private void EditPanel_Add(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { User User = new User(); User.ShowDialog(); Fill_Users_LB(); } catch { } }
private void EditPanel_Edit(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if(Users_LB.SelectedIndex != -1) { User User = new User(Edit_Mode.Edit, Users_LB.SelectedValue); User.ShowDialog(); Fill_Users_LB(); } } catch { } }
private void Hyperlink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { //Change Password //select the user information giving the username DB db = new DB("users"); db.AddCondition("user_name", User_name_TB.Text.Trim()); DataRow User = db.SelectRow("select * from users"); //check if user is exist if(User != null) { //check if password hashcode match if(Password_TB.Password.GetHashCode().ToString() == User["user_pass"].ToString()) { //set global variables App.User_Id = User["User_Id"]; //open change password window User u = new User(Edit_Mode.Change_Password, User["User_Id"]); this.Hide(); u.ShowDialog(); //show Login window this.ShowDialog(); } else { Message.Show("كلمة المرور غير صحيحة", MessageBoxButton.OK, 10); } } else { Message.Show("إسم المستخدم غير صحيح", MessageBoxButton.OK, 10); } } catch { } }
public void run() { set.setMenu(); Tabel[] Tabellist = new Tabel[10]; while (true) { int[] count = new int[10]; Console.WriteLine("input ID and password"); string inputID = Console.ReadLine(); if (inputID == "0") { break; } string inputPW = Console.ReadLine(); User user1 = new User("admin", "admin"); User user2 = new User("2015104154", "1111"); while (true) { if (user1.m_ID == inputID && user1.m_PW == inputPW)//점장 { Console.WriteLine("input salelist or cancel or back"); string inputoption = Console.ReadLine(); if (inputoption == "salelist") { int TOTAL = 0; int I = 0; Console.WriteLine("------------------------showlist-----------------------"); foreach (var item in completelist) { if (item == null) { continue; } Console.WriteLine((I + 1) +"."); foreach(var ITEM in item.m_tabel.m_Orderlist) { Console.WriteLine(ITEM.m_menu.menuName + " : " + ITEM.m_menuAmount + " "); } Console.WriteLine(item.m_total + "\t" + item.m_howto); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------"); I += 1; TOTAL += item.m_total; } Console.WriteLine("TOTAL - " + TOTAL); } else if (inputoption == "cancel") { int A = 0; Console.WriteLine("Input number to cancel"); Console.Write("Enable number : "); foreach (var item in completelist) { if (item == null) { continue; } Console.Write((A+1) + " "); A += 1; } Console.Write("\n"); int inputcancel = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); completelist[inputcancel - 1] = null; Console.WriteLine("Success!"); } else if (inputoption == "back") { break; } } else if (user2.m_ID == inputID && user2.m_PW == inputPW)//사원 { int total; Console.WriteLine("input order, showlist, calculate, logout"); string inputoption1 = Console.ReadLine(); if (inputoption1 == "order") { Tabel tabel = new Tabel(); foreach (var I in set.Menulist) { Console.WriteLine(I.menuName + " : " + I.menuprice); } Console.WriteLine("input tabel number, customers number"); int inputtabel = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int inputcustomer; if (Tabellist[inputtabel - 1] == null) { inputcustomer = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else { inputcustomer = Tabellist[inputtabel - 1].m_customers; } Console.WriteLine("input meun name, meun amount"); while (true) { int num = 0; string menuName = Console.ReadLine(); if (menuName == "") { break; } foreach (var menu in set.Menulist) { if (menu.menuName == menuName) { num = 1; break; } } if (num == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Not Found"); continue; } int menuAmount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int INT = 0; if (Tabellist[inputtabel - 1] != null) { foreach (var i in Tabellist[inputtabel - 1].m_Orderlist) { if (menuName == i.m_menu.menuName) { i.m_menuAmount += menuAmount; INT = 1; } } if (INT == 1) { continue; } Order order1 = new Order(menuName, menuAmount); Tabellist[inputtabel - 1].m_Orderlist.Add(order1); count[inputtabel - 1] += 1; continue; } Order order = new Order(menuName, menuAmount); tabel.m_customers = inputcustomer; tabel.m_Orderlist.Add(order); if (Tabellist[inputtabel - 1] == null) { Tabellist[inputtabel - 1] = tabel; } else { Tabellist[inputtabel - 1].m_Orderlist.Add(order); } count[inputtabel-1] += 1; } } else if (inputoption1 == "showlist") { Console.WriteLine("------------------------showlist-----------------------"); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { total = 0; if (Tabellist[j] == null) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("\nTabel Num - " + (j + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < count[j]; i++) { int number = 0; foreach (var k in set.Menulist) { if (k.menuName == Tabellist[j].m_Orderlist[i].m_menu.menuName) { break; } number += 1; } Console.WriteLine(Tabellist[j].m_Orderlist[i].m_menu.menuName + " - " + Tabellist[j].m_Orderlist[i].m_menuAmount + "\t" + set.Menulist[number].menuprice * Tabellist[j].m_Orderlist[i].m_menuAmount); total += set.Menulist[number].menuprice * Tabellist[j].m_Orderlist[i].m_menuAmount; } Console.WriteLine("\nTotal : " + total); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------"); } } else if (inputoption1 == "calculate") { total = 0; Console.WriteLine("input tabel number"); Console.Write("Enable number :"); for (int I = 0; I < 10; I++) { if (Tabellist[I] == null) { continue; } Console.Write(" " + (I + 1)); } Console.Write("\n"); int tabelnum = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("how to pay : card or money"); string howto = Console.ReadLine(); if (howto != "card" && howto != "money") { Console.WriteLine("Wrong input"); continue; } foreach (var item in Tabellist[tabelnum-1].m_Orderlist) { Console.Write(item.m_menu.menuName + "(" + item.m_menuAmount + ") "); } foreach (var item in Tabellist[tabelnum-1].m_Orderlist) { total += item.m_menu.menuprice * item.m_menuAmount; } Complete complete = new Complete(total,howto,Tabellist[tabelnum-1]); completelist.Add(complete); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal : " + complete.m_total +"\nSuccess"); Tabellist[tabelnum - 1] = null; } else if(inputoption1 == "logout") { break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong input"); break; } } } }