Esempio n. 1
        internal virtual IndexUpdater NewPopulatingUpdater()
            IndexUpdater updater = new CollectingIndexUpdater(updates => processUpdates(updates, _updatesConflictDetector));

            if (descriptor.type() == UNIQUE && CanCheckConflictsWithoutStoreAccess())
                // The index population detects conflicts on the fly, however for updates coming in we're in a position
                // where we cannot detect conflicts while applying, but instead afterwards.
                updater = new DeferredConflictCheckingIndexUpdater(updater, this.newReader, descriptor);
Esempio n. 2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldQueryAboutAddedAndChangedValueTuples() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldQueryAboutAddedAndChangedValueTuples()
            // given
            IndexUpdater actual = mock(typeof(IndexUpdater));
            IndexReader  reader = mock(typeof(IndexReader));

            when(reader.Query(anyVararg())).thenAnswer(invocation => iterator(0));
            long nodeId = 0;
            IList <IndexEntryUpdate <IndexDescriptor> > updates = new List <IndexEntryUpdate <IndexDescriptor> >();

            updates.Add(add(nodeId++, _descriptor, Tuple(10, 11)));
            updates.Add(change(nodeId++, _descriptor, Tuple("abc", "def"), Tuple("ghi", "klm")));
            updates.Add(remove(nodeId++, _descriptor, Tuple(1001L, 1002L)));
            updates.Add(change(nodeId++, _descriptor, Tuple(( sbyte )2, ( sbyte )3), Tuple(( sbyte )4, ( sbyte )5)));
            updates.Add(add(nodeId++, _descriptor, Tuple(5, "5")));
            using (DeferredConflictCheckingIndexUpdater updater = new DeferredConflictCheckingIndexUpdater(actual, () => reader, _descriptor))
                // when
                foreach (IndexEntryUpdate <IndexDescriptor> update in updates)

            // then
            foreach (IndexEntryUpdate <IndexDescriptor> update in updates)
                if (update.UpdateMode() == UpdateMode.ADDED || update.UpdateMode() == UpdateMode.CHANGED)
                    Value[]      tuple = update.Values();
                    IndexQuery[] query = new IndexQuery[tuple.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < tuple.Length; i++)
                        query[i] = IndexQuery.exact(_propertyKeyIds[i], tuple[i]);
Esempio n. 3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldThrowOnIndexEntryConflict() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldThrowOnIndexEntryConflict()
            // given
            IndexUpdater actual = mock(typeof(IndexUpdater));
            IndexReader  reader = mock(typeof(IndexReader));

            when(reader.Query(anyVararg())).thenAnswer(invocation => iterator(101, 202));
            DeferredConflictCheckingIndexUpdater updater = new DeferredConflictCheckingIndexUpdater(actual, () => reader, _descriptor);

            // when
            updater.Process(add(0, _descriptor, Tuple(10, 11)));
                fail("Should have failed");
            catch (IndexEntryConflictException e)
                // then good
                assertThat(e.Message, containsString("101"));
                assertThat(e.Message, containsString("202"));