private static bool Clear_BL_Flash() { byte num = 0x40; for (int i = 0x2000; i < m_upper_fw_addr; i += num) { Thread.Sleep(m_bootloader_delay); if (!Bootloader.Clear_64_Bytes_of_Flash((ushort)i)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool Clear_BL_Flash() { bool result = true; byte b = 64; for (int i = 8192; i < 32768; i += (int)b) { if (!Bootloader.Clear_64_Bytes_of_Flash((ushort)i)) { result = false; break; } } return(result); }
private static bool Clear_BL_Flash() { bool result = true; byte b = 64; for (int i = 8192; i < Firmware.m_upper_fw_addr; i += (int)b) { Thread.Sleep(Firmware.m_bootloader_delay); if (!Bootloader.Clear_64_Bytes_of_Flash((ushort)i)) { result = false; break; } } return(result); }
private static bool Write_BL_Flash(ref byte[] p_data) { int num = 0; byte num2 = 0x20; byte[] buffer = new byte[num2]; for (int i = 0x2000; i < m_upper_fw_addr; i += num2) { Thread.Sleep(m_bootloader_delay); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { buffer[j] = p_data[num++]; } if (!Bootloader.Write_32_Bytes_to_Flash((ushort)i, ref buffer)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool Write_BL_Flash(ref byte[] p_data) { bool result = true; int num = 0; byte b = 32; byte[] array = new byte[(int)b]; for (int i = 8192; i < 32768; i += (int)b) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)b; j++) { array[j] = p_data[num++]; } if (!Bootloader.Write_32_Bytes_to_Flash((ushort)i, ref array)) { result = false; break; } } return(result); }
private static bool Read_BL_Flash(ushort p_start_addr, int p_byte_count, ref byte[] p_data) { bool result = true; bool flag = false; int num = 0; byte[] array = new byte[58]; ushort num2 = p_start_addr; int num3 = p_byte_count / 58; if (p_byte_count % 58 != 0) { flag = true; num3++; } for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { Thread.Sleep(Firmware.m_bootloader_delay); byte b; if (i == num3 - 1 && flag) { b = (byte)(p_byte_count % 58); } else { b = 58; } if (!Bootloader.Read_One_BL_Flash_USB_Packet(num2, b, ref array)) { result = false; break; } for (int j = 0; j < (int)b; j++) { p_data[num++] = array[j]; } num2 += (ushort)b; } return(result); }
public static bool Read_BL_Flash(ushort p_start_addr, int p_byte_count, ref byte[] p_data) { bool result = true; bool flag = false; int num = 0; byte[] array = new byte[32]; ushort num2 = p_start_addr; int num3 = p_byte_count / 32; if (p_byte_count % 32 != 0) { flag = true; num3++; } for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { byte b; if (i == num3 - 1 && flag) { b = (byte)(p_byte_count % 32); } else { b = 32; } if (!Bootloader.Read_One_BL_Flash_USB_Packet(num2, b, ref array)) { result = false; break; } Thread.Sleep(15); for (int j = 0; j < (int)b; j++) { p_data[num++] = array[j]; } num2 += (ushort)b; } return(result); }
private static bool Write_BL_Flash(ref byte[] p_data) { bool result = true; int num = 0; byte b = 32; byte[] array = new byte[(int)b]; for (int i = 8192; i < Firmware.m_upper_fw_addr; i += (int)b) { Thread.Sleep(Firmware.m_bootloader_delay); for (int j = 0; j < (int)b; j++) { array[j] = p_data[num++]; } if (!Bootloader.Write_32_Bytes_to_Flash((ushort)i, ref array)) { result = false; break; } } return(result); }
private static bool Read_BL_Flash(ushort p_start_addr, int p_byte_count, ref byte[] p_data) { bool flag2 = false; int num = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[0x3a]; ushort num2 = p_start_addr; int num3 = p_byte_count / 0x3a; byte num4 = 0; if ((p_byte_count % 0x3a) != 0) { flag2 = true; num3++; } for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { Thread.Sleep(m_bootloader_delay); if ((i == (num3 - 1)) && flag2) { num4 = (byte)(p_byte_count % 0x3a); } else { num4 = 0x3a; } if (!Bootloader.Read_One_BL_Flash_USB_Packet(num2, num4, ref buffer)) { return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < num4; j++) { p_data[num++] = buffer[j]; } num2 = (ushort)(num2 + num4); } return(true); }
private static bool Force_PKS_Into_Prog_Mode_Cmd() { bool flag = false; ushort num = 0; byte[] array = new byte[0x41]; Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length); array[1] = 0x42; array[2] = 0; if (Bootloader.Retrieve_BL_FW_Version_Cmd(ref num)) { return(true); } if (USBWrite.Send_Data_Packet_To_PICkitS(ref array)) { restart_the_device(); if (Bootloader.Retrieve_BL_FW_Version_Cmd(ref num)) { flag = true; } } return(flag); }
public static bool Load_Firmware(string p_file_name, int p_device_type, ref string p_error_str, ref int p_error_code) { bool flag = false; if (p_device_type == 2) { m_devicetype = DEVICETYPE.LIN; m_upper_fw_addr = 0x4000; } else { m_devicetype = DEVICETYPE.PKSA; m_upper_fw_addr = 0x8000; } m_array_size = m_upper_fw_addr - 0x2000; if (!parse_hex_file_put_in_array(p_file_name)) { p_error_code = 1; p_error_str = "Error - Could not read hex file - download aborted"; return(flag); } if (!Force_PKS_Into_Prog_Mode_Cmd()) { p_error_code = 2; p_error_str = "Error - Could not enter programming mode prior to updating firmware - download aborted"; return(flag); } bool flag2 = false; byte[] buffer = new byte[14]; if (!Clear_BL_Flash()) { flag2 = true; p_error_str = "Error - clearing flash prior to writing firmware"; p_error_code = 3; } else if (!Write_BL_Flash(ref m_flash_data_array)) { p_error_str = "Error - writing flash"; flag2 = true; p_error_code = 4; } else if (!Bootloader.Write_BL_Config_Bytes(ref m_config_bytes_array, ref m_config_bool_array)) { flag2 = true; p_error_str = "Error - writing config bytes"; p_error_code = 5; } else { copy_current_fw_array_into_prior_array(); if (!Read_BL_Flash(0x2000, m_upper_fw_addr - 0x2000, ref m_flash_data_array)) { flag2 = true; p_error_str = "Error - reading flash."; p_error_code = 6; } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_array_size; i++) { if (m_flash_data_array[i] != m_prior_flash_data_array[i]) { p_error_str = string.Format("Error - Verification error: flash byte {0:X2} reads as {1:X2}\nbut should be {2:X2}\n", i, m_flash_data_array[i], m_prior_flash_data_array[i]); flag2 = true; p_error_code = 8; break; } } if (Bootloader.Read_BL_Config_Data(ref buffer)) { for (int j = 0; j < buffer.Length; j++) { if (m_config_bool_array[j] && (buffer[j] != m_config_bytes_array[j])) { p_error_str = string.Format("Error - Verification error: Config byte {0:X2} reads as {1:X2}\nbut should be {2:X2}\n", j, buffer[j], m_config_bytes_array[j]); flag2 = true; p_error_code = 9; break; } } } else { flag2 = true; p_error_str = "Error - reading config bytes"; p_error_code = 7; } } } if (!flag2) { if (m_devicetype == DEVICETYPE.LIN) { p_error_str = string.Format("LIN firmware written and verified using hex file {0}.\n", p_file_name); } else { p_error_str = string.Format("PICkit Serial firmware written and verified using hex file {0}.\n", p_file_name); } p_error_code = 0; flag = true; } if (Bootloader.Issue_BL_Reset()) { restart_the_device(); return(flag); } p_error_code = 10; p_error_str = "Error - sending BL Reset Command. Firmware may not have been updated correctly."; return(false); }
public static bool Load_Firmware(string p_file_name, int p_device_type, ref string p_error_str, ref int p_error_code) { bool result = false; if (p_device_type == 2) { Firmware.m_devicetype = Firmware.DEVICETYPE.LIN; Firmware.m_upper_fw_addr = 16384; } else { Firmware.m_devicetype = Firmware.DEVICETYPE.PKSA; Firmware.m_upper_fw_addr = 32768; } Firmware.m_array_size = Firmware.m_upper_fw_addr - 8192; if (Firmware.parse_hex_file_put_in_array(p_file_name)) { if (Firmware.Force_PKS_Into_Prog_Mode_Cmd()) { bool flag = false; byte[] array = new byte[14]; if (Firmware.Clear_BL_Flash()) { if (!Firmware.Write_BL_Flash(ref Firmware.m_flash_data_array)) { p_error_str = "Error - writing flash"; flag = true; p_error_code = 4; } else if (!Bootloader.Write_BL_Config_Bytes(ref Firmware.m_config_bytes_array, ref Firmware.m_config_bool_array)) { flag = true; p_error_str = "Error - writing config bytes"; p_error_code = 5; } else { Firmware.copy_current_fw_array_into_prior_array(); if (Firmware.Read_BL_Flash(8192, Firmware.m_upper_fw_addr - 8192, ref Firmware.m_flash_data_array)) { for (int i = 0; i < Firmware.m_array_size; i++) { if (Firmware.m_flash_data_array[i] != Firmware.m_prior_flash_data_array[i]) { p_error_str = string.Format("Error - Verification error: flash byte {0:X2} reads as {1:X2}\nbut should be {2:X2}\n", i, Firmware.m_flash_data_array[i], Firmware.m_prior_flash_data_array[i]); flag = true; p_error_code = 8; break; } } if (Bootloader.Read_BL_Config_Data(ref array)) { for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { if (Firmware.m_config_bool_array[j] && array[j] != Firmware.m_config_bytes_array[j]) { p_error_str = string.Format("Error - Verification error: Config byte {0:X2} reads as {1:X2}\nbut should be {2:X2}\n", j, array[j], Firmware.m_config_bytes_array[j]); flag = true; p_error_code = 9; break; } } } else { flag = true; p_error_str = "Error - reading config bytes"; p_error_code = 7; } } else { flag = true; p_error_str = "Error - reading flash."; p_error_code = 6; } } } else { flag = true; p_error_str = "Error - clearing flash prior to writing firmware"; p_error_code = 3; } if (!flag) { if (Firmware.m_devicetype == Firmware.DEVICETYPE.LIN) { p_error_str = string.Format("LIN firmware written and verified using hex file {0}.\n", p_file_name); } else { p_error_str = string.Format("PICkit Serial firmware written and verified using hex file {0}.\n", p_file_name); } p_error_code = 0; result = true; } if (Bootloader.Issue_BL_Reset()) { Firmware.restart_the_device(); } else { p_error_code = 10; p_error_str = "Error - sending BL Reset Command. Firmware may not have been updated correctly."; result = false; } } else { p_error_code = 2; p_error_str = "Error - Could not enter programming mode prior to updating firmware - download aborted"; } } else { p_error_code = 1; p_error_str = "Error - Could not read hex file - download aborted"; } return(result); }