private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string pi_no = (sender as Button).Tag.ToString(); PIViewModel clickPI = piList.First(pi => pi.PI_NO == pi_no); if (clickPI == null || !clickPI.LAMPOn) { return; } string query = string.Format(@"update lt_pi_loc set send_yn = 'P', upd_date = getdate() where pi_no = '{0}' and send_yn = 'T'", clickPI.PI_NO); this.FnPILogSelect(query); clickPI.LAMPOn = false; clickPI.CNT = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void threadBCU() { while (this.isRunBCUThread) { string log = string.Empty; try { //BCU로 받을 데이터 확인 Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff - SEND 시작")); //새로운 Row 검색 (N) //DataTable piNewRow = BCUHelper.Instance.FnPILogSelect(0, null, "N", null, UICommon.ConfigHelper.Instance.BCUNo); //PI에서 저장된 새로운 ROW 체크 //PI에서 저장된 새로운 ROW 체크 string strQuery = string.Format(@"SELECT pc_no, pi_no, pick_no,pi_log_data, send_yn, auto_yn FROM lt_pi_loc (nolock) where bcu_no = '{0}' and send_yn = 'N' order by upd_date, convert(int, pi_no)", this.BCUNO); DataTable piNewRow = this.FnPILogSelect(strQuery); //PI에서 저장된 새로운 ROW 체크 foreach (DataRow row in piNewRow.Rows) { Thread.Sleep(20); BCUInfo logInfo = new BCUInfo(row["pi_log_data"].ToString(), "seq_non"); PIViewModel onPi = piList.First(pi => pi.PI_NO == logInfo.PI_No); if (onPi == null) { continue; } onPi.LAMPOn = (logInfo.PI_LampAttribute == 64) ? false : true; onPi.CNT = logInfo.Send_Data.Replace(" ", ""); strQuery = string.Format(@"update lt_pi_loc set send_yn = '{1}', upd_date = getdate() where pi_no ='{0}' and send_yn ='N'", logInfo.PI_No, (row["auto_yn"].ToString() == "Y") ? "Y" : "T"); piNewRow = this.FnPILogSelect(strQuery); //PI에서 저장된 새로운 ROW 체크 } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastq)) // this.WorkMessageAdd("마지막REQUEES" + lastq); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!this.isRunBCUThread) { return; } Console.WriteLine("tmBCU_Tick - " + ex.ToString()); } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(log.Trim())) { Console.WriteLine("Interface - " + log); } if (this.BCUThread != null) { this.BCUThread.Join(500); } } } }