Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Fired when data has been received over USB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oInRep">Input report received</param>
 protected override void HandleDataReceived(InputReport oInRep)
     // Fire the event handler if assigned
     if (OnButtonChanged != null)
         BuzzInputReport oBuzIn = (BuzzInputReport)oInRep;
         OnButtonChanged(this, new BuzzButtonChangedEventArgs(oBuzIn.Buttons, this.BuzzerIndex));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback for above. Care with this as it will be called on the background thread from the async read
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iResult">Async result parameter</param>
        protected void ReadCompleted(IAsyncResult iResult)
            if (m_oFile == null)
                // We've already disposed this object, don't do anymore reading

            byte[] arrBuff = (byte[])iResult.AsyncState;        // retrieve the read buffer
                m_oFile.EndRead(iResult);       // call end read : this throws any exceptions that happened during the read
                    InputReport oInRep = CreateInputReport(); // Create the input report for the device
                    oInRep.SetData(arrBuff);                  // and set the data portion - this processes the data received into a more easily understood format depending upon the report type
                    HandleDataReceived(oInRep);               // pass the new input report on to the higher level handler
                    BeginAsyncRead();   // when all that is done, kick off another read for the next report
            catch (IOException) // if we got an IO exception, the device was removed
                if (OnDeviceRemoved != null)
                    OnDeviceRemoved(this, new EventArgs());

            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore other types of errors
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// virtual handler for any action to be taken when data is received. Override to use.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oInRep">The input report that was received</param>
 protected virtual void HandleDataReceived(InputReport oInRep)