public static void ClearBuggedConditioning(Pawn pawn) { var hediffs = pawn?.health?.hediffSet?.GetHediffs <PS_Hediff_Reconditioned>(); if (hediffs == null || hediffs.Count() <= 0) { return; } foreach (var hediff in hediffs) {; } pawn.needs.AddOrRemoveNeedsAsAppropriate(); var pod = PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn); if (pod == null) { return; } pod.ForceUnassignPawn(pawn); }
public override void ApplyOnPawn(Pawn pawn, BodyPartRecord part, Pawn billDoer, List <Thing> ingredients, Bill bill) { if (billDoer != null) { if (!CheckSurgeryFail(billDoer, pawn, ingredients, part, bill)) { TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.DidSurgery, new object[] { billDoer, pawn }); PS_ConditioningHelper.TryRemoveConditioning(pawn); var brainPart = pawn.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Where(x => x.def.defName == "Brain").FirstOrDefault(); if (brainPart == null) { brainPart = part; } <HediffDef> .GetNamed("PS_Hediff_NeuralCement"), pawn, brainPart)); var pod = PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn); if (pod != null) { pod.TryUnassignPawn(pawn); } } else { } } }
// Token: 0x06000026 RID: 38 RVA: 0x000028AC File Offset: 0x00000AAC protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { if (pawn.Downed) { return(null); } var currentLevel = PS_ConditioningHelper.GetCurrentNeedLevel(pawn); if (currentLevel < 0f || currentLevel > 0.5f) { return(null); } var myPod = PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn); if (myPod != null && PS_PodFinder.CanGetToPod(pawn, myPod) && pawn.CanReserve(new LocalTargetInfo(myPod)) && myPod.IsUseable(pawn)) { return(new Job(PS_ReconPodDefsOf.PS_RefreshConditioning, new LocalTargetInfo(myPod))); } else if (pawn.Map != null) { var condionallList = pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("PS_Drugs_Conditionall")); if (condionallList?.Any() ?? false) { var avalible = condionallList.Where(x => IsConditionallAvalible(x, pawn)).ToList(); if (avalible?.Any() ?? false) { var closest = GetClostest(pawn, avalible); if (closest != null) { try { var job = DrugAIUtility.IngestAndTakeToInventoryJob(closest, pawn, maxNumToCarry: 1);// new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, new LocalTargetInfo(closest)); return(job); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Log.Error("PS_BadDrugPolicyError".Translate()); throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } } } return(null); }
// Token: 0x060000E0 RID: 224 RVA: 0x00007C08 File Offset: 0x00005E08 public override void NeedInterval() { var inPod = (pawn.ParentHolder != null) && (pawn.ParentHolder.GetType() == typeof(PS_Buildings_ReconPod)); if (!inPod && !base.IsFrozen) { CurLevel -= FallPerTic * 150f; } var hediff = <PS_Hediff_Reconditioned>().FirstOrDefault(); if (hediff == null) { Log.Error("PS_Needs_Reconditioning: failed to find PS_Hediff_Reconditined"); return; } else if (hediff.ConditioningDataList == null || !hediff.ConditioningDataList.Any()) { Log.Error("PS_Needs_Reconditioning: Need interval found hediff but no data. Probably from bad save file. Removeing conditioning."); PS_ConditioningHelper.ClearBuggedConditioning(pawn); return; } var map = pawn.Map; if (!inPod && !pawn.IsCaravanMember() && map == null) { Log.Message("PS_Needs_Reconditioning: " + pawn.LabelShort + " is not in a caravan or pod but map is null, not sure what this means but they can't find a pod"); return; } // Try to take conditionall in in caravan if (CurLevel <= 0.5f && pawn.IsCaravanMember()) { var caravan = pawn.GetCaravan(); var stack = caravan.Goods.Where(x => x.def.defName == "PS_Drugs_Conditionall").FirstOrDefault(); if (stack != null) { var pill = stack.SplitOff(1); CurLevel += 0.25f; pill.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } if (CurLevel > 0) { hediff.Severity = CurLevel; } else if (pawn.InMentalState) { hediff.Severity = 0.0001f; } else // Undo Conditioning { var state = GetMentalState(pawn, hediff.ConditioningDataList); if (!pawn.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(state, reason: "PS_ReconWoreOffMessage".Translate(), forceWake: true)) { Log.Error("PS_Need_Recon: Failed to give mental state " + state.defName); } PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn).TryUnassignPawn(pawn); PS_ConditioningHelper.UndoAllConditioning(pawn); Messages.Message(string.Format("PS_Messages_CompletedDeconditioning".Translate(), pawn.LabelShort), new LookTargets(pawn), MessageTypeDefOf.TaskCompletion); hediff.Severity = 0; } }
// Token: 0x06002514 RID: 9492 RVA: 0x00116FA0 File Offset: 0x001153A0 public override IEnumerable <FloatMenuOption> GetFloatMenuOptions(Pawn pawn) { foreach (FloatMenuOption o in base.GetFloatMenuOptions(pawn)) { if (o.Label != "EnterCryptosleepCasket".Translate()) { yield return(o); } } if (this.CheatMod) { JobDef jobDef = PS_ReconPodDefsOf.PS_DoConditioning; string jobStr = "PS_PodOption_CheatMode".Translate(); Action jobAction = delegate() { Job job = new Job(jobDef, this);, JobTag.Misc); }; yield return(FloatMenuUtility.DecoratePrioritizedTask(new FloatMenuOption(jobStr, jobAction, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), pawn, this, "ReservedBy")); yield break; } if (!this.TryGetComp <CompPowerTrader>().PowerOn) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseNoPower".Translate(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else if (PS_ConditioningHelper.IsCemented(pawn)) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption(string.Format("PS_CementCantUsePod".Translate(), pawn.LabelShort), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); yield break; } else if (this.PodOwner != null && pawn != this.PodOwner) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption("PS_OwnedBy".Translate() + this.PodOwner.LabelShort, null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else if (this.innerContainer.Count == 0) { if (PS_ConditioningHelper.IsReconditioned(pawn) && PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn) != this && PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn) != null) { yield return(new FloatMenuOption(string.Format("PS_NotOwnedBy".Translate(), pawn.LabelShort), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else if (PS_ConditioningHelper.IsReconditioned(pawn) && PS_PodFinder.FindMyPod(pawn) == null && this.PodOwner == null) { JobDef jobDef = PS_ReconPodDefsOf.PS_RefreshConditioning; string jobStr = string.Format("PS_PodOption_ClaimPod".Translate(), pawn.LabelShort); Action jobAction = delegate() { this.TryAssignPawn(pawn); }; yield return(FloatMenuUtility.DecoratePrioritizedTask(new FloatMenuOption(jobStr, jobAction, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), pawn, this, "ReservedBy")); } else if (pawn.CanReach(this, PathEndMode.InteractionCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (PS_ConditioningHelper.IsReconditioned(pawn)) { JobDef jobDef = PS_ReconPodDefsOf.PS_RefreshConditioning; string jobStr = "PS_PodOption_RefreshConditioning".Translate(); Action jobAction = delegate() { Job job = new Job(jobDef, this);, JobTag.Misc); }; yield return(FloatMenuUtility.DecoratePrioritizedTask(new FloatMenuOption(jobStr, jobAction, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), pawn, this, "ReservedBy")); JobDef jobDef2 = PS_ReconPodDefsOf.PS_ManageConditioning; string jobStr2 = "PS_PodOption_Decondition".Translate(); Action jobAction2 = delegate() { Job job2 = new Job(jobDef2, this);, JobTag.Misc); }; yield return(FloatMenuUtility.DecoratePrioritizedTask(new FloatMenuOption(jobStr2, jobAction2, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), pawn, this, "ReservedBy")); } else { JobDef jobDef = PS_ReconPodDefsOf.PS_DoConditioning; string jobStr = "PS_PodOption_Condition".Translate(); Action jobAction = delegate() { Job job = new Job(jobDef, this);, JobTag.Misc); }; yield return(FloatMenuUtility.DecoratePrioritizedTask(new FloatMenuOption(jobStr, jobAction, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), pawn, this, "ReservedBy")); } } } yield break; }