Esempio n. 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Play a wave file.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="curDevice">Hardware device to use for playback</param>
            /// <param name="fileName">Name of file to play</param>
            /// <param name="hwnd">Handle to a message window to use for messaging</param>
            /// <param name="bufferSize">Size of streaming buffers, a 0 value specifies
            /// that the buffer should be created big enough to fit the entire file</param>
            /// <param name="volLeft">Left channel volume level</param>
            /// <param name="volRight">Right channel volume level</param>
            /// <returns>MMSYSERR.NOERROR if successful</returns>
            public Wave.MMSYSERR Play(uint curDevice, String fileName, IntPtr hwnd, int bufferSize, ushort volLeft, ushort volRight)
                if (m_playing)

                if (!File.Exists(fileName))

                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

                if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0)
                    fi.Attributes -= FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

                FileStream strm = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);

                if (strm == null)

                m_rdr = new BinaryReader(strm);
                if (m_rdr == null)

                m_wfmt = new Wave.WAVEFORMATEX();

                // Read in the WAVEFORMATEX structure and attempt to open the
                // device for playback.

                Wave.MMSYSERR result = waveOutOpen(ref m_hwo, curDevice, m_wfmt, hwnd, 0, Wave.CALLBACK_WINDOW);
                if (result != Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR)

                m_dataLength = (uint)(m_rdr.BaseStream.Length - Wave.WAVEFORMATEX.WF_OFFSET_DATA);

                if (bufferSize == 0)
                    m_bufferSize = (int)m_dataLength;
                    m_bufferSize = bufferSize / 2;

                if (m_bufferSize % m_wfmt.nBlockAlign != 0)
                    m_bufferSize += m_wfmt.nBlockAlign - (m_bufferSize % m_wfmt.nBlockAlign);

                // Determine the number of buffer reads required to play the entire
                // file
                m_numBlocks = (int)(m_dataLength / m_bufferSize);
                if ((m_numBlocks * m_bufferSize) < m_dataLength)

                m_whdr[0] = new Wave.WAVEHDR();
                m_whdr[1] = new Wave.WAVEHDR();

                // Read in the first buffer
                result = ReadBuffer(0);
                if (result != Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR)

                // If the entire file fits in the buffer then close the file
                if (m_numBlocks == 1)
                    m_rdr = null;

                SetVolume(volLeft, volRight);

                // Start playback of the first buffer
                result = waveOutWrite(m_hwo, m_whdr[0], (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(m_whdr[0]));
                if (result != Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR)

                m_curBlock = 0;

                // Create the second buffer.  If the audio is being streamed, this will
                // be the next audio block, otherwise it will be padding
                Thread loadThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoadBuffer));


                m_playing = true;

Esempio n. 2
 private static extern Wave.MMSYSERR waveOutWrite(IntPtr hwo, Wave.WAVEHDR pwh, uint cbwh);
Esempio n. 3
 private static extern Wave.MMSYSERR waveOutUnprepareHeader(IntPtr hwo, Wave.WAVEHDR pwh, uint cbwh);
Esempio n. 4
			/// <summary>
			/// Play a wave file.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="curDevice">Hardware device to use for playback</param>
			/// <param name="fileName">Name of file to play</param>
			/// <param name="hwnd">Handle to a message window to use for messaging</param>
			/// <param name="bufferSize">Size of streaming buffers, a 0 value specifies
			/// that the buffer should be created big enough to fit the entire file</param>
			/// <param name="volLeft">Left channel volume level</param>
			/// <param name="volRight">Right channel volume level</param>
			/// <returns>MMSYSERR.NOERROR if successful</returns>
			public Wave.MMSYSERR Play(uint curDevice, String fileName, IntPtr hwnd, int bufferSize, ushort volLeft, ushort volRight)
				if (m_playing)
					return Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR;

				if (!File.Exists(fileName))
					return Wave.MMSYSERR.ERROR;

				FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
				if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0)
					fi.Attributes -= FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

				FileStream strm = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
				if (strm == null)
					return Wave.MMSYSERR.ERROR;

				m_rdr = new BinaryReader(strm);
				if (m_rdr == null)
					return Wave.MMSYSERR.ERROR;

				m_wfmt = new Wave.WAVEFORMATEX();

				// Read in the WAVEFORMATEX structure and attempt to open the
				// device for playback.

				Wave.MMSYSERR result = waveOutOpen(ref m_hwo, curDevice, m_wfmt, hwnd, 0, Wave.CALLBACK_WINDOW);
				if (result != Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR)
					return result;

				m_dataLength = (uint)(m_rdr.BaseStream.Length - Wave.WAVEFORMATEX.WF_OFFSET_DATA);

				if (bufferSize == 0)
					m_bufferSize = (int)m_dataLength;
					m_bufferSize = bufferSize / 2;

				if (m_bufferSize % m_wfmt.nBlockAlign != 0)
					m_bufferSize += m_wfmt.nBlockAlign - (m_bufferSize % m_wfmt.nBlockAlign);

				// Determine the number of buffer reads required to play the entire
				// file
				m_numBlocks = (int)(m_dataLength / m_bufferSize);
				if ((m_numBlocks * m_bufferSize) < m_dataLength)

				m_whdr[0] = new Wave.WAVEHDR();
				m_whdr[1] = new Wave.WAVEHDR();

				// Read in the first buffer
				result = ReadBuffer(0);
				if (result != Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR)
					return result;

				// If the entire file fits in the buffer then close the file
				if (m_numBlocks == 1)
					m_rdr = null;

				SetVolume(volLeft, volRight);

				// Start playback of the first buffer
				result = waveOutWrite(m_hwo, m_whdr[0], (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(m_whdr[0]));
				if (result != Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR)
					return result;

				m_curBlock = 0;

				// Create the second buffer.  If the audio is being streamed, this will
				// be the next audio block, otherwise it will be padding
				Thread loadThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoadBuffer));

				m_playing = true;

				return Wave.MMSYSERR.NOERROR;