public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			object v = null;
			if (row == null)
				return null;
			bool bSave=true;
			RowEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return null;

			Row crow=null;
			bool bNext=false;
			foreach (Row r in re)
				if (bNext)
					crow = r;
				if (r == row)
					bNext = true;
			if (crow != null)
				v = _Expr.Evaluate(rpt, crow);
			return v;
		public int EvaluateInt32(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			IEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return int.MinValue;

			Row startrow=null;
			foreach (Row r in re)
				startrow = r;			// We just want the first row

			int count;

			object currentValue = _Expr.Evaluate(rpt, row);
			int incr = currentValue == null? 0: 1;
			if (row == startrow)
				// must be the start of a new group
				count = incr;
				count = GetValue(rpt) + incr;

			SetValue(rpt, count);
			return count;
		public int EvaluateInt32(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			RowEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return 0;

			int v = GetValue(rpt);
			if (v < 0)
				object temp;
				int count = Math.Max(2, re.LastRow - re.FirstRow);
				Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(count);
				foreach (Row r in re)
					temp = _Expr.Evaluate(rpt, r);
					if (temp != null)
						object o = ht[temp];	// search for it
						if (o == null)			// if not found; add it to the hash table
							ht.Add(temp, temp);
				v = ht.Count;
				if (bSave)
					SetValue(rpt, v);
			return  v;
		public void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
			// Start each row in the same location
			//   e.g. if there are two embedded tables in cells they both start at same location
			Page savepg = pgs.CurrentPage;
			float savey = savepg.YOffset;
			Page maxpg = savepg;
			float maxy = savey;

			foreach (TableCell tc in _Items)
				tc.RunPage(pgs, row);
				if (maxpg != pgs.CurrentPage)
				{	// a page break
					if (maxpg.PageNumber < pgs.CurrentPage.PageNumber)
						maxpg = pgs.CurrentPage;
						maxy = maxpg.YOffset;
				else if (maxy > pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset)
					// maxy = maxy;      TODO what was this meant to do
				// restore the beginning start of the row
				pgs.CurrentPage = savepg;
				savepg.YOffset = savey;
			pgs.CurrentPage = maxpg;
			savepg.YOffset = maxy;
			return ;
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			IEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return null;

			Row startrow=null;
			foreach (Row r in re)
				startrow = r;			// We just want the first row

			object current_value = _Expr.Evaluate(rpt, row);
			if (row == startrow)
				object v = GetValue(rpt);
				if (current_value == null)
					return v;
				else if (v == null)
				{}	// use the current_value
				else if (Filter.ApplyCompare(_tc, v, current_value) < 0)
				{}	// use the current_value
					return v;
			SetValue(rpt, current_value);
			return current_value;
		public virtual object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			if (row == null)
				return null;
			Field f;
			string field = _ArgExpr.EvaluateString(rpt, row);
			if (field == null)
				return null;
			f = _Fields[field] as Field;
			if (f == null)
				return null;

			object o;
			if (f.Value != null)
				o = f.Value.Evaluate(rpt, row);
				o = row.Data[f.ColumnNumber];

			if (o == DBNull.Value)
				return null;

			if (f.RunType == TypeCode.String && o is char)	// work around; mono odbc driver confuses string and char
				o = Convert.ChangeType(o, TypeCode.String);
			return o;
		public double EvaluateDouble(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			IEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return double.NaN;

			ODouble v = GetValueDouble(rpt);
			if (v != null)
				return v.d;

			double sum=0;
			int count=0;
			double temp;
			foreach (Row r in re)
				temp = _Expr.EvaluateDouble(rpt, r);
				if (temp.CompareTo(double.NaN) != 0)
					sum += temp;
			double result;
			if (count > 0)
				result = (sum/count);
				result = double.NaN;

			if (bSave)
				SetValue(rpt, result);

			return result;
		public DynamicExpression(Report rpt, ReportLink p, string expr, Row row)
			_Expr = null;
            _rl = p;
            _Type = DoParse(rpt);
		public string EvaluateString(Report rpt, Row row)
			if (rpt == null || rpt.UserID == null)
				return Environment.UserName;
				return rpt.UserID;
		// Evaluate is for interpretation  (and is relatively slow)
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			double d = EvaluateDouble(rpt, row);
			if (d.CompareTo(double.NaN) == 0)
				return null;
			return (object) d;
		public double EvaluateDouble(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			IEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return double.NaN;

			Row startrow=null;
			foreach (Row r in re)
				startrow = r;			// We just want the first row
			double currentValue = _Expr.EvaluateDouble(rpt, row);
			WorkClass wc = GetValue(rpt);
			if (row == startrow)
				// must be the start of a new group
				wc.Value = currentValue;
				wc.Count = 1;
				wc.Value = ((double) wc.Value + currentValue);

			return (double) wc.Value / wc.Count;
		public string EvaluateString(Report rpt, Row row)
			if (rpt == null || rpt.ClientLanguage == null)
				return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName;
				return rpt.ClientLanguage;
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			IEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return null;

			object v = GetValue(rpt);
			if (v == null)
				object min_value=null;
				object current_value;

				foreach (Row r in re)
					current_value = _Expr.Evaluate(rpt, r);
					if (current_value == null)
					else if (min_value == null)
						min_value = current_value;
					else if (Filter.ApplyCompare(_tc, min_value, current_value) > 0)
						min_value = current_value;
				v = min_value;
				if (bSave)
					SetValue(rpt, v);
			return v;
		public void Run(IPresent ip, Row row)
			foreach (TableCell tc in _Items)
				tc.Run(ip, row);
			return ;
Esempio n. 15
		public void Run(IPresent ip, Row row)
			foreach (TableRow t in _Items)
				t.Run(ip, row);
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			double di = _expr[0].EvaluateDouble(rpt, row);
			int i = (int) di;		// force it to integer; we'll accept truncation
			if (i >= _expr.Length || i <= 0)
				return null;
			return _expr[i].Evaluate(rpt, row);
		public bool EvaluateBoolean(Report rpt, Row row)
			object left = _lhs.Evaluate(rpt, row);
			object right = _rhs.Evaluate(rpt, row);
			if (Filter.ApplyCompare(_lhs.GetTypeCode(), left, right) <= 0)
				return true;
				return false;
		public int EvaluateInt32(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			RowEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return 0;

			int count = re.LastRow - re.FirstRow + 1;

			return count;
Esempio n. 19
		public bool Apply(Report rpt, Row datarow)
			foreach (Filter f in _Items)
				if (!f.FilterOperatorSingleRow)		// have to handle Top/Bottom in ApplyFinalFilters
					return true;
				if (!f.Apply(rpt, datarow))
					return false;
			return true;
		public virtual object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			string o = _ArgExpr.EvaluateString(rpt, row);
			if (o == null)
				return null; 
			ReportParameter rp = _Parameters[o] as ReportParameter;
			if (rp == null)
                return null;

			return rp.GetRuntimeValue(rpt);
Esempio n. 21
		override public void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
			Report r = pgs.Report;
            bool bHidden = IsHidden(r, row);

			PageLine pl = new PageLine();
            SetPagePositionAndStyle(r, pl, row);
            if (!bHidden)
			SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pl.Y);
		// Evaluate is for interpretation  (and is relatively slow)
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool result = _If.EvaluateBoolean(rpt, row);
			if (result)
				return _IfTrue.Evaluate(rpt, row);

			object o = _IfFalse.Evaluate(rpt, row);
			// We may need to convert IfFalse to same type as IfTrue
			if (_IfTrue.GetTypeCode() == _IfFalse.GetTypeCode())
				return o;

			return Convert.ChangeType(o, _IfTrue.GetTypeCode());
Esempio n. 23
		public void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)

			Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;
			if (p.YOffset + HeightOfRows(pgs, row) > pgs.BottomOfPage)
				p = OwnerTable.RunPageNew(pgs, p);
				OwnerTable.RunPageHeader(pgs, row, false, null);
			_TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row);

		public double EvaluateDouble(Report rpt, Row row)
			if (row == null || this._Scope == null)
				return 0;

			Grouping g = this._Scope as Grouping;
			if (g == null || g.ParentGroup == null)
				return 0;

//			GroupEntry ge = row.R.CurrentGroups[g.Index];	// current group entry

			return row.Level;
Esempio n. 25
        public ChartBase(Report r, Row row, Chart c, MatrixCellEntry[,] m, Expression showTooltips, Expression showTooltipsX,Expression _ToolTipYFormat, Expression _ToolTipXFormat)
			_ChartDefn = c;
			_row = row;
			_DataDefn = m;
			_bm = null;
			int width = _ChartDefn.WidthCalc(r, null);
			int height = RSize.PixelsFromPoints(_ChartDefn.HeightOrOwnerHeight);
			Layout = new ChartLayout(width, height);
			_SeriesBrush = null;
			_SeriesMarker = null;
            _showToolTips = showTooltips.EvaluateBoolean(r, row);
            _showToolTipsX = showTooltipsX.EvaluateBoolean(r, row);
            _tooltipYFormat = _ToolTipYFormat.EvaluateString(r, row);
            _tooltipXFormat = _ToolTipXFormat.EvaluateString(r, row);

		// Evaluate is for interpretation  (and is relatively slow)
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			// get the results
			object[] argResults = new object[_Args.Length];
			int i=0;
            bool bNull = false;
			foreach(IExpr a  in _Args)
				argResults[i] = a.Evaluate(rpt, row);
                if (argResults[i] == null)
                    bNull = true;
			Type[] argTypes;
            if (bNull)
                // Need to put fake values in that match the types
                object[] tempResults = new object[argResults.Length];
                for (int ix = 0; ix < argResults.Length; ix++)
                    tempResults[ix] =
                        argResults[ix] == null?

                argTypes = Type.GetTypeArray(tempResults);
                argTypes = Type.GetTypeArray(argResults);

			// We can definitely optimize this by caching some info TODO

			// Get ready to call the function
			object returnVal;
			Type theClassType= Type.GetType(_Cls, true, true);
            MethodInfo mInfo = XmlUtil.GetMethod(theClassType, _Func, argTypes);
            if (mInfo == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} method not found in class {1}", _Func, _Cls));

            returnVal = mInfo.Invoke(theClassType, argResults);

			return returnVal;
		// Evaluate is for interpretation  (and is relatively slow)
		public override object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			string v = base.EvaluateString(rpt, row);

			if (p.ValidValues == null)
				return v;

			string[] displayValues = p.ValidValues.DisplayValues(rpt);
			object[] dataValues = p.ValidValues.DataValues(rpt);

			for (int i=0; i < dataValues.Length; i++)
				if (dataValues[i].ToString() == v)
					return displayValues[i];

			return v;
		// Evaluate is for interpretation  (and is relatively slow)
		public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool result;
			for (int i=0; i < _expr.Length; i = i+2)
				result = _expr[i].EvaluateBoolean(rpt, row);
				if (result)
					object o = _expr[i+1].Evaluate(rpt, row);
					// We may need to convert to same type as first type
					if (i == 0 || _tc == _expr[i+1].GetTypeCode())	// first typecode will always match 
						return o;

					return Convert.ChangeType(o, _tc);

			return null;
		public virtual object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
			if (rpt == null)
				return null;
			string u = _ArgExpr.EvaluateString(rpt, row);
			if (u == null)
				return null;
			switch (u.ToLower())
				case "userid":
					return rpt.UserID;
				case "language":
					return rpt.ClientLanguage == null?
					return null;
		public double EvaluateDouble(Report rpt, Row row)
			bool bSave=true;
			IEnumerable re = this.GetDataScope(rpt, row, out bSave);
			if (re == null)
				return double.NaN;

			ODouble od = GetValue(rpt);
			if (od != null)
				return od.d;

			double sum=0;
			double sum2=0;
			int count=0;
			double temp;
			foreach (Row r in re)
				temp = _Expr.EvaluateDouble(rpt, r);
				if (temp.CompareTo(double.NaN) != 0)
					sum += temp;
					sum2 += (temp*temp);

			double result;
			if (count > 1)
				result = Math.Sqrt((count * sum2 - sum*sum) / (count * (count-1)));
				result = double.NaN;
			if (bSave)
				SetValue(rpt, result);

			return result;
Esempio n. 31
        public int EvaluateInt32(Report rpt, Row row)
            decimal result = EvaluateDecimal(rpt, row);

Esempio n. 32
        public string EvaluateString(Report rpt, Row row)
            decimal result = EvaluateDecimal(rpt, row);

Esempio n. 33
        public DateTime EvaluateDateTime(Report rpt, Row row)
            decimal result = EvaluateDecimal(rpt, row);

Esempio n. 34
        public bool EvaluateBoolean(Report rpt, Row row)
            decimal result = EvaluateDecimal(rpt, row);

Esempio n. 35
 // Evaluate is for interpretation  (and is relatively slow)
 public object Evaluate(Report rpt, Row row)
     return(EvaluateDecimal(rpt, row));
Esempio n. 36
        public double EvaluateDouble(Report rpt, Row row)
            decimal result = EvaluateDecimal(rpt, row);
