// constructor public AddEditEmployee(PL_GUI _parentWindow, IBL itsDepartmentBL, IBL itsEmployeeBL, bool _isAdd, Object _oldObj) { InitializeComponent(); parentWindow = _parentWindow; // Create departments list for choosing depID depID.ItemsSource = itsDepartmentBL.GetAll(); // Create Employees list for choosing supID List <Object> allEmployees = itsEmployeeBL.GetAll(); Employee def = new Employee(); def.Id = 0; allEmployees.Add(def); // gives an option to be an administrator isAdd = _isAdd; if (!isAdd) { loginDetails.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; AddEditTitle.Text = "Edit Employee"; AddEditButton.Content = "Edit Employee"; oldObj = _oldObj; allEmployees.Remove(((Employee)oldObj)); // prevents an option of employee being his own supervisor supID.ItemsSource = allEmployees; ResetToDefault(); } else { supID.ItemsSource = allEmployees; } }
// constructors public Login(IBL _userBL, PL_GUI _parentWindow) { InitializeComponent(); parentWindow = _parentWindow; userBL = (User_BL)_userBL; isEndProccess = true; }
// constructor public AddEditCustomer(Login _login, PL_GUI _parentWindow, bool _isRegister, bool _isAdd, Object _oldObj) { InitializeComponent(); login = _login; parentWindow = _parentWindow; isRegister = _isRegister; if (_isRegister) { title = "Register to E-MART"; } else { title = "Add Customer"; } customerForm.DataContext = title; isAdd = _isAdd; if (!isAdd) { loginDetails.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; AddEditTitle.Text = "Edit Customer"; AddEditButton.Content = "Edit Customer"; oldObj = _oldObj; ResetToDefault(); } if (isRegister) { backButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
private bool IsValid() { bool flag = true; if (isAdd) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(username.Text, "User name", 3); } if (flag && isAdd) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(password.Password, "Password", 3); } if (flag) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(firstName.Text, "First name", 1); } if (flag) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(lastName.Text, "Last name", 1); } if (flag) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(ID.Text, "ID", 0); } return(flag); }
private void SearchByRank(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.ComboboxValidate(rank, "Rank")) { Rank rnk; if (rank.Text.Equals("Administrator")) { rnk = Rank.Administrator; } else if (rank.Text.Equals("Manager")) { rnk = Rank.Manager; } else if (rank.Text.Equals("Worker")) { rnk = Rank.Worker; } else { rnk = Rank.Customer; } if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(TypeFields.rank, rnk, null, 4)) { this.Close(); } } }
// constructor public AddEditTransaction(PL_GUI _parentWindow, Object _oldObj) { InitializeComponent(); parentWindow = _parentWindow; oldObj = _oldObj; ResetToDefault(); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { depName, specificDepID, rangeDepID, fromDepID, toDepID }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { newPass }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { purchaseType, returnType, fromCurrentDate, toCurrentDate, specificCurrentDate, rangeCurrentDate, specificTranID, rangeTranID, fromTranID, toTranID, payment, specificPrdID, rangePrdID, fromPrdID, toPrdID }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { name, pType, specificDepID, rangeDepID, fromDepID, toDepID, specificPrice, rangePrice, fromPrice, toPrice, specificPrdID, rangePrdID, fromPrdID, toPrdID, pStatus, specificStockCount, rangeStockCount, fromStockCount, toStockCount }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { firstName, lastName, ID, specificDepID, rangeDepID, fromDepID, toDepID, specificSalary, rangeSalary, fromSalary, toSalary, specificSupID, rangeSupID, fromSupID, toSupID, male, female, rank }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { username, password }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { firstName, lastName, ID, specificMemberID, rangeMemberID, fromMemberID, toMemberID, specificTranID, rangeTranID, fromTranID, toTranID, male, female, fromDateOfBirth, toDateOfBirth, specificDateOfBirth, rangeDateOfBirth }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
private void ClearForm(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Control> lst = new List <Control>() { firstName, lastName, ID, specificTranID, rangeTranID, fromTranID, toTranID }; PL_GUI.ClearForm(lst); }
// constructor public View(PL_GUI _parentWindow, Object _oldObj, int _currentCategory, bool _isProfileWatch) { InitializeComponent(); parentWindow = _parentWindow; oldObj = _oldObj; viewMode.DataContext = oldObj; currentCategory = _currentCategory; isProfileWatch = _isProfileWatch; allViews = new Grid[8] { null, clubMemberView, customerView, departmentView, employeeView, productView, transactionView, userView }; allViews[currentCategory].Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (currentCategory == 1) { tranHistoryClubMember.DataContext = ((ClubMember)oldObj).TranHistory; } else if (currentCategory == 2) { tranHistoryCustomer.DataContext = ((Customer)oldObj).TranHistory; } else if (currentCategory == 6) { receipt.DataContext = ((Transaction)oldObj).Receipt; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// permissions ////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // self profile mode if (isProfileWatch) { // update headlines customerHeader.Text = "Customer - View your profile"; clubMemberHeader.Text = "Club Member - View your profile"; employeeHeader.Text = "Employee - View your profile"; // only administrator which can edit his own profile if (parentWindow.rank != 0) { editButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } // nobody can remove himself removeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } // watch record mode else // forbid edit/remove if there is no permission if (PL_GUI.allPermissions[parentWindow.rank][currentCategory] != 2) { editButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; removeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
private void SearchByDepName(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RegExp(depName.Text, "Department name", 1)) { if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(StringFields.name, depName.Text, null, 3)) { this.Close(); } } }
private bool IsValid() { bool flag = PL_GUI.ComboboxValidate(payment, "Payment method"); if (flag) { flag = PL_GUI.DoubleRadioValidate(purchaseType, returnType, "Transaction type"); } return(flag); }
private bool IsValid() { bool flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(username.Text, "User name", 3); if (flag) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(password.Password, "Password", 3); } return(flag); }
private void SearchByUserame(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RegExp(username.Text, "User name", 1)) { if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(StringFields.username, username.Text, null, 7)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByID(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RegExp(ID.Text, "ID", 0)) { if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.id, int.Parse(ID.Text), int.Parse(ID.Text), 2)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByName(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RegExp(name.Text, "Product name", 1)) { if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(StringFields.name, name.Text, null, 5)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByLastName(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RegExp(lastName.Text, "Last name", 1)) { if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(StringFields.lastName, lastName.Text, null, 2)) { this.Close(); } } }
// constructor public PurchaseWindow(PL_GUI _parentWindow, Object _buyer) { InitializeComponent(); parentWindow = _parentWindow; buyer = _buyer; canDrag = true; currentCart = new Dictionary <int, int>(); // initializing the dictionary with value 3="none" for each combobox currentTypes = new Dictionary <ComboBox, int>(3); currentTypes.Add(pType1, 3); currentTypes.Add(pType2, 3); currentTypes.Add(pType3, 3); // check if are there any products areThereAnyProducts = parentWindow.cats[5].GetAll().Any(); if (!areThereAnyProducts) { ProductGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; purchaseGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; previewBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; emptyStore.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } // bind the datagrid to currentList currentList = new ObservableCollection <Buyable>(); ProductGrid.DataContext = currentList; // bind the datagrid to shopping cart purchasesList = new ObservableCollection <Purchase>(); purchaseGrid.DataContext = purchasesList; if (buyer != null) { if (buyer is Customer) { myName.Text = "Name: " + ((Customer)buyer).FirstName + " " + ((Customer)buyer).LastName; if (((Customer)buyer).CreditCard != null) { cardNumber.Text = ((Customer)buyer).CreditCard.CreditNumber.ToString(); expDate.SelectedDate = ((Customer)buyer).CreditCard.ExpirationDate; } } else { myName.Text = "Name: " + ((Employee)buyer).FirstName + " " + ((Employee)buyer).LastName; toSaveVisa.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } else { toSaveVisa.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }
private void SearchByStockCount(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RangeSearchRegExp(fromStockCount.Text, toStockCount.Text, "Stock count", rangeStockCount, 2)) { int min = int.Parse(fromStockCount.Text); String max = toStockCount.Text; if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.stockCount, min, (max.Equals(String.Empty)) ? (min) : (int.Parse(max)), 5)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByTranID(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RangeSearchRegExp(fromTranID.Text, toTranID.Text, "Transaction ID", rangeTranID, 2)) { int min = int.Parse(fromTranID.Text); String max = toTranID.Text; if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.tranHistory, min, (max.Equals(String.Empty)) ? (min) : (int.Parse(max)), 2)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByDateOfBirth(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RangeSearchRegExp(fromDateOfBirth.Text, toDateOfBirth.Text, "Date of birth", rangeDateOfBirth, 4)) { int min = int.Parse(((DateTime)fromDateOfBirth.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); String max = toDateOfBirth.Text; if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.dateOfBirth, min, (max.Equals(String.Empty)) ? (min) : int.Parse(((DateTime)toDateOfBirth.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")), 1)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchBySupID(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RangeSearchRegExp(fromSupID.Text, toSupID.Text, "Supervisor ID", rangeSupID, 2)) { int min = int.Parse(fromSupID.Text); String max = toSupID.Text; if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.supervisiorID, min, (max.Equals(String.Empty)) ? (min) : (int.Parse(max)), 4)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByProductID(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RangeSearchRegExp(fromPrdID.Text, toPrdID.Text, "Product ID", rangePrdID, 2)) { int min = int.Parse(fromPrdID.Text); String max = toPrdID.Text; if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.productID, min, (max.Equals(String.Empty)) ? (min) : (int.Parse(max)), 5)) { this.Close(); } } }
private void SearchByDate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PL_GUI.RangeSearchRegExp(fromCurrentDate.Text, toCurrentDate.Text, "Date of transaction", rangeCurrentDate, 4)) { int min = int.Parse(((DateTime)fromCurrentDate.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); String max = toCurrentDate.Text; if (parentWindow.SearchDataEntity(IntFields.currentDate, min, (max.Equals(String.Empty)) ? (min) : int.Parse(((DateTime)toCurrentDate.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")), 1)) { this.Close(); } } }
public static bool RangeSearchRegExp(String txtMin, String txtMax, String field, RadioButton isRangeSearch, int check) { bool flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(txtMin, field, check); if (flag) { if (isRangeSearch.IsChecked == true) { flag = PL_GUI.RegExp(txtMax, "MAX " + field, check); } } return(flag); }