Esempio n. 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // conString to be passed around
            string conString;
            // loading cities into list for lookup
            HashSet <string> cities = new HashSet <string>();

            cities = FileIO.LoadCities();
            // loading provinces into list for lookup
            HashSet <string> provinces = new HashSet <string>();

            provinces = FileIO.LoadProvinces();
            // loading street suffixes into list for lookup
            HashSet <string> suffixes = new HashSet <string>();

            suffixes = FileIO.LoadSuffixes();

            conString = DBIO.ConnectToDB();

            Console.Write("Please type the filename of the input data file: ");
            string inputfilename = Console.ReadLine();

            // Console.WriteLine(inputfilename);

            // print headings for tabulated display
            Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", "Street #", "Street Name", "City", "Province", "Postal Code");

            FileIO.LoadXLS(inputfilename, cities, provinces, suffixes, conString);

            Console.WriteLine("All done. Press any key to finish...");
Esempio n. 2
         * load and read XSL file with provided filename ***FILE MUST BE IN ROOT FOLDER OF PROJECT***
         * code adapted from
        public static void LoadXLS(string filename, HashSet <string> cities, HashSet <string> provinces, HashSet <string> suffixes, string conString)
                // Creating Excel objects
                Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application();
                filename = Path.GetFullPath("@..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\" + filename);
                Excel.Workbook   xlWorkbook  = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename);
                Excel._Worksheet xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[1];
                Excel.Range      xlRange     = xlWorksheet.UsedRange;

                int rowCount = xlRange.Rows.Count;
                //Console.WriteLine("row count: " + rowCount);
                int colCount = xlRange.Columns.Count;
                //Console.WriteLine("column count: " + colCount);

                string raw;

                //iterate over the rows and columns and print to the console as it appears in the file
                for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j <= colCount; j++)
                        //write the value to the console
                        if (xlRange.Cells[i, j] != null && xlRange.Cells[i, j].Value != null)
                            raw = xlRange.Cells[i, j].Value;
                            DBIO.WriteRaw(conString, raw);
                            ParseAddress(raw, cities, provinces, suffixes, conString);


                //rule of thumb for releasing com objects:
                //  never use two dots, all COM objects must be referenced and released individually
                //  ex: [somthing].[something].[something] is bad

                //release com objects to fully kill excel process from running in the background

                //close and release

                //quit and release
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 3
        // parses raw string into its parts
        public static void ParseAddress(string raw, HashSet <string> cities, HashSet <string> provinces, HashSet <string> suffixes, string conString)
            // initialize counter to be used to ensure all elements are gathered from raw string
            int counter;

            // variables to store address components
            string streetnum;
            string streetname;
            string city;
            string province   = "";
            string postalcode = "";

            string potentialstreet;
            string potentialcity;

            // used to end loops early
            Boolean cityfound = false;
            Boolean numfound  = false;

            // pointers to use for finding street and city names
            int suffixindex = 0;
            int numindex    = 0;
            int cityindex   = 0;
            int pointer     = 0;
            int j;

            // replace anything that isn't alphanumeric or a symbol that could be used with " "
            raw = Regex.Replace(raw, @"[!@#$%^&*()_+=\[{\]};:<>|/?,\\""]", " ");

            // split raw string into parts about the spaces
            string[] split = Regex.Split(raw, @"\s+");

            // convert array of substrings into List
            List <string> converted = new List <string>(split);

            // used to store results from AllSubstrings method
            List <string> substrings = new List <string>();

            // reset counter to 0 for every iteration
            counter = 0;
            //Console.WriteLine("Before: "+converted.Count);
            // for each element in split string
            foreach (var s in converted.ToList())
                // check if current substring is of the postal code format ex. A1A1A1
                if (Regex.IsMatch(s, @"\w\d\w\s*\d\w\d"))
                    // Console.WriteLine(s);
                    // save postal code
                    postalcode = s;
                    //Console.WriteLine("postal code exists: " + s);
                // check if current substring exists in List of provinces
                else if (provinces.Contains(s, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // save province
                    province = s;
                    //Console.WriteLine("provinces exists:" + s);
                // remove any whitespace, null, empty entries from list
                else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
                //Console.WriteLine("After: "+converted.Count);
            // if province and postal code have been accounted for so far
            if (counter >= 2)
                //Console.WriteLine("Street # Street name and city: " + String.Join(" ", split));
                // for each element in converted (made up of street number, street name, city name)
                foreach (var x in converted)
                    // first find street suffix
                    if (suffixes.Contains(x, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // get index of street suffix
                        suffixindex = converted.IndexOf(x);
                        // CASE 1: suffix is at the end of the string, so street name is at least 1 element before it
                        if (suffixindex == (converted.Count - 1))
                            potentialstreet = converted.ElementAt(suffixindex);
                            potentialcity   = "";
                            pointer         = suffixindex - 1;
                            // start building street name from right to left until search reaches a #
                            while (!numfound && !cityfound && pointer != 0)
                                // building string from right to left
                                potentialstreet = converted.ElementAt(pointer) + " " + potentialstreet;
                                //Console.WriteLine("building string backwards: " + potentialstreet);
                                // if next element to the left is a number, could be street number
                                if (Utils.IsNumeric(converted.ElementAt(pointer)))
                                    numindex = pointer;
                                    // only 1 element before numindex, check that against cities
                                    if (numindex == 1)
                                        potentialcity = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(0, numindex).ToArray());
                                        // first element in string is city, so everything from numindex to suffixindex is the street number and name
                                        if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(potentialcity), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                            city       = potentialcity;
                                            streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                            streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(numindex + 1, suffixindex - numindex));
                                            numfound   = true;
                                            cityfound  = true;
                                            Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                    // street number is first element in string, so city must be between 1 and at most suffixindex - 1
                                    else if (numindex == 0)
                                        // get all substrings from 1 to current potentialstreet
                                        substrings = Utils.AllSubstrings(converted.GetRange(1, suffixindex - 1).ToArray());
                                        // check every substring for a city name
                                        foreach (var y in substrings)
                                            // one of the substrings is a city name
                                            if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(y), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                potentialcity = y;
                                                //Console.WriteLine("potential city: " + potentialcity);
                                        // last iteration of potentialcity should be the city name (longest one)
                                        city       = potentialcity;
                                        cityindex  = city.Split(null).Length;
                                        streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                        streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(cityindex + 1, suffixindex - cityindex));
                                        Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                        cityfound = true;
                                        numfound  = true;
                                    // multiple elements before numindex, need to find cities
                                        // get all substrings from 0 to index of potential street number
                                        substrings = Utils.AllSubstrings(converted.GetRange(0, numindex).ToArray());
                                        // check every substring for a city name
                                        foreach (var y in substrings)
                                            // one of the substrings is a city name
                                            if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(y), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                potentialcity = y;
                                                // Console.WriteLine("potential city: " + potentialcity);
                                        // found a city name that spans from 0 to numindex - 1, so everything from numindex to suffixindex is the street number and name
                                        // .Split(null) assumes whitespace
                                        if (potentialcity.Split(null).Length == numindex)
                                            city       = potentialcity;
                                            cityfound  = true;
                                            streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                            numfound   = true;
                                            streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(numindex + 1, suffixindex - numindex));
                                            Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                        // CASE 2: suffix is in the middle of the string, so street name must be somewhere in 0 to suffixindex
                            potentialstreet = "";
                            potentialcity   = "";
                            pointer         = 0;

                            // start building street from left to right, starting from 0 to suffixindex or until a # is found
                            while (!numfound && !cityfound)
                                potentialstreet = potentialstreet + converted.ElementAt(pointer);
                                //Console.WriteLine("building string forwards: " + potentialstreet);

                                // if next element to the right is a number, could be street number
                                if (Utils.IsNumeric(converted.ElementAt(pointer)))
                                    numindex = pointer;
                                    // street number is first element in string, street name must be from 1 to suffixindex, and city from suffixindex + 1 to converted.Count
                                    if (numindex == 0)
                                        // get all substrings from 1 to converted.Count
                                        substrings = Utils.AllSubstrings(converted.GetRange(suffixindex + 1, converted.Count - suffixindex - 1).ToArray());
                                        // check every substring for a city name
                                        foreach (var y in substrings)
                                            // one of the substrings is a city name
                                            if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(y), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                potentialcity = y;
                                                //Console.WriteLine("potential city: " + potentialcity);
                                        // city not found
                                        if (potentialcity == "")
                                            DBIO.WriteError(conString, raw);
                                            // last iteration of potentialcity should be the city name (longest one)
                                            city       = potentialcity;
                                            streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                            streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(1, suffixindex));
                                            cityfound  = true;
                                            numfound   = true;
                                            Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                            DBIO.WriteComplete(conString, streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                    // street number is last element in string, street name and city are somewhere in 0 to suffixindex
                                    else if ((numindex == converted.Count - 1))
                                        // street ending is 2nd last element in string, so street name and city name are somewhere between 0 and suffixindex - 1
                                        if (suffixindex == numindex - 1)
                                            substrings = Utils.AllSubstrings(converted.GetRange(0, converted.Count - suffixindex - 1).ToArray());
                                            // check every substring for a city name
                                            foreach (var y in substrings)
                                                // one of the substrings is a city name
                                                if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(y), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    potentialcity = y;
                                                    //Console.WriteLine("potential city: " + potentialcity);
                                            // city not found
                                            if (potentialcity == "")
                                                DBIO.WriteError(conString, raw);
                                                // last iteration of potentialcity should be the city name (longest one)
                                                city       = potentialcity;
                                                cityindex  = city.Split(null).Length;
                                                streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                                streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(cityindex, suffixindex - cityindex + 1));
                                                cityfound  = true;
                                                numfound   = true;
                                                Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                        // street ending is in the middle, so street name is 0 to suffixindex, and city is suffixindex + 1 onwards to numindex - 1
                                            substrings = Utils.AllSubstrings(converted.GetRange(suffixindex + 1, converted.Count - suffixindex - 1).ToArray());
                                            // check every substring for a city name
                                            foreach (var y in substrings)
                                                // one of the substrings is a city name
                                                if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(y), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    potentialcity = y;
                                                    //Console.WriteLine("potential city: " + potentialcity);
                                            // city not found
                                            if (potentialcity == "")
                                                DBIO.WriteError(conString, raw);
                                                // last iteration of potentialcity should be the city name (longest one)
                                                city       = potentialcity;
                                                streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                                streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(0, suffixindex + 1));
                                                cityfound  = true;
                                                numfound   = true;
                                                Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                    // street number and street ending in the middle, so city is numindex + 1 onwards, and street is 0 to suffixindex
                                        // get all substrings from 0 to index of potential street number
                                        substrings = Utils.AllSubstrings(converted.GetRange(numindex + 1, converted.Count - 1 - numindex).ToArray());
                                        // check every substring for a city name
                                        foreach (var y in substrings)
                                            // one of the substrings is a city name
                                            if (cities.Contains(Utils.RemoveDiacritics(y), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                potentialcity = y;
                                                // Console.WriteLine("potential city: " + potentialcity);
                                        // city not found
                                        if (potentialcity == "")
                                            DBIO.WriteError(conString, raw);
                                            // last iteration of potentialcity should be the city name (longest one)
                                            city       = potentialcity;
                                            cityfound  = true;
                                            streetnum  = converted.ElementAt(numindex);
                                            numfound   = true;
                                            streetname = String.Join(" ", converted.GetRange(0, suffixindex + 1));
                                            Console.WriteLine("{0, -15} {1, -25} {2, -40} {3, -10} {4, -15}", streetnum, streetname, city, province, postalcode);
                                potentialstreet = potentialstreet + " ";
            }// province and postal code could not be extracted, save in "error" database
                DBIO.WriteError(conString, raw);