void NameFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!File.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\" + GlobalVars.Config))
            textBox1.Text = GlobalVars.Name;

            string hatdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\content\\hats";

            if (Directory.Exists(hatdir))
                DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(hatdir);
                FileInfo[]    Files = dinfo.GetFiles("*.rbxm");
                foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                    if (file.Name.Equals(String.Empty))

                listBox1.SelectedItem = GlobalVars.HatName;
                Image icon1 = Image.FromFile(hatdir + @"\\" + GlobalVars.HatName.Replace(".rbxm", "") + ".png");
                pictureBox1.Image = icon1;

            string mapdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\maps";

            if (Directory.Exists(mapdir))
                DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(mapdir);
                FileInfo[]    Files = dinfo.GetFiles("*.rbxl");
                foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                listBox2.SelectedItem = "Baseplate.rbxl";

            PartSelectionLabel2.Text = SelectedPart;
            HeadButton1.BackColor    = ConvertStringtoColor(GlobalVars.ColorMenu_HeadColor);
            TorsoButton2.BackColor   = ConvertStringtoColor(GlobalVars.ColorMenu_TorsoColor);
            RArmButton3.BackColor    = ConvertStringtoColor(GlobalVars.ColorMenu_RightArmColor);
            LArmButton4.BackColor    = ConvertStringtoColor(GlobalVars.ColorMenu_LeftArmColor);
            RLegButton5.BackColor    = ConvertStringtoColor(GlobalVars.ColorMenu_RightLegColor);
            LLegButton6.BackColor    = ConvertStringtoColor(GlobalVars.ColorMenu_LeftLegColor);
Esempio n. 2
        void MainFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string EXEName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;

            if (EXEName.Equals("Origins07_Installer.exe"))
                    label1.Text = "Installing...";
                    string loadstring  = Environment.CurrentDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Origins07_Launcher.exe";
                    string loadstring2 = Environment.CurrentDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Origins07_DedicatedServer.exe";
                    RegisterURLProtocol("origins07", loadstring, "Origins07 Client");
                    RegisterURLProtocol("origins07local", loadstring, "Origins07 Play Solo Mode");
                    RegisterURLProtocol("origins07server", loadstring2, "Origins07 Dedicated Server");
                    progressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10)
                        progressBar1.Value += 10;
                    label1.Text = "Installation Complete!";
                    label2.Text = "Congratulations, you can now play games!";
                catch (Exception)
                    label1.Text = "Installation Failed.";
                    label2.Text = "Did you launch the launcher as an administrator?";
                if (!File.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\" + GlobalVars.Config))
                    NameForm name = new NameForm();
                    System.Threading.Timer timer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(CheckIfFinished), null, 1, 0);
                    GlobalVars.ReadyToLaunch = true;
                    System.Threading.Timer timer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(CheckIfFinished), null, 1, 0);
        public static void GenerateScriptForClient(ScriptType type, string IPSite = "", string Port = "", string PlayerLimit = "", string ServerID = "")
            //next, generate the header functions.

            string header = MultiLine(
                "function newWaitForChild(newParent,name)",
                "local returnable = nil",
                "if newParent:FindFirstChild(name) then",
                "returnable = newParent:FindFirstChild(name)",
                "repeat wait() returnable = newParent:FindFirstChild(name)  until returnable ~= nil",
                "return returnable",

            //next, associate the settings

            string settings = MultiLine(
                "settings().Network.maxDataModelSendBuffer = 1000000",
                "settings().Network.sendRate = 1000000"

            string playersettings = "";

            if (type == ScriptType.Join || type == ScriptType.Solo)

                playersettings = MultiLine(
                    "UserID = " + GlobalVars.UserID,
                    "PlayerName = '" + GlobalVars.Name + "'",
                    "Hat1ID = '" + GlobalVars.HatName + "'",
                    "HeadColorID = " + GlobalVars.HeadColor,
                    "TorsoColorID = " + GlobalVars.TorsoColor,
                    "LeftArmColorID = " + GlobalVars.LeftArmColor,
                    "RightArmColorID = " + GlobalVars.RightArmColor,
                    "LeftLegColorID = " + GlobalVars.LeftLegColor,
                    "RightLegColorID = " + GlobalVars.RightLegColor

            string scriptsettings = "";

            if (type == ScriptType.Join)
                scriptsettings = MultiLine(
                    "ServerIP = '" + IPSite + "'",
                    "ServerPort = " + Port
            else if (type == ScriptType.Server)
                scriptsettings = MultiLine(
                    "Port = " + Port,
                    "PlayerLimit = " + PlayerLimit,
                    "Ping = '" + IPSite + "'",
                    "ServerID = '" + ServerID + "'"

            //add customization funcs

            string clientside = MultiLine(
                "function InitalizeClientAppearance(Player,HeadColorID,TorsoColorID,LeftArmColorID,RightArmColorID,LeftLegColorID,RightLegColorID,HatID)",
                "local newCharApp = Instance.new('IntValue',Player)",
                "newCharApp.Name = 'Appearance'",
                "for i=1,6,1 do",
                "local BodyColor = Instance.new('BrickColorValue',newCharApp)",
                "if (i == 1) then",
                "if (HeadColorID ~= nil) then",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(HeadColorID)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'HeadColor (ID: '..HeadColorID..')'",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(1)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'HeadColor (ID: 1)'",
                "elseif (i == 2) then",
                "if (TorsoColorID ~= nil) then",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(TorsoColorID)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'TorsoColor (ID: '..TorsoColorID..')'",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(1)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'TorsoColor (ID: 1)'",
                "elseif (i == 3) then",
                "if (LeftArmColorID ~= nil) then",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(LeftArmColorID)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'LeftArmColor (ID: '..LeftArmColorID..')'",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(1)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'LeftArmColor (ID: 1)'",
                "elseif (i == 4) then",
                "if (RightArmColorID ~= nil) then",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(RightArmColorID)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'RightArmColor (ID: '..RightArmColorID..')'",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(1)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'RightArmColor (ID: 1)'",
                "elseif (i == 5) then",
                "if (LeftLegColorID ~= nil) then",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(LeftLegColorID)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'LeftLegColor (ID: '..LeftLegColorID..')'",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(1)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'LeftLegColor (ID: 1)'",
                "elseif (i == 6) then",
                "if (RightLegColorID ~= nil) then",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(RightLegColorID)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'RightLegColor (ID: '..RightLegColorID..')'",
                "BodyColor.Value = BrickColor.new(1)",
                "BodyColor.Name = 'RightLegColor (ID: 1)'",
                "local typeValue = Instance.new('NumberValue')",
                "typeValue.Name = 'CustomizationType'",
                "typeValue.Parent = BodyColor",
                "typeValue.Value = 1",
                "local indexValue = Instance.new('NumberValue')",
                "indexValue.Name = 'ColorIndex'",
                "indexValue.Parent = BodyColor",
                "indexValue.Value = i",
                "local newHat = Instance.new('StringValue',newCharApp)",
                "if (HatID ~= nil) then",
                "newHat.Value = HatID",
                "newHat.Name = HatID",
                "newHat.Value = 'NoHat.rbxm'",
                "newHat.Name = 'NoHat.rbxm'",
                "local typeValue = Instance.new('NumberValue')",
                "typeValue.Name = 'CustomizationType'",
                "typeValue.Parent = newHat",
                "typeValue.Value = 2",

            string serverside = MultiLine(
                "function LoadCharacterNew(playerApp,newChar)",
                "local charparts = {[1] = newWaitForChild(newChar,'Head'),[2] = newWaitForChild(newChar,'Torso'),[3] = newWaitForChild(newChar,'Left Arm'),[4] = newWaitForChild(newChar,'Right Arm'),[5] = newWaitForChild(newChar,'Left Leg'),[6] = newWaitForChild(newChar,'Right Leg')}",
                "for _,newVal in pairs(playerApp:GetChildren()) do",
                "local customtype = newVal:FindFirstChild('CustomizationType')",
                "if (customtype.Value == 1) then ",
                "local colorindex = newVal:FindFirstChild('ColorIndex')",
                "charparts[colorindex.Value].BrickColor = newVal.Value ",
                "elseif (customtype.Value == 2)  then",
                "local newHat = game.Workspace:InsertContent('rbxasset://hats/'..newVal.Value)",
                "if newHat[1] then ",
                "if newHat[1].className == 'Hat' then",
                "newHat[1].Parent = newChar",

            string customizationgen = "";

            if (type == ScriptType.Join)
                customizationgen = clientside;
            else if (type == ScriptType.Server)
                customizationgen = serverside;
            else if (type == ScriptType.Solo)
                customizationgen = MultiLine(

            //finally, we generate the actual script code.

            string code = "";

            if (type == ScriptType.Join)
                code = MultiLine(
                    "pcall(function() game:SetPlaceID(-1, false) end)",
                    "local suc, err = pcall(function()",
                    "client = game:GetService('NetworkClient')",
                    "player = game:GetService('Players'):CreateLocalPlayer(UserID) ",
                    "pcall(function() player:SetUnder13(false) end)",
                    "pcall(function() player:SetAccountAge(365) end)",
                    "pcall(function() player.Name=PlayerName or '' end)",
                    "local function dieerror(errmsg)",
                    "if not suc then",
                    "local function disconnect(peer,lostconnection)",
                    "game:SetMessage('You have lost connection to the game')",
                    "local function connected(url, replicator)",
                    "local marker = nil",
                    "local suc, err = pcall(function()",
                    "marker = replicator:SendMarker()",
                    "if not suc then",
                    "local suc, err = pcall(function()",
                    "if not suc then",
                    "local function rejected()",
                    "dieerror('Failed to connect to the Game. (Connection rejected)')",
                    "local function failed(peer, errcode, why)",
                    "dieerror('Failed to connect to the Game. (ID='..errcode..' ['..why..'])')",
                    "local suc, err = pcall(function()",
                    "game:SetMessage('Connecting to server...')",
                    "client:Connect(ServerIP,ServerPort, 0, 20)",
                    "if not suc then",
                    "local x = Instance.new('Message')",
                    "x.Text = err",
                    "x.Parent = workspace",
            else if (type == ScriptType.Server)
                code = MultiLine(
                    "Server = game:GetService('NetworkServer')",
                    "RunService = game:GetService('RunService')",
                    "Server:start(Port, 20)",
                    "game:GetService('Players').MaxPlayers = PlayerLimit",
                    "if (game:GetService('Players').NumPlayers > game:GetService('Players').MaxPlayers) then",
                    "local message = Instance.new('Message')",
                    "message.Text = 'You were kicked. Reason: Too many players on server.'",
                    "message.Parent = Player",
                    "print('Player ' .. Player.Name .. ' with ID ' .. Player.userId .. ' kicked. Reason: Too many players on server.')",
                    "print('Player ' .. Player.Name .. ' with ID ' .. Player.userId .. ' added')",
                    "while Player ~= nil do",
                    "if (Player.Character ~= nil) then",
                    "if (Player.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0) then",
                    "elseif (Player.Character.Parent == nil) then ",
                    "end end end end)) end)",
                    "print('Player ' .. Player.Name .. ' with ID ' .. Player.userId .. ' leaving')",
                    "pcall(function() game.Close:connect(function() ",
                    "Server:Stop() end) end)",
                    "while wait(60) do",
                    "end end))"
            else if (type == ScriptType.Solo)
                code = MultiLine(
                    "local plr = game.Players:CreateLocalPlayer(UserID)",
                    "plr.Name = PlayerName",
                    "pcall(function() plr:SetUnder13(false) end)",
                    "pcall(function() plr:SetAccountAge(365) end)",
                    "while true do",
                    "if (plr.Character ~= nil) then",
                    "if (plr.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0) then",
                    "elseif (plr.Character.Parent == nil) then ",

            string scriptfile = MultiLine(

            string filename = "";

            if (type == ScriptType.Join)
                filename = GlobalVars.JoinServerLuaFile;
            else if (type == ScriptType.Server)
                filename = GlobalVars.StartServerLuaFile;
            else if (type == ScriptType.Solo)
                filename = GlobalVars.PlaySoloLuaFile;

            List <string> list = new List <string>(Regex.Split(scriptfile, Environment.NewLine));

            string[] convertedList = list.ToArray();
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + filename, convertedList);