Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when a <see cref="PHP.Core.AST.TypeDecl"/> AST node is left during the emit phase.
		/// </summary>
		public void LeaveTypeDeclaration()
			CompilerLocationStack.TypeDeclContext context = locationStack.PeekTypeDecl();

            // close CallSites:

            // restore:
            this.callSites = context.CallSites;
            this.TypeContextPlace = context.TypeContextPlace;			
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when a <see cref="PHP.Core.AST.GlobalCode"/> AST node is left during the emit phase.
		/// </summary>
		public void LeaveGlobalCodeDeclaration()
			CompilerLocationStack.GlobalCodeContext gc_context = locationStack.PeekGlobalCode();

			// clear (for convenience):
			this.sourceUnit = null;

            // close CallSites:

			// restore:
            this.callSites = null; = gc_context.IL;
			this.ScriptContextPlace = gc_context.ScriptContextPlace;
			this.TypeContextPlace = gc_context.ClassContextPlace;
            this.LateStaticBindTypePlace = null;
			this.SelfPlace = gc_context.SelfPlace;
			this.ResultPlace = gc_context.ResultPlace;
			this.ReturnLabel = gc_context.ReturnLabel;
			this.currentVariablesTable = gc_context.CurrentVariablesTable;
			this.currentLabels = gc_context.CurrentLabels;
			this.RTVariablesTablePlace = gc_context.RTVariablesTablePlace;
			this.OptimizedLocals = gc_context.OptimizedLocals;
			this.ReturnsPhpReference = gc_context.ReturnsPhpReference;
			this.ExceptionBlockNestingLevel = gc_context.ExceptionBlockNestingLevel;
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when a <see cref="PHP.Core.AST.TypeDecl"/> AST node is entered during the emit phase.
		/// </summary>
		public void EnterTypeDeclaration(PhpType/*!*/ type)
			CompilerLocationStack.TypeDeclContext cd_context = new CompilerLocationStack.TypeDeclContext();
			cd_context.Type = type;

			cd_context.TypeContextPlace = TypeContextPlace;
			TypeContextPlace = new Place(null, type.TypeDescFieldInfo);

            // CallSites
            cd_context.CallSites = callSites;
            this.callSites = new CallSitesBuilder(
                TypeContextPlace, /*class_context = TypeContextPlace, can be used in .cctor of call sites container*/

Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when a <see cref="PHP.Core.AST.GlobalCode"/> AST node is entered during the emit phase.
		/// </summary>
		public void EnterGlobalCodeDeclaration(VariablesTable variablesTable,
            Dictionary<VariableName, Statement> labels, CompilationSourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit)
			CompilerLocationStack.GlobalCodeContext gc_context = new CompilerLocationStack.GlobalCodeContext();

			// no need to backup current source unit as it is no longer needed:
			this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit;

			// set whether access to variables should be generated via locals or table
			gc_context.OptimizedLocals = this.OptimizedLocals;
			this.OptimizedLocals = false;

			// global code returns object
			gc_context.ReturnsPhpReference = this.ReturnsPhpReference;
			this.ReturnsPhpReference = false;

            // CallSites
            Debug.Assert(this.callSites == null, "Unclosed CallSite!");
            this.callSites = new CallSitesBuilder(
                null/*Unknown at compile time*/);

			// set ILEmitter for global code
			gc_context.IL = il;
			il = CompilationUnit.ModuleBuilder.CreateGlobalCodeEmitter();

			// set current variables table (at codeGenerator)
			gc_context.CurrentVariablesTable = currentVariablesTable;
			currentVariablesTable = variablesTable;

			// set current labels table (at codeGenerator)
			gc_context.CurrentLabels = currentLabels;
			currentLabels = labels;

			// set OpCode for loading hashtable with variables at runtime
			gc_context.RTVariablesTablePlace = RTVariablesTablePlace;
			RTVariablesTablePlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, 1);

			// set Script Context place
			gc_context.ScriptContextPlace = ScriptContextPlace;
			ScriptContextPlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, ScriptBuilder.ArgContext);

			// set Class Context place
			gc_context.ClassContextPlace = TypeContextPlace;
			TypeContextPlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, ScriptBuilder.ArgIncluder);

			// set Self place
			gc_context.SelfPlace = SelfPlace;
			SelfPlace = new IndexedPlace(PlaceHolder.Argument, ScriptBuilder.ArgSelf);

            // set late static bind place
            gc_context.LateStaticBindTypePlace = LateStaticBindTypePlace;
            LateStaticBindTypePlace = null;

			// set Result place and return label
			gc_context.ResultPlace = ResultPlace;
			gc_context.ReturnLabel = ReturnLabel;
			ResultPlace = null;

			// set exception block nesting:
			gc_context.ExceptionBlockNestingLevel = ExceptionBlockNestingLevel;
			ExceptionBlockNestingLevel = 0;
