public void TestTranspose() { float x = TK.MathHelper.Pi; float y = TK.MathHelper.PiOver4; TK.Matrix4 tkM = TK.Matrix4.CreateRotationX(x) * TK.Matrix4.CreateRotationY(y); Matrix3x3 m = Matrix3x3.FromRotationX(x) * Matrix3x3.FromRotationY(y); tkM.Transpose(); m.Transpose(); TestHelper.AssertEquals(tkM, m, "Testing transpose"); }
public override void draw(bool isTop) { //visualize the point on the plane if (onPlane && isTop) { //ray casting to the pre-defind planes OpenTK.Vector4 controller_p = UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx) * new OpenTK.Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); OpenTK.Vector4 controller_pZ = UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx) * new OpenTK.Vector4(0, 0, -1, 1); Point3d controller_pRhino = UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_p.X, controller_p.Y, controller_p.Z))); Point3d controller_pZRhin = UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_pZ.X, controller_pZ.Y, controller_pZ.Z))); Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d direction = new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(controller_pZRhin.X - controller_pRhino.X, controller_pZRhin.Y - controller_pRhino.Y, controller_pZRhin.Z - controller_pRhino.Z); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(controller_pRhino, direction); Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectEnumeratorSettings settings = new Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectEnumeratorSettings(); settings.ObjectTypeFilter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Brep; //settings.NameFilter = "plane"; float mimD = 1000000f; hitPlane = false; if (!lockPlane) { foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject rhObj in mScene.rhinoDoc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)) { //only drawing on planes for now rhObj.Attributes.Name.Contains("brepMesh") || rhObj.Attributes.Name.Contains("aprint") || rhObj.Attributes.Name.Contains("plane") if (rhObj.Attributes.Name.Contains("plane")) { List <GeometryBase> geometries = new List <GeometryBase>(); geometries.Add(rhObj.Geometry); //must be a brep or surface, not mesh Point3d[] rayIntersections = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.RayShoot(ray, geometries, 1); if (rayIntersections != null) { //get the nearest one OpenTK.Vector3 tmpP = UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3((float)rayIntersections[0].X, (float)rayIntersections[0].Y, (float)rayIntersections[0].Z)); float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tmpP.X - controller_p.X, 2) + Math.Pow(tmpP.Y - controller_p.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(tmpP.Z - controller_p.Z, 2)); if (distance < mimD) { hitPlane = true; targetPRhObj = rhObj; mimD = distance; projectP = UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3((float)rayIntersections[0].X, (float)rayIntersections[0].Y, (float)rayIntersections[0].Z)); } } } } } else { if (targetPRhObj != null) { List <GeometryBase> geometries = new List <GeometryBase>(); geometries.Add(targetPRhObj.Geometry); //must be a brep or surface, not mesh Point3d[] rayIntersections = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.RayShoot(ray, geometries, 1); if (rayIntersections != null) { //get the nearest one OpenTK.Vector3 tmpP = UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3((float)rayIntersections[0].X, (float)rayIntersections[0].Y, (float)rayIntersections[0].Z)); float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tmpP.X - controller_p.X, 2) + Math.Pow(tmpP.Y - controller_p.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(tmpP.Z - controller_p.Z, 2)); if (distance < mimD) { hitPlane = true; mimD = distance; projectP = UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3((float)rayIntersections[0].X, (float)rayIntersections[0].Y, (float)rayIntersections[0].Z)); } } } } if (!hitPlane) { targetPRhObj = null; projectP = new OpenTK.Vector3(100, 100, 100); //make it invisable } //visualize the projection points // inverted rotation first OpenTK.Matrix4 t = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateTranslation(UtilOld.transformPoint(mScene.tableGeometry.transform.Inverted(), projectP)); t.Transpose(); drawPoint.transform = t; } if (currentState != State.PAINT || !isTop) { return; } // drawing curve Vector3 pos = new Vector3(); if (onPlane) { pos = projectP; if (hitPlane) { //GeometryStroke handle rotation ((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).addPoint(pos); rhihoPointList.Add(UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, pos))); } } else { pos = Util.Math.GetTranslationVector3(UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx)); //GeometryStroke handle rotation already ((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).addPoint(pos); rhihoPointList.Add(UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, pos))); } if (((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).mNumPrimitives == 1) { SceneNode stroke = new SceneNode("Stroke", ref stroke_g, ref stroke_m); mScene.tableGeometry.add(ref stroke); //mScene.staticGeometry.add(ref stroke); strokeId = stroke.guid; } //testing the performance of rhino curve if (rhihoPointList.Count == 2) { rcurve = Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(rhihoPointList.ToArray(), 3); } else if (rhihoPointList.Count > 2) { rcurve.Extend(Rhino.Geometry.CurveEnd.End, Rhino.Geometry.CurveExtensionStyle.Line, rhihoPointList[rhihoPointList.Count - 1]); } }
public override void draw(bool isTop) { if (!isTop) { return; } OpenTK.Vector4 controller_p = UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx) * new OpenTK.Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); OpenTK.Vector4 controller_pZ = UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx) * new OpenTK.Vector4(0, 0, -1, 1); Point3d controller_pRhino = UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_p.X, controller_p.Y, controller_p.Z))); Point3d controller_pZRhin = UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_pZ.X, controller_pZ.Y, controller_pZ.Z))); Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d direction = new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(controller_pZRhin.X - controller_pRhino.X, controller_pZRhin.Y - controller_pRhino.Y, controller_pZRhin.Z - controller_pRhino.Z); if (drawnType != DrawnType.In3D) { UtilOld.rayCasting(controller_pRhino, direction, ref rayCastingObjs, ref projectP, out targetPRhObjID); } else { projectP = controller_pRhino; } //TODO-only snap for the first drawing point if (pointMarkers.Count == 0 && targetPRhObjID != Guid.Empty) { computeContourCurve(); UtilOld.snapToPoints(ref projectP, ref snapPointsList); } Vector3 projectPVR = UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(projectP)); if (drawnType != DrawnType.In3D) { OpenTK.Matrix4 t = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateTranslation(projectPVR); t.Transpose(); drawPoint.transform = t; if (targetPRhObjID != Guid.Empty) { drawPoint.material = new Material.SingleColorMaterial(1, 1, 1, 1); } else { drawPoint.material = new Material.SingleColorMaterial(1, 1, 1, 0); } } //moving XYZ planes if (currentState == State.MOVEPLANE) { OpenTK.Vector3 controllerVector = UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_p.X, controller_p.Y, controller_p.Z)) - UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(moveControlerOrigin); float translate = OpenTK.Vector3.Dot(controllerVector, UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKVector(planeNormal)) / (float)planeNormal.Length; float relTranslate = translate - lastTranslate; lastTranslate = translate; Matrix4 transM = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(relTranslate * (float)planeNormal.X, relTranslate * (float)planeNormal.Y, relTranslate * (float)planeNormal.Z)); transM.Transpose(); UtilOld.updateRhinoObjectSceneNode(ref mScene, ref movePlaneRef, UtilOld.OpenTKToRhinoTransform(transM)); } }
public override void draw(bool isTop) { if (!isTop) { return; } // Clean this monstrosity OpenTK.Vector4 controller_p = UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx) * new OpenTK.Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); OpenTK.Vector4 controller_pZ = UtilOld.getControllerTipPosition(ref mScene, primaryDeviceIndex == mScene.leftControllerIdx) * new OpenTK.Vector4(0, 0, -1, 1); Point3d controller_pRhino = UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_p.X, controller_p.Y, controller_p.Z))); Point3d controller_pZRhin = UtilOld.openTkToRhinoPoint(UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_pZ.X, controller_pZ.Y, controller_pZ.Z))); Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d direction = new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(controller_pZRhin.X - controller_pRhino.X, controller_pZRhin.Y - controller_pRhino.Y, controller_pZRhin.Z - controller_pRhino.Z); if (drawnType != DrawnType.In3D) { UtilOld.rayCasting(controller_pRhino, direction, ref rayCastingObjs, ref projectP, out targetPRhObjID); } else { projectP = controller_pRhino; } //only snap for the first drawing point if (currentState != State.DRAW && snapPointsList.Count > 0) { if (UtilOld.snapToPoints(ref projectP, ref snapPointsList) != -1) { isSnap = true; snapPointSN.material = new Material.SingleColorMaterial(1, 1, 1, 1); } else { isSnap = false; snapPointSN.material = new Material.SingleColorMaterial(0, 1, 0, 1); } } // Vector3 projectPVR = UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(projectP)); if (drawnType != DrawnType.In3D) { OpenTK.Matrix4 t = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateTranslation(projectPVR); t.Transpose(); drawPoint.transform = t; if (targetPRhObjID != Guid.Empty) { drawPoint.material = new Material.SingleColorMaterial(1, 1, 1, 1); } else { drawPoint.material = new Material.SingleColorMaterial(1, 1, 1, 0); } } //moving XYZ planes if (currentState == State.MOVEPLANE) { OpenTK.Vector3 controllerVector = UtilOld.vrToPlatformPoint(ref mScene, new OpenTK.Vector3(controller_p.X, controller_p.Y, controller_p.Z)) - UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(moveControlerOrigin); float translate = OpenTK.Vector3.Dot(controllerVector, UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKVector(planeNormal)) / (float)planeNormal.Length; float relTranslate = translate - lastTranslate; lastTranslate = translate; Matrix4 transM = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(relTranslate * (float)planeNormal.X, relTranslate * (float)planeNormal.Y, relTranslate * (float)planeNormal.Z)); transM.Transpose(); UtilOld.updateRhinoObjectSceneNode(ref mScene, ref movePlaneRef, UtilOld.OpenTKToRhinoTransform(transM)); } if (currentState != State.DRAW) { return; } else { //checking the projectPoint is valid if (drawnType != DrawnType.In3D && targetPRhObjID == Guid.Empty) { return; } } //drawing curve section belows if (shouldSnap && ((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).mNumPoints == 0) { ((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).addPoint(UtilOld.platformToVRPoint(ref mScene, UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(snapPointsList[0]))); } ((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).addPoint(projectPVR); rhinoCurvePoints.Add(projectP); if (((Geometry.GeometryStroke)stroke_g).mNumPrimitives == 1) { strokeSN = new SceneNode("Stroke", ref stroke_g, ref stroke_m); UtilOld.addSceneNode(ref mScene, ref strokeSN); } //create rhino curve for comoputing length of the curve if (rhinoCurvePoints.Count == 2) { if (shouldSnap) { //make sure the first point is the snap point if necessary if (UtilOld.computePointDistance(UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(rhinoCurvePoints[0]), UtilOld.RhinoToOpenTKPoint(snapPointsList[0])) != 0) { rhinoCurvePoints.Insert(0, snapPointsList[0]); } } rhinoCurve = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(rhinoCurvePoints.ToArray(), 3); } else if (rhinoCurvePoints.Count > 2) { double length1 = rhinoCurve.GetLength(); rhinoCurve = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(rhinoCurvePoints.ToArray(), 3); double length2 = rhinoCurve.GetLength(); displacement = displacement + (float)Math.Abs(length2 - length1); //TODO-Debug why it failed //rhinoCurve = rhinoCurve.Extend(Rhino.Geometry.CurveEnd.End, Rhino.Geometry.CurveExtensionStyle.Line, rhinoCurvePoints[rhinoCurvePoints.Count - 1]); //dynamic render model //TODO: finding the right curve if (dynamicRender != "none" && backgroundStart == false && displacement > 10) { backgroundStart = true; R = d.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(modelCompleted), null); } } }
void Mainloop(float delta) { this.window.SwapBuffers(); GL.ClearColor(1f, 0f, 1f, 1.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); this.window.Title = delta.ToString(); return; if (b_W) { camera.moveFront(delta * camaraSpeed); } if (b_S) { camera.moveFront(delta * -camaraSpeed); } if (b_A) { camera.moveSideways(delta * -camaraSpeed); } if (b_D) { camera.moveSideways(delta * camaraSpeed); } if (b_Q) { camera.moveUp(delta * camaraSpeed); } if (b_E) { camera.moveUp(-delta * camaraSpeed); } if (b_F) { spotColor = new Vector3(2); } else { spotColor = new Vector3(0); } GL.Uniform3(GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.GetShaderID(), "u_spot_light.diffuse"), ref spotColor); GL.Uniform3(GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.GetShaderID(), "u_spot_light.specular"), ref spotColor); spotColor *= 0.1F; GL.Uniform3(GL.GetUniformLocation(shader.GetShaderID(), "u_spot_light.ambient"), ref spotColor); camera.update(); modelViewProj = camera.GetViewProj() * camModelRender; Matrix4 modelView = camera.GetView() * camModelRender; var matrix4 = new OpenTK.Matrix4(); matrix4.Transpose(); Matrix4 invModelView = new Matrix4(); //TODO: glm.transpose( inverse( modelView ) ); Vector3 transformedSunDirection = new Vector3(); //TODO: transpose( inverse( camera.GetView() ) ) * vec4( sunDirection, 1.0F ); GL.Uniform3(directionLocation, ref transformedSunDirection); Matrix4 pointLightMatrix = glm.rotate(new mat4(1f), -delta, new vec3(0, 1, 0)).M(); pointLightPosition = pointLightMatrix * pointLightPosition; Vector3 transformedPointLightPosition = new Vector3(); //TODO:(Vector3) ( camera.GetView() * ( pointLightPosition ) ); GL.Uniform3(pointLightLocation, ref transformedPointLightPosition); GL.UniformMatrix4(modelViewProjMatrixLocation, false, ref modelViewProj); GL.UniformMatrix4(modelViewLocation, false, ref modelView); GL.UniformMatrix4(invModelViewLocation, false, ref invModelView); /// for (int i = 0; i < this.mats.Count; ++i) { //mats[i] rotate(mats[i],time * , Vector3 (0, time,0)); modelViewProj = camera.GetViewProj() * mats[i]; modelView = camera.GetView() * mats[i]; invModelView = (modelView.Inverted()); GL.UniformMatrix4(modelViewProjMatrixLocation, false, ref modelViewProj); GL.UniformMatrix4(modelViewLocation, false, ref modelView); GL.UniformMatrix4(invModelViewLocation, false, ref invModelView); //TODO:models[i] -> Render(); } }