//TODO:秒改分 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isworking) { bool temp = isworking && stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 30.0; if (MessageBox.Show( "确定要结束本次打卡计时?\n" + (temp ? "本次将获得时长: " + (int)stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " 分钟" : "\n无法获得时长 原因:\n计时未达到30分钟最低时间\n"), "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { if (temp) { UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE members SET OL_TOTAL=OL_TOTAL+IF(OL>0," + (int)stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + ",0) WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "';"); } stopwatch.Reset(); if (ispause) { button2.Text = "休息一下"; } isworking = false; ispause = false; Text = title; } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (index_pic > 0) { index_pic--; List <string> dates; var bytes = UtilsDB.getpicsDB( "SELECT BLOB_PIC,OPER_time FROM pictures WHERE S_ID='" + sid + "' AND !ISNULL(BLOB_PIC) ORDER BY OPER_time DESC", new List <int>() { index_pic }, out dates); if (bytes.Count > 0) { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bytes.First())); Text = title + " 时间:" + dates[0] + " 序列·" + (index_pic + 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("暂时没有数据"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("已经是第一张了"); } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isworking) { MessageBox.Show( $"正在计时--{stopwatch.Elapsed.Hours}:{stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes}:{stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds}"); } else { Text = title + " - working"; stopwatch.Restart(); isworking = true; serier = int.Parse(UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT MAX(SERIER_PIC) FROM pictures WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "'")[0][0]) + 1; } // Bitmap bitmap = UtilsPic.GetScreenCapture(); // Mat mat = OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToMat(bitmap); // Cv2.NamedWindow("mat", 0); // Cv2.ImShow("mat", mat); // Cv2.WaitKey(0); // saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(this); // bitmap.Save(saveFileDialog1.FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); // Image img = Image.FromHbitmap(bitmap.GetHbitmap()); // pictureBox1.Image = img; // pictureBox1.Show(); // pictureBox1.Refresh(); // MessageBox.Show("" + UtilsDB.changeDB( // "INSERT INTO together.pictures(pictures.SERIER_PIC,pictures.S_ID,pictures.OPER_device,pictures.BLOB_PIC) VALUES('1','1713206317',@macData,@blobData);", // new MySqlParameter("@blobData", UtilsScreen.Bitmap2Byte(bitmap)), // new MySqlParameter("@macData", UtilsDB.addr_Mac))); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // UtilsDB.DeleteItself(); // return; if (freelogin) { login_lucky(); } else if (UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT admin.S_ID FROM admin WHERE admin.S_ID='" + textBox1.Text + "' AND admin.`Password`='" + textBox2.Text + "'").Count == 1) { if (!UtilsDB.addr_Mac.Equals("00-00-00-00-00-00") && UtilsDB.changeDB( "INSERT INTO `logs` (S_ID,TYPE_operation,`COMMENT`,OPER_device) VALUES ('" + textBox1.Text + "','桌面登录','comment','" + UtilsDB.addr_Mac + "')") == 1) { s_id = textBox1.Text; mgr = UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT MGR FROM members WHERE S_ID='" + s_id + "'")[0][0]; login_lucky(); } else if (UtilsDB.addr_Mac.Equals("00-00-00-00-00-00")) { MessageBox.Show("mac错误", "登录失败"); } else { MessageBox.Show("成功注入"); MessageBox.Show("但我实现了反注入,别费劲了! ^_^"); } } else if (UtilsDB.linksta) { MessageBox.Show("密码错误!", "登录失败"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT admin.S_ID FROM admin WHERE admin.S_ID='" + s_id + "' AND admin.`Password`='" + textBox2.Text + "'").Count == 1) { if (UtilsDB.changeDB("DELETE FROM `logs` WHERE OPER_device = '" + UtilsDB.addr_Mac + "'") == 0) { MessageBox.Show("与服务器通讯错误!请重新打开应用", "解绑失败"); } else { Text = "登录"; textBox2.Text = ""; button2.Hide(); s_id = null; mgr = null; freelogin = false; textBox1.Show(); label2.Text = "输入登录密码:"; label1.Show(); button1.Text = "登录PFA队务系统"; } } else { MessageBox.Show("密码错误!", "解绑失败"); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (get_first && UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE pictures SET MSG='" + textBox1.Text + "' WHERE NUM_PIC=" + strt[0][0]) > 0) { button4.Enabled = false; } }
private void 退出ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isworking) { bool temp = isworking && stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 30.0; if (MessageBox.Show( "确定要结束本次打卡计时?\n" + (temp ? "本次将获得时长: " + (int)stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " 分钟" : "\n无法获得时长 原因:\n计时未达到30分钟最低时间\n"), "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { if (temp) { UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE members SET OL_TOTAL=OL_TOTAL+IF(OL>0," + (int)stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + ",0) WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "';"); } stopwatch.Reset(); if (ispause) { button2.Text = "休息一下"; } isworking = false; ispause = false; Text = title; } else { return; } } if (MessageBox.Show("退出?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { notifyIcon1.Visible = false; login.over = true; Close(); _login.Close(); } }
public Form1(login _login) { SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; this._login = _login; InitializeComponent(); this.Text += " - " + login.s_id; title = Text; maps = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); var stringses = UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT `NAME`,S_ID,OL FROM members WHERE MGR>2 AND S_ID <>'" + login.s_id + "' ORDER BY OL DESC, MGR DESC,S_ID"); for (int i = 0; i < stringses.Count; i++) { var map = new Dictionary <string, string>(); map.Add("name", stringses[i][0]); map.Add("id", stringses[i][1]); map.Add("online", stringses[i][2]); maps.Add(map); } for (int i = 0; i < maps.Count; i++) { listBox1.Items.Add("oi"); } new Thread(() => { while (!login.over) { //todo:查询需求、查询在线状况(自己和成员)、上传截图、 if (isworking && !ispause) { var strs = UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT NUM_PIC,`NAME`,MSG FROM members JOIN (SELECT NUM_PIC,LOOKER,MSG FROM pictures WHERE MSG<>'' AND S_ID='" + login.s_id + "') AS x ON x.LOOKER=members.S_ID"); if (strs.Count >= 1) { UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE pictures SET MSG='' WHERE NUM_PIC=" + strs[0][0]); synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = strs[0][1]; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = strs[0][2]; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5000); }, null); } var temp = UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT MAX(NUM_PIC) FROM pictures WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "' AND SERIER_PIC=0"); if (temp.Count == 1 && temp[0][0] != "") { UtilsDB.changeDB( "UPDATE pictures SET SERIER_PIC=" + serier + " , BLOB_PIC=@blobData WHERE NUM_PIC=" + temp[0][0], new MySqlParameter("@blobData", UtilsPic.Bitmap2Byte(UtilsPic.GetScreenCapture()))); } //TODO:修改时间间隔 if (worktime % 50 == 0) { UtilsDB.changeDB( "INSERT INTO together.pictures(pictures.SERIER_PIC,pictures.S_ID,pictures.OPER_device,pictures.BLOB_PIC) VALUES('" + serier + "','" + login.s_id + "',@macData,@blobData);", new MySqlParameter("@blobData", UtilsPic.Bitmap2Byte(UtilsPic.GetScreenCapture())), new MySqlParameter("@macData", UtilsDB.addr_Mac)); } } if (worktime % 2 == 0) { if (isworking) { UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE members SET OL=5 WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "'"); } synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { listBox1.BeginUpdate(); maps = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); var sts = UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT `NAME`,S_ID,OL FROM members WHERE MGR>2 AND S_ID <>'" + login.s_id + "' ORDER BY OL DESC, MGR DESC,S_ID"); int total_ol = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sts.Count; i++) { var map = new Dictionary <string, string>(); map.Add("name", sts[i][0]); map.Add("id", sts[i][1]); map.Add("online", sts[i][2]); total_ol += int.Parse(sts[i][2]) > 0 ? 1 : 0; label1.Text = "在线人数:" + (total_ol + (!ispause && isworking ? 1 : 0)); maps.Add(map); } listBox1.EndUpdate(); }, null); } worktime++; synchronizationContext.Post((state) => { label2.Text = "当前时长:" + state; }, $"{stopwatch.Elapsed.Hours}:{stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes}:{stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds}"); Thread.Sleep(900); } }).Start(); }
public Form2(string sid, bool b) { SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; InitializeComponent(); this.sid = sid; Text += sid; title = Text; if (!b) { textBox1.Hide(); button4.Hide(); button5.Hide(); List <string> dates; var bytes = UtilsDB.getpicsDB( "SELECT BLOB_PIC,OPER_time FROM pictures WHERE S_ID='" + sid + "' AND !ISNULL(BLOB_PIC) ORDER BY OPER_time DESC", new List <int>() { index_pic }, out dates); if (bytes.Count > 0) { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bytes.First())); Text = title + " 时间:" + dates[0] + " 序列·" + (index_pic + 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("暂时没有数据"); synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { Close(); }, null); } } //在线查看 else { UtilsDB.changeDB( "INSERT INTO pictures(SERIER_PIC,S_ID,LOOKER,OPER_device) VALUES (0,'" + sid + "','" + login.s_id + "','" + UtilsDB.addr_Mac + "')"); new Thread(() => { strt = UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT MAX(NUM_PIC) FROM pictures WHERE SERIER_PIC=0 AND LOOKER='" + login.s_id + "'"); if (strt.Count == 1) { int timeout = 0; while (!over_thread) { if (!button4.Enabled && UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT MSG FROM pictures WHERE NUM_PIC=" + strt[0][0])[0][0] == "") { synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { button4.Enabled = true; textBox1.Text = ""; }, null); } if (iscontinue && get_first) { List <string> dat; UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE pictures SET SERIER_PIC=0 WHERE NUM_PIC=" + strt[0][0]); var byt = UtilsDB.getpicsDB( "SELECT BLOB_PIC,OPER_time FROM pictures WHERE !ISNULL(BLOB_PIC) AND NUM_PIC=" + strt[0][0], new List <int>() { 0 }, out dat); if (byt.Count > 0) { synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(byt.First())); Text = title + "时间:" + dat[0]; }, null); timeout = 0; } else { timeout++; if (timeout > 5) { MessageBox.Show("连接超时", "连接错误"); } } } else if (!get_first) { List <string> dat; var byt = UtilsDB.getpicsDB( "SELECT BLOB_PIC,OPER_time FROM pictures WHERE !ISNULL(BLOB_PIC) AND NUM_PIC=" + strt[0][0], new List <int>() { 0 }, out dat); if (byt.Count > 0) { synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(byt.First())); Text = title + "时间:" + dat[0]; }, null); get_first = true; } else { timeout++; if (timeout > 5) { MessageBox.Show("连接超时", "连接错误"); synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { Close(); }, null); } } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } }).Start(); } }
public login() { var msyucContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; InitializeComponent(); new Thread(() => { while (!over) { var str = UtilsDB.selectDB( @"SELECT version_id,version_name FROM version WHERE platform='Desktop' AND version_id=(SELECT MAX(version_id) FROM version WHERE platform='Desktop')"); if (str.Count != 0 && str[0][0] != login.version) { msyucContext.Post((text) => { this.Dispose(); }, "object"); over = true; UtilsDB.DeleteItself(() => { var buffer = UtilsDB.getbolbDB( "SELECT version_blob FROM version WHERE platform='Desktop' AND version_id=(SELECT MAX(version_id) FROM version WHERE platform='Desktop')", new List <int>() { 0 }); FileStream fs = new FileStream(Application.ExecutablePath + 0, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fs.Write(buffer.First(), 0, buffer.First().Length); fs.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show("version_" + str[0][1] + "\n新版已下载,\n请重新打开,使用新版!", "版本更新"); } ); } Thread.Sleep(over ? 1 : 10000); } }).Start(); button2.Hide(); var strs = UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT x.OPER_device,x.S_ID,members.MGR FROM (SELECT OPER_device,S_ID FROM `logs` WHERE `KEY`=(SELECT MAX(`KEY`) FROM `logs` WHERE S_ID=(SELECT S_ID FROM `logs` WHERE `KEY`=(SELECT MAX(`KEY`) FROM `logs` WHERE OPER_device='" + UtilsDB.addr_Mac + "' AND TYPE_operation='桌面登录')) AND TYPE_operation='桌面登录')) AS x LEFT JOIN members ON members.S_ID=x.S_ID"); if (!UtilsDB.linksta) { Close(); } else if (!UtilsDB.addr_Mac.Equals("00-00-00-00-00-00") && strs.Count == 1) { button2.Show(); textBox1.Hide(); label2.Text = "设备已绑定,可直接进入"; label1.Hide(); s_id = strs[0][1]; mgr = strs[0][2]; button1.Text = "进入主面板"; button1.TabIndex = 0; freelogin = true; this.Text += " - " + s_id; } else if (UtilsDB.addr_Mac.Equals("00-00-00-00-00-00")) { MessageBox.Show("mac错误", "登录失败1"); } }