public static void Complex(UserInterface ui) { makePopup(ui, new opt[] { new opt(, "Shit son"), new opt(OptType.textBox, "Write here") }, "THIS IS SO COMPLEX", delegate { return true; }); }
public Sidebar(UserInterface ui) { =; // =; this.ui = ui; NotImplemented = delegate { PopUp.Toast("Not Implemented. Take a hike."); //throw new NotImplementedException(); }; manager = game.Manager; manager.SetSkin("Green"); }
//public Group activeGroup = null; public InspectorArea(Sidebar sidebar, Control parent, int Left, int Top) { //get rid of these if not needed. =; this.ui = sidebar.ui; this.sidebar = sidebar; this.manager = sidebar.manager; this.parent = parent; this.Left = Left; this.Top = Top; this.GenerateFields = true; //todo: set to true when usermode is set up (so you can see fields in debug) //this.ActiveInspectorParent = sidebar.ActiveInspectorParent; Initialize(); }
public KeyManager(UserInterface ui, Dictionary<KeyBundle, KeyAction> Keybinds = null) { this.ui = ui; //this.newKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); oldKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); oldMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); if (Keybinds != null) { this.Keybinds = Keybinds; } }
public void attatchToSidebar(UserInterface ui) { //We put the Procs In OrbItProcs processManager = new ProcessManager(); processManager.SetProcessKeybinds(); ui.sidebar.UpdateGroupComboBoxes(); }
internal static UserInterface Start() { ui = new UserInterface(); return ui; }
private void GlobalKeyBinds(UserInterface ui) { ui.keyManager.addGlobalKeyAction("exitgame", KeyCodes.Escape, OnPress: () => Exit()); ui.keyManager.addGlobalKeyAction("togglesidebar", KeyCodes.OemTilde, OnPress: ui.ToggleSidebar); ui.keyManager.addGlobalKeyAction("switchview", KeyCodes.PageDown, OnPress: ui.SwitchView); ui.keyManager.addGlobalKeyAction("removeall", KeyCodes.Delete, OnPress: () => ui.sidebar.btnRemoveAllNodes_Click(null, null)); }
protected override void Initialize() { Assets.LoadAssets(Content); base.Initialize(); base.MainWindow.TransparentClientArea = true; room = new Room(this, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight-40); setResolution(prefWindowedResolution, false); globalGameMode = new GlobalGameMode(this); frameRateCounter = new FrameRateCounter(this); Player.CreatePlayers(room); ui = UserInterface.Start(); ui.Initialize(); room.attatchToSidebar(ui); GlobalKeyBinds(ui); }
public static void makePopup(UserInterface ui, opt[] options, String title = "Hey! Listen!", ConfirmDelegate action = null) { Manager manager =; bool confirmed = false; object[] answer = new object[options.Length]; bool[] answered = new bool[options.Length]; ConfirmDelegate emptyDelegate = delegate{ return true;}; action = action ?? emptyDelegate; Dialog window = new Dialog(manager); window.Text = title; window.Init(); window.ShowModal(); window.Caption.Text = ""; window.Description.Text = ""; window.Width = 200; window.Height = 200; window.SetPosition(20, OrbIt.ScreenHeight / 4); int heightCounter = window.Caption.Top; int i = 0; Button btnOk = new Button(manager); btnOk.Top = window.Description.Top + window.Description.Height; btnOk.Anchor = Anchors.Top; btnOk.Parent = window; btnOk.Text = "Ok"; btnOk.Left = btnOk.Left = window.Width / 2 - btnOk.Width / 2; btnOk.Init(); foreach (opt opt in options) { if (opt.type.In(,OptType.prompt)) { Label info = new Label(manager); info.Init(); info.Parent = window; info.Left = VertPadding; info.Width = window.Width - VertPadding * 5; string message = ((string)opt.content).wordWrap(MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE); info.Text = message; info.Height = (info.Text.Count(x => x == '\n')+1) * info.Height; info.Top = heightCounter; heightCounter += info.Height + VertPadding; } if (opt.type == OptType.dropDown) { ComboBox cbBox = new ComboBox(manager); cbBox.Init(); cbBox.Parent = window; cbBox.MaxItems = 20; // TODO : ERROR? cbBox.Width = window.Width - VertPadding * 5; cbBox.Left = VertPadding; cbBox.Top = heightCounter; heightCounter += cbBox.Height + VertPadding; ObservableCollection<object> q = (ObservableCollection<object>)opt.content; foreach (object o in q) cbBox.Items.Add(o); q.CollectionChanged += delegate(object s, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { cbBox.Items.syncToOCDelegate(e); }; int qq = i; answer[qq] = null; cbBox.ItemIndexChanged += delegate { answer[qq] = (cbBox.Items.ElementAt(cbBox.ItemIndex)); }; cbBox.ItemIndexChanged += opt.action; } if (opt.type == OptType.textBox) { TextBox tbName = new TextBox(manager); tbName.Init(); tbName.Parent = window; tbName.Width = window.Width - VertPadding * 5; tbName.Left = VertPadding; tbName.Top = heightCounter; heightCounter += tbName.Height + VertPadding; int qq = i; answer[qq] = null; tbName.TextChanged += delegate { answer[qq] = tbName.Text; }; tbName.KeyUp += delegate(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Keys.Enter) { confirmed = true; if (action(true, answer)) window.Close(); } }; tbName.TextChanged += opt.action; } if (opt.type == OptType.radialButton) { GroupPanel gp = new GroupPanel(manager); gp.Init(); gp.Parent = window; gp.Width = window.Width - VertPadding * 5; gp.Left = VertPadding; int qq = i; answer[qq] = -1; for (int j = 0; j < ((string[])opt.content).Length; j++) { RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(manager); rb.Init(); rb.Parent = gp; rb.Text = (string)opt.content; int jj = j; rb.Click += delegate { answer[qq] = jj; }; rb.Click += opt.action; } gp.Top = heightCounter; heightCounter += gp.Height + VertPadding; } if (opt.type == OptType.checkBox) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(manager); cb.Init(); cb.Parent = window; cb.Width = window.Width - VertPadding * 5; cb.Left = VertPadding; cb.Top = heightCounter; heightCounter += cb.Height + VertPadding; int qq = i; answer[qq] = false; cb.Text = (string)opt.content; cb.Click += delegate { answer[qq] = cb.Checked; }; cb.Click += opt.action; } i++; } if (options.Any<opt>(x => x.type != { btnOk.Left = VertPadding; Button btnCancel = new Button(manager); btnCancel.Init(); btnCancel.Parent = window; btnCancel.Top = heightCounter; btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnCancel.Left = VertPadding * 2 + btnOk.Width; btnCancel.Click += delegate { window.Close(); action(false, answer); }; } btnOk.Click += delegate { confirmed = true; window.Close(ModalResult.Cancel); bool res = action(true, answer); if (!res) { window.Show(); }; }; btnOk.Top = heightCounter; window.Closing += delegate { if (confirmed == false) action(false, answer); }; window.Height = (btnOk.Top) + 70; manager.Add(window); }