Esempio n. 1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static <E extends Exception> void writeTo(ValueWriter<E> writer, org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Point[] values) throws E
        public static void WriteTo <E>(ValueWriter <E> writer, Point[] values) where E : Exception
            writer.BeginArray(values.Length, ValueWriter_ArrayType.Point);
            foreach (Point x in values)
                PointValue value = Values.Point(x);
                writer.WritePoint(value.CoordinateReferenceSystem, value.Coordinate());
Esempio n. 2
            public override double Distance(PointValue p1, PointValue p2)
                Debug.Assert(p1.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Dimension == Dimension);
                Debug.Assert(p2.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Dimension == Dimension);
                double[] c1Coord             = p1.Coordinate();
                double[] c2Coord             = p2.Coordinate();
                double[] c1                  = new double[] { toRadians(c1Coord[0]), toRadians(c1Coord[1]) };
                double[] c2                  = new double[] { toRadians(c2Coord[0]), toRadians(c2Coord[1]) };
                double   dx                  = c2[0] - c1[0];
                double   dy                  = c2[1] - c1[1];
                double   alpha               = pow(sin(dy / 2), 2.0) + cos(c1[1]) * cos(c2[1]) * pow(sin(dx / 2.0), 2.0);
                double   greatCircleDistance = 2.0 * atan2(sqrt(alpha), sqrt(1 - alpha));

                if (Dimension == 2)
                    return(EARTH_RADIUS_METERS * greatCircleDistance);
                else if (Dimension == 3)
                    // get average height
                    double avgHeight  = (p1.Coordinate()[2] + p2.Coordinate()[2]) / 2;
                    double distance2D = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS + avgHeight) * greatCircleDistance;

                    double[] a = new double[Dimension - 1];
                    double[] b = new double[Dimension - 1];
                    a[0] = distance2D;
                    b[0] = 0.0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < Dimension - 1; i++)
                        a[i] = 0.0;
                        b[i] = c1Coord[i + 1] - c2Coord[i + 1];
                    return(Pythagoras(a, b));
                    // The above calculation works for more than 3D if all higher dimensions are orthogonal to the 3rd dimension.
                    // This might not be true in the general case, and so until we genuinely support higher dimensions fullstack
                    // we will explicitly disabled them here for now.
                    throw new System.NotSupportedException("More than 3 dimensions are not supported for distance calculations.");
Esempio n. 3
            public override IList <Pair <PointValue, PointValue> > BoundingBox(PointValue center, double distance)
                Debug.Assert(center.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Dimension == Dimension);
                double[] coordinates = center.Coordinate();
                double[] min         = new double[Dimension];
                double[] max         = new double[Dimension];
                for (int i = 0; i < Dimension; i++)
                    min[i] = coordinates[i] - distance;
                    max[i] = coordinates[i] + distance;
                CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = center.CoordinateReferenceSystem;

                return(Collections.singletonList(Pair.of(Values.PointValue(crs, min), Values.PointValue(crs, max))));
Esempio n. 4
            internal virtual Pair <PointValue, PointValue> BoundingBoxOf(double minLon, double maxLon, double minLat, double maxLat, PointValue center, double distance)
                CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = center.CoordinateReferenceSystem;
                int dimension = center.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Dimension;

                double[] min = new double[dimension];
                double[] max = new double[dimension];
                min[0] = minLon;
                min[1] = minLat;
                max[0] = maxLon;
                max[1] = maxLat;
                if (dimension > 2)
                    double[] coordinates = center.Coordinate();
                    for (int i = 2; i < dimension; i++)
                        min[i] = coordinates[i] - distance;
                        max[i] = coordinates[i] + distance;
                return(Pair.of(Values.PointValue(crs, min), Values.PointValue(crs, max)));
Esempio n. 5
 public override double Distance(PointValue p1, PointValue p2)
     Debug.Assert(p1.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Dimension == Dimension);
     Debug.Assert(p2.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Dimension == Dimension);
     return(Pythagoras(p1.Coordinate(), p2.Coordinate()));
Esempio n. 6
            public override IList <Pair <PointValue, PointValue> > BoundingBox(PointValue center, double distance)
                if (distance == 0.0)
                    return(Collections.singletonList(Pair.of(center, center)));

                // Extend the distance slightly to assure that all relevant points lies inside the bounding box,
                // with rounding errors taken into account
                double extendedDistance = distance * EXTENSION_FACTOR;

                CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = center.CoordinateReferenceSystem;
                double lat = center.Coordinate()[1];
                double lon = center.Coordinate()[0];

                double r = extendedDistance / EARTH_RADIUS_METERS;

                double latMin = lat - toDegrees(r);
                double latMax = lat + toDegrees(r);

                // If your query circle includes one of the poles
                if (latMax >= 90)
                    return(Collections.singletonList(BoundingBoxOf(-180, 180, latMin, 90, center, distance)));
                else if (latMin <= -90)
                    return(Collections.singletonList(BoundingBoxOf(-180, 180, -90, latMax, center, distance)));
                    double deltaLon = toDegrees(asin(sin(r) / cos(toRadians(lat))));
                    double lonMin   = lon - deltaLon;
                    double lonMax   = lon + deltaLon;

                    // If you query circle wraps around the dateline
                    if (lonMin < -180 && lonMax > 180)
                        // Large rectangle covering all longitudes
                        return(Collections.singletonList(BoundingBoxOf(-180, 180, latMin, latMax, center, distance)));
                    else if (lonMin < -180)
                        // two small rectangles east and west of dateline
                        Pair <PointValue, PointValue> box1 = BoundingBoxOf(lonMin + 360, 180, latMin, latMax, center, distance);
                        Pair <PointValue, PointValue> box2 = BoundingBoxOf(-180, lonMax, latMin, latMax, center, distance);
                        return(Arrays.asList(box1, box2));
                    else if (lonMax > 180)
                        // two small rectangles east and west of dateline
                        Pair <PointValue, PointValue> box1 = BoundingBoxOf(lonMin, 180, latMin, latMax, center, distance);
                        Pair <PointValue, PointValue> box2 = BoundingBoxOf(-180, lonMax - 360, latMin, latMax, center, distance);
                        return(Arrays.asList(box1, box2));
                        return(Collections.singletonList(BoundingBoxOf(lonMin, lonMax, latMin, latMax, center, distance)));
Esempio n. 7
 public static PointValue MaxPointValue(PointValue reference)
     double[] coordinates = new double[reference.Coordinate().Length];
     Arrays.fill(coordinates, double.MaxValue);
     return(PointValue(reference.CoordinateReferenceSystem, coordinates));