// loads all active users in DB public void Load_ActiveUsers() { string querySelectAllActiveUsers = string.Format("SELECT " + "users_information.emp_id AS Emp_ID," + "users_information.fname AS FName," + "users_information.lname AS LName," + "roles.description AS Role " + "FROM users_information LEFT JOIN users " + "ON users_information.emp_id = users.emp_id " + "LEFT JOIN roles " + "ON users.role_id = roles.role_id " + "WHERE users_information.status = 'Active'"); try { this.dgUserList.ItemsSource = SqlQueries.Load_DataGridItems(querySelectAllActiveUsers).DefaultView; } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }
// sets constraints for start date and end date private void SetCalendarConstraints() { string queryFirstIncomeDate = string.Format("SELECT TOP 1 date " + "FROM daily_IncomeRecord " + "ORDER BY date ASC"); string resultDate = SqlQueries.GetFirstIncomeDate(queryFirstIncomeDate); if (resultDate != null) { DateTime startingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(resultDate); dateStart.DisplayDateStart = startingDate; dateStart.DisplayDateEnd = DateTime.Now; dateEnd.DisplayDateEnd = DateTime.Now; dateEnd.DisplayDateStart = startingDate; } else { MessageBox.Show("No starting date detected"); } }
// button to logout // sets logout data to true to close application private void BtnLogout_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string queryLoggerOut = string.Format("INSERT INTO timelog" + "(emp_id, log_time, log_status) " + "VALUES(@emp_id, @log_time, @log_status)"); if (cartTotal == 0) { if (SqlQueries.Logger(queryLoggerOut, Globals.Emp_ID, btnLogout.Content.ToString()) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Logging Out"); lblEmpID.Content = " "; lblEmployee.Content = " "; Login login = new Login(); logout = true; if (logout == true) { this.Close(); } login.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong logging out"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Transaction Ongoing"); } }
private void BtnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { string queryDeactivateUser = string.Format("UPDATE users_information " + "SET status = 'Inactive' " + "WHERE emp_id = @emp_id"); if (SqlQueries.DeactivateUser(queryDeactivateUser, Convert.ToInt32(row["Emp_ID"])) == true) { MessageBox.Show("User Deactivated"); main.Load_ActiveUsers(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong"); } } }
// records transaction into Transactions table and Transaction Details table private void BtnDone_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cbDineIn.IsSelected = false && cbTakeOut.IsSelected == false && cbDriveThru.IsSelected == false) { MessageBox.Show("Select Order Type!"); } else if (hasPaid == false) { MessageBox.Show("Enter amount paid!"); } else { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Finish transaction?", "Confrim", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { string queryInsertIntoTransactionsTable = string.Format( "INSERT INTO transactions" + "(transaction_date, total_price, emp_id, order_type, amount_paid, change) " + "VALUES(" + "@transaction_date, @total_price, @emp_id, " + "(SELECT orderType_id " + "FROM order_type " + "WHERE orderType_description = @order_type), " + "@amount_paid, @change" + ")" ); string queryInsertIntoTransactionDetails = string.Format("INSERT INTO transaction_details" + "(transaction_id, item_code, total_item_price, quantity) " + "VALUES(" + "(SELECT TOP 1 transaction_id " + "FROM transactions " + "ORDER BY transaction_id DESC), " + "@item_code, @total_item_price, @quantity" + ")" ); cbResult = cborderType.SelectionBoxItem.ToString(); if (SqlQueries.SqlExecNQInsertTransactionsTable(queryInsertIntoTransactionsTable, cartTotal, Globals.Emp_ID, cbResult, amountPaid, change) == true) { if (SqlQueries.SqlExecNQInsertTransactionDetails(queryInsertIntoTransactionDetails, items) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Transaction Complete!"); MessageBox.Show(cbResult.ToString()); Receipt receipt = new Receipt(items, cartTotal, amountPaid, change, cbResult, main); receipt.ShowDialog(); //main.ClearOrderList(); //main.ClearOrder(); //main.GetCurrentDailyIncome(); //main.Load_DailyTransactions(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrongggg"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong asadsad"); } } } }