Esempio n. 1
        private void GetData_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            db myDb = new db();

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            object[] sites = myDb.getSites();

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            if (sites != null)

            // Test mode
            dtpFrom.Text = "1 July 2006 10:00";
            dtpTo.Text   = "31 December 2006 11:00";
            //if (lbxSites.Items.Count >= 8)
            //    lbxSites.SelectedIndex = 8;
            lbxSites.SelectedItem = "BPMT.US.OR.00007";
Esempio n. 2
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            db       myDb   = new db();
            string   site   = lbxSites.SelectedItem.ToString();
            DateTime dtFrom = dtpFrom.Value;
            DateTime dtTo   = dtpTo.Value;


            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            Error frmError = new Error();

            frmError.Title        = "Progress";
            frmError.ErrorMsg     = "Downloading data from PI Sever";
            frmError.btnOkVisible = false;


            // ADODB Test Idea
            //ADODB.Connection adoCn = new ADODB.Connection();

            //adoCn.Provider = "PIOLEDB";

            //DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();

            //OleDbDataAdapter objAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(@"SELECT tag, [time], [value] FROM piarchive..picomp2 where tag = 'BPMT.US.OR.00007.DCL.29.WD.341.Avg' and time = '2006-07-01 10:00'", myDb.OLEConnection);

            //objAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "PIData");

            //DataView objDataView = new DataView(objDataSet.Tables["PIData"]);
            // End Test Idea

            List <PITagData> data = myDb.GetDataForSite(site, dtFrom, dtTo, false, true);

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            //int row;
            int    col     = 1;
            int    i       = 1;
            string lastTag = String.Empty;

            List <String>   cellRange     = new List <String>();
            List <DateTime> dateTimeRange = new List <DateTime>();

            Excel.Range dataRange = (Excel.Range)_ws.Cells[1, 1];


            frmError                    = new Error();
            frmError.Title              = "Progress";
            frmError.ErrorMsg           = "Populating spreadsheet";
            frmError.btnOkVisible       = false;
            frmError.progressBarVisible = true;
            frmError.progressBarMaximum = data.Count;


            foreach (PITagData d in data)
                // update progress bar every 100 items
                // this is to prevent too much slowdown
                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    frmError.progressBarValue = i;

                if (d.Tag != lastTag)
                    // If this is the first tag, no need to flush cos
                    if (lastTag != String.Empty)
                        // We are on a new tag - flush the buffer to the spreadsheet

                        Object[,] excelArrayData = new Object[cellRange.Count, 1];

                        if (col == 2)
                            // Better put the date/times in
                            int dateLoop = 0;
                            foreach (DateTime item in dateTimeRange)
                                excelArrayData[dateLoop++, 0] = item;
                            dataRange              = (Excel.Range)_ws.Cells[2, 1]; // First position of datetime data
                            dataRange              = dataRange.get_Resize(cellRange.Count, 1);
                            dataRange.Value2       = excelArrayData;
                            dataRange.NumberFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm";

                        int loop = 0;
                        foreach (Object item in cellRange)
                            excelArrayData[loop++, 0] = item;

                        dataRange        = (Excel.Range)_ws.Cells[1, col];
                        dataRange        = dataRange.get_Resize(cellRange.Count, 1);
                        dataRange.Value2 = excelArrayData;

                        // Make sure it doesn't try to auto format the cells
                        dataRange.NumberFormat = "@";

                        excelArrayData = null;  // Hopefully save some memory by forcing garbage collection

                    // reset
                    //row = 1;


                // Only store time in when we are in col 2, i.e. the first column of data
                if (col == 2)


                lastTag = d.Tag;

            // Put marker in cell [1, 1] to indicate it is a grid of data
            _ws.Cells[1, 1] = "PI Data Grid";

            // Name the worksheet, so we can reload the data
                _ws.Name = site;
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Could not name the spreadsheet {0}.  This will need to be done manually if the data is to be uploaded", site));

            // set column A to a set width so we can see the datatime stamps properly, rather than #####
            Excel.Range range = (Excel.Range)_ws.Cells[1, 1];
            range.ColumnWidth = 20;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;


            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - startTime;

            //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Populate spreadsheet: {0} minutes {1} seconds", duration.Minutes, duration.Seconds));

Esempio n. 3
 private void updatePIAndIncrCount(string piDateTime, string piTag, string piVal, ref int updateCount, ref int failCount, db myDb)
     if (piTag != string.Empty && piDateTime != string.Empty && piVal != string.Empty)
         if (myDb.updateData(piTag, piDateTime, piVal, true))
Esempio n. 4
        private void updatePIData()
            Excel.Range range        = null;
            string      piRef        = string.Empty;
            string      piDateTime   = string.Empty;
            string      piTag        = string.Empty;
            string      piInstrument = string.Empty;
            int         piTagStart   = 0;
            int         piTagEnd     = 0;
            string      piVal        = string.Empty;
            int         row          = 1;
            int         updateCount  = 0;
            int         failCount    = 0;

            bool dataUnchanged = false;

            long appCalc = (long)Application.Calculation;

            Application.Calculation    = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual;
            Application.ScreenUpdating = false;
            Application.EnableEvents   = false;
            Application.DisplayAlerts  = false;

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            db myDb = new db();

            ws = (Excel.Worksheet) this.Application.ActiveSheet;

            // Get initial cell
            range = (Excel.Range)ws.Cells[row, 1];
            piRef = (string)range.Formula;



            // Is it a PI Data Grid?
            if (range.Text.ToString() == "PI Data Grid")
                StringBuilder megaSQL = new StringBuilder();
                //bool blockUpdateSuccess = false;

                // get ws name, this is the PI towername
                string piTower = ws.Name;

                // check it looks like a PI tower
                if ((((Array)piTower.Split('.')).Length <= 3) || (piTower.Contains(" ")))
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Worksheet name '{0}' does not look like a valid PI tower name", piTower));

                // grid data starts at [2, 2]
                row = 2;
                int col = 2;

                // Get PI tag for this column
                //piTag = String.Format("{0}.{1}", piTower, cellToString(1, col));

                // Count the number of rows in the datetime column
                int numberOfRows = 2;
                while (cellToString(numberOfRows++, 1) != String.Empty)

                // Back 1 from last increment
                // Back 1 as the current cell is the empty one
                // Back another 1 since we start on row 2
                numberOfRows -= 3;

                // Count the number of cols
                int numberOfCols = 2;
                while (cellToString(1, numberOfCols++) != String.Empty)

                // Back 1 from last increment
                // Back 1 as the current cell is the empty one
                // Back another 1 since we start on col 2
                numberOfCols -= 3;

                Object[,] excelArrayData     = new Object[numberOfRows, 1];
                Object[,] excelArrayDateData = new Object[numberOfRows, 1];

                Excel.Range dataRange = (Excel.Range)ws.Cells[2, 1];
                dataRange = dataRange.get_Resize(numberOfRows, 1);
                dataRange.NumberFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm";

                //excelArrayDateData = (Object[,])dataRange.Cells.Text;

                excelArrayDateData = (Object[, ])dataRange.Value2;

                // Get original data - WORKING ON THIS BIT
                //List<PITagData> originalData = myDb.GetDataForSite(piTower, new DateTime(2007, 7, 1, 10, 0, 0), new DateTime(2007, 8, 1, 10, 0, 0));
                List <PITagData> originalData = myDb.GetDataForSite(piTower, DateTime.FromOADate((double)excelArrayDateData[1, 1]), DateTime.FromOADate((double)excelArrayDateData[excelArrayDateData.Length, 1]), true, false);

                //PITagData PIres = originalData.Find(new PITagData("DCL.29.WD.341.Avg", new DateTime(2007, 7, 1, 10, 0, 0), "347"));
                // End get original data

                //DateTime test = DateTime.FromOADate((double)excelArrayDateData[1,1]);

                Error frmError = new Error();
                frmError.Title              = "Progress";
                frmError.ErrorMsg           = "Sending data to PI";
                frmError.btnOkVisible       = false;
                frmError.progressBarVisible = true;
                frmError.progressBarMaximum = numberOfCols + 1;
                frmError.progressBarValue   = 1;


                bool finished = false;
                while (!finished)
                    // get time
                    //piDateTime = cellToString(row, 1);

                    // get column of data - include header
                    dataRange = (Excel.Range)ws.Cells[1, col];
                    dataRange = dataRange.get_Resize(numberOfRows + 1, 1);

                    excelArrayData = (Object[, ])dataRange.Value2;

                    //piVal = cellToString(row++, col);

                    // Get PI tag for this column
                    piTag        = String.Format("{0}.{1}", piTower, excelArrayData[1, 1].ToString());
                    piInstrument = excelArrayData[1, 1].ToString();

                    for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfRows; i++)
                        piDateTime = DateTime.FromOADate((double)excelArrayDateData[i, 1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm");
                        piVal      = excelArrayData[i + 1, 1].ToString();
                        //piDateTime = cellToString(row, 1);

                        //old way
                        dataUnchanged = originalData.Exists(delegate(PITagData tag) { return(tag.Tag == piInstrument && tag.DateTime == DateTime.FromOADate((double)excelArrayDateData[i, 1]) && tag.Value == piVal); });

                        if (!dataUnchanged)
                            updatePIAndIncrCount(piDateTime, piTag, piVal, ref updateCount, ref failCount, myDb);
                        // mega megaSQL.Append(myDb.CreateSQL(piTag, piDateTime, piVal));
                        // mega updateCount++;

                    // mega blockUpdateSuccess = myDb.updateDataInBlock(megaSQL);

                    // mega megaSQL = new StringBuilder();
                    //updatePIAndIncrCount(piDateTime, piTag, piVal, ref updateCount, ref failCount, myDb);

                    //if (cellToString(row, 1) == "")
                    //// give the app time to breathe
                    //Application.EnableEvents = true;

                    // End of the time row, restart at next column?
                    row = 2;

                    //Application.ScreenUpdating = true;
                    //Application.EnableEvents = true;

                    frmError.progressBarValue = col - 1;


                    //Application.ScreenUpdating = false;
                    //Application.EnableEvents = false;


                    // reset PI tag name
                    //piTag = String.Format("{0}.{1}", piTower, cellToString(1, col));

                    if (cellToString(row, col) == "")
                        finished = true;

            else // it is a list - one of two formats are acceptable
                while (piRef != "")
                    // Does our piRef contain an array formula?
                    if (piRef.Contains("=PINCompDat"))
                        // This is a array of data from PI
                        // PITag+DateTime, Old Value, New Value
                        piTagStart = piRef.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                        piTagEnd   = piRef.IndexOf("\"", piTagStart + 1);
                        piTag      = piRef.Substring(piTagStart, piTagEnd - piTagStart);

                        // Text of the current cell is the datetime
                        piDateTime = (string)range.Text;
                        // ...guess it is a user created pi tag
                        // PITag, DateTime, New Value
                        piTag = piRef;

                        // so datetime is in col 2
                        range      = (Excel.Range)ws.Cells[row, 2];
                        piDateTime = (string)range.Text;

                    range = (Excel.Range)ws.Cells[row, 3];

                    piVal = (string)range.Text;

                    updatePIAndIncrCount(piDateTime, piTag, piVal, ref updateCount, ref failCount, myDb);

                    // get next
                    range = (Excel.Range)ws.Cells[row, 1];
                    piRef = (string)range.Formula;

            Application.Calculation    = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlCalculation)appCalc;
            Application.ScreenUpdating = true;
            Application.EnableEvents   = true;
            Application.DisplayAlerts  = true;



            if (row == 1)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("No data found in cell A1 - please ensure the data is in columns A - C"));
                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - startTime;

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} record{1} updated\n\n{2} failure{3}", updateCount, updateCount != 1 ? "s" : "", failCount, failCount != 1 ? "s" : ""));

                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Time taken: {0} minutes {1} seconds", duration.Minutes, duration.Seconds));