// GET api/FetchMails public List<Mailer> Get() { List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<User> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); int i = 0; foreach (User user in userList) { i++; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = user.Username; mailer.HtmlMailBody = GenerateMailBody(user); mailerList.Add(mailer); } return mailerList; }
private List<Mailer> GenerateMailerList() { List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<Task> taskList = unitofWork.TaskRepository.AllIncludingForMail().ToList(); List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; string styleTaskRow = "style= \"background-color:#A0D0FF;\""; foreach (UserProfile user in userList) //Generate mail for every user who have task { string overdueTask = string.Empty; string todaysTask = string.Empty; string dueTommorrowTask = string.Empty; string futureTask = string.Empty; //string messageHeader = "<table>"; //string messageFooter = string.Empty; string messageBody = string.Empty; List<Task> userTaskList = taskList.Where(t => t.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == user.UserId)).ToList(); if (userTaskList.Count() > 1) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + user.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your assigned tasks are given below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th> <th>Task Title</th> <th>Start Date</th> <th>End Date</th> <th>Status</th></tr>"; //overdueTask = "<ul>"; foreach (var task in userTaskList) { if ((task.EndDate < DateTime.Today) && (task.ProjectStatusID != null && task.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed")) // overdue task { overdueTask += "<tr " + styleTaskRow + ">" + "<td>" + task.TaskUID + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.Title + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.StartDate != null ? task.StartDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.EndDate != null ? task.EndDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : " ") + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.ProjectStatus.Name + "</td>" + "</tr>"; //"<li>" + task.Title + "</li>"; } else if (task.StartDate == DateTime.Today && (task.ProjectStatusID != null && task.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed")) // todays task { todaysTask += "<tr " + styleTaskRow + ">" + "<td>" + task.TaskUID + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.Title + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.StartDate != null ? task.StartDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.EndDate != null ? task.EndDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.ProjectStatus.Name + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } else if (task.EndDate == DateTime.Today.AddDays(1) && (task.ProjectStatusID != null && task.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed")) //due tomorrow task { dueTommorrowTask += "<tr " + styleTaskRow + ">" + "<td>" + task.TaskUID + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.Title + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.StartDate != null ? task.StartDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.EndDate != null ? task.EndDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "" )+ "</td>" + "<td>" + task.ProjectStatus.Name + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } else if (task.StartDate > DateTime.Today && (task.ProjectStatusID == null || task.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed")) //Future task { futureTask += "<tr " + styleTaskRow + ">" + "<td>" + task.TaskUID + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.Title + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.StartDate != null ? task.StartDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + (task.EndDate != null ? task.EndDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.ProjectStatus.Name + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } //overdueTask = "</ul>"; if (overdueTask != string.Empty) { messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Overdue Task</td></tr>" + overdueTask; //"<b>Overdue tasks:</b> <br>" + overdueTask; } if (todaysTask != string.Empty) { messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Today's Task</td></tr>" + todaysTask; } if (dueTommorrowTask != string.Empty) { messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Tomorrows Task</td></tr>" + dueTommorrowTask; } if (futureTask != string.Empty) { messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Future Task</td></tr>" + futureTask; } messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply this mail.</p><p>" +"Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = user.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Daily email digest: Task list from PM Tool"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; //mailer.HtmlMailBody = GenerateMailBody(user); mailerList.Add(mailer); } } return mailerList; }
/* Send a daily digest email to each user having tasks in projects, that are part of Sprints and thus require "Remaining work hour" to be updated each day. It should be sent on a specific time set at the project level. */ public List<Mailer> EstimationMail() { //check: if schedule type is daily //Get collection of time to sent email in a day //if(DateTime.Now >= //for multiple time set check by foreach loop) //List<EmailSentStatus> lstEmailSentStatus = unitofWork.EmailSentStatusRepository.All.Where(p=>p.EmailSchedulerID == 1).ToList(); //DateTime scheduleTime = unitofWork.EmailSchedulerRepository.All.Where(p => p.SchedulerID == 1 && lstEmailSentStatus.Any(sts => sts.ScheduleDateTime == DateTimeUtility.GetDateTime(DateTime.Today, p.ScheduledTime))); //unitofWork.EmailSchedulerRepository.All.Where(p => p.SchedulerID == 1 && lstEmailSentStatus.Any(sts => sts.ScheduleDateTime == DateTimeUtility.GetDateTime(DateTime.Today, p.ScheduledTime))); //if(unitofWork.EmailSentStatusRepository.EmailSentStatusBySchedulerId(1).Where(p=>p.ScheduleDateTime == DateTime.Now) //EmailScheduler objEmailScheduler = new EmailScheduler(); //objEmailScheduler = unitofWork.EmailSchedulerRepository.All.Where(p=>p.SchedulerID == 1).ToList().FirstOrDefault; //if(unitofWork.EmailSentStatusRepository.EmailSentStatusBySchedulerId(1).Where(p=>p.ScheduleDateTime == //return new List<Mailer>(); List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<Task> taskList = unitofWork.TaskRepository.AllIncludingForMail().Where(t=>t.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed").ToList(); List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; string styleTaskRow = "style= \"background-color:#A0D0FF;\""; foreach (UserProfile user in userList) //Generate mail for every user who have task { string overdueTask = string.Empty; string todaysTask = string.Empty; string dueTommorrowTask = string.Empty; string futureTask = string.Empty; //string messageHeader = "<table>"; //string messageFooter = string.Empty; string messageBody = string.Empty; //List<Task> userTaskList = taskList.Where(t => t.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == user.UserId) && t.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed").ToList(); List<Task> userTaskList = taskList.Where(t => t.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == user.UserId)).ToList(); if (userTaskList.Count() > 1) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + user.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your assigned tasks with estimated remaining hours are given below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Entry Date</th> <th>Effort Hours</th> <th>Remaining Hours</th> <th>Users</th></tr>"; //overdueTask = "<ul>"; foreach (var task in userTaskList) { //List<TimeLog> taskTimeLog = new List<TimeLog>(); var taskTimeLog = unitofWork.TimeLogRepository.GetTimeLogByTaskId(task.TaskID); messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='4'> Task: "+ task.Title + "</td></tr>"; foreach (var timeLog in taskTimeLog) { messageBody += "<tr " + styleTaskRow + ">" + "<td>" + (timeLog.EntryDate != null ? timeLog.EntryDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "") + "</td>" + "<td>" + timeLog.TaskHour + "</td>" + "<td>" + timeLog.RemainingHour+ "</td>" + "<td>" + timeLog.User.FirstName + " " + timeLog.User.LastName + "</td>"+ "</tr>"; } if (taskTimeLog == null || taskTimeLog.Count() <= 0) { messageBody += "<tr " + styleTaskRow + ">" + "<td>" + "N/A" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "No Effort" + "</td>" + "<td>" + task.TaskHour + "</td>" + "<td>" + "" + "N/A" + "" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } //overdueTask = "</ul>"; //if (overdueTask != string.Empty) //{ // messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Overdue Task</td></tr>" + overdueTask; // //"<b>Overdue tasks:</b> <br>" + overdueTask; //} //if (todaysTask != string.Empty) //{ // messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Today's Task</td></tr>" + todaysTask; //} //if (dueTommorrowTask != string.Empty) //{ // messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Tomorrows Task</td></tr>" + dueTommorrowTask; //} //if (futureTask != string.Empty) //{ // messageBody += "<tr " + styleGroupbyRow + "><td colspan='5'>Future Task</td></tr>" + futureTask; //} messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply this mail.</p><p>" + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = user.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Remainder mail of task estimation"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; //mailer.HtmlMailBody = GenerateMailBody(user); mailerList.Add(mailer); } } return mailerList; }
/* Send a daily Task Status email to each user having tasks in projects, that are part of Sprints. It should be sent on a specific time setat the project level. */ public List<Mailer> DailyTaskStatusForCreator() { List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<Task> taskList = unitofWork.TaskRepository.AllIncludingForMail().Where(t => t.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed").ToList(); List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; string styleTaskRow = "style= \"background-color:#A0D0FF;\""; foreach (UserProfile objOfuser in userList) { string messageBody = string.Empty; List<Task> userTaskList = taskList.Where(a => a.CreatedByUser == objOfuser).ToList(); if (userTaskList.Count > 0) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + objOfuser.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your Daily Tasks Status are given below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th> <th>Task Title</th> <th>Task Status</th> <th>Project</th></tr>"; foreach (var task in userTaskList) { messageBody += "<tr> "; messageBody += "<td " + styleTaskRow + "> " + task.TaskUID + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + task.Title + "</td>"; string val = ""; //if(task.ProjectStatus.Name == "") // val = task.ProjectStatus.Name; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((task.ProjectStatus == null) ? " " : task.ProjectStatus.Name) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + task.Project.Name + "</td>"; messageBody += "</tr>"; } messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply this mail.</p><p>" + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = objOfuser.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Daily Task Status"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; mailerList.Add(mailer); } } return mailerList; }
/* Send Notification Email to the User if any update occur in task update */ public List<Mailer> NotificationEmail(long projectId, DateTime scheduleDt) { List<EmailSentStatus> lstEmailSent = unitofWork.EmailSentStatusRepository.All.Where(p => p.ScheduleTypeID == 1 && p.EmailSchedulerID == 4).ToList(); var maxSentDate = (from m in lstEmailSent select m.ScheduleDateTime).Max(); if (lstEmailSent.Count != 0) { //List<Notification> ListOfNotification = unitofWork.NotificationRepository.AllIncluding().Where(p => p.ActionDate > maxSentDate && p.ActionDate <= scheduleDt && p.ProjectID == projectId).ToList(); List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; foreach (UserProfile objOfuser in userList) { List<Notification> ListOfNotification = unitofWork.NotificationRepository.AllIncluding().Where(p => p.ActionDate > maxSentDate && p.ActionDate <= scheduleDt && p.ProjectID == projectId).ToList(); List<Notification> userTasksNotificationList = ListOfNotification.Where(p => p.Task.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == objOfuser.UserId) || p.Task.CreatedBy == objOfuser.UserId).ToList(); List<Task> userTask = unitofWork.TaskRepository.All.Where(p => (p.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == objOfuser.UserId) || p.CreatedBy == objOfuser.UserId) && p.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed").ToList(); //.Where(a => a.UserID == objOfuser.UserId).ToList(); List<Task> userTaskwithNoChange = userTask.Where(p => !userTasksNotificationList.Any(p2 => p2.TaskID == p.TaskID)).ToList(); string messageBody = string.Empty; if(userTaskwithNoChange.Count>0) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + objOfuser.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your Task Changes History is Given Below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th><th>Task Title</th><th>Change History</th><th>Modifying Date</th></tr>"; foreach (var Notificationlst in userTaskwithNoChange) { messageBody += "<tr>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.TaskUID == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.TaskUID) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Title == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Title) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> No Changes" + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.ActionDate + "</td>"; messageBody += "</tr>"; } messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply To this mail.</p><p>" + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = objOfuser.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Task Changes history Notification"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; mailerList.Add(mailer); } if (userTasksNotificationList.Count > 0) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + objOfuser.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your Task Changes History is Given Below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th><th>Task Title</th><th>Change History</th><th>Modifying Date</th></tr>"; foreach (var Notificationlst in userTasksNotificationList) { messageBody += "<tr>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Task == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Task.TaskUID) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Task == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Task.Title) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.Description + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.ActionDate + "</td>"; messageBody += "</tr>"; } messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply To this mail.</p><p>" + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = objOfuser.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Task Changes history Notification"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; mailerList.Add(mailer); } } return mailerList; } else { List<Notification> ListOfNotification = unitofWork.NotificationRepository.AllIncluding().Where(p =>p.ActionDate >= scheduleDt && p.ProjectID == projectId).ToList(); List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; foreach (UserProfile objOfuser in userList) { string messageBody = string.Empty; List<Notification> userTasksNotificationList = ListOfNotification.Where(a => a.UserID == objOfuser.UserId).ToList(); if (userTasksNotificationList.Count > 0) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + objOfuser.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your Task Changes History is Given Below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th><th>Task Title</th><th>Change History</th><th>Modifying Date</th></tr>"; foreach (var Notificationlst in userTasksNotificationList) { messageBody += "<tr>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Task == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Task.TaskUID) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Task == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Task.Title) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.Description + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.ActionDate + "</td>"; messageBody += "</tr>"; } messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply To this mail.</p><p>" + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = objOfuser.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Task Changes history Notification"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; mailerList.Add(mailer); } } return mailerList; } //List<Notification> ListOfNotification = unitofWork.NotificationRepository.AllIncluding().Where(p => p.ActionDate > maxSentDate && p.ActionDate <= scheduleDt && p.ProjectID == projectId).ToList(); //List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); //List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); //string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; //string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; //foreach (UserProfile objOfuser in userList) //{ // string messageBody = string.Empty; // List<Notification> userTasksNotificationList = ListOfNotification.Where(a => a.UserID == objOfuser.UserId).ToList(); // if(userTasksNotificationList.Count>0) // { // messageBody = "<b>Dear " + objOfuser.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your Task Changes History is Given Below</b><br>"; // messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th><th>Task Title</th><th>Description</th><th>Modifying Date</th></tr>"; // foreach(var Notificationlst in userTasksNotificationList) // { // messageBody += "<tr>"; // messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Task == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Task.TaskUID) + "</td>"; // messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((Notificationlst.Task == null) ? " " : Notificationlst.Task.Title) + "</td>"; // messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.Description + "</td>"; // messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + Notificationlst.ActionDate + "</td>"; // messageBody += "</tr>"; // } // messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply To this mail.</p><p>" // + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; // Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); // mailer.UseMailID = objOfuser.UserName; // mailer.MailSubject = "Task Changes history Notification"; // mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; // mailerList.Add(mailer); // } //} //return mailerList; }
/* Send a daily Task Status email to each user having tasks in projects, that are part of Sprints. It should be sent on a specific time setat the project level. */ public List<Mailer> DailyTaskStatus(EmailScheduler objEmailScheduler ) { List<Mailer> mailerList = new List<Mailer>(); List<Task> taskList = unitofWork.TaskRepository.AllIncludingForMail().Where(t => t.ProjectStatus.Name.ToLower() != "closed").ToList(); //List<UserProfile> userList = unitofWork.UserRepository.All(); //string emailbody = "style=\".emailTbl {border: 1px solid #000000;border-radius: 5px;margin: 0;padding: 0;width: 574px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:5px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:5px;border-bottom-left-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:5px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:5px;border-bottom-right-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius-topright:5px;-webkit-border-top-right-radius:5px;border-top-right-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:5px;border-top-left-radius:5px;}.emailTbl table{border-collapse: collapse;border-spacing: 0;width:100%;margin:0px;padding:0px;}.emailTbl tr:last-child td:last-child {-moz-border-radius-bottomright:5px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:5px;border-bottom-right-radius:5px;}.emailTbl table tr:first-child td:first-child {-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:5px;border-top-left-radius:5px;}.emailTbl table tr:first-child td:last-child {-moz-border-radius-topright:5px;-webkit-border-top-right-radius:5px;border-top-right-radius:5px;}.emailTbl tr:last-child td:first-child{-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:5px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:5px;border-bottom-left-radius:5px;}.emailTbl tr:hover td{}.emailTbl tr:nth-child(odd){ background-color:#e8edff; }.emailTbl tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#ffffff; }.emailTbl td{vertical-align:middle;border:1px solid #000000;border-width:0px 1px 1px 0px;text-align:left;padding:9px;font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:normal;color:#000000;}.emailTbl tr:last-child td{border-width:0px 1px 0px 0px;}.emailTbl tr td:last-child{border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px;}.emailTbl tr:last-child td:last-child{border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px;}.emailTbl tr:first-child td{background:-o-linear-gradient(bottom, #b9c9fe 5%, #b9c9fe 100%); background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #b9c9fe), color-stop(1, #b9c9fe) );background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #b9c9fe 5%, #b9c9fe 100% );filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#b9c9fe,endColorstr=#b9c9fe); background: -o-linear-gradient(top,#b9c9fe,b9c9fe);background-color:#b9c9fe;border:0px solid #000000;text-align:center;border-width:0px 0px 1px 1px;font-size:14px;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;color:#000000;}.emailTbl tr:first-child:hover td{background:-o-linear-gradient(bottom, #b9c9fe 5%, #b9c9fe 100%); background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #b9c9fe), color-stop(1, #b9c9fe) );background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #b9c9fe 5%, #b9c9fe 100% );filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#b9c9fe, endColorstr=#b9c9fe); background: -o-linear-gradient(top,#b9c9fe,b9c9fe);background-color:#b9c9fe;}.emailTbl tr:first-child td:first-child{border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px;}.emailTbl tr:first-child td:last-child{border-width:0px 0px 1px 1px;}\""; //string styleTable = "style=\"border-collapse: collapse;border-spacing: 0;width: 100%;margin: 0;padding: 0\""; //string styleTableRow = "style=\"background-color: #fff\""; //string styleTableData = "style=\"vertical-align: middle;border: 1px solid #000;border-width: 0 1px 1px 0;text-align: left;padding: 9px;font-size: 12px;font-family: Arial;font-weight: normal;color: #000\""; List<UserProfile> userList = new List<UserProfile>(); if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 1) //Task's user { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 2) // Task's Followers { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 3) //Task's Users & Followers { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 4) //Task's Creator & Followers { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 5) //Project's Users { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 6) //Task's Creator & Users { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 7) //Task's Creator & Users { List<UserProfile> userListByProject = GetAllUserByProjectId(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userList = userListByProject; } string styleTableHeader = "style= \"background-color:#0094ff; border:1px solid;\""; string styleGroupbyRow = "style= \"background-color:#57C0E1;\""; string styleTaskRow = "style= \"background-color:#A0D0FF;\""; foreach(UserProfile objOfuser in userList) { string messageBody = string.Empty; List<Task> userTaskList = new List<Task>(); if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 1) //Task's user { userTaskList= taskList.Where(a => a.Users.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId) && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID).ToList(); } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 2)// Task's Followers { userTaskList = taskList.Where(a => a.Followers.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId) && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID).ToList(); } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 3) //Task's Users & Followers { userTaskList = taskList.Where(a => a.Followers.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID) || (a.Users.Any(c => c.UserId == objOfuser.UserId && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID))).ToList(); } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 4) //Task's Creator & Followers { userTaskList = taskList.Where((a => a.CreatedBy == objOfuser.UserId && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID || a.Followers.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID))).ToList(); } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 5) //Project's Users { List<Task> tasklist = unitofWork.TaskRepository.AllTaskByIndividalProject(objEmailScheduler.ProjectID); userTaskList = tasklist.Where(a => a.Users.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId)).ToList(); } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 6) //Task's Creator & Users { userTaskList = taskList.Where((a => a.CreatedByUser == objOfuser && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID || a.Users.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId && a.ProjectID==objEmailScheduler.ProjectID))).ToList(); } else if (objEmailScheduler.RecipientUserType.Value == 7) //Task's Creator { userTaskList = taskList.Where(a => a.CreatedBy == objOfuser.UserId && a.ProjectID==objEmailScheduler.ProjectID).ToList(); } //taskList.Where(a => a.Users.Any(b => b.UserId == objOfuser.UserId) && a.ProjectID == objEmailScheduler.ProjectID).ToList(); if (userTaskList.Count > 0) { messageBody = "<b>Dear " + objOfuser.FirstName + "</b>,<br>" + "<b>Your Daily Tasks Status are given below</b><br>"; messageBody += "<table><tr " + styleTableHeader + "><th>Task ID</th> <th>Task Title</th> <th>Task Status</th> <th>Project</th></tr>"; foreach (var task in userTaskList) { messageBody += "<tr> "; messageBody += "<td " + styleTaskRow + "> " + task.TaskUID + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + task.Title + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + ((task.ProjectStatus == null) ? " " : task.ProjectStatus.Name) + "</td>"; messageBody += "<td " + styleGroupbyRow + "> " + task.Project.Name + "</td>"; messageBody += "</tr>"; } messageBody += "</table></div><br /><div style='float:left;'><p>We sent you this email because you signed up in PMTool and tasks are assigned to you. <br /> Please don't reply To this mail.</p><p>" + "Regards,<br />PMTool</p></div>"; Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.UseMailID = objOfuser.UserName; mailer.MailSubject = "Daily Task Status"; mailer.HtmlMailBody = messageBody; mailerList.Add(mailer); } } return mailerList; }