protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool bError = false; if (mCustomer == null) { InitiatePetfirstCustomer(); } string url; try { mthisPet.PetName = txtPetName.Text; mthisPet.Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-(ddlAge.SelectedIndex - 1)); mthisPet.Birthday = mthisPet.Birthday.AddMonths(-6); mthisPet.BreedId = int.Parse(ddlBreed.SelectedValue.ToString()); mthisPet.BreedName = ddlBreed.SelectedItem.Text; mthisPet.ColorId = 146; mthisPet.ColorName = "Any"; mthisPet.SpeciesId = int.Parse(rblSpecies.SelectedValue.ToString()); mthisPet.SpeciesName = rblSpecies.SelectedItem.Text; //Handle Mixed if (ddlBreed.SelectedValue.ToString() == "10000") { mthisPet.WeightId = int.Parse(rbRadioButtonListMixed.SelectedValue); mthisPet.BreedId = 54; } if (bAddPet) { try { mthisPet.DeductibleAmount = 250; mthisPet.LimitAmount = 5000; mthisPet.Reimbursement = .8m; mthisPet.RiderName = ""; mthisPet.Routine = ""; int planId = 0; Int16 typeid = (short)(mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? 2 : 1); using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { planId = pfData.GetPlanId(mthisPet.LimitAmount, typeid); mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); mthisPet.PlanId = planId; mthisPet.QuoteId = 0; } PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); if (!pfBl.GetFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref mthisPet, true)) { List<Pet> lstEnrollPet = new List<Pet>(); lstEnrollPet.Add(mthisPet); pfBl.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { pfBl.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); } else { displayError("getting quote ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, true); bError = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("getting quote ", ex.ToString(), true); bError = true; } if (!bError) { url = "CustomizePlan.aspx"; Response.Redirect(url, false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } else if (bSamePet) { CoreServiceClient csc = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetStateByZipResponse resp = csc.GetStateByZip(txtZip.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId = resp.State.Id; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City = resp.State.CityName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State = resp.State.StateName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip = txtZip.Text; mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable = mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected = false; mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable = mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected = false; using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); if (mCustomer.Underwriter == 4) { CoreServiceGetDiscountByStateResponse response = csc.GetDiscountsByState(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { foreach (Discount d in response.Discounts) { switch (d.DiscountID) { case 356: mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable = true; break; case 333: mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable = true; break; default: break; } } } } } try { mthisPet.DeductibleAmount = 250; mthisPet.LimitAmount = 5000; mthisPet.Reimbursement = .8m; mthisPet.RiderName = ""; mthisPet.Routine = ""; int planId = 0; Int16 typeid = (short)(mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? 2 : 1); using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { planId = pfData.GetPlanId(mthisPet.LimitAmount, typeid); mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); mthisPet.PlanId = planId; mthisPet.QuoteId = 0; } PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); if (!pfBl.GetFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref mthisPet, true)) { List<Pet> lstEnrollPet = new List<Pet>(); lstEnrollPet.Add(mthisPet); pfBl.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { pfBl.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); } else { displayError("getting quote ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, true); bError = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("getting quote ", ex.ToString(), true); bError = true; } if (!bError) { url = "YourInformation.aspx?current_customer=true"; Response.Redirect(url, false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } } else { CoreServiceClient csc = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetStateByZipResponse resp = csc.GetStateByZip(txtZip.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId = resp.State.Id; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City = resp.State.CityName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State = resp.State.StateName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip = txtZip.Text; using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); if (mCustomer.Underwriter == 4) { CoreServiceGetDiscountByStateResponse response = csc.GetDiscountsByState(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { foreach (Discount d in response.Discounts) { switch (d.DiscountID) { case 356: mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable = true; break; case 333: mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable = true; break; default: break; } } } } } url = "YourInformation.aspx"; Response.Redirect(url, false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { lblError.Text = string.Concat("Sorry, we cannot find the zip you entered, please make sure the zip you entered is correct.<br />If you continue to get this message, please call ", mCustomer.CallCenter); } } } catch (Exception ex) { DisplayError("verifying your zip", ex.ToString(), true); } }
private void CheckAndRequote() { var lstRequote = from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.Enrolled == true && p.OldQuoteData == true group p by p.QuoteId into g select g; List<Pet> lstEnrolledPet = new List<Pet>(); PetfirstBL pfBl =null; if(lstRequote.Count()>0) pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); foreach (var pg in lstRequote) { lstEnrolledPet = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.QuoteId == pg.Key select p).ToList(); DoRequote(pfBl, lstEnrolledPet); } }
private void DoRequote(PetfirstBL pfBl, List<Pet> lstEnrolled) { //requote try { pfBl.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrolled); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { pfBl.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrolled); } else { displayError("getting quote ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("getting quote ", ex.ToString(), true); } //end }
private void RecalculatePlan() { int planId = 0; Int16 typeid = (short)(mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? 2 : 1); using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { planId = pfData.GetPlanId(mthisPet.LimitAmount, typeid); mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); mthisPet.PlanId = planId; mthisPet.QuoteId = 0; } PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); try { if (!pfBl.GetFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref mthisPet, false)) { List<Pet> lstEnrollPet = new List<Pet>(); lstEnrollPet.Add(mthisPet); pfBl.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { pfBl.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); } else { displayError("Recalc ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("Requote ", ex.ToString(), true); } UpdateLabels(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (mCustomer != null) { try { var mypet = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.PetName.ToLower().Equals(txtPetName.Text.ToLower()) select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (mypet != null) { SavePet(true, ref mypet);//update//note: this is different than current, not allow pets have same name if (mypet.Enrolled) { int quoteId = mypet.QuoteId; List<Pet> lstEnrolled = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.QuoteId == quoteId select p).ToList(); //first check if there is senior pet in family plan bool bSenior = false; string seniorName = ""; if (lstEnrolled.Count > 1) { foreach (Pet p in lstEnrolled) { if (p.Age > 9) { bSenior = true; seniorName = p.PetName; break; } } } if (bSenior) { lblError.Text = string.Format("Pet {0} is considered senior pet, senior pet is not allowed to be in the family plan, please remove this pet from the enrolled plan before edit", seniorName); return; } else { //requote PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); DoRequote(pfBl, lstEnrolled); } } } else { mypet = new Pet(); mypet.Enrolled = false; SavePet(false, ref mypet); } try { using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { pfData.SavePet(mypet, mCustomer.CustomerId); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingError("Saving Pet", ex.ToString()); }//don't do anything if store data fails if (this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("addpets_xs.aspx")) { Response.Redirect("~/AddPets.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { bindPets(); ResetInput(); DetermineButtonText(); } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("saving pet", ex.ToString(), true); } } } }
protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool bDiscountsChanged = false; bool bQuoteError = false; try { string url = "customizeplan.aspx"; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email = txtEmail.Text; //Need to check each one to see if they are same as coming in //Important!! If they change something, it has to change for all pets! if (mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase != chkInternetDiscount.Checked) { bDiscountsChanged = true; mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase = chkInternetDiscount.Checked; } if (mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode != chkEmployeeGroup.Checked) { bDiscountsChanged = true; mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode = chkEmployeeGroup.Checked; } if (mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected != chkVetEmp.Checked) { bDiscountsChanged = true; mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected = chkVetEmp.Checked; } if (mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected != chkMilitary.Checked) { bDiscountsChanged = true; mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected = chkMilitary.Checked; } if (chkEmployeeGroup.Checked && mCustomer.EnrollmentCode == "99-99-00-9998") { //set this up for the generic enrollment code. mCustomer.EnrollmentCode = "99-99-18-6232"; mCustomer.EBEnrollmentCodeCompany = txtEmployer.Text.ToString(); } if (chkMilitary.Checked) { mCustomer.MilitaryBranchID = (short) ddlBranch.SelectedIndex; mCustomer.MilitaryStatusID = (short) rblServiceType.SelectedIndex; } if (!bCurrentCustomer) { mthisPet.DeductibleAmount = 250; mthisPet.LimitAmount = 5000; mthisPet.Reimbursement = .8m; mthisPet.RiderName = ""; mthisPet.Routine = ""; } int planId = 0; Int16 typeid = (short)(mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? 2 : 1); PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData(); { planId = pfData.GetPlanId(mthisPet.LimitAmount, typeid); mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); //Save our data// //mCustomer.MyPets.Add(mthisPet); pfData.SaveCustomer(mCustomer); } PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); List<Pet> lstEnrollPet = new List<Pet>(); lstEnrollPet.Add(mthisPet); //Now if something has changed we have to go back and if (bDiscountsChanged && mCustomer.MyPets.Count > 0) { DoRequote(); } try { mthisPet.PlanId = planId; mthisPet.QuoteId = 0; if (!pfBl.GetFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref mthisPet, true)) { pfBl.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { pfBl.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); } else { displayError("getting quote ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, true); bQuoteError = true; } } } catch(Exception ex) { displayError("getting quote ", ex.ToString(), true); bQuoteError = true; } //mCustomer.MyPets.Add(mthisPet); pfData.SaveCustomer(mCustomer); if (!bQuoteError) { Response.Redirect(url, false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } try { pfBl.StoreLeadCapture(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPet); } catch { } } catch { } }
private void DoRequote() { var planGroup = from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.Enrolled == true group p by p.QuoteId into g select g; PetfirstBL pfBL = new PetfirstBL(); bool error = false; foreach (var pg in planGroup) { List<Pet> lstPets = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.QuoteId == pg.Key select p).ToList(); if (!pfBL.GetFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref mthisPet, true)) { try { pfBL.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstPets); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { //save to database try { using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { pfData.SaveCustomer(mCustomer); pfData.SaveEnrolledPlan(lstPets, mCustomer.PayFrequency); } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("Requote ", ex.ToString(), true); error = true; } //get AnuallyQuote try { pfBL.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstPets); } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("Requote ", ex.ToString(), true); error = true; } } else { displayError("Requote ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, true); error = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("Requote ", ex.ToString(), true); error = true; } } if (error) break; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //quote price, put quoteid back to pets if (Page.IsValid) { if (mCustomer != null) { //validation: string pet1 = ddlPet1.SelectedValue; string pet2 = string.Empty; string pet3 = string.Empty; bool bSamePet = false; if (dvPet2.Visible && dvPet3.Visible) { pet2 = ddlPet2.SelectedValue; pet3 = ddlPet3.SelectedValue; if (pet1.Equals(pet2) || pet1.Equals(pet3) || pet2.Equals(pet3)) bSamePet = true; } else if (dvPet2.Visible) { pet2 = ddlPet2.SelectedValue; if (pet1.Equals(pet2)) bSamePet = true; }//dvpet3 cannot be visible if dvpet2 is not if (bSamePet) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<script type='text/javascript'>"); sb.Append("$('#same_pet').modal('show');"); sb.Append(@"</script>"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ShowSamePetModal", sb.ToString(), false); return; } List<Pet> lstPets = (List<Pet>)Session["EditPlanPet"]; //need to reset the pets that are being edited. if (lstPets != null) { foreach (Pet p in lstPets) { p.QuoteId = 0; p.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = 0; p.RecurringMonthTax = 0; p.PlanId = 0; p.PlanName = string.Empty; p.PlanType = "0"; p.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = 0; p.FirstMonthTax = 0; p.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = 0; p.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = 0; p.AnnualPaymentTotal = 0; //p.LeadId = "";//what commercial site doing currently- recreate lead when plan is removed//this is not correct, if the customer bought the policy, the old leadid not getting updated, they still get the spam email ////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote: logged exception bug fix--if multi-pets in a family plan, when they edit it and switch one pet to individual plan ////and then later to edit the plan for remaining pets this will cause exception during bindingeditcontorl. p.Enrolled = false;//if multi-pets in a family plan, when they edit to individual plan, need to force reselection of the remaining pet p.QPlanId = 0;//if multi-pets in a family plan, when they edit to individual plan, they need to have its own qplanid ////end 2015-05-04 } Session.Remove("EditPlanPet"); } mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ""; List<Pet> lstEnrollPets = new List<Pet>(); Pet p1 = (Pet)(from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.PetName.Equals(ddlPet1.SelectedValue) select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (p1 != null) { SavePetAttributes(ref p1); int planId = 0; Int16 typeid = (short)(mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? 2 : 1); try { using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { //planId = pfData.GetPlanId(p1.LimitAmount, Int16.Parse(rblPlanType.SelectedValue)); planId = pfData.GetPlanId(p1.LimitAmount, typeid); mCustomer.Underwriter = pfData.GetUnderwriterID(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); p1.PlanId = planId; p1.QuoteId = 0;//reset //p1.LeadId = ""; lstEnrollPets.Add(p1); if (ddlPet2.Visible) { Pet p2 = (Pet)(from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.PetName.Equals(ddlPet2.SelectedValue) select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (p2 != null) { SavePetAttributes(ref p2); p2.PlanId = planId; p2.QuoteId = 0; //p2.LeadId = ""; lstEnrollPets.Add(p2); } } if (ddlPet3.Visible) { if (ddlPet3.SelectedValue.Equals("0")) { Pet p3 = (Pet)(from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.PetName.Equals(ddlPet3.SelectedValue) select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (p3 != null) { SavePetAttributes(ref p3); p3.PlanId = planId; p3.QuoteId = 0; //p3.LeadId = ""; lstEnrollPets.Add(p3); } } } int count = lstEnrollPets.Count; foreach (Pet p in lstEnrollPets) { p.IsFamilyPlan = count > 1; } PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL(); try { pfBl.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPets); if (mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.Equals("")) { pfBl.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPets); BindPetsRepeater(); DetermineReviewQuoteStatus(); ////kp: 2015-05-21 delete standard plan site wide //ToggleButtonActive(false);//default to lifetime PopulatePlanPanel(); ////end 2015-05-21 //need to rebind the right panel DetermineFamilyOrIndividualPlan(); //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ScrollToPlanSum", "window.location = '#plansum';", false);//does not work //lead try { pfBl.StoreLeadCapture(ref mCustomer, lstEnrollPets); } catch { } try { pfData.SaveEnrolledPlan(lstEnrollPets, mCustomer.PayFrequency); pfData.LinkPlanForPet(lstEnrollPets); } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("Saving Enrolled Plan ", ex.ToString(), null); } } else { displayError("getting quote ", mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, lblError); } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError("getting quote ", ex.ToString(), lblError); } } } catch (Exception ex1) { displayError("getting quote ", ex1.ToString(), lblError); } } else { lblError.Text = "No pets is selected."; } } } }
private void DoRequote() { lblCheckoutError.Text = ""; var planGroup = from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.Enrolled == true group p by p.QuoteId into g select g; PetfirstBL pfBL = new PetfirstBL(); bool error = false; foreach (var pg in planGroup) { List<Pet> lstPets = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.QuoteId == pg.Key select p).ToList(); try { pfBL.GetMonthlyQuote(ref mCustomer, lstPets); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg)) { if (!mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.ToLower().Contains("exception"))// not exception, display message directly lblCheckoutError.Text += string.Format("Sorry, error occurred during requoting montly for {0}, error message:{1} <br />", GetPetName(lstPets), mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg); else displayCheckOutError(mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, "re-quoting montly", lstPets); error = true; } else { //save to database try { using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { pfData.SaveCustomer(mCustomer); pfData.SaveEnrolledPlan(lstPets, mCustomer.PayFrequency); } } catch (Exception ex){ LoggingError("Checkout Requoting", ex.ToString()); } //get AnuallyQuote try { pfBL.GetAnnualQuote(ref mCustomer, lstPets); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg)) { if (!mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.ToLower().Contains("exception"))// not exception, display message directly lblCheckoutError.Text += string.Format("Sorry, error occurred during requoting annualy for {0}, error message:{1} <br />", GetPetName(lstPets), mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg); else displayCheckOutError(mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, "re-quoting annualy", lstPets); error = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { displayCheckOutError(ex.ToString(), "re-quoting annualy", lstPets); error = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { displayCheckOutError(ex.ToString(), "re-quoting montly", lstPets); error = true; } if (error) break; } if (!error) { BindPlanRepeater(); CalculateTotals(); } }
protected void btnCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { //add validation for expiration date bool IsExpirationValid = false; DateTime today = DateTime.Today; DateTime dtExpire = DateTime.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlYear.SelectedValue); if (dtExpire.Year > today.Year) IsExpirationValid = true; else if (dtExpire.Year == today.Year && dtExpire.Month >= today.Month) IsExpirationValid = true; if (!IsExpirationValid) { lblCheckoutError.Text = "Card has expired"; return; } if (mCustomer != null) { SaveInput(); if (mCustomer.HasStateChanged) { DoRequote(); List<Pet> myPet = new List<Pet>(); foreach (Pet p in mCustomer.MyPets) { myPet.Add(p); } FakeMultiPet(ref myPet); CreatePetsTable(myPet); CalculateTotals(); } else if (mCustomer.HasKYAddressChanged)//kentucky, need requote { DoRequote(); List<Pet> myPet = new List<Pet>(); foreach (Pet p in mCustomer.MyPets) { myPet.Add(p); } FakeMultiPet(ref myPet); CreatePetsTable(myPet); CalculateTotals(); } else//create policy { lblCheckoutError.Text = ""; bool error = false; var planGroup = from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.Enrolled == true group p by p.QuoteId into g select g; PetfirstBL pfBL = new PetfirstBL(); int count = planGroup.Count(); foreach (var pg in planGroup) { List<Pet> lstPets2 = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where p.QuoteId == pg.Key select p).ToList(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstPets2[0].PolicyNumber))//no policy is created for the batch yet { try { foreach (Pet p in lstPets2) { List<Pet> lstPets = new List<Pet>(); lstPets.Add(p); pfBL.CreatePolicy(ref mCustomer, lstPets); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg)) { if (!mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg.ToLower().Contains("exception"))// not exception, display message directly lblCheckoutError.Text += string.Format("Sorry, error occurred during creating policy for {0}, error message:{1} <br />", GetPetName(lstPets), mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg); else displayCheckOutError(mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg, "creating policy", lstPets); error = true; } else//policy is created for the batch { try { pfBL.StoreLeadCapture(ref mCustomer, lstPets);//update lead capture with policy number } catch { } //save to database try { using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { pfData.SaveEnrolledPlan(lstPets, mCustomer.PayFrequency); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingError("Update QPlan after policy created", ex.ToString()); } lblCheckoutError.Text += string.Format("Policy:#{0} has created for {1} <br />", lstPets[0].PolicyNumber, lstPets[0].PetName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { displayCheckOutError(ex.ToString(), "creating policy", lstPets2); error = true; } } if (error) break; } if (!error) { var policyGroup = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.PolicyNumber) select p.PolicyNumber).Distinct(); if (policyGroup.Count() == count) //all policy is created { Response.Redirect("Confirmation.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } } } } }