public ActionResult AddPetLostInfo(LostFound petLost) { ViewBag.citylist = getCities(); var cityId = Request.Form["citylist"]; var cUser = (Customer)Session["currentUser"]; petLost.CustomerId = cUser.CustomerId; petLost.City = Convert.ToInt16(cityId); if (petLost.Description == null) { petLost.Description = ""; } db.LostFounds.Add(petLost); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Message = "Your lost pet information has been posted. Your lost report ID is " + petLost.LostFoundId + "."; ViewBag.Message2 = "Please do not lose your report ID. You need it to keep track your lost report."; ViewBag.Message3 = "Thank you for using our service."; return View(); }
public ActionResult TrackReportResult(LostFound petLost) { LostFound thePetLost = db.LostFounds.Find(petLost.LostFoundId); var cUser = (Customer)Session["currentUser"]; // Check whether the user is a valid and authorized user if (thePetLost != null && (Session["currentUser"] != null)) { if (thePetLost.CustomerId == cUser.CustomerId) { ViewBag.ReportId = thePetLost.LostFoundId; ViewBag.PetCategory = thePetLost.PetCategory; ViewBag.Description = thePetLost.Description; var comment = (from theComment in db.LF_Comment join theOwner in db.Customers on theComment.CommenterId equals theOwner.CustomerId where theComment.InfoId.Equals(petLost.LostFoundId) select new SearchLostPetResult { lostInfoId = theComment.InfoId, pet_owner_name = theOwner.FirstName + " " + theOwner.LastName, pet_category = "", city = "", pet_desc = theComment.Comment }).Distinct(); return View(comment.AsEnumerable()); } else { ViewBag.error = "You are not authorized to view this Report"; } } else { ViewBag.error = "No such report exists."; } return View(); }
public ActionResult PetLostHelpInfoResult(LostFound petLost) { ViewBag.citylist = getCities(); var cityId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["citylist"]); var petLostQuery = (from theOwner in db.Customers join theLostInfo in db.LostFounds on theOwner.CustomerId equals theLostInfo.CustomerId join theCity in db.Cities on theLostInfo.City equals theCity.CityId where theLostInfo.PetCategory.Equals(petLost.PetCategory) where theLostInfo.City.Equals(cityId) select new SearchLostPetResult { lostInfoId = theLostInfo.LostFoundId, pet_owner_name = theOwner.FirstName + " " + theOwner.LastName, pet_category = theLostInfo.PetCategory, city = theCity.Name, pet_desc = theLostInfo.Description }).Distinct(); //int abc = petLostQuery.Count(); return View(petLostQuery.AsEnumerable()); }