Esempio n. 1
        private void backgroundWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            PointListPair plp         = (PointListPair)e.UserState;
            List <Point>  points1     = plp.points1;
            List <Point>  points2     = plp.points2;
            GeometryGroup geomGroup   = new GeometryGroup();
            Point         startPoint1 = points1[0];

            PolyLineSegment polyLnSeg1 = new PolyLineSegment(points1, true);
            PathFigure      pathFig1   = new PathFigure(startPoint1, new PathSegment[] { polyLnSeg1 }, false);
            PathGeometry    pathGeom1  = new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[] { pathFig1 });

            if (points2 != null && points2.Count > 1)
                Point startPoint2 = points2[0];
                PolyLineSegment polyLnSeg2 = new PolyLineSegment(points2, true);
                PathFigure      pathFig2   = new PathFigure(startPoint2, new PathSegment[] { polyLnSeg2 }, false);
                PathGeometry    pathGeom2  = new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[] { pathFig2 });
            GeometryDrawing geomDrawing = new GeometryDrawing(null, OscilloscopePen, geomGroup);

Esempio n. 2
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork4(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker bw         = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            int      voltageByte        = 0;
            DateTime priorReportingTime = DateTime.Now;
            ulong    readRatio;
            double   uSecPerPixel;
            ulong    readCount = 0;
            double   tScale;
            double   trigVolts;
            List <OscilloscopeData> data1 = new List <OscilloscopeData>();
            List <OscilloscopeData> data2 = new List <OscilloscopeData>();
            bool trigOn;
            int  bdRate;

            //Lock while reading in variables that belong to MainWindow
            lock (locker)
                bdRate = baudRate;
                trigOn = triggerOn;
                //readRatio = dataReadRatio;
                tScale    = timeScale;
                trigVolts = triggerVolts;
            ulong tScaleUsec = (ulong)(1000.0 * tScale);

            uSecPerPixel = tScaleUsec / HostWidth;
            readRatio    = (ulong)(uSecPerPixel / acqTime);
            if (readRatio == 0)
                readRatio = 1;
            ulong dataTime = 0;

            using (SerialPort sp = new SerialPort((string)e.Argument, bdRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits))
                int[] buf = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                while (!bw.CancellationPending)
                    //If data available, get voltage reading
                    if (sp.BytesToRead == 0)

                    buf[0] = buf[1];
                    buf[1] = buf[2];
                    buf[2] = sp.ReadByte();

                    dataTime += acqTime;


                    if (readCount % readRatio != 0)
                    double volts = 5.0 * buf[1] / 256.0;
                    //double volts = 5.0 * (double)(buf[0] + 2 * buf[1] + buf[2]) / (256.0 * 4.0);

                    //If triggering is turned on, datatime has exceeded time scale, and threshhold crossed, then handle trigger event
                    int last = data1.Count - 1;
                    if (trigOn && last > 1 && (dataTime - data1[0].Usec) > tScaleUsec && volts > trigVolts && data1[last].Volts < trigVolts)
                        //Triggering has occurred. New data1 will contain the data being collected starting with the current data point.
                        //data2 will contain the old data for backfilling. Its time values need to be increment by cycleTime so they appear
                        //after the data1 points.
                        data2 = data1;
                        data1 = new List <OscilloscopeData>()
                            new OscilloscopeData(dataTime, volts)
                        ulong cycleTime = dataTime - data2[0].Usec;
                        for (int i = 0; i < data2.Count; i++)
                            data2[i].Usec += cycleTime;
                        //Triggering has not occurred. Add the new data point to data1. If total time in data1 exceeds the timeScale AND triggering
                        // is turned off, OR if data1 contains an entire 2nd screen of data, then data2 will not be needed: clear it and trim beginning of data1
                        data1.Add(new OscilloscopeData(dataTime, volts));
                        ulong data1TotalUsec = dataTime - data1[0].Usec;
                        if ((data1TotalUsec > tScaleUsec && !trigOn) || data1TotalUsec > (2 * tScaleUsec))
                            while ((dataTime - data1[0].Usec) > tScaleUsec)

                    //Trim beginning of data2 (so it includes only data points that appear after all data in data1).
                    while (data2.Count > 0 && data2[0].Usec <= dataTime)

                    //If reporting interval has passed, report progress
                    DateTime currTime = DateTime.Now;
                    if ((currTime - priorReportingTime) > ProgressReportingInterval)
                        priorReportingTime = currTime;
                        double vMin;
                        double vScale;

                        //Lock while accessing variables that belong to MainWindow. Some of these are needed for reporting progress,
                        //while others are just being updated for use in future data acquisition
                        lock (locker)
                            trigOn = triggerOn;
                            //readRatio = dataReadRatio;
                            tScale    = timeScale;
                            trigVolts = triggerVolts;
                            vMin      = voltMin;
                            vScale    = voltScale;
                        tScaleUsec   = (ulong)(1000.0 * tScale);
                        uSecPerPixel = tScaleUsec / HostWidth;
                        readRatio    = (ulong)(uSecPerPixel / acqTime);
                        if (readRatio == 0)
                            readRatio = 1;

                        //Generate a list of x,y points for data1; also a list of x,y points for data2, if it contains at least two data points
                        //These list(s) are sent to ProgressChanged as a PointListPair for graphing. Only generate those points which are time scale.
                        double       tMin    = (double)(data1[0].Usec) / 1000.0;
                        double       tMax    = tMin + tScale;
                        List <Point> points1 = new List <Point>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < data1.Count; i++)
                            if ((data1[i].Usec - data1[0].Usec) < tScaleUsec)
                                points1.Add(getDisplayPoint(data1[i].Usec, data1[i].Volts, tMin, tScale, vMin, vScale));
                        PointListPair plp = new PointListPair(points1, null);

                        if (data2.Count > 1)
                            List <Point> points2 = new List <Point>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < data2.Count; i++)
                                if ((data2[i].Usec - data1[0].Usec) < tScaleUsec)
                                    points2.Add(getDisplayPoint(data2[i].Usec, data2[i].Volts, tMin, tScale, vMin, vScale));
                            plp.points2 = points2;
                        bw.ReportProgress(0, plp);
            e.Result = data1;
Esempio n. 3
         * Third Version of DoWork
         * This version works with Arduino Sketch: Oscilloscope2
         * Assumptions regarding incoming data are the same as for the second version, DoWork2.
         * Assumes that each arriving data packet consists of:
         * The character 'b' (begin)
         * byte containing the least significant 8 bits of time in microseconds
         * byte containing:
         *  The most significant 6 bits of time in microseconds (as the least significant 6 bits in this byte)
         *  The least significant 2 bits of the A-to-D conversion result (as the most significant 2 bits in this byte)
         * byte containing the most significant 8 bits of the A-to-D conversion
         * Because the time in microseconds is sent as only 14 bits, it will "turn over" every 2^14 (max14Bit) microsends; this will
         * manifest as a new time reading that is less than the old one.
         * Triggering is re-worked.
         * Trigger Target Count no longer used.
         * When triggering is ON, trigger will happen when all of the following criteria are met: a)current volts > trigVolts;
         * b) most recent prior volts < trigVolts; c) progressive voltage increases have occurred for the last three voltage
         * measurements (including the current one); d)The data has crossed the right end of the screen (so the screen always
         * gets completely filled with data).
         * If triggering is ON, but no threshhold crossing occurs, the current screen of data will be replaced with
         * the next whole screen of data acquired.
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork3(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            byte[]   buf = new byte[3];
            DateTime priorReportingTime = DateTime.Now;
            int      readRatio;
            long     readCount = 0;
            double   tScale;
            double   trigVolts;
            List <OscilloscopeData> data1 = new List <OscilloscopeData>();
            List <OscilloscopeData> data2 = new List <OscilloscopeData>();
            bool trigOn;
            int  bdRate;

            //Lock while reading in variables that belong to MainWindow
            lock (locker)
                bdRate    = baudRate;
                trigOn    = triggerOn;
                readRatio = dataReadRatio;
                tScale    = timeScale;
                trigVolts = triggerVolts;
            ulong tScaleUsec  = (ulong)(1000.0 * tScale);
            ulong tBase       = 0;
            ulong oldDataTime = 0;

            using (SerialPort sp = new SerialPort((string)e.Argument, bdRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits))

                while (!bw.CancellationPending)
                    //If data available, get next time,voltage reading
                    if (sp.BytesToRead < 4 || sp.ReadChar() != 'b' || sp.Read(buf, 0, 3) != 3)

                    //Skip this reading if read interval not yet reached
                    if (readCount % readRatio != 0)

                    //Extract the time in microseconds and the volts. tBase is added to the time to account for the accumulated
                    //"turnovers" of the 14 bit time data.
                    ulong  dataTime  = buf[0] + 256UL * (byte)(buf[1] & 0x3F) + tBase;
                    int    dataValue = (buf[1] >> 6) + 4 * buf[2];
                    double volts     = 5.0 * (double)dataValue / 1024.0;

                    //Determine whether a turnover of the 14 bit time has occurred. If so, increment tBase and the new dataTime by max22Bit
                    if (dataTime < oldDataTime)
                        tBase    += max14Bit;
                        dataTime += max14Bit;

                    oldDataTime = dataTime;

                    //If triggering is turned on, datatime has exceeded time scale, and threshhold crossed, then handle trigger event
                    int last = data1.Count - 1;
                    if (trigOn && last > 1 && (dataTime - data1[0].Usec) > tScaleUsec && volts > trigVolts && data1[last].Volts < trigVolts)
                        //Triggering has occurred. New data1 will contain the data being collected starting with the current data point.
                        //data2 will contain the old data for backfilling. Its time values need to be increment by cycleTime so they appear
                        //after the data1 points.
                        data2 = data1;
                        data1 = new List <OscilloscopeData>()
                            new OscilloscopeData(dataTime, volts)
                        ulong cycleTime = dataTime - data2[0].Usec;
                        for (int i = 0; i < data2.Count; i++)
                            data2[i].Usec += cycleTime;
                        //Triggering has not occurred. Add the new data point to data1. If total time in data1 exceeds the timeScale AND triggering
                        // is turned off, OR if data1 contains an entire 2nd screen of data, then data2 will not be needed: clear it and trim beginning of data1
                        data1.Add(new OscilloscopeData(dataTime, volts));
                        ulong data1TotalUsec = dataTime - data1[0].Usec;
                        if ((data1TotalUsec > tScaleUsec && !trigOn) || data1TotalUsec > (2 * tScaleUsec))
                            while ((dataTime - data1[0].Usec) > tScaleUsec)

                    //Trim beginning of data2 (so it includes only data points that appear after all data in data1).
                    while (data2.Count > 0 && data2[0].Usec <= dataTime)

                    //If reporting interval has passed, report progress
                    DateTime currTime = DateTime.Now;
                    if ((currTime - priorReportingTime) > ProgressReportingInterval)
                        priorReportingTime = currTime;
                        double vMin;
                        double vScale;

                        //Lock while accessing variables that belong to MainWindow. Some of these are needed for reporting progress,
                        //while others are just being updated for use in future data acquisition
                        lock (locker)
                            //trigTargetCount = triggerTargetCount;
                            trigOn    = triggerOn;
                            readRatio = dataReadRatio;
                            tScale    = timeScale;
                            trigVolts = triggerVolts;
                            vMin      = voltMin;
                            vScale    = voltScale;

                        //Generate a list of x,y points for data1; also a list of x,y points for data2, if it contains at least two data points
                        //These list(s) are sent to ProgressChanged as a PointListPair for graphing. Only generate those points which are time scale.
                        tScaleUsec = (ulong)(1000.0 * tScale);
                        double       tMin    = (double)(data1[0].Usec) / 1000.0;
                        double       tMax    = tMin + tScale;
                        List <Point> points1 = new List <Point>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < data1.Count; i++)
                            if ((data1[i].Usec - data1[0].Usec) < tScaleUsec)
                                points1.Add(getDisplayPoint(data1[i].Usec, data1[i].Volts, tMin, tScale, vMin, vScale));
                        PointListPair plp = new PointListPair(points1, null);

                        if (data2.Count > 1)
                            List <Point> points2 = new List <Point>();
                            for (int i = 1; i < data2.Count; i++)
                                if ((data2[i].Usec - data1[0].Usec) < tScaleUsec)
                                    points2.Add(getDisplayPoint(data2[i].Usec, data2[i].Volts, tMin, tScale, vMin, vScale));
                            plp.points2 = points2;
                        bw.ReportProgress(0, plp);
            e.Result = data1;