Esempio n. 1
 public GitterRoomSurfaceController()
     _gitterService = new GitterService();
Esempio n. 2
 public GitterHub()
     _gitterService = new GitterService();
        protected override void ApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
            var logger = applicationContext.ProfilingLogger.Logger;

            //Gitter API token
            var apiToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GitterApiToken"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiToken))
                logger.Warn <GitterUmbracoEventHandler>("No Gitter API AppSetting key found in 'GitterApiToken'");

            //Register & setup/connect to Gitter Realtime API
            var realtimeGitterService = new RealtimeGitterService(apiToken);

            //Used to communicate & fire events from server code to SignalR connected JS clients
            var gitter = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <GitterHub>();

            //Let's connect & listen...
            //This has to be done first before subscribe's
            catch (Exception e)
                //Could be connection issues
                //Could be invalid API key etc...

                //Log the error but don't attempt anymore Gitter bootup
                var err = "Could not connect to Gitter's Realtime API Service.";
                logger.Error <GitterUmbracoEventHandler>(err, e);


            //Get the room names from the appsetting

            //The Room ID we want to listen for events from
            //This appSetting contains a CSV of room IDs
            var roomNames = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GitterRooms"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomNames))
                logger.Warn <GitterUmbracoEventHandler>("No Gitter Room Names are found in AppSetting key 'GitterRooms'");

            //Gitter API
            var gitterService = new GitterService();

            //Do some AutoMapper - so we get our new dervived class with computed friendly date to use in the JSON
            AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap <Message, UmbracoMessage>();

            var rooms = roomNames.Split(',');

            //Setup the events for each room ID
            foreach (var roomName in rooms)
                //Call the API & get the Room ID
                //Store the topic & other info of the room object into the cache
                //Only at startup here will it ever get updated
                var room =
                    applicationContext.ApplicationCache.StaticCache.GetCacheItem <Room>("GitterRoom__" + roomName,
                                                                                        () =>

                //User presence
                .Subscribe(x =>
                    //Invoke signalR JS function prescenceEvent()
                    //Currently only fires a console.log with the data
                    gitter.Clients.Group(room.Id).prescenceEvent(new { prescenceEvent = x, room = room.Id });
                }, onError: OnError);

                //Room Events
                .Subscribe(x =>
                    //Invoke signalR JS function roomEvent()
                    //Currently only fires a console.log with the data
                    gitter.Clients.Group(room.Id).roomEvent(new { roomEvent = x, room = room.Id });
                }, onError: OnError);

                //Users in room
                .Subscribe(x =>
                    //Invoke signalR JS function userEvent()
                    //Currently only fires a console.log with the data
                    gitter.Clients.Group(room.Id).userEvent(new { userEvent = x, room = room.Id });
                }, onError: OnError);

                //Chat messages
                .Subscribe(x =>
                        //Cast them with AutoMapper to our derivied class - with the computed friendly date on it
                        var umbracoMessage = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <UmbracoMessage>(x.Model);

                        //Invoke signalR JS function chatMessage()
                        gitter.Clients.Group(room.Id).chatMessage(new { operation = x.Operation, message = umbracoMessage, room = room.Id });
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //Error with JSON serialisation for SignalR
                        //OR Error with AutoMapper Mapping
                        logger.Error <GitterUmbracoEventHandler>("Error sending realtime message", e);
                }, onError: OnError);