if (schedule.NextDate != null) { switch (schedule.Type) { case BillingType.Annual: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddYears(-1); break; case BillingType.Monthly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddMonths(-1); break; case BillingType.Weekly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddDays(-7); break; case BillingType.Quarterly: fromDate = schedule.NextDate.Value.AddMonths(-3); break; } } result.FromDate = fromDate; result.NextDate = schedule.NextDate; yield return(Items.Insert(result)); } Items.Cache.IsDirty = false; }
public virtual void RunProjectBalanceVerification(PMProject project, PMValidationFilter options) { InitAccountGroup(); PXDatabase.Delete <PMTaskTotal>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMTaskTotal.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); PXDatabase.Delete <PMTaskAllocTotal>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMTaskAllocTotal.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); PXDatabase.Delete <PMHistory>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMHistory.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); PXDatabase.Delete <PMCommitment>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMCommitment.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ), new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMCommitment.type).Name, PXDbType.Char, 1, PMCommitmentType.Internal, PXComp.EQ)); if (options.RecalculateUnbilledSummary == true) { PXDatabase.Delete <PMUnbilledDailySummary>(new PXDataFieldRestrict(typeof(PMUnbilledDailySummary.projectID).Name, PXDbType.Int, 4, project.ContractID, PXComp.EQ)); } ProjectBalance pb = CreateProjectBalance(); Dictionary <BudgetKeyTuple, PMBudgetEx> existingBudgetRecords = new Dictionary <BudgetKeyTuple, PMBudgetEx>(); if (options.RecalculateChangeOrders == true && project.ChangeOrderWorkflow == true) { var selectBudget = new PXSelect <PMBudgetEx, Where <PMBudgetEx.projectID, Equal <Required <PMBudgetEx.projectID> > > >(this); using (new PXFieldScope(selectBudget.View, typeof(PMBudgetEx.projectID), typeof(PMBudgetEx.projectTaskID) , typeof(PMBudgetEx.accountGroupID), typeof(PMBudgetEx.inventoryID), typeof(PMBudgetEx.costCodeID) , typeof(PMBudgetEx.uOM), typeof(PMBudgetEx.qty), typeof(PMBudgetEx.amount))) { foreach (PMBudgetEx record in selectBudget.Select(project.ContractID)) { existingBudgetRecords.Add(GetKey(record), record); List <PXDataFieldParam> list = BuildBudgetClearCommandWithChangeOrders(options, record); PXDatabase.Update <PMBudget>(list.ToArray()); } } } else { HashSet <int> clearedAccountGroups = new HashSet <int>(); var selectBudget = new PXSelect <PMBudgetEx, Where <PMBudgetEx.projectID, Equal <Required <PMBudgetEx.projectID> > > >(this); using (new PXFieldScope(selectBudget.View, typeof(PMBudgetEx.projectID), typeof(PMBudgetEx.projectTaskID) , typeof(PMBudgetEx.accountGroupID), typeof(PMBudgetEx.inventoryID), typeof(PMBudgetEx.costCodeID) , typeof(PMBudgetEx.uOM))) { foreach (PMBudgetEx record in selectBudget.Select(project.ContractID)) { existingBudgetRecords.Add(GetKey(record), record); if (!clearedAccountGroups.Contains(record.AccountGroupID.Value)) { List <PXDataFieldParam> list = BuildBudgetClearCommand(options, record); PXDatabase.Update <PMBudget>(list.ToArray()); clearedAccountGroups.Add(record.AccountGroupID.Value); } } } } PXSelectBase <PMTran> select = null; if (options.RecalculateUnbilledSummary == true) { select = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMTran, LeftJoin <Account, On <PMTran.accountID, Equal <Account.accountID> >, LeftJoin <OffsetAccount, On <PMTran.offsetAccountID, Equal <OffsetAccount.accountID> >, LeftJoin <PMAccountGroup, On <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Account.accountGroupID> >, LeftJoin <OffsetPMAccountGroup, On <OffsetPMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <OffsetAccount.accountGroupID> > > > > >, Where <PMTran.projectID, Equal <Required <PMTran.projectID> >, And <PMTran.released, Equal <True> > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMTran.tranType, GroupBy <PMTran.finPeriodID, GroupBy <PMTran.tranPeriodID, GroupBy <PMTran.projectID, GroupBy <PMTran.taskID, GroupBy <PMTran.inventoryID, GroupBy <PMTran.costCodeID, GroupBy <, GroupBy <PMTran.accountID, GroupBy <PMTran.accountGroupID, GroupBy <PMTran.offsetAccountID, GroupBy <PMTran.offsetAccountGroupID, GroupBy <PMTran.uOM, GroupBy <PMTran.released, GroupBy <PMTran.remainderOfTranID, GroupBy <PMTran.duplicateOfTranID, Sum <PMTran.qty, Sum <PMTran.amount, Max <PMTran.billable, GroupBy <PMTran.billed, GroupBy <PMTran.reversed> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >(this); } else { select = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <PMTran, LeftJoin <Account, On <PMTran.accountID, Equal <Account.accountID> >, LeftJoin <OffsetAccount, On <PMTran.offsetAccountID, Equal <OffsetAccount.accountID> >, LeftJoin <PMAccountGroup, On <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Account.accountGroupID> >, LeftJoin <OffsetPMAccountGroup, On <OffsetPMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <OffsetAccount.accountGroupID> > > > > >, Where <PMTran.projectID, Equal <Required <PMTran.projectID> >, And <PMTran.released, Equal <True> > >, Aggregate <GroupBy <PMTran.tranType, GroupBy <PMTran.finPeriodID, GroupBy <PMTran.tranPeriodID, GroupBy <PMTran.projectID, GroupBy <PMTran.taskID, GroupBy <PMTran.inventoryID, GroupBy <PMTran.costCodeID, GroupBy <PMTran.accountID, GroupBy <PMTran.accountGroupID, GroupBy <PMTran.offsetAccountID, GroupBy <PMTran.offsetAccountGroupID, GroupBy <PMTran.uOM, GroupBy <PMTran.released, GroupBy <PMTran.remainderOfTranID, GroupBy <PMTran.duplicateOfTranID, Sum <PMTran.qty, Sum <PMTran.amount> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >(this); } foreach (PXResult <PMTran, Account, OffsetAccount, PMAccountGroup, OffsetPMAccountGroup> res in select.Select(project.ContractID)) { PMTran tran = (PMTran)res; RegisterReleaseProcess.AddToUnbilledSummary(this, tran); //suppose we have allocated unbilled 100 - unearned 100 //during billing we reduced the amount to 80. //as a result of this. only 80 will be reversed. leaving 20 on the unbilled. //plus a remainder transaction will be generated. (if we allow this remainder to update balance it will add additional 20 to the unbilled.) if (tran.RemainderOfTranID != null) { continue; //skip remainder transactions. } ProcessTransaction(project, res, pb); } RebuildAllocationTotals(project); if (options.RebuildCommitments == true) { ProcessPOCommitments(project); ProcessSOCommitments(project); ProcessExternalCommitments(project); } if (options.RecalculateDraftInvoicesAmount == true) { RecalculateDraftInvoicesAmount(project, pb); } if (options.RecalculateChangeOrders == true && project.ChangeOrderWorkflow == true) { RecalculateChangeOrders(project, pb, existingBudgetRecords); } InitCostCodeOnModifiedEntities(); }
public virtual void ProcessTransaction(PMProject project, PXResult <PMTran, Account, OffsetAccount, PMAccountGroup, OffsetPMAccountGroup> res, ProjectBalance pb) { PMTran tran = (PMTran)res; Account acc = (Account)res; PMAccountGroup ag = (PMAccountGroup)res; OffsetAccount offsetAcc = (OffsetAccount)res; OffsetPMAccountGroup offsetAg = (OffsetPMAccountGroup)res; IList <ProjectBalance.Result> balances = pb.Calculate(project, tran, acc, ag, offsetAcc, offsetAg); foreach (ProjectBalance.Result balance in balances) { if (balance.Status != null) { PMBudgetAccum ps = new PMBudgetAccum(); ps.ProjectID = balance.Status.ProjectID; ps.ProjectTaskID = balance.Status.ProjectTaskID; ps.AccountGroupID = balance.Status.AccountGroupID; ps.InventoryID = balance.Status.InventoryID; ps.CostCodeID = balance.Status.CostCodeID; ps.UOM = balance.Status.UOM; ps.IsProduction = balance.Status.IsProduction; ps.Type = balance.Status.Type; ps.Description = balance.Status.Description; ps = Budget.Insert(ps); ps.ActualQty += balance.Status.ActualQty.GetValueOrDefault(); ps.ActualAmount += balance.Status.ActualAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (balance.TaskTotal != null) { PMTaskTotal ta = new PMTaskTotal(); ta.ProjectID = balance.TaskTotal.ProjectID; ta.TaskID = balance.TaskTotal.TaskID; ta = TaskTotals.Insert(ta); ta.Asset += balance.TaskTotal.Asset.GetValueOrDefault(); ta.Liability += balance.TaskTotal.Liability.GetValueOrDefault(); ta.Income += balance.TaskTotal.Income.GetValueOrDefault(); ta.Expense += balance.TaskTotal.Expense.GetValueOrDefault(); } foreach (PMHistory item in balance.History) { PMHistoryAccum hist = new PMHistoryAccum(); hist.ProjectID = item.ProjectID; hist.ProjectTaskID = item.ProjectTaskID; hist.AccountGroupID = item.AccountGroupID; hist.InventoryID = item.InventoryID; hist.CostCodeID = item.CostCodeID; hist.PeriodID = item.PeriodID; hist = History.Insert(hist); hist.FinPTDAmount += item.FinPTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.FinYTDAmount += item.FinYTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.FinPTDQty += item.FinPTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.FinYTDQty += item.FinYTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranPTDAmount += item.TranPTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranYTDAmount += item.TranYTDAmount.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranPTDQty += item.TranPTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); hist.TranYTDQty += item.TranYTDQty.GetValueOrDefault(); } } }