/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public BSStockService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("BSSTOCK", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_bsStocks = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<BSStockInfo>>(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_bsStocks == null) { try { m_bsStocks = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<BSStockInfo>>(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public DimensionService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("DIMENSION", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_dimensions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DimensionInfo> >(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_dimensions == null) { try { m_dimensions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DimensionInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public LevelService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("LEVEL", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_levels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <LevelInfo> >(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_levels == null) { try { m_levels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <LevelInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public BusinessCardService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("BUSINESSCARD", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_businessCards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BusinessCardInfo> >(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_businessCards == null) { try { m_businessCards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BusinessCardInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public ProjectService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("PROJECT", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_projects = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ProjectInfo> >(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_projects == null) { try { m_projects = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ProjectInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public CalendarService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("CALENDAR", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_calendars = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <String, CalendarInfo> >(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_calendars == null) { try { m_calendars = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <String, CalendarInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 退出程序 /// </summary> public override void Exit() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "MENULAYOUT" + DataCenter.UserID.ToString(); cookie.m_userID = DataCenter.UserID; List <FoldSubMenuA> subMenus = m_foldMenu.SubMenus; int subMenusSize = subMenus.Count; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < subMenusSize; i++) { FoldSubMenuA foldSubMenu = subMenus[i]; sb.Append(foldSubMenu.Name + "," + (foldSubMenu.LayoutDiv.Visible ? "1" : "0") + ","); List <ControlA> subControls = foldSubMenu.LayoutDiv.m_controls; int subControlsSize = subControls.Count; for (int j = 0; j < subControlsSize; j++) { ControlA subControl = subControls[j]; sb.Append(subControl.Name); if (j != subControlsSize - 1) { sb.Append(","); } } if (i != subMenusSize - 1) { sb.Append("\r\n"); } } cookie.m_value = sb.ToString(); DataCenter.UserCookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public UserSecurityService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("USERSECURITY", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_codes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <UserSecurity> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_codes == null) { try { m_codes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <UserSecurity> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建服务 /// </summary> public FollowService() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; if (cookieService.GetCookie("FOLLOW", ref cookie) > 0) { try { m_follows = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FollowInfo> >(AESHelper.Decrypt(cookie.m_value)); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (m_follows == null) { try { m_follows = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FollowInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
/// <summary> /// 保存信息 /// </summary> public void Save() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "BSSTOCK"; cookie.m_value = AESHelper.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_bsStocks)); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; cookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 设置COOKIE /// </summary> /// <param name="var">变量</param> /// <returns>结果</returns> private double SETCOOKIE(CVariable var) { String cookieName = m_indicator.GetText(var.m_parameters[0]); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = cookieName; cookie.m_value = m_indicator.GetText(var.m_parameters[1]); return(cookieService.AddCookie(cookie)); }
/// <summary> /// 保存信息 /// </summary> public void Save() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "BUSINESSCARD"; cookie.m_value = AESHelper.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_businessCards)); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; cookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 保存信息 /// </summary> public void Save() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "DIMENSION"; cookie.m_value = AESHelper.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_dimensions)); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; cookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 保存信息 /// </summary> public void Save() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "PERSONAL"; cookie.m_value = AESHelper.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_personals)); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; cookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 保存信息 /// </summary> public void Save() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "CALENDAR"; cookie.m_value = AESHelper.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_calendars)); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; cookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 保存信息 /// </summary> public void Save() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "USERSECURITY"; cookie.m_value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_codes); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; cookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);//设置此窗体为活动窗体 /// <summary> /// 加载XML /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlPath">XML路径</param> public override void Load(String xmlPath) { LoadFile(xmlPath, null); DataCenter.MainUI = this; m_mainDiv = Native.GetControls()[0] as DivA; m_mainDiv.BackColor = COLOR.CONTROL; ControlPaintEvent paintLayoutEvent = new ControlPaintEvent(PaintLayoutDiv); m_mainDiv.RegisterEvent(paintLayoutEvent, EVENTID.PAINT); m_mainDiv.RegisterEvent(new ControlInvokeEvent(Invoke), EVENTID.INVOKE); DataCenter.ServerChatService.RegisterListener(DataCenter.ChatRequestID, new ListenerMessageCallBack(ChatMessageCallBack)); m_gridHosts = GetGrid("gridHosts"); m_gridHosts.GridLineColor = COLOR.CONTROLBORDER; GridRowStyle rowStyle = new GridRowStyle(); rowStyle.HoveredBackColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_HOVEREDROWCOLOR; rowStyle.SelectedBackColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_SELECTEDROWCOLOR; rowStyle.SelectedForeColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_FORECOLOR4; rowStyle.Font = new FONT("微软雅黑", 12, false, false, false); m_gridHosts.RowStyle = rowStyle; GridRowStyle alternateRowStyle = new GridRowStyle(); alternateRowStyle.BackColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_ALTERNATEROWCOLOR; alternateRowStyle.HoveredBackColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_HOVEREDROWCOLOR; alternateRowStyle.SelectedBackColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_SELECTEDROWCOLOR; alternateRowStyle.SelectedForeColor = CDraw.PCOLORS_FORECOLOR4; alternateRowStyle.Font = new FONT("微软雅黑", 12, false, false, false); m_gridHosts.AlternateRowStyle = alternateRowStyle; m_gridGroups = GetGrid("gridGroups"); m_gridGroups.RowStyle = rowStyle; m_gridGroups.AlternateRowStyle = alternateRowStyle; m_gridGroups.RegisterEvent(new GridCellMouseEvent(GridCellClick), EVENTID.GRIDCELLCLICK); RegisterEvents(m_mainDiv); //全节点服务器 if (DataCenter.IsFull) { DataCenter.UserID = DataCenter.HostInfo.m_localHost + ":" + CStr.ConvertIntToStr(DataCenter.HostInfo.m_localPort); DataCenter.UserName = DataCenter.UserID; Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartConnect)); thread.Start(); } else { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); if (DataCenter.UserCookieService.GetCookie("USERINFO2", ref cookie) > 0) { String[] strs = cookie.m_value.Split(new String[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); GetTextBox("txtPhone").Text = strs[0]; GetTextBox("txtUserName").Text = strs[1]; GetTextBox("txtPort").Text = strs[2]; } } m_chatGroups = ChatGroup.ReadGroups(); BindGroups(); }
/// <summary> /// 更新会话 /// </summary> /// <param name="cookie">会话</param> /// <returns>状态</returns> public int UpdateCookie(UserCookie cookie) { String sql = String.Format("UPDATE USERCOOKIE SET VALUE = '{0}' WHERE USERID = {1} AND KEY = '{2}'", CStrA.GetDBString(cookie.m_value), m_userID, CStrA.GetDBString(cookie.m_key)); SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(m_connectStr); SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = sql; conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); return(1); }
/// <summary> /// 获取COOKIE /// </summary> /// <param name="var">变量</param> /// <returns>状态</returns> private double GETCOOKIE(CVariable var) { String cookieName = m_indicator.GetText(var.m_parameters[1]); UserCookieService cookieService = DataCenter.UserCookieService; UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); if (cookieService.GetCookie(cookieName, ref cookie) > 0) { CVariable newVar = new CVariable(m_indicator); newVar.m_expression = "'" + cookie.m_value + "'"; m_indicator.SetVariable(var.m_parameters[0], newVar); return(1); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化方法 /// </summary> public void Init() { UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); if (DataCenter.UserCookieService.GetCookie("PLANS", ref cookie) > 0) { String[] strs = cookie.m_value.Split(new String[] { "☀" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int strsSize = strs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < strsSize; i++) { CPlan plan = new CPlan(); plan.FromString(strs[i]); if (plan.m_id.Length > 0) { m_plans[plan.m_id] = plan; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> public void SavePlans() { String str = ""; List <CPlan> plans = new List <CPlan>(); GetPlans(plans); int plansSize = plans.Count; for (int i = 0; i < plansSize; i++) { CPlan plan = plans[i]; str += plan.ToString(); str += "☀"; } plans.Clear(); UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "PLANS"; cookie.m_value = str; DataCenter.UserCookieService.AddCookie(cookie); }
/// <summary> /// 添加用户Cookie /// </summary> /// <param name="cookie">消息</param> /// <returns>状态</returns> public int AddCookie(UserCookie cookie) { UserCookie oldCookie = new UserCookie(); if (GetCookie(cookie.m_key, ref oldCookie) > 0) { UpdateCookie(cookie); } else { String sql = String.Format("INSERT INTO USERCOOKIE(USERID, KEY, VALUE, MODIFYTIME, CREATETIME) values ({0}, '{1}', '{2}','1970-1-1','1970-1-1')", m_userID, CStrA.GetDBString(cookie.m_key), CStrA.GetDBString(cookie.m_value)); SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(m_connectStr); conn.Open(); SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = sql; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } return(1); }
/// <summary> /// 登陆 /// </summary> private void Login() { String phone = GetTextBox("txtPhone").Text.Trim(); String userName = GetTextBox("txtUserName").Text.Trim(); String myPort = GetTextBox("txtPort").Text.Trim(); if (phone.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请输入手机号码!", "提示"); return; } if (userName.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请输入姓名!", "提示"); return; } m_isLogining = true; DataCenter.UserID = phone; DataCenter.UserName = userName; UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "USERINFO2"; cookie.m_value = phone + "," + userName + "," + myPort; DataCenter.UserCookieService.AddCookie(cookie); DataCenter.ServerChatService.Port = CStr.ConvertStrToInt(GetTextBox("txtPort").Text); OwLibSV.BaseService.StartServer(0, DataCenter.ServerChatService.Port); Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartConnect)); thread.Start(); while (m_isLogining) { Thread.Sleep(100); } GetLabel("lblState").Visible = true; GetLabel("lblState").Text = "用户" + userName + "已登陆"; GetDiv("divLogin").Visible = false; GetDiv("divChat").Top = 30; Native.Update(); Native.Invalidate(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户Cookie /// </summary> /// <param name="key">键</param> /// <param name="cookie">会话</param> /// <returns>状态</returns> public int GetCookie(String key, ref UserCookie cookie) { int state = 0; String sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM USERCOOKIE WHERE USERID = {0} AND KEY = '{1}'", m_userID, CStrA.GetDBString(key)); SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(m_connectStr); SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = sql; conn.Open(); SQLiteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { cookie.m_userID = reader.GetInt32(0); cookie.m_key = reader.GetString(1); cookie.m_value = reader.GetString(2); state = 1; } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); return(state); }
/// <summary> /// 接收消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="message">消息</param> public override void OnReceive(CMessage message) { base.OnReceive(message); if (DataCenter.IsFull && message.m_functionID == FUNCTIONID_SENDALL) { DataCenter.ServerChatService.SendAll(message); } if (message.m_functionID == FUNCTIONID_GETHOSTS) { List <ChatHostInfo> datas = new List <ChatHostInfo>(); int type = 0; ChatService.GetHostInfos(datas, ref type, message.m_body, message.m_bodyLength); if (type != 2) { int datasSize = datas.Count; for (int i = 0; i < datasSize; i++) { ChatHostInfo hostInfo = datas[i]; //全节点 if (hostInfo.m_type == 1) { if (hostInfo.m_ip != "") { OwLibSV.ChatHostInfo serverHostInfo = new OwLibSV.ChatHostInfo(); serverHostInfo.m_ip = hostInfo.m_ip; serverHostInfo.m_serverPort = hostInfo.m_serverPort; serverHostInfo.m_type = hostInfo.m_type; DataCenter.ServerChatService.AddServerHosts(serverHostInfo); String newServer = hostInfo.m_ip + ":" + CStr.ConvertIntToStr(hostInfo.m_serverPort); List <ChatHostInfo> hostInfos = new List <ChatHostInfo>(); UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); if (DataCenter.UserCookieService.GetCookie("DANDANSERVERS", ref cookie) > 0) { hostInfos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ChatHostInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } int hostInfosSize = hostInfos.Count; bool contains = false; for (int j = 0; j < hostInfosSize; j++) { ChatHostInfo oldHostInfo = hostInfos[j]; String key = oldHostInfo.ToString(); if (key == newServer) { contains = true; break; } } if (!contains) { hostInfos.Add(hostInfo); cookie.m_key = "DANDANSERVERS"; cookie.m_value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hostInfos); DataCenter.UserCookieService.AddCookie(cookie); } String key2 = hostInfo.ToString(); OwLib.ChatService findChatService = DataCenter.GetClientChatService(key2); if (findChatService == null) { int socketID = OwLib.BaseService.Connect(hostInfo.m_ip, hostInfo.m_serverPort); if (socketID != -1) { OwLib.ChatService clientChatService = new OwLib.ChatService(); DataCenter.AddClientChatService(key2, clientChatService); OwLib.BaseService.AddService(clientChatService); clientChatService.Connected = true; clientChatService.ToServer = type == 1; //clientChatService.RegisterListener(DataCenter.ChatRequestID, new ListenerMessageCallBack(GintechMessageCallBack)); clientChatService.SocketID = socketID; clientChatService.Enter(); } } else { OwLib.ChatService clientChatService = DataCenter.GetClientChatService(key2); if (!clientChatService.Connected) { int socketID = OwLib.BaseService.Connect(hostInfo.m_ip, hostInfo.m_serverPort); if (socketID != -1) { clientChatService.Connected = true; clientChatService.SocketID = socketID; clientChatService.Enter(); } } } } } } } } SendToListener(message); }
/// <summary> /// 获取App功能 /// </summary> public void GetApps(List <UserAppsTable> type1List, List <UserAppsTable> type2List, List <UserAppsTable> type3List, List <UserAppsTable> type4List) { PADDING margin1 = new PADDING(5, 5, 5, 5); PADDING padding = new PADDING(5, 5, 5, 5); PADDING margin2 = new PADDING(5, 5, 5, 5); Dictionary <String, FoldSubMenuA> menuCaches = new Dictionary <String, FoldSubMenuA>(); if (type1List != null && type1List.Count > 0) { int num = type1List.Count; FoldSubMenuA menuItemAccount = new FoldSubMenuA(); m_foldMenu.AddSubMenu(menuItemAccount); menuItemAccount.Name = "TYPE1"; menuCaches[menuItemAccount.Name] = menuItemAccount; menuItemAccount.TitleLabel.Text = "员工管理(" + num + ")"; menuItemAccount.ShrinkButton.Text = "收缩"; menuItemAccount.ShrinkButton.Name = "shrink"; menuItemAccount.LayoutDiv.Margin = margin1; menuItemAccount.Padding = padding; menuItemAccount.Margin = margin2; menuItemAccount.TitleLabel.Size = new SIZE(150, 20); menuItemAccount.ShrinkButton.Size = new SIZE(80, 20); foreach (UserAppsTable userApp in type1List) { FoldMenuItemA menuButtonAddUser = new FoldMenuItemA(); menuButtonAddUser.Text = userApp.m_appName; menuButtonAddUser.Name = userApp.m_appID; menuButtonAddUser.BackImage = "file='images\\" + userApp.m_appID + ".jpg'"; menuButtonAddUser.Margin = margin2; menuItemAccount.LayoutDiv.AddControl(menuButtonAddUser); } } if (type2List != null && type2List.Count > 0) { int num = type2List.Count; FoldSubMenuA menuItemFundTrade = new FoldSubMenuA(); m_foldMenu.AddSubMenu(menuItemFundTrade); menuItemFundTrade.Name = "TYPE2"; menuCaches[menuItemFundTrade.Name] = menuItemFundTrade; menuItemFundTrade.TitleLabel.Text = "项目管理(" + num + ")"; menuItemFundTrade.ShrinkButton.Text = "收缩"; menuItemFundTrade.ShrinkButton.Name = "shrink"; menuItemFundTrade.LayoutDiv.Margin = margin1; menuItemFundTrade.Padding = padding; menuItemFundTrade.Margin = margin2; menuItemFundTrade.TitleLabel.Size = new SIZE(150, 20); menuItemFundTrade.ShrinkButton.Size = new SIZE(80, 20); foreach (UserAppsTable userApp in type2List) { FoldMenuItemA menuButtonAddUser = new FoldMenuItemA(); menuButtonAddUser.Text = userApp.m_appName; menuButtonAddUser.Name = userApp.m_appID; menuButtonAddUser.BackImage = "file='images\\" + userApp.m_appID + ".jpg'"; menuButtonAddUser.Margin = margin2; menuItemFundTrade.LayoutDiv.AddControl(menuButtonAddUser); } } if (type3List != null && type3List.Count > 0) { int num = type3List.Count; FoldSubMenuA menuItemSystem = new FoldSubMenuA(); menuItemSystem.Name = "TYPE3"; menuCaches[menuItemSystem.Name] = menuItemSystem; m_foldMenu.AddSubMenu(menuItemSystem); menuItemSystem.TitleLabel.Text = "个人管理(" + num + ")"; menuItemSystem.ShrinkButton.Text = "收缩"; menuItemSystem.ShrinkButton.Name = "shrink"; menuItemSystem.LayoutDiv.Margin = margin1; menuItemSystem.Padding = padding; menuItemSystem.Margin = margin2; menuItemSystem.TitleLabel.Size = new SIZE(150, 20); menuItemSystem.ShrinkButton.Size = new SIZE(80, 20); foreach (UserAppsTable userApp in type3List) { FoldMenuItemA menuButtonAddUser = new FoldMenuItemA(); menuButtonAddUser.Text = userApp.m_appName; menuButtonAddUser.Name = userApp.m_appID; menuButtonAddUser.BackImage = "file='images\\" + userApp.m_appID + ".jpg'"; menuButtonAddUser.Margin = margin2; menuItemSystem.LayoutDiv.AddControl(menuButtonAddUser); } } if (type4List != null && type4List.Count > 0) { int num = type4List.Count; FoldSubMenuA menuItemRisk = new FoldSubMenuA(); menuItemRisk.Name = "TYPE4"; menuCaches[menuItemRisk.Name] = menuItemRisk; m_foldMenu.AddSubMenu(menuItemRisk); menuItemRisk.TitleLabel.Text = "情报管理(" + num + ")"; menuItemRisk.ShrinkButton.Text = "收缩"; menuItemRisk.ShrinkButton.Name = "shrink"; menuItemRisk.LayoutDiv.Margin = margin1; menuItemRisk.Padding = padding; menuItemRisk.Margin = margin2; menuItemRisk.TitleLabel.Size = new SIZE(150, 20); menuItemRisk.ShrinkButton.Size = new SIZE(80, 20); foreach (UserAppsTable userApp in type4List) { FoldMenuItemA menuButtonAddUser = new FoldMenuItemA(); menuButtonAddUser.Text = userApp.m_appName; menuButtonAddUser.Name = userApp.m_appID; menuButtonAddUser.BackImage = "file='images\\" + userApp.m_appID + ".jpg'"; menuButtonAddUser.Margin = margin2; menuItemRisk.LayoutDiv.AddControl(menuButtonAddUser); } } //读取布局信息 UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); cookie.m_key = "MENULAYOUT" + DataCenter.UserID.ToString(); cookie.m_userID = DataCenter.UserID; if (DataCenter.UserCookieService.GetCookie(cookie.m_key, ref cookie) > 0) { String value = cookie.m_value; String[] strs = value.Split(new String[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int strsSize = strs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < strsSize; i++) { String[] subStrs = strs[i].Split(new String[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String foldName = subStrs[0]; bool visible = subStrs[1] == "1"; if (menuCaches.ContainsKey(foldName)) { FoldSubMenuA foldSubMenu = menuCaches[foldName]; foldSubMenu.LayoutDiv.Visible = visible; int subStrsSize = subStrs.Length; int orderNum = 0; for (int j = 2; j < subStrsSize; j++) { List <ControlA> subControls = foldSubMenu.LayoutDiv.m_controls; int subControlsSize = subControls.Count; for (int m = 0; m < subControlsSize; m++) { ControlA subControl = subControls[m]; if (subControl.Name == subStrs[j]) { (subControl as FoldMenuItemA).OrderNum = orderNum; orderNum++; break; } } } foldSubMenu.LayoutDiv.m_controls.Sort(new FoldMenuItemOrderNumCompare()); } } } menuCaches.Clear(); m_foldMenu.Update(); Native.Update(); ControlPaintEvent paintLayoutEvent = new ControlPaintEvent(PaintLayoutDiv); m_foldMenu.RegisterEvent(paintLayoutEvent, EVENTID.PAINT); }
/// <summary> /// 开始启动服务 /// </summary> public void StartConnect() { List <ChatHostInfo> hostInfos = new List <ChatHostInfo>(); UserCookie cookie = new UserCookie(); if (DataCenter.UserCookieService.GetCookie("DANDANSERVERS", ref cookie) > 0) { hostInfos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ChatHostInfo> >(cookie.m_value); } else { if (DataCenter.HostInfo.m_defaultHost.Length > 0) { ChatHostInfo defaultHostInfo = new ChatHostInfo(); defaultHostInfo.m_ip = DataCenter.HostInfo.m_defaultHost; defaultHostInfo.m_serverPort = DataCenter.HostInfo.m_defaultPort; hostInfos.Add(defaultHostInfo); } } int hostInfosSize = hostInfos.Count; if (DataCenter.IsFull && hostInfosSize == 0) { ChatHostInfo defaultHostInfo = new ChatHostInfo(); defaultHostInfo.m_ip = ""; defaultHostInfo.m_serverPort = 16666; hostInfos.Add(defaultHostInfo); } if (hostInfosSize > 0) { Random rd = new Random(); while (DataCenter.IsAppAlive()) { ChatHostInfo hostInfo = hostInfos[rd.Next(0, hostInfosSize)]; int socketID = OwLib.BaseService.Connect(hostInfo.m_ip, hostInfo.m_serverPort); if (socketID != -1) { String key = hostInfo.ToString(); if (m_mainForm != null) { m_mainForm.SetTitle(key); m_mainForm.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(m_mainForm.SetTitle)); } Console.WriteLine(hostInfo.m_ip); OwLib.ChatService clientChatService = new OwLib.ChatService(); DataCenter.AddClientChatService(key, clientChatService); OwLib.BaseService.AddService(clientChatService); clientChatService.ToServer = true; clientChatService.Connected = true; if (!DataCenter.IsFull) { clientChatService.RegisterListener(DataCenter.ChatRequestID, new ListenerMessageCallBack(ChatMessageCallBack)); } clientChatService.SocketID = socketID; clientChatService.Enter(); m_isLogining = false; DataCenter.CheckConnects(); return; } } } }