Esempio n. 1
        void CreateContext()

            if (!RenderOnUIThread && Thread.CurrentThread != renderingThread)
                throw new Exception("CreateContext called from wrong thread");

            GraphicsContext = AndroidGraphicsContext.CreateGraphicsContext(GraphicsMode,
                                                                           WindowInfo, GraphicsContext,
#if OPENTK_0
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="eglDisplay"></param>
		/// <param name="support"></param>
		/// <param name="fbconfig"></param>
		/// <param name="drawable"></param>
		public AndroidContext( AndroidGraphicsContext glContext, AndroidSupport support )
			_glSupport = support;
			//_drawable = drawable;
			_context = glContext;
			//_config = fbconfig;
			//_eglDisplay = eglDisplay;

			//Contract.Requires(_drawable != null);
			//GLESRenderSystem rendersystem = (GLESRenderSystem)Root.Instance.RenderSystem;
			//GLESContext mainContext = rendersystem.MainContext;
			//EGLCONTEXT shareContext = null;
			//if (mainContext != null)
			//    shareContext = mainContext.con;
			//if (mainContext == null)
			//    throw new AxiomException("Unable to create a suitable EGLContext");

			// _context = _glSupport.CreateNewContext(_eglDisplay, _config, shareContext);
        internal AndroidAsyncGraphicsContext(AndroidGraphicsContext graphicsContext, AndroidWindow androidWindow, int versionMajor)
            egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast<IEGL10>();

            var pbufferAttribList = new[] 
                    EGL10.EglWidth, 1,
                    EGL10.EglHeight, 1,

            EGLDisplay = androidWindow.Display;
            var androidGraphicsContext = graphicsContext;
            var config = androidGraphicsContext.EGLConfig;

            var attribList = new[] 
                    EGL10.EglSurfaceType, EGL10.EglPbufferBit,
                    EGL10.EglRenderableType, 4, // (opengl es 2.0)
                    EGL10.EglRedSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Red,
                    EGL10.EglGreenSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Green,
                    EGL10.EglBlueSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Blue,
                    EGL10.EglAlphaSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.ColorFormat.Alpha,
                    EGL10.EglDepthSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.Depth,
                    EGL10.EglStencilSize, graphicsContext.GraphicsMode.Stencil,
                    //Egl.SAMPLE_BUFFERS, samples > 0 ? 1 : 0,
                    EGL10.EglSamples, 0,

            // first ask the number of config available
            var numConfig = new int[1];
            if (!egl.EglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay, attribList, null, 0, numConfig))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglChooseConfig {0:x}", egl.EglGetError()));

            // retrieve the available configs
            var configs = new EGLConfig[numConfig[0]];
            if (!egl.EglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay, attribList, configs, configs.Length, numConfig))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglChooseConfig {0:x}", egl.EglGetError()));

            // choose the best config
            EGLConfig = ChooseConfigEGL(configs);

            // create the surface
            EGLSurface = egl.EglCreatePbufferSurface(EGLDisplay, EGLConfig, pbufferAttribList);
            if (EGLSurface == EGL10.EglNoSurface)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglCreatePBufferSurface {0:x}", egl.EglGetError()));

            // 0x3098 is EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION
            var attribList3 = new[] { 0x3098, versionMajor, EGL10.EglNone };
            EGLContext = egl.EglCreateContext(EGLDisplay, config, androidGraphicsContext.EGLContext, attribList3);
            if (EGLContext == EGL10.EglNoContext)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("EglCreateContext {0:x}", egl.EglGetError()));
        void Init(GraphicsMode mode, IWindowInfo win, IGraphicsContext sharedContext,
                  int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags)
            window = win as AndroidWindow;
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("win");

            AndroidGraphicsContext shared = sharedContext as AndroidGraphicsContext;

            egl = EGLContext.EGL.JavaCast <IEGL10> ();


            if (mode == null)
                mode = new GraphicsMode();

            if (mode is AndroidGraphicsMode)
                GraphicsMode = mode;
                GraphicsMode = new AndroidGraphicsMode(window.Display, major, mode);

            if (shared != null && !PBufferSupported)
                throw new EglException("Multiple Context's are not supported by this device");

            if (Mode.Config == null)
                Mode.Initialize(window.Display, major);

             * Create an OpenGL ES context. We want to do this as rarely as possible, an
             * OpenGL context is a somewhat heavy object.
            int EglContextClientVersion = 0x3098;
            int EglContextMinorVersion  = 0x30fb;

            int[] attribList = null;
            if (major >= 2)
                string extensions = egl.EglQueryString(window.Display, Egl.Egl.EXTENSIONS);
                if (minor > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensions) && extensions.Contains("EGL_KHR_create_context"))
                    attribList = new int [] { EglContextClientVersion, major,
                                              EglContextMinorVersion, minor,
                                              EGL10.EglNone };
                    attribList = new int [] { EglContextClientVersion, major,
                                              EGL10.EglNone };

            EGLContext = egl.EglCreateContext(window.Display,
                                              shared != null && shared.EGLContext != null ? shared.EGLContext : EGL10.EglNoContext,

            if (EGLContext == EGL10.EglNoContext)
                throw EglException.GenerateException("EglCreateContext == EGL10.EglNoContext", egl, null);

            if (shared != null && shared.EGLContext != null)
                egl.EglMakeCurrent(window.Display, EGL10.EglNoSurface, EGL10.EglNoSurface, EGL10.EglNoContext);
                int[] pbufferAttribList = new int [] { EGL10.EglWidth, 64, EGL10.EglHeight, 64, EGL10.EglNone };
                surface = window.CreatePBufferSurface(EGLConfig, pbufferAttribList);
                if (surface == EGL10.EglNoSurface)
                    throw new EglException("Could not create PBuffer for shared context!");
        private GLVersion GetMaximumSupportedProfile()
            var window = ((AndroidWindow)this.WindowInfo);
            var mode = new AndroidGraphicsMode(window.Display, (int)this.ContextRenderingApi, new GraphicsMode(32, 0, 0));
            using (var context = new AndroidGraphicsContext(mode, window, this.GraphicsContext, GLVersion.ES2, GraphicsContextFlags.Embedded))
                mode.Initialize(window.Display, (int)this.ContextRenderingApi);


                int versionMajor, versionMinor;
                if (!OpenGLUtils.GetCurrentGLVersion(out versionMajor, out versionMinor))
                    versionMajor = 2;
                    versionMinor = 0;


                if (versionMajor == 3)
                    return (versionMinor >= 1) ? GLVersion.ES31 : GLVersion.ES3;
                return GLVersion.ES2;
        private GraphicsProfile GetMaximumSupportedProfile()
            var profile = GraphicsProfile.Level_9_1;

            var window = ((AndroidWindow)this.WindowInfo);
            var mode = new AndroidGraphicsMode(window.Display, (int)this.ContextRenderingApi, new GraphicsMode(32, 0, 0));
            using (var context = new AndroidGraphicsContext(mode, window, this.GraphicsContext, GLVersion.ES2, GraphicsContextFlags.Embedded))
                mode.Initialize(window.Display, (int)this.ContextRenderingApi);


                var versionVendorText = GL.GetString(StringName.Version);
                var match = MatchOpenGLVersion.Match(versionVendorText);
                if (match.Success)
                    var versionText = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    if (versionText.StartsWith("2"))
                        profile = GraphicsProfile.Level_9_1;
                    else if (versionText.StartsWith("3.1"))
                        profile = GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0;
                    else if (versionText.StartsWith("3"))
                        profile = GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0;

            return profile;