Esempio n. 1
 private void UpdateMemoryDisplay(object sender)
     if (sender == CB_CTMemory)
         int memory   = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex((ComboBox)sender);
         var memIndex = Memories.GetMemoryArgType(memory, pkm.GenNumber);
         var argvals  = MemStrings.GetArgumentStrings(memIndex);
         CB_CTVar.DataSource = new BindingSource(argvals, null);
         LCTV.Text           = TextArgs.GetMemoryCategory(memIndex, pkm.GenNumber);
         LCTV.Visible        = CB_CTVar.Visible = CB_CTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
         int memory   = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex((ComboBox)sender);
         var memIndex = Memories.GetMemoryArgType(memory, pkm.Format);
         var argvals  = MemStrings.GetArgumentStrings(memIndex);
         CB_OTVar.DataSource = new BindingSource(argvals, null);
         LOTV.Text           = TextArgs.GetMemoryCategory(memIndex, pkm.Format);
         LOTV.Visible        = CB_OTVar.Visible = CB_OTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
Esempio n. 2
        private void B_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Copy Bags
            byte[] bagarray   = new byte[12];
            int    emptyslots = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                string bag = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                if (Array.IndexOf(trba, bag) == 0)
                bagarray[i - emptyslots] = (byte)Array.IndexOf(trba, bag);
            try { BitConverter.GetBytes(float.Parse(TB_Time1.Text)).CopyTo(SAV.Data, offsetTime + (4 * 30)); } catch { }
            try { BitConverter.GetBytes(float.Parse(TB_Time2.Text)).CopyTo(SAV.Data, offsetTime + (4 * 31)); } catch { }
            BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_S2)).CopyTo(SAV.Data, offsetSpec + (4 * 30));
            bagarray.CopyTo(SAV.Data, SAV.SuperTrain + 0x308);
            Origin.SetData(SAV.Data, 0);
Esempio n. 3
        private void B_Close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int ofs = SAV.HoF;

            SAV.Data[ofs] &= 0xFE;
            SAV.Data[ofs] |= (byte)(CHK_Flag.Checked ? 1 : 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)NUD_Count.Value).CopyTo(SAV.Data, ofs + 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                int o   = ofs + 4 + i * 2;
                var cb  = entries[i];
                var val = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(cb);
                BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)val).CopyTo(SAV.Data, o);

            if (SAV.USUM)
                SAV.StarterEncryptionConstant = Util.GetHexValue(TB_EC.Text);

            Origin.SetData(SAV.Data, 0);
Esempio n. 4
        private void UpdateMemoryDisplay(object sender)
            int memory   = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex((ComboBox)sender);
            var memIndex = Memories.GetMemoryArgType(memory);
            var argvals  = GameInfo.Strings.Memories.GetArgumentStrings(memIndex);

            if (sender == CB_CTMemory)
                CB_CTVar.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
                CB_CTVar.ValueMember   = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
                CB_CTVar.DataSource    = argvals;
                LCTV.Text    = vartypes[(int)memIndex];
                LCTV.Visible = CB_CTVar.Visible = CB_CTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
                CB_OTVar.DisplayMember = nameof(ComboItem.Text);
                CB_OTVar.ValueMember   = nameof(ComboItem.Value);
                CB_OTVar.DataSource    = argvals;
                LOTV.Text    = vartypes[(int)memIndex];
                LOTV.Visible = CB_OTVar.Visible = CB_OTVar.Enabled = argvals.Count > 1;
Esempio n. 5
        private void UpdateSlotValue(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CurrentSlot == null)

            if (sender == CB_Species)
                CurrentSlot.Species          = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
                LB_Slots.Items[currentIndex] = GameInfo.Strings.Species[CurrentSlot.Species];
            else if (sender == CB_Move)
                CurrentSlot.Move = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move);
            else if (sender == CB_Gender)
                CurrentSlot.Gender = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Gender);
            else if (sender == CB_Form)
                CurrentSlot.Form = CB_Form.SelectedIndex;
            else if (sender == CHK_Invisible)
                CurrentSlot.Invisible = CHK_Invisible.Checked;
            else if (sender == NUD_Animation)
                CurrentSlot.Animation = (int)NUD_Animation.Value;

Esempio n. 6
        private void UpdateGender(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get Gender Threshold
            int species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
            var pi      = SAV.Personal[species];

            if (pi.IsDualGender)
                var fg = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text);
                fg = (fg ^ 1) & 1;
                Label_Gender.Text = Main.GenderSymbols[fg];
                var fg = pi.FixedGender;
                Label_Gender.Text = Main.GenderSymbols[fg];

            var g = PKX.GetGenderFromString(CB_Form.Text);

            if (g == 0 && Label_Gender.Text != gendersymbols[0])
                CB_Form.SelectedIndex = 1;
            else if (g == 1 && Label_Gender.Text != gendersymbols[1])
                CB_Form.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (species == (int)Species.Pyroar)
                CB_Form.SelectedIndex = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text);

            Write_Entry(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 7
File: Text.cs Progetto: 04sama/PKHeX
        private void B_ApplyTrash_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string species = SpeciesName.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species),
                WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language), (int) NUD_Generation.Value);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(species)) // no result
                species = CB_Species.Text;

            byte[] current = SetString(TB_Text.Text);
            byte[] data = SetString(species);
            if (data.Length <= current.Length)
                WinFormsUtil.Alert("Trash byte layer is hidden by current text.",
                    $"Current Bytes: {current.Length}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Layer Bytes: {data.Length}");
            if (data.Length > Bytes.Count)
                WinFormsUtil.Alert("Trash byte layer is too long to apply.");
            for (int i = current.Length; i < data.Length; i++)
                Bytes[i].Value = data[i];
Esempio n. 8
        private void UpdateNickname(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!CHK_Nicknamed.Checked)
                // Fetch Current Species and set it as Nickname Text
                int species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
                if (species == 0 || species > 721)
                    TB_Nickname.Text = "";
                        // get language
                        TB_Nickname.Text = PKX.GetSpeciesNameGeneration(species, SAV.Language, 6);
                    catch { }
            TB_Nickname.ReadOnly = !CHK_Nicknamed.Checked;

            Write_Entry(null, null);
Esempio n. 9
        private void SaveTrainerInfo()
            SAV.Game   = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 30);
            SAV.Gender = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.Money         = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);
            SAV.SubRegion     = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region);
            SAV.Country       = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
            SAV.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
            SAV.Language      = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);
            SAV.OT            = TB_OTName.Text;

            // Copy Position
            if (GB_Map.Enabled && MapUpdated)
                SAV.Situation.M = (int)NUD_M.Value;
                SAV.Situation.X = (float)NUD_X.Value;
                SAV.Situation.Z = (float)NUD_Z.Value;
                SAV.Situation.Y = (float)NUD_Y.Value;
                SAV.Situation.R = (float)NUD_R.Value;

            // Save PlayTime
            SAV.PlayedHours   = ushort.Parse(MT_Hours.Text);
            SAV.PlayedMinutes = ushort.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60;
            SAV.PlayedSeconds = ushort.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60;

            SAV.SecondsToStart = (uint)Util.GetSecondsFrom2000(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value, CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value);
            SAV.SecondsToFame  = (uint)Util.GetSecondsFrom2000(CAL_HoFDate.Value, CAL_HoFTime.Value);

            if (SAV.Played.LastSavedDate.HasValue)
                SAV.Played.LastSavedDate = new DateTime(CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Year, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Month, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Day, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Hour, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Minute, 0);
Esempio n. 10
        private SearchSettings GetSearchSettings()
            var settings = new SearchSettings
                Format     = SAV.Generation, // 0->(n-1) => 1->n
                Generation = SAV.Generation,

                Species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species),

                BatchInstructions = RTB_Instructions.Lines,


            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState != CheckState.Indeterminate)
                settings.SearchEgg = CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked;

Esempio n. 11
        private void SaveFields()
            // Save Region & Country Data
            if (pkm is IGeoTrack g)
                g.Geo1_Region  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region0);
                g.Geo2_Region  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region1);
                g.Geo3_Region  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region2);
                g.Geo4_Region  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region3);
                g.Geo5_Region  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region4);
                g.Geo1_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country0);
                g.Geo2_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country1);
                g.Geo3_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country2);
                g.Geo4_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country3);
                g.Geo5_Country = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country4);

            // Save 0-255 stats
            pkm.HT_Friendship = Util.ToInt32(M_CT_Friendship.Text);
            pkm.HT_Affection  = Util.ToInt32(M_CT_Affection.Text);
            pkm.OT_Friendship = Util.ToInt32(M_OT_Friendship.Text);
            pkm.OT_Affection  = Util.ToInt32(M_OT_Affection.Text);
            pkm.Fullness      = (byte)Util.ToInt32(M_Fullness.Text);
            pkm.Enjoyment     = (byte)Util.ToInt32(M_Enjoyment.Text);

            // Save Memories
            pkm.HT_Memory    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_CTMemory);
            pkm.HT_TextVar   = CB_CTVar.Enabled ? WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_CTVar) : 0;
            pkm.HT_Intensity = CB_CTFeel.Enabled ? CB_CTQual.SelectedIndex + 1 : 0;
            pkm.HT_Feeling   = CB_CTFeel.Enabled ? CB_CTFeel.SelectedIndex : 0;

            pkm.OT_Memory    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_OTMemory);
            pkm.OT_TextVar   = CB_OTVar.Enabled ? WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_OTVar) : 0;
            pkm.OT_Intensity = CB_OTFeel.Enabled ? CB_OTQual.SelectedIndex + 1 : 0;
            pkm.OT_Feeling   = CB_OTFeel.Enabled ? CB_OTFeel.SelectedIndex : 0;
Esempio n. 12
        private void Save()
            SAV.Game   = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 0x18);
            SAV.Gender = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.TID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_TID.Text);
            SAV.SID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_SID.Text);
            SAV.Money         = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);
            SAV.Region        = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region);
            SAV.Country       = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
            SAV.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
            SAV.Language      = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);

            SAV.OT = TB_OTName.Text;

            var status = SAV.Status;

            status.Saying1 = TB_Saying1.Text;
            status.Saying2 = TB_Saying2.Text;
            status.Saying3 = TB_Saying3.Text;
            status.Saying4 = TB_Saying4.Text;
            status.Saying5 = TB_Saying5.Text;

            // Copy Maison Data in
            if (SAV is ISaveBlock6Main xyao)
                for (int i = 0; i < MaisonBlock.MaisonStatCount; i++)
                    xyao.Maison.SetMaisonStat(i, ushort.Parse(MaisonRecords[i].Text));

            // Copy Position
            var sit = SAV.Situation;

            if (GB_Map.Enabled && MapUpdated)
                sit.M = (int)NUD_M.Value;
                sit.X = (float)NUD_X.Value;
                sit.Z = (float)NUD_Z.Value;
                sit.Y = (float)NUD_Y.Value;

            SAV.BP = ushort.Parse(TB_BP.Text);
            // Set Current PokéMiles
            SAV.SetRecord(63, Util.ToInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            // Set Max Obtained Pokémiles
            SAV.SetRecord(64, Util.ToInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            sit.Style = byte.Parse(TB_Style.Text);

            // Copy Badges
            int badgeval = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                badgeval |= (cba[i].Checked ? 1 : 0) << i;
            SAV.Badges = badgeval;

            // Save PlayTime
            SAV.PlayedHours   = ushort.Parse(MT_Hours.Text);
            SAV.PlayedMinutes = ushort.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60;
            SAV.PlayedSeconds = ushort.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60;

            // Sprite
            SAV.MultiplayerSpriteID = Convert.ToByte(CB_MultiplayerSprite.SelectedValue);

            // Appearance
            if (SAV is SAV6XY xy)
                var xystat = (MyStatus6XY)xy.Status;
                xystat.Fashion = (TrainerFashion6)PG_CurrentAppearance.SelectedObject;
                xystat.OT_Nick = TB_TRNick.Text;

            // Vivillon
            SAV.Vivillon = CB_Vivillon.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.SecondsToStart = (uint)DateUtil.GetSecondsFrom2000(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value, CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value);
            SAV.SecondsToFame  = (uint)DateUtil.GetSecondsFrom2000(CAL_HoFDate.Value, CAL_HoFTime.Value);

            if (SAV.Played.LastSavedDate.HasValue)
                SAV.Played.LastSavedDate = new DateTime(CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Year, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Month, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Day, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Hour, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Minute, 0);

            status.IsMegaEvolutionUnlocked = CHK_MegaUnlocked.Checked;
            status.IsMegaRayquazaUnlocked  = CHK_MegaRayquazaUnlocked.Checked;
Esempio n. 13
        // View Updates
        private void B_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Populate Search Query Result
            IEnumerable <MysteryGift> res = RawDB;

            int format = MAXFORMAT + 1 - CB_Format.SelectedIndex;

            switch (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;

            case 1: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format >= format); break;

            case 2: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format == format); break;

            case 3: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format <= format); break;

            // Primary Searchables
            int species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
            int item    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);

            if (species != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Species == species);
            if (item != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.HeldItem == item);

            // Secondary Searchables
            int move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
            int move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
            int move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
            int move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);

            if (move1 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move1));
            if (move2 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move2));
            if (move3 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move3));
            if (move4 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move4));
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsEgg);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsEgg);

            slotSelected = -1; // reset the slot last viewed

            if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Any(line => line.Length > 0))
                var raw =
                    .Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                    .Where(line => new[] { '!', '=' }.Contains(line[0]));

                var filters = (from line in raw
                               let eval = line[0] == '='
                                          let split = line.Substring(1).Split('=')
                                                      where split.Length == 2 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(split[0])
                                                      select new BatchEditor.StringInstruction {
                    PropertyName = split[0], PropertyValue = split[1], Evaluator = eval

                if (filters.Any(z => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(z.PropertyValue)))
                    WinFormsUtil.Error(MsgBEFilterEmpty); return;

                res = res.Where(gift => // Compare across all filters
                    foreach (var cmd in filters)
                        if (!gift.GetType().HasPropertyAll(cmd.PropertyName))
                        try { if (gift.GetType().IsValueEqual(gift, cmd.PropertyName, cmd.PropertyValue) == cmd.Evaluator)
                        catch { Debug.WriteLine($"Unable to compare {cmd.PropertyName} to {cmd.PropertyValue}."); }

            var results = res.ToArray();

            if (results.Length == 0)

            SetResults(new List <MysteryGift>(results)); // updates Count Label as well.
Esempio n. 14
        private void SetEntry(int index, int formIndex)
            if (!CanSave || Editing || index < 0 || formIndex < 0)

            var empty = IsEntryEmpty(index, formIndex);

            if (!CHK_Seen.Checked && empty)

            var species = DexToSpecies[index + 1];
            var form    = DisplayedForms[formIndex].Value;

            if (!empty)

            // Flags
            var seenWild   = 0;
            var obtain     = 0;
            var caughtWild = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < CHK_SeenWild.Length; i++)
                seenWild   |= CHK_SeenWild[i].Checked ? (1 << i) : 0;
                obtain     |= CHK_Obtained[i].Checked ? (1 << i) : 0;
                caughtWild |= CHK_CaughtWild[i].Checked ? (1 << i) : 0;

            Dex.SetPokeSeenInWildFlags(species, form, (byte)seenWild);
            Dex.SetPokeObtainFlags(species, form, (byte)obtain);
            Dex.SetPokeCaughtInWildFlags(species, form, (byte)caughtWild);

            // Display
            var dispForm = form;

            if (CB_DisplayForm.Enabled)
                dispForm = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_DisplayForm);

            Dex.SetSelectedGenderForm(species, dispForm, CHK_G.Checked, CHK_S.Checked, CHK_A.Checked);

            // Set research
            for (var i = 0; i < PokedexConstants8a.ResearchTasks[index].Length; i++)
                if (TaskControls[i].CanSetCurrentValue)
                    Dex.SetResearchTaskProgressByForce(species, TaskControls[i].Task, TaskControls[i].CurrentValue);

            // Statistics
            Dex.GetSizeStatistics(species, form, out _, out var oldMinHeight, out var oldMaxHeight, out var oldMinWeight, out var oldMaxWeight);

            if (!float.TryParse(TB_MinHeight.Text, out var minHeight))
                minHeight = oldMinHeight;

            if (!float.TryParse(TB_MaxHeight.Text, out var maxHeight))
                maxHeight = oldMaxHeight;

            if (!float.TryParse(TB_MinWeight.Text, out var minWeight))
                minWeight = oldMinWeight;

            if (!float.TryParse(TB_MaxWeight.Text, out var maxWeight))
                maxWeight = oldMaxWeight;

            Dex.SetSizeStatistics(species, form, CHK_MinAndMax.Checked, minHeight, maxHeight, minWeight, maxWeight);
Esempio n. 15
        private void Save()
            SAV.Game   = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 30);
            SAV.Gender = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.TID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_TID.Text);
            SAV.SID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_SID.Text);
            SAV.Money         = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);
            SAV.SubRegion     = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region);
            SAV.Country       = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
            SAV.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
            SAV.Language      = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);
            SAV.AlolaTime     = (ulong)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_AlolaTime);

            SAV.OT = TB_OTName.Text;

            // Copy Position
            if (GB_Map.Enabled && MapUpdated)
                SAV.M = (int)NUD_M.Value;
                SAV.X = (float)NUD_X.Value;
                SAV.Z = (float)NUD_Z.Value;
                SAV.Y = (float)NUD_Y.Value;
                SAV.R = (float)NUD_R.Value;

            // Save PlayTime
            SAV.PlayedHours   = ushort.Parse(MT_Hours.Text);
            SAV.PlayedMinutes = ushort.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60;
            SAV.PlayedSeconds = ushort.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60;

            int seconds = (int)(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            seconds           -= seconds % 86400;
            seconds           += (int)(CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToStart = seconds;

            int fame = (int)(CAL_HoFDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            fame -= fame % 86400;
            fame += (int)(CAL_HoFTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToFame = fame;

            if (SAV.LastSavedDate.HasValue)
                SAV.LastSavedDate = new DateTime(CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Year, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Month, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Day, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Hour, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Minute, 0);

            SAV.BP         = (uint)NUD_BP.Value;
            SAV.FestaCoins = (uint)NUD_FC.Value;

            // Poké Finder
            SAV.PokeFinderSnapCount        = (uint)NUD_SnapCount.Value;
            SAV.PokeFinderThumbsTotalValue = (uint)NUD_ThumbsTotal.Value;
            SAV.PokeFinderThumbsHighValue  = (uint)NUD_ThumbsRecord.Value;

            SAV.PokeFinderCameraVersion = (ushort)CB_CameraVersion.SelectedIndex;
            SAV.PokeFinderGyroFlag      = CHK_Gyro.Checked;

            // Battle Tree
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_RCStreak0.Value, 0, super: false, max: false);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_RCStreak1.Value, 1, super: false, max: false);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_RCStreak2.Value, 2, super: false, max: false);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_RMStreak0.Value, 0, super: false, max: true);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_RMStreak1.Value, 1, super: false, max: true);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_RMStreak2.Value, 2, super: false, max: true);

            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_SCStreak0.Value, 0, super: true, max: false);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_SCStreak1.Value, 1, super: true, max: false);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_SCStreak2.Value, 2, super: true, max: false);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_SMStreak0.Value, 0, super: true, max: true);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_SMStreak1.Value, 1, super: true, max: true);
            SAV.SetTreeStreak((int)NUD_SMStreak2.Value, 2, super: true, max: true);

            // Skin changed && (gender matches || override)
            int    gender = CB_Gender.SelectedIndex & 1;
            int    skin   = CB_SkinColor.SelectedIndex & 1;
            string gStr   = CB_Gender.Items[gender].ToString();
            string sStr   = CB_Gender.Items[skin].ToString();

            if (SAV.DressUpSkinColor != CB_SkinColor.SelectedIndex &&
                (SAV.Gender == skin || DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Gender-Skin mismatch:\nGender: {gStr}, Skin: {sStr}", "Save selected Skin Color?")))
                SAV.DressUpSkinColor = CB_SkinColor.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.FestivalPlazaName = TB_PlazaName.Text;

            // Vivillon
            if (CB_Vivillon.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                SAV.Vivillon = CB_Vivillon.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.DaysFromRefreshed     = (byte)NUD_DaysFromRefreshed.Value;
            SAV.BallThrowType         = CB_BallThrowType.SelectedIndex;
            SAV.BallThrowTypeUnlocked = (byte)GetBits(LB_BallThrowTypeUnlocked);
            SAV.BallThrowTypeLearned  = (byte)GetBits(LB_BallThrowTypeLearned);
            SAV.Stamps = GetBits(LB_Stamps);

            byte btsu = 0;

            if (CHK_UnlockSuperSingles.Checked)
                btsu |= 1;
            if (CHK_UnlockSuperDoubles.Checked)
                btsu |= 1 << 1;
            if (CHK_UnlockSuperMulti.Checked)
                btsu |= 1 << 2;
            SAV.BattleTreeSuperUnlocked = btsu;

            SAV.MegaUnlocked = CHK_UnlockMega.Checked;
Esempio n. 16
        private void Write_Entry(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!editing)
                return; //Don't do writing until loaded

            int index       = LB_DataEntry.SelectedIndex;
            int partymember = Convert.ToInt32(NUP_PartyIndex.Value) - 1;
            int offset      = (index * 0x1B4) + (partymember * 0x48);

            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Species.SelectedValue)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x00);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x02);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move1.SelectedValue)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x04);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move2.SelectedValue)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x06);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move3.SelectedValue)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x08);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(CB_Move4.SelectedValue)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x0A);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.GetHexValue(TB_EC.Text)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x0C);

            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(TB_TID.Text)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x10);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(TB_SID.Text)).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x12);

            uint rawslgf = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x14);
            uint slgf    = 0;

            slgf |= (uint)(CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F);
            slgf |= (uint)((PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text) & 0x3) << 5);
            slgf |= (uint)((Convert.ToUInt16(TB_Level.Text) & 0x7F) << 7);
            if (CHK_Shiny.Checked)
                slgf |= 1 << 14;

            slgf |= rawslgf & 0x8000;
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(slgf), 0, data, offset + 0x14, 2);

            uint nick = 0;

            if (CHK_Nicknamed.Checked)
                nick = 1;
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(nick), 0, data, offset + 0x16, 2);

            //Mimic in-game behavior of not clearing strings. It's awful, but accuracy > good.
            string pk = TB_Nickname.Text; if (pk.Length != 12)
                pk = pk.PadRight(pk.Length + 1, '\0');
            string ot = TB_OT.Text; if (ot.Length != 12)

                ot = ot.PadRight(pk.Length + 1, '\0');

            Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pk).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x18);
            Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(ot).CopyTo(data, offset + 0x30);

            offset = index * 0x1B4;

            uint vnd  = 0;
            uint date = 0;

            vnd  |= Convert.ToUInt32(TB_VN.Text) & 0xFF;
            date |= (uint)((CAL_MetDate.Value.Year - 2000) & 0xFF);
            date |= (uint)((CAL_MetDate.Value.Month & 0xF) << 8);
            date |= (uint)((CAL_MetDate.Value.Day & 0x1F) << 12);
            vnd  |= (date & 0x1FFFF) << 14;
            //Fix for top bit
            uint rawvnd = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, offset + 0x1B0);

            vnd |= rawvnd & 0x80000000;
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(vnd), 0, data, offset + 0x1B0, 4);

            var species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
            var form    = CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F;
            var gender  = PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text);
            var item    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);

            bpkx.Image = SpriteUtil.GetSprite(species, form, gender, 0, item, false, CHK_Shiny.Checked);
            DisplayEntry(this, EventArgs.Empty); // refresh text view
Esempio n. 17
        private void ChangeMemory(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComboBox m = (ComboBox)sender;

            if (m == CB_CTMemory || m == CB_OTMemory)
                int memory = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(m);
                switch (memory) // Memory Case Switchtable
                case 0: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 1: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 2: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 3: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 4: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 5: GetMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;

                case 6: GetMemoryArguments("LOCATION", m); break;

                case 7: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 8: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 9: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 10: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 11: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 12: GetMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;

                case 13: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 14: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 15: GetMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;

                case 16: GetMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;

                case 17: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 18: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 19: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 20: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 21: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 22: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 23: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 24: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 25: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 26: GetMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;

                case 27: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 28: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 29: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 30: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 31: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 32: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 33: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 34: GetMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;

                case 35: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 36: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 37: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 38: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 39: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 40: GetMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;

                case 41: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 42: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 43: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 44: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 45: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 46: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 47: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 48: GetMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;

                case 49: GetMemoryArguments("MOVE", m); break;

                case 50: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 51: GetMemoryArguments("ITEM", m); break;

                case 52: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 53: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 54: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 55: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 56: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 57: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 58: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 59: GetMemoryArguments("GENLOC", m); break;

                case 60: GetMemoryArguments("PKM", m); break;

                case 61: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 62: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 63: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                case 64: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

                default: GetMemoryArguments("NONE", m); break;

            if (!init)
            RTB_OT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_OTMemory, CB_OTVar, CB_OTQual, CB_OTFeel, pkm.OT_Name);
            RTB_CT.Text = GetMemoryString(CB_CTMemory, CB_CTVar, CB_CTQual, CB_CTFeel, pkm.HT_Name);
        private void Save()
            SAV.Game   = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 0x18);
            SAV.Gender = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.TID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_TID.Text);
            SAV.SID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_SID.Text);
            SAV.Money         = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);
            SAV.SubRegion     = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region);
            SAV.Country       = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
            SAV.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
            SAV.Language      = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);

            SAV.OT = TB_OTName.Text;

            SAV.Saying1 = TB_Saying1.Text;
            SAV.Saying2 = TB_Saying2.Text;
            SAV.Saying3 = TB_Saying3.Text;
            SAV.Saying4 = TB_Saying4.Text;
            SAV.Saying5 = TB_Saying5.Text;

            // Copy Maison Data in
            if (SAV.MaisonStats > -1)
                for (int i = 0; i < MaisonRecords.Length; i++)
                    SAV.SetMaisonStat(i, ushort.Parse(MaisonRecords[i].Text));

            // Copy Position
            if (GB_Map.Enabled && MapUpdated)
                SAV.M = (int)NUD_M.Value;
                SAV.X = (float)NUD_X.Value;
                SAV.Z = (float)NUD_Z.Value;
                SAV.Y = (float)NUD_Y.Value;

            SAV.BP = ushort.Parse(TB_BP.Text);
            // Set Current PokéMiles
            SAV.SetRecord(63, Util.ToInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            // Set Max Obtained Pokémiles
            SAV.SetRecord(64, Util.ToInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            SAV.Style = byte.Parse(TB_Style.Text);

            // Copy Badges
            int badgeval = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                badgeval |= (cba[i].Checked ? 1 : 0) << i;
            SAV.Badges = badgeval;

            // Save PlayTime
            SAV.PlayedHours   = ushort.Parse(MT_Hours.Text);
            SAV.PlayedMinutes = ushort.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60;
            SAV.PlayedSeconds = ushort.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60;

            // Sprite
            SAV.MultiplayerSpriteID = Convert.ToByte(CB_MultiplayerSprite.SelectedValue);

            // Appearance
            if (SAV.XY)
                // Save Clothing Data
                var obj = (TrainerFashion6)propertyGrid1.SelectedObject;
                obj.Write(SAV.Data, SAV.TrainerCard + 0x30);

                SAV.OT_Nick = TB_TRNick.Text;

            // Vivillon
            SAV.Vivillon = CB_Vivillon.SelectedIndex;

            uint seconds = (uint)(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            seconds           -= seconds % 86400;
            seconds           += (uint)(CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToStart = seconds;

            uint fame = (uint)(CAL_HoFDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            fame -= fame % 86400;
            fame += (uint)(CAL_HoFTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToFame = fame;

            if (SAV.LastSavedDate.HasValue)
                SAV.LastSavedDate = new DateTime(CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Year, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Month, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Day, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Hour, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Minute, 0);

            SAV.IsMegaEvolutionUnlocked = CHK_MegaUnlocked.Checked;
            SAV.IsMegaRayquazaUnlocked  = CHK_MegaRayquazaUnlocked.Checked;
Esempio n. 19
        public void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string pokegenfolder = "Gen Files\\";

            PictureBox[] pba =
                C_SAV.Box.bpkx1,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx2,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx3,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx4,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx5,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx6,
                C_SAV.Box.bpkx7,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx8,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx9,  C_SAV.Box.bpkx10, C_SAV.Box.bpkx11, C_SAV.Box.bpkx12,
                C_SAV.Box.bpkx13, C_SAV.Box.bpkx14, C_SAV.Box.bpkx15, C_SAV.Box.bpkx16, C_SAV.Box.bpkx17, C_SAV.Box.bpkx18,
                C_SAV.Box.bpkx19, C_SAV.Box.bpkx20, C_SAV.Box.bpkx21, C_SAV.Box.bpkx22, C_SAV.Box.bpkx23, C_SAV.Box.bpkx24,
                C_SAV.Box.bpkx25, C_SAV.Box.bpkx26, C_SAV.Box.bpkx27, C_SAV.Box.bpkx28, C_SAV.Box.bpkx29, C_SAV.Box.bpkx30

            Image standardImage = pba[0].Image;

            int minB = 1;
            int maxB = 31;

            if (!singleFiles)
            if (savExtraction)
                minB = int.Parse(minBox);
                maxB = int.Parse(maxBox);
                C_SAV.Box.CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = minB - 1;

            Dictionary <string, string> metDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(pokegenfolder + "gold");

            foreach (FileInfo f in d.GetFiles())
                if (f.Name.Contains("Ho-Oh"))
                    if (!metDict.ContainsKey("ho-oh"))
                        metDict.Add("ho-oh", f.FullName);
                    string filename = f.Name.Substring(f.Name.IndexOf("-") + 1);
                    filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.IndexOf("-")).Trim();
                    if (!metDict.ContainsKey(filename.ToLower()))
                        metDict.Add(filename.ToLower(), f.FullName);

            int count = 0;

            foreach (Pokemon p in pkms)
                ComboItem i = new ComboItem();
                i.Text = null;
                string poke =;
                poke = poke.Replace("'", "’");
                poke = poke.Replace("-Mega", "");

                if (savExtraction)
                    if (count == 30)
                        if (C_SAV.Box.CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex == maxB - 1)
                            MessageBox.Show("Stopped at " + poke + ", since the boxes are fully stretched!");
                        count = 0;
                    if (!ContextMenuSAV.ClickViewChange(pba[count], null))
                        bool stop = false;
                        while (ContextMenuSAV.ClickViewChange(pba[count], null))
                            if (count == 30)
                                if (C_SAV.Box.CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex == maxB - 1)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Stopped at " + poke + ", since the boxes are fully stretched!");
                                    stop = true;
                                count = 0;
                        if (stop)

                string item = p.item;
                if (item.Equals("BlackGlasses"))
                    item = "Black Glasses";
                if (item.Equals("NeverMeltIce"))
                    item = "Never-Melt Ice";
                if (item.Equals("BrightPowder"))
                    item = "Bright Powder";
                item = item.Replace("'", "’");
                string ability = p.ability;
                if (ability.Equals("Lightningrod"))
                    ability = "Lightning Rod";
                string nature = p.nature;
                string hptype = null;
                string move1  = (p.moves.Count > 0) ? p.moves[0] : "(None)";
                if (move1.Contains("Hidden Power"))
                    hptype = move1.Substring(13);
                    move1  = "Hidden Power";
                string move2 = (p.moves.Count > 1) ? p.moves[1] : "(None)";
                if (move2.Contains("Hidden Power"))
                    hptype = move2.Substring(13);
                    move2  = "Hidden Power";
                string move3 = (p.moves.Count > 2) ? p.moves[2] : "(None)";
                if (move3.Contains("Hidden Power"))
                    hptype = move3.Substring(13);
                    move3  = "Hidden Power";
                string move4 = (p.moves.Count > 3) ? p.moves[3] : "(None)";
                if (move4.Contains("Hidden Power"))
                    hptype = move4.Substring(13);
                    move4  = "Hidden Power";

                //fixing double moves
                if ((move1 != "(None)" && (move1.Equals(move2) || move1.Equals(move3) || move1.Equals(move4))) || (move2 != "(None)" && (move2.Equals(move3) || move2.Equals(move4))) || (move3 != "(None)" && move3.Equals(move4)))

                //fixing King's Shield (King’s Shield)
                move1 = move1.Replace("'", "’");
                move2 = move2.Replace("'", "’");
                move3 = move3.Replace("'", "’");
                move4 = move4.Replace("'", "’");

                string pokemonlower = poke.ToLower();
                bool   special      = false;

                //fixing Mewtwo + Unnerve and all other Event Mons
                if (poke.Equals("Mewtwo") && ability.Equals("Unnerve"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["mewtwo (unnerve)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Jirachi") && (move1.Contains("Heart Stamp") || move2.Contains("Heart Stamp") || move3.Contains("Heart Stamp") || move4.Contains("Heart Stamp")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["jirachi (heart stamp)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Jirachi") && (move1.Contains("Play Rough") || move2.Contains("Play Rough") || move3.Contains("Play Rough") || move4.Contains("Play Rough")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["jirachi (heart stamp)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Zapdos") && ability.Equals("Static"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["zapdos (static)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Thundurus") && ability.Equals("Defiant"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["thundurus (defiant)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Entei") && (move1.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move2.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move3.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move4.Contains("Extreme Speed")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["entei (espeed)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Tauros") && (move1.Contains("Rock Climb") || move2.Contains("Rock Climb") || move3.Contains("Rock Climb") || move4.Contains("Rock Climb")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["tauros (rock climb)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Tauros") && (move1.Contains("Body Slam") || move2.Contains("Body Slam") || move3.Contains("Body Slam") || move4.Contains("Body Slam")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["tauros (body slam)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Celebi") && (move1.Contains("Nasty Plot") || move2.Contains("Nasty Plot") || move3.Contains("Nasty Plot") || move4.Contains("Nasty Plot")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["celebi (nasty plot)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Heatran") && (move1.Contains("Eruption") || move2.Contains("Eruption") || move3.Contains("Eruption") || move4.Contains("Eruption")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["heatran (eruption)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Jirachi") && (move1.Contains("Follow Me") || move2.Contains("Follow Me") || move3.Contains("Follow Me") || move4.Contains("Follow Me")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["jirachi (follow me)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Raikou") && (move1.Contains("Aura Sphere") || move2.Contains("Aura Sphere") || move3.Contains("Aura Sphere") || move4.Contains("Aura Sphere")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["raikou (aura sphere)"]);
                else if (poke.Contains("Dusk") && (move1.Contains("Helping Hand") || move2.Contains("Helping Hand") || move3.Contains("Helping Hand") || move4.Contains("Helping Hand")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["duskull (helping hand)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Lunatone") && (move1.Contains("Baton Pass") || move2.Contains("Baton Pass") || move3.Contains("Baton Pass") || move4.Contains("Baton Pass")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["lunatone (baton pass)"]);
                else if (poke.Contains("Toge") && (move1.Contains("Helping Hand") || move2.Contains("Helping Hand") || move3.Contains("Helping Hand") || move4.Contains("Helping Hand")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["togepi (helping hand)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Rapidash") && (move1.Contains("Baton Pass") || move2.Contains("Baton Pass") || move3.Contains("Baton Pass") || move4.Contains("Baton Pass")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["rapidash (baton pass)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Salamence") && (move1.Contains("Refresh") || move2.Contains("Refresh") || move3.Contains("Refresh") || move4.Contains("Refresh")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["salamence (refresh)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Moltres") && (move1.Contains("Morning Sun") || move2.Contains("Morning Sun") || move3.Contains("Morning Sun") || move4.Contains("Morning Sun")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["moltres (morning sun)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Moltres") && ability.Contains("Flame Body"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["moltres (flame body)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Blastoise") && (move1.Contains("Celebate") || move2.Contains("Celebate") || move3.Contains("Celebate") || move4.Contains("Celebate")))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["blastoise (celebrate)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Gengar") && (move1.Contains("Sludge Wave") || move2.Contains("Sludge Wave") || move3.Contains("Sludge Wave") || move4.Contains("Sludge Wave")))
                    special = true;
                else if (poke.Equals("Lycanroc") && ability.Contains("Tough Claws"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["lycanroc (dusk)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Rockruff") && ability.Contains("Own Tempo"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["rockruff (dusk)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Zygarde-10%"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["zygarde (10%)"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Type: Null"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(metDict["type null"]);
                else if (poke.Equals("Gengar"))
                else if (poke.Contains("Totem"))
                    special = true;
                    mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "totem.pk7");
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> met in metDict)
                        if (pokemonlower.Contains(met.Key))
                            special = true;

                if (!special)
                    if (move1.Equals("Soft-Boiled") || move2.Equals("Soft-Boiled") || move3.Equals("Soft-Boiled") || move4.Equals("Soft-Boiled"))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "softboiled.ek6");
                    else if (((move1.Equals("Wish") || move2.Equals("Wish") || move3.Equals("Wish") || move4.Equals("Wish"))) && (poke.Contains("Chansey") || poke.Contains("Blissey") || poke.Contains("Hypno") || poke.Contains("Lickilicky")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "softboiled.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Double-Edge") || move2.Equals("Double-Edge") || move3.Equals("Double-Edge") || move4.Equals("Double-Edge")) && (poke.Contains("Doduo") || poke.Contains("Dodrio") || poke.Contains("Glalie") || poke.Contains("Tauros")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "softboiled.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Counter") || move2.Equals("Counter") || move3.Equals("Counter") || move4.Equals("Counter")) && (poke.Contains("Geodude") || poke.Contains("Golem")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "softboiled.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Body Slam") || move2.Equals("Body Slam") || move3.Equals("Body Slam") || move4.Equals("Body Slam")) && (poke.Contains("Dunsparce")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "softboiled.ek6");
                    else if (!gen7 && (move1.Equals("Defog") || move2.Equals("Defog") || move3.Equals("Defog") || move4.Equals("Defog")) && !poke.Contains("Mandibuzz") && !poke.Contains("Vullaby") && !poke.Contains("Braviary") && !poke.Contains("Golbat") && !poke.Contains("Crobat") && !poke.Contains("Archeops") && !poke.Contains("Archen") && !poke.Contains("Swanna") && !poke.Contains("Ducklett") && !poke.Contains("Zubat") && !poke.Contains("Pidgey") && !poke.Contains("Scizor") && !poke.Contains("Dartrix") && !poke.Contains("Decidueye") && !poke.Contains("Fomantis") && !poke.Contains("Lurantis") && !poke.Contains("Rowlet"))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Tailwind") || move2.Equals("Tailwind") || move3.Equals("Tailwind") || move4.Equals("Tailwind")) && poke.Contains("Lumineon"))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Bullet Seed") || move2.Equals("Bullet Seed") || move3.Equals("Bullet Seed") || move4.Equals("Bullet Seed")) && (poke.Contains("Cacturne") || poke.Contains("Ludicolo") || poke.Contains("Torterra")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Sucker Punch") || move2.Equals("Sucker Punch") || move3.Equals("Sucker Punch") || move4.Equals("Sucker Punch")) && (poke.Contains("Geodude") || poke.Contains("Golem") || poke.Contains("Hitmonlee") || poke.Contains("Hitmontop") || poke.Contains("Shiftry") || poke.Contains("Victreebel")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Vacuum Wave") || move2.Equals("Vacuum Wave") || move3.Equals("Vacuum Wave") || move4.Equals("Vacuum Wave")) && (poke.Contains("Infernape") || poke.Contains("Poliwrath")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Whirlpool") || move2.Equals("Whirlpool") || move3.Equals("Whirlpool") || move4.Equals("Whirlpool")) && (poke.Contains("Seel")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Sucker Punch") || move2.Equals("Sucker Punch") || move3.Equals("Sucker Punch") || move4.Equals("Sucker Punch")) && (poke.Contains("Lanturn")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "defog.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Work Up") || move2.Equals("Work Up") || move3.Equals("Work Up") || move4.Equals("Work Up")) && (poke.Contains("Togepi") || poke.Contains("Exploud")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "workup.ek6");
                    else if ((move1.Equals("Refresh") || move2.Equals("Refresh") || move3.Equals("Refresh") || move4.Equals("Refresh")) && (poke.Contains("Pidgeot") || poke.Contains("Salamence")))
                        mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "refresh.ek6");
                        if (gen7)
                            // Gen 7
                            mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "sunmoon.pk7");
                            // Gen 6
                            mainMenuOpen(pokegenfolder + "oras.ekx.ek6");

                if (p.level != null && int.Parse(PKME_Tabs.TB_MetLevel.Text) > int.Parse(p.level))
                    PKME_Tabs.TB_MetLevel.Text = p.level;

                if (PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.Items.Count != 0)
                    PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.SelectedIndex = 0;

                string[] evs = p.evs.Split('/');
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Species.Items)
                    if (poke.Contains(items.Text))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_Species.SelectedItem = i;
                PKME_Tabs.TB_Nickname.Text        = i.Text;
                if (p.level != null)
                    PKME_Tabs.TB_Level.Text = p.level;
                    PKME_Tabs.TB_Level.Text = "100";

                if (poke.Contains("-"))
                    string extension = ((poke.Split('-'))[1]).Trim();
                    if (poke.Contains("-Totem"))
                        extension = "Large";
                    bool b = false;

                    while (PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.SelectedIndex < PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.Items.Count - 1)
                        string text = PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.SelectedItem.ToString().Substring(PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.SelectedItem.ToString().IndexOf("=") + 1);
                        if (text.Contains(","))
                            text = text.Substring(0, text.IndexOf(","));
                        text = text.Trim();
                        if (text.Contains(extension))
                            b = true;
                    if (!b)
                        PKME_Tabs.CB_Form.SelectedIndex = 0;

                i.Text = null;
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_HeldItem.Items)
                    if (item.Contains(items.Text))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_HeldItem.SelectedItem = i;

                i.Text = null;
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Ability.Items)
                    if (items.Text.Contains(ability))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                if (i.Text == null)
                    if (!ability.Equals(""))
                        while (true)
                            bool b = false;
                            foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Ability.Items)
                                if (items.Text.Contains(ability))
                                    PKME_Tabs.CB_Ability.SelectedItem = items;
                                    b = true;
                            if (b)
                                int   species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(PKME_Tabs.CB_Species);
                                int[] mspec   =     // XY
                                    003, 009, 065, 094, 115, 127, 130, 142, 181, 212, 214, 229, 248, 257, 282, 303, 306, 308, 310, 354, 359, 380, 381, 445, 448, 460,
                                    // ORAS
                                    015, 018, 080, 208, 254, 260, 302, 319, 323, 334, 362, 373, 376, 384, 428, 475, 531, 719,
                                if (Array.IndexOf(mspec, species) > -1 || ((species == 6) || (species == 150)))
                    if (poke.Equals("Registeel"))
                        PKME_Tabs.CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    else if (poke.Contains("Kyurem"))
                        PKME_Tabs.CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        PKME_Tabs.CB_Ability.SelectedItem = i;

                if (nature != null)
                    i.Text = null;
                    foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Nature.Items)
                        if (items.Text.Contains(nature))
                            if (i.Text != null)
                                if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                    i = items;
                                i = items;
                    PKME_Tabs.CB_Nature.SelectedItem = i;

                i.Text = null;
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Move1.Items)
                    if (items.Text.Equals(move1))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_Move1.SelectedItem = i;

                i.Text = null;
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Move2.Items)
                    if (items.Text.Equals(move2))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_Move2.SelectedItem = i;

                i.Text = null;
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Move3.Items)
                    if (items.Text.Equals(move3))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_Move3.SelectedItem = i;

                i.Text = null;
                foreach (ComboItem items in PKME_Tabs.CB_Move4.Items)
                    if (items.Text.Equals(move4))
                        if (i.Text != null)
                            if (i.Text.Length < items.Text.Length)
                                i = items;
                            i = items;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_Move4.SelectedItem = i;

                // Make PP Max
                PKME_Tabs.CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex = 3;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex = 3;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex = 3;
                PKME_Tabs.CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex = 3;

                // IVs
                PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV.Text  = "31";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "31";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "31";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "31";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "31";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = "31";

                if (hptype != null)
                    if (hptype.Contains("Fighting"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Flying"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV.Text  = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Poison"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Ground"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Rock"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Bug"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Ghost"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Steel"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Fire"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Water"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Grass"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV.Text  = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Electric"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Psychic"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Ice"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = "30";
                    else if (hptype.Contains("Dragon"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = "30";

                if (int.Parse(PKME_Tabs.TB_Level.Text) == 100)
                    PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_HP = (PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV.Text != "31");
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV, e);
                    PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_ATK = (PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text != "31");
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV, e);
                    PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_DEF = (PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text != "31");
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV, e);
                    PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_SPA = (PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text != "31");
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV, e);
                    PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_SPD = (PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text != "31");
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV, e);
                    PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_SPE = (PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text != "31");
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV, e);

                    if (p.ivs != null)
                        string[] ivs = p.ivs.Split('/');

                        foreach (string iv in ivs)
                            if (iv.Contains("HP"))
                                PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_HP = false;
                                PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV, e);
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("HP")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("Atk"))
                                PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_ATK = false;
                                PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV, e);
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("Atk")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("Def"))
                                PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_DEF = false;
                                PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV, e);
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("Def")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("SpA"))
                                PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_SPA = false;
                                PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV, e);
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("SpA")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("SpD"))
                                PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_SPD = false;
                                PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV, e);
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("SpD")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("Spe"))
                                PKME_Tabs.pkm.HT_SPE = false;
                                PKME_Tabs.UpdateIVs(PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV, e);
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("Spe")).Trim();
                    if (p.ivs != null)
                        string[] ivs = p.ivs.Split('/');

                        foreach (string iv in ivs)
                            if (iv.Contains("HP"))
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_HPIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("HP")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("Atk"))
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("Atk")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("Def"))
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("Def")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("SpA"))
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("SpA")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("SpD"))
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("SpD")).Trim();
                            else if (iv.Contains("Spe"))
                                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEIV.Text = iv.Substring(0, iv.IndexOf("Spe")).Trim();

                // EVs
                PKME_Tabs.TB_HPEV.Text  = "0";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKEV.Text = "0";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFEV.Text = "0";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAEV.Text = "0";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDEV.Text = "0";
                PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEEV.Text = "0";

                foreach (string ev in evs)
                    if (ev.Contains("HP"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_HPEV.Text = ev.Substring(0, ev.IndexOf("HP")).Trim();
                    else if (ev.Contains("Atk"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_ATKEV.Text = ev.Substring(0, ev.IndexOf("Atk")).Trim();
                    else if (ev.Contains("Def"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_DEFEV.Text = ev.Substring(0, ev.IndexOf("Def")).Trim();
                    else if (ev.Contains("SpA"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPAEV.Text = ev.Substring(0, ev.IndexOf("SpA")).Trim();
                    else if (ev.Contains("SpD"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPDEV.Text = ev.Substring(0, ev.IndexOf("SpD")).Trim();
                    else if (ev.Contains("Spe"))
                        PKME_Tabs.TB_SPEEV.Text = ev.Substring(0, ev.IndexOf("Spe")).Trim();

                if (p.gender != null)
                    if (p.gender == "m")
                        PKME_Tabs.Label_Gender.Text = PKME_Tabs.gendersymbols[0];
                        PKME_Tabs.Label_Gender.Text = PKME_Tabs.gendersymbols[1];

                if (p.happiness != null)
                    PKME_Tabs.TB_Friendship.Text = p.happiness;
                    PKME_Tabs.TB_Friendship.Text = "255";

                if (p.nickname != null)
                    PKME_Tabs.CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = true;
                    PKME_Tabs.TB_Nickname.Text      = p.nickname;

                PKME_Tabs.ClickMoves(PKME_Tabs.GB_RelearnMoves, null);

                if ((!poke.Contains("Genesect") && !(move1.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move2.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move3.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move4.Contains("Extreme Speed"))) && (!poke.Contains("Entei") && !(move1.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move2.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move3.Contains("Extreme Speed") || move4.Contains("Extreme Speed"))) && (!poke.Contains("Raikou") && !(move1.Contains("Aura Sphere") || move2.Contains("Aura Sphere") || move3.Contains("Aura Sphere") || move4.Contains("Aura Sphere"))))
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateRandomPID(PKME_Tabs.BTN_RerollPID, null);
                if (p.shiny)
                    PKME_Tabs.UpdateShinyPID(null, null);

                if (singleFiles)
                else if ((!singleFiles && !savExtraction) || savExtraction)
                    ContextMenuSAV.ClickSet(pba[count], null);
                    ContextMenuSAV.ClickView(pba[count], null);
                    ContextMenuSAV.ClickSet(pba[count], null);

            if (!singleFiles && !savExtraction)
                if (!extractPath.Trim().EndsWith("\\") && !extractPath.Trim().EndsWith("/"))
                    extractPath = extractPath + "\\";
                File.WriteAllBytes(extractPath + "boxdata.bin", C_SAV.SAV.GetBoxBinary(C_SAV.Box.CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex));
            else if (savExtraction)

Esempio n. 20
 private void B_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Result = (GameVersion)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Game);
Esempio n. 21
        public SettingsEditor(object obj, params string[] blacklist)
            SettingsObject = obj ?? Settings.Default;

            WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.CurrentLanguage);
            // reorder checkboxes
            var checkboxes = FLP_Settings.Controls.OfType <CheckBox>().OrderBy(z => z.Text).ToList();
            var ctr        = 0;

            foreach (var c in checkboxes)
                FLP_Settings.Controls.SetChildIndex(c, ctr++);

            if (obj is Settings s)
                var noSelectVersions = new[] { GameVersion.GO };
                CB_Blank.DataSource            = GameInfo.VersionDataSource.Where(z => !noSelectVersions.Contains((GameVersion)z.Value)).ToList();
                CB_Blank.SelectedValue         = (int)s.DefaultSaveVersion;
                CB_Blank.SelectedValueChanged += (_, __) => s.DefaultSaveVersion = (GameVersion)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Blank);
                FLP_Blank.Visible = false;

            PG_Color.SelectedObject = Main.Draw;
Esempio n. 22
        private void Save()
            SAV.Game   = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 0x18);
            SAV.Gender = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.TID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_TID.Text);
            SAV.SID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_SID.Text);
            SAV.Money         = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);
            SAV.SubRegion     = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Region);
            SAV.Country       = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Country);
            SAV.ConsoleRegion = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_3DSReg);
            SAV.Language      = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Language);

            SAV.OT = TB_OTName.Text;

            SAV.Saying1 = TB_Saying1.Text;
            SAV.Saying2 = TB_Saying2.Text;
            SAV.Saying3 = TB_Saying3.Text;
            SAV.Saying4 = TB_Saying4.Text;
            SAV.Saying5 = TB_Saying5.Text;

            // Copy Maison Data in
            if (SAV.MaisonStats > -1)
                for (int i = 0; i < MaisonRecords.Length; i++)
                    SAV.SetMaisonStat(i, ushort.Parse(MaisonRecords[i].Text));

            // Copy Position
            if (GB_Map.Enabled && MapUpdated)
                SAV.M = (int)NUD_M.Value;
                SAV.X = (float)NUD_X.Value;
                SAV.Z = (float)NUD_Z.Value;
                SAV.Y = (float)NUD_Y.Value;

            SAV.BP = ushort.Parse(TB_BP.Text);
            // Set Current PokéMiles
            SAV.SetPSSStat(0xFC / 4, Util.ToUInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            // Set Max Obtained Pokémiles
            SAV.SetPSSStat(0x100 / 4, Util.ToUInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            SAV.Style = byte.Parse(TB_Style.Text);

            // Copy Badges
            int badgeval = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                badgeval |= (cba[i].Checked ? 1 : 0) << i;
            SAV.Badges = badgeval;

            // Save PlayTime
            SAV.PlayedHours   = ushort.Parse(MT_Hours.Text);
            SAV.PlayedMinutes = ushort.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60;
            SAV.PlayedSeconds = ushort.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60;

            // Sprite
            SAV.MultiplayerSpriteID = Convert.ToByte(CB_MultiplayerSprite.SelectedValue);

            // Appearance
            if (SAV.XY)
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x30] = byte.Parse(MT_14030.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x31] = (byte)(byte.Parse(MT_HairColor.Text) | (byte.Parse(MT_Hat.Text) << 3));
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x32] = byte.Parse(MT_14032.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x33] = byte.Parse(MT_14033.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x34] = byte.Parse(MT_14034.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x35] = byte.Parse(MT_14035.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x36] = byte.Parse(MT_14036.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x37] = byte.Parse(MT_14037.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x38] = byte.Parse(MT_14038.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x39] = byte.Parse(MT_14039.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3A] = byte.Parse(MT_1403A.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3B] = byte.Parse(MT_1403B.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3C] = byte.Parse(MT_1403C.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3D] = byte.Parse(MT_1403D.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3E] = byte.Parse(MT_1403E.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3F] = byte.Parse(MT_1403F.Text);

                SAV.OT_Nick = TB_TRNick.Text;

            // Vivillon
            SAV.Vivillon = CB_Vivillon.SelectedIndex;

            int seconds = (int)(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            seconds           -= seconds % 86400;
            seconds           += (int)(CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToStart = seconds;

            int fame = (int)(CAL_HoFDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            fame -= fame % 86400;
            fame += (int)(CAL_HoFTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToFame = fame;

            if (SAV.LastSavedDate.HasValue)
                SAV.LastSavedDate = new DateTime(CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Year, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Month, CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Day, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Hour, CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Minute, 0);

            SAV.IsMegaEvolutionUnlocked = CHK_MegaUnlocked.Checked;
Esempio n. 23
        // View Updates
        private void B_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Populate Search Query Result
            IEnumerable <MysteryGift> res = RawDB;

            int format = MAXFORMAT + 1 - CB_Format.SelectedIndex;

            switch (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;

            case 1: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format >= format); break;

            case 2: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format == format); break;

            case 3: res = res.Where(mg => mg.Format <= format); break;

            // Primary Searchables
            int species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
            int item    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);

            if (species != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Species == species);
            if (item != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.HeldItem == item);

            // Secondary Searchables
            int move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
            int move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
            int move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
            int move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);

            if (move1 != -1)
                res = res.Where(mg => mg.HasMove(move1));
            if (move2 != -1)
                res = res.Where(mg => mg.HasMove(move2));
            if (move3 != -1)
                res = res.Where(mg => mg.HasMove(move3));
            if (move4 != -1)
                res = res.Where(mg => mg.HasMove(move4));
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsEgg);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsEgg);

            slotSelected = -1; // reset the slot last viewed

            if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Any(line => line.Length > 0))
                var filters = StringInstruction.GetFilters(RTB_Instructions.Lines).ToArray();
                res = res.Where(pkm => BatchEditing.IsFilterMatch(filters, pkm)); // Compare across all filters

            var results = res.ToArray();

            if (results.Length == 0)

            SetResults(new List <MysteryGift>(results)); // updates Count Label as well.
Esempio n. 24
        // View Updates
        private IEnumerable <PKM> SearchDatabase()
            // Populate Search Query Result
            IEnumerable <PKM> res = RawDB;

            // Filter for Selected Source
            if (!Menu_SearchBoxes.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Identifier.StartsWith(DatabasePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringComparison.Ordinal));
            if (!Menu_SearchDatabase.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.Identifier.StartsWith(DatabasePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.Identifier.StartsWith(EXTERNAL_SAV, StringComparison.Ordinal));

            int format = MAXFORMAT + 1 - CB_Format.SelectedIndex;
            switch (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;

            case 1: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format >= format); break;

            case 2: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format == format); break;

            case 3: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format <= format); break;
            if (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex != 0)
                if (format <= 2) // 1-2
                    res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format <= 2);
                if (format >= 3 && format <= 6) // 3-6
                    res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format >= 3);
                if (format >= 7) // 1,3-6,7
                    res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format != 2);

            switch (CB_Generation.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;

            case 1: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen7); break;

            case 2: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen6); break;

            case 3: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen5); break;

            case 4: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen4); break;

            case 5: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen3); break;

            // Primary Searchables
            int species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
            int ability = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Ability);
            int nature  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Nature);
            int item    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);
            if (species != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Species == species);
            if (ability != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Ability == ability);
            if (nature != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Nature == nature);
            if (item != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.HeldItem == item);

            // Secondary Searchables
            int move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
            int move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
            int move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
            int move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);
            if (move1 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move1));
            if (move2 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move2));
            if (move3 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move3));
            if (move4 != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Contains(move4));
            int vers = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin);
            if (vers != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Version == vers);
            int hptype = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HPType);
            if (hptype != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.HPType == hptype);
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsEgg);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsEgg);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked && MT_ESV.Text != "")
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.PSV == Convert.ToInt16(MT_ESV.Text));

            // Tertiary Searchables
            res = FilterByLVL(res, CB_Level.SelectedIndex, TB_Level.Text);
            res = FilterByIVs(res, CB_IV.SelectedIndex);
            res = FilterByEVs(res, CB_EVTrain.SelectedIndex);

            slotSelected = -1; // reset the slot last viewed

            if (Menu_SearchLegal.Checked && !Menu_SearchIllegal.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => new LegalityAnalysis(pk).ParsedValid);
            if (!Menu_SearchLegal.Checked && Menu_SearchIllegal.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => new LegalityAnalysis(pk).ParsedInvalid);

            if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Any(line => line.Length > 0))
                var filters = BatchEditor.StringInstruction.GetFilters(RTB_Instructions.Lines).ToArray();
                res = res.Where(pkm => // Compare across all filters
                    foreach (var cmd in filters)
                        if (cmd.PropertyName == nameof(PKM.Identifier) + "Contains")
                        if (!pkm.GetType().HasPropertyAll(cmd.PropertyName))
                        try { if (pkm.GetType().IsValueEqual(pkm, cmd.PropertyName, cmd.PropertyValue) == cmd.Evaluator)
                        catch { Debug.WriteLine($"Unable to compare {cmd.PropertyName} to {cmd.PropertyValue}."); }

            if (Menu_SearchClones.Checked)
                res = res.GroupBy(Hash).Where(group => group.Count() > 1).SelectMany(z => z);

Esempio n. 25
        // View Updates
        private IEnumerable <PKM> SearchDatabase()
            // Populate Search Query Result
            IEnumerable <PKM> res = RawDB;

            // Filter for Selected Source
            if (!Menu_SearchBoxes.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Identifier.StartsWith(DatabasePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringComparison.Ordinal));
            if (!Menu_SearchDatabase.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.Identifier.StartsWith(DatabasePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.Identifier.StartsWith(EXTERNAL_SAV, StringComparison.Ordinal));

            int format = MAXFORMAT + 1 - CB_Format.SelectedIndex;
            switch (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;

            case 1: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format >= format); break;

            case 2: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format == format); break;

            case 3: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format <= format); break;
            if (CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex != 0)
                if (format <= 2) // 1-2
                    res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format <= 2);
                if (format >= 3 && format <= 6) // 3-6
                    res = res.Where(pk => pk.Format >= 3);

            switch (CB_Generation.SelectedIndex)
            case 0: /* Do nothing */ break;

            case 1: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen7); break;

            case 2: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen6); break;

            case 3: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen5); break;

            case 4: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen4); break;

            case 5: res = res.Where(pk => pk.Gen3); break;

            // Primary Searchables
            int species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species);
            int ability = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Ability);
            int nature  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Nature);
            int item    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem);
            if (species != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Species == species);
            if (ability != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Ability == ability);
            if (nature != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Nature == nature);
            if (item != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.HeldItem == item);

            // Secondary Searchables
            int move1 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move1);
            int move2 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move2);
            int move3 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move3);
            int move4 = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Move4);
            var moves = new[] { move1, move2, move3, move4 }.Where(z => z > 0).ToList();
            int count = moves.Count;
            if (count > 0)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Moves.Intersect(moves).Count() == count);
            int vers = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin);
            if (vers != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.Version == vers);
            int hptype = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HPType);
            if (hptype != -1)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.HPType == hptype);
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsShiny);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.IsEgg);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !pk.IsEgg);
            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked && int.TryParse(MT_ESV.Text, out int esv))
                res = res.Where(pk => pk.PSV == esv);

            // Tertiary Searchables
            res = FilterByLVL(res, CB_Level.SelectedIndex, TB_Level.Text);
            res = FilterByIVs(res, CB_IV.SelectedIndex);
            res = FilterByEVs(res, CB_EVTrain.SelectedIndex);

            slotSelected = -1; // reset the slot last viewed

            if (Menu_SearchLegal.Checked && !Menu_SearchIllegal.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => new LegalityAnalysis(pk).Valid);
            if (!Menu_SearchLegal.Checked && Menu_SearchIllegal.Checked)
                res = res.Where(pk => !new LegalityAnalysis(pk).Valid);

            if (RTB_Instructions.Lines.Any(line => line.Length > 0))
                var filters = StringInstruction.GetFilters(RTB_Instructions.Lines).ToArray();
                res = res.Where(pkm => BatchEditing.IsFiltered(filters, pkm)); // Compare across all filters

            if (Menu_SearchClones.Checked)
                res = res.GroupBy(Hash).Where(group => group.Count() > 1).SelectMany(z => z);

Esempio n. 26
        public SettingsEditor(object obj)

            if (obj is PKHeXSettings s)
                var noSelectVersions = new[] { GameVersion.GO };
                CB_Blank.DataSource            = GameInfo.VersionDataSource.Where(z => !noSelectVersions.Contains((GameVersion)z.Value)).ToList();
                CB_Blank.SelectedValue         = (int)s.Startup.DefaultSaveVersion;
                CB_Blank.SelectedValueChanged += (_, __) => s.Startup.DefaultSaveVersion = (GameVersion)WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Blank);
                CB_Blank.SelectedIndexChanged += (_, __) => BlankChanged = true;
                B_Reset.Click += (x, e) => DeleteSettings();
                FLP_Blank.Visible = false;
                B_Reset.Visible   = false;

Esempio n. 27
        private SearchSettings GetSearchSettings()
            var settings = new SearchSettings
                Format       = MAXFORMAT - CB_Format.SelectedIndex + 1, // 0->(n-1) => 1->n
                SearchFormat = (SearchComparison)CB_FormatComparator.SelectedIndex,
                Generation   = CB_Generation.SelectedIndex,

                Version         = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_GameOrigin),
                HiddenPowerType = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HPType),

                Species = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species),
                Ability = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Ability),
                Nature  = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Nature),
                Item    = WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem),

                BatchInstructions = RTB_Instructions.Lines,

                Level       = int.TryParse(TB_Level.Text, out var lvl) ? (int?)lvl : null,
                SearchLevel = (SearchComparison)CB_Level.SelectedIndex,
                EVType      = CB_EVTrain.SelectedIndex,
                IVType      = CB_IV.SelectedIndex,


            if (CHK_Shiny.CheckState != CheckState.Indeterminate)
                settings.SearchShiny = CHK_Shiny.CheckState == CheckState.Checked;

            if (CHK_IsEgg.CheckState != CheckState.Indeterminate)
                settings.SearchEgg = CHK_IsEgg.CheckState == CheckState.Checked;
                if (int.TryParse(MT_ESV.Text, out int esv))
                    settings.ESV = esv;

            if (Menu_SearchLegal.Checked != Menu_SearchIllegal.Checked)
                settings.SearchLegal = Menu_SearchLegal.Checked;

            if (Menu_SearchClones.Checked)
                switch (ModifierKeys)
                case Keys.Control:
                    settings.SearchClones = CloneDetectionMethod.HashPID;

                    settings.SearchClones = CloneDetectionMethod.HashDetails;

Esempio n. 28
        private void UpdateShiny(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!editing)
                return; //Don't do writing until loaded
            bpkx.Image = PKMUtil.GetSprite(WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_Species), CB_Form.SelectedIndex & 0x1F, PKX.GetGenderFromString(Label_Gender.Text), WinFormsUtil.GetIndex(CB_HeldItem), false, CHK_Shiny.Checked);

            Write_Entry(null, null);