Esempio n. 1
        void OnPlayerConnected(Player player)
            if (ApiKey == DefaultApiKey || ApiKey == "")
                Log("Error! No Steam API key found.");
                Log("You need to set your API key in the configuration file for this plugin to work!");
                Log("To obtain an API key browse to");

            var playerName = player.DisplayName;
            var steamId = player.Id.ToString();

            if (playerName == "Server" && steamId == "9999999999") return;

            if (Whitelist != null && Whitelist.Contains(steamId))
                if (LogToConsole)
                    Log($"{playerName} with Steam Id {steamId} is whitelisted, allowing the player to join.");

            string vacbanurl = $"{ApiKey}&steamids={steamId}";
            string familyshareurl = $"{ApiKey}&steamid={steamId}&appid_playing=344760";
            string profileurl = $"{ApiKey}&steamids={steamId}";

            if (VacEnabled)
                webRequests.EnqueueGet(vacbanurl, (code, response) => IsVacBanned(code, response, player), this);
            if (ShareEnabled)
                webRequests.EnqueueGet(familyshareurl, (code, response) => IsFamilySharing(code, response, player), this);
            if (PrivateEnabled)
                webRequests.EnqueueGet(profileurl, (code, response) => HasPrivateProfile(code, response, player), this);
Esempio n. 2
        ConnectionError OnUserApprove(ConnectionLoginData data)
            if (!blockedPlayersList.ContainsKey(data.PlayerId) || Whitelist.Contains(data.PlayerId.ToString())) return ConnectionError.NoError;

            if (LogToConsole)
                Warning(string.Format(blockedPlayersList[data.PlayerId], data.PlayerName + " (" + data.PlayerId + ")"));

            return ConnectionError.ApprovalDenied;