Esempio n. 1
        public List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> GetNodesHavingPlugin(int?groupId, string pluginName)
            List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> nodes = new DAL.NodeDAO(sessionUser).GetAllHavingPlugin(groupId, pluginName);

            foreach (P2PBackup.Common.Node n in nodes)
                if (Hub.NodesList.Contains(n.Id))
                    n.Status = NodeStatus.Idle;
Esempio n. 2
        /*[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="SuperViewer")]
         * [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="Admin")]
         * [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="SuperAdmin")]*/
        public List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> GetNodes(int?groupId)
            List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> nodes = new DAL.NodeDAO(sessionUser).GetAll(groupId);

            foreach (P2PBackup.Common.Node n in nodes)
                if (Hub.NodesList.Contains(n.Id))
                    n.Status = Hub.NodesList.GetById(n.Id).Status;
Esempio n. 3
File: Hub.cs Progetto: radtek/BackO
        private PeerNode CreateNewNode(string ip, NodeCertificate cert)
            var node = new PeerNode();

            node.Name   = Dns.GetHostEntry(ip).HostName;
            node.IP     = ip;
            node.Locked = true;
            node.Status = NodeStatus.New;
            node        = new DAL.NodeDAO().Save(node);
            cert.NodeId = node.Id;
            cert        = new DAL.CertificateDAO().Save(cert);
            Logger.Append("HUBRN", Severity.INFO, "Created new node #" + node.Id + " with cert #" + cert.Id + " for client " + ip);
Esempio n. 4
File: Hub.cs Progetto: radtek/BackO
        private PeerNode AuthenticateNode(SslStream clientSslStream, Socket clientSocket)
            string nodeIP = clientSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Split(':')[0];

            // if cert is empty or come with the default/harcoded hash, this a new node.
            // Generate and send him a certificate
            if (clientSslStream.RemoteCertificate == null ||
                clientSslStream.RemoteCertificate.GetCertHashString() == "3EE15BE077586D9CB9AEC105AE8AB0613ED6C34B")
                //TODO : make certmanager directly return an X509Certificate2
                //TODO : store the whole cert into a 'Password' structure (need private key if client
                // node is lost (or its certificate is lost), or to do cross-restores
                Mono.Security.X509.PKCS12 newCert = GenerateNewClientCertificate(nodeIP);
                // new node, unknown by hub. let's add it in "pending for approval" status
                var x509cert2 = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2();
                x509cert2.Import(newCert.Certificates[0].RawData, "",
                                 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet | System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
                var u = CreateNewNode(nodeIP, new NodeCertificate(x509cert2));
                u.SetSockets(clientSslStream, clientSocket);

            X509Certificate2 remoteCert = new X509Certificate2(clientSslStream.RemoteCertificate);
            PeerNode         node       = new DAL.NodeDAO().NodeApproved(remoteCert.GetSerialNumber());

            node.IP = nodeIP;
            if (node != null)
                Logger.Append("HUBRN", Severity.TRIVIA, "Newly connected node : Id=" + node.Id + ", NodeName=" + node.Name + ",IP=" + node.IP + ", status=" + node.Status);
                if (!node.Locked)
                    node.Status = NodeStatus.Idle;
                    node.Status = NodeStatus.Locked;                     // pending for manual approval
                    Logger.Append("HUBRN", Severity.NOTICE, "Newly connected node #" + node.Id + " is locked.");
            node.SetSockets(clientSslStream, clientSocket);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the specified NodeGroup.
        /// Also update any member node to point to 'no group' (id = -1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ng">Ng.</param>
        public void Delete(NodeGroup ng)
            if (ng.Id <= 0)            // prevent deleting 'default' and 'no group' groups
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cannot delete a Group with Id < 0");
            var nodeDao     = new NodeDAO(sessionUser);
            var memberNodes = nodeDao.GetAll(ng.Id);

            foreach (Node n in memberNodes)
                n.Group = -1;

            using (dbc = DAL.Instance.GetDb()){
                dbc.Delete <NodeGroup>(ng);
Esempio n. 6
File: Hub.cs Progetto: radtek/BackO
        internal static List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> DiscoverVms(int hypervisorId)
            List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> newNodes = new List <P2PBackup.Common.Node>();

            using (P2PBackupHub.Virtualization.HypervisorManager hvm = new P2PBackupHub.Virtualization.HypervisorManager()){
                Hypervisor hv = new DAL.HypervisorDAO().GetById(hypervisorId);
                hvm.Id          = hv.Id;
                hvm.Kind        = hv.Kind;
                hvm.Url         = hv.Url;
                hvm.UserName    = hv.UserName;
                hvm.Password    = hv.Password;
                hv.LastDiscover = DateTime.Now;
                new DAL.HypervisorDAO().Update(hv);
                Console.WriteLine("DiscoverVms()  0");
                List <P2PBackup.Common.Node> discoveredNodes = hvm.Discover();
                Console.WriteLine("DiscoverVms()  1");
                Logger.Append("HUBRN", Severity.DEBUG, "Discovered " + discoveredNodes.Count + " VMs");

                foreach (P2PBackup.Common.Node newN in  discoveredNodes)
                    Console.WriteLine("DiscoverVms()  3, cur newn=" + newN.Name);
                        P2PBackup.Common.Node existingNode = new DAL.NodeDAO().GetByInternalId(newN.InternalId);
                        Console.WriteLine("DiscoverVms()  3.1");
                        if (existingNode == null)
                            Logger.Append("HUBRN", Severity.DEBUG, "The VM " + newN.Name + " has been added to the client nodes.");
                            newN.Hypervisor = hypervisorId;
                            existingNode    = new DAL.NodeDAO().Save((PeerNode)newN);
                            if (existingNode != null)
                                existingNode.Status = NodeStatus.New;
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        Logger.Append("HUBRN", Severity.ERROR, "Could not add new discovered node : " + e.ToString());